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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. I'd go with Razor. Kaput ops is actually a great a Pokemon.
  2. Look, I respect you, so could you please tell me why so we can have a nice little debate? Also, if something being old isn't a reason for it being good it shouldn't be a reason for it to be bad.
  3. Do they portray it as a flaw that Kamui is going along with Garons orders? Because, in all honesty, it is quite hard to defy authority.
  4. Name one way in which you have been treated as a subject rather than a citizen that has actually had an affect on your life. In a modern monarchy, be it absolute and constitutional, there is no difference between a subject and a citizen.
  5. OOC: The character only exists in this thread, as a guy who thinks Marx is Communist due to his name, and constantly refers to himself as such. What do you mean by the profile picture? Glad to hear it.:)
  6. But, if both the King and PM are corrupt, then the fault partly rests with the people for electing the PM in the first place. Regarding Brazil, I didn't know that Isabel was the one who abolished slavery. Interesting. In any case,, wasn't Brazil's system basically the norm in all monarchies at that point, though? Given time, Brazil would probably have reformed its monarchy, like the rest of the world did. Of course, this is Serenes Forest serious discussion, not Alternate History.com, so this is all merely speculation, but it seems likely.
  7. I know all the hype for Frozen made me think about it more and realize it was pretty awful, actually. So there's that.
  8. Comrade Marx shall defeat the evil bourgeoisie Hoshido in this poll with the help of us proletarians! Rally around Marx, Comrades! OOC: a Is this joke getting old? I'll stop if it is.
  9. Thai Iced Tea is great. It's I believe Earl Grey but mixed with a dash of Coconut milk. Had it at a Thai restaurant today.
  10. We lp, the history lesson was spot on. Let me expand on it. Yeah, Texas gained independence from Mexico in the first place because a bunch of slaveholders from the US moved there to own slaves, but didn't get the memo that slavery was banned. So they bitched about it for a while, declared independence, and won because the whole thing was a plan organized by the megalomaniacal Manifest Destiny plan, which today would get you thrown in a jail cell in The Hague, but back then raised a few eyebrows in Europe, but they were too busy dealing with revolutions that were ultimately crushed it give a fuck. So yeah, Texas was a nation founded on slavery to support the goals of a megalomaniacal nation in its crusade to stretch from sea to shining sea through genocide of both natives and Mexicans. I am SFs self proclaimed history expert!
  11. Yeah, probably Knock Off. Thanks for the help, everyone!
  12. The Ferrothorn is designed to be both a wall and a damage dealer. Gyro ball is there to hit fairies, and Knock Off is there because every team should have knock off.
  13. I can't teach Heatran Stealth Rock, as I'm using an assault vest set. Which move of Ferrothorns should I delete: Power Whip, Gyro Ball, Leech Seed, or Knock Off?Ancient Power might also work, yeah. I'll probably delete Earth Power for it.
  14. Awakening really doesn't need help looking easy. Still good to hear.
  15. So it's no secret that Talonflame is one of the most over powered sons of a Wilson in the entire meta game. It also happens to be one of my teams main weaknesses. So, what can you suggest as a good Talonflame counter? Here is my team: Gardevoir Mega Crobat Starmie Ferrothorn Heatran Noivern So yeah.
  16. Heard of it before. It's idiotic. The removals of the flag extend to historical depictions. Even Germany allows the Swastika if it's in historical context.
  17. I can only imagine the horrors that await you. Whitney is going to be downright Lovecraftian.
  18. Well, maybe the Nohrian royal family is actually the Hapsburgs. Wouldn't surprise me.
  19. If I recall Dual Destinies got the M for that one scene where Blackquill and Athena are standing in the sea of blood.
  20. That brave men and women of Comrade Marx's army need no uniforms to liberate the Hoshido Proletariate, for the power of the Proletariate flows through their veins. Comrade Camilla may wear whatever she wants in a truly Communist utopia. Which basically means, it's a video game, stop complaining about realism when there are teenagers who can turn into dragons.
  21. I remember I had BIS like 6 years ago, but I was so bad at the commands I couldn't beat it. Now I wish I kept it, if it's better than Dream Team, which I loved.
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