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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Well, I suppose I can play Hyrule Warriors without a TV now. Good news. The really interesting part is a possible female Link, which would be cool I suppose.
  2. I am in the process of adding images to the timeline. I am currently adding images to the WWI section. Check them out!
  3. Your about me is rather amusing.

    1. Cowboy Karimov

      Cowboy Karimov

      Thanks. It was a copypasta I found about a year ago.

  4. Hello and welcome back to Pokemon Firered! Last time, we beat Erika, who apparently has a fondness for the German method of spelling! This time, HOLY SHIT WHY IS IT SO HARD TO MANEUVER?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!!??! Before we deal with the third most aggravating part of the game, we have to deal with this Snorlax! Its basically a roadblock for people who didn't have the Pokeflute yet. Nothing special, really; I had Vorbeck take it down. This route. I hate this route. You wanna know why? Do ya? Well, I'll tell you. This route is obnoxious for several reasons. First off, the trainers here are invariably bikers. Bikers piss me off. They have annoying Poison types that always poison you. You thought Viridian Forest was bad? Hah! Second, the slope. Its really hard to maneuver here. You're always going down whenever you're stationary. That makes it annoying to try to get in the sights of trainers, which I am doing for 100%. So yah. Rant over. Huh. Bikers are Animalmon fans. Who knew? Keep us posted, buddy. Well gee. Assholes like these sure aren't worth the time of our intrepid police force. I bet they're busy doing extremely important things like helping old ladies cross the streets. Well, after a ton of annoyance and generic boring dialogue, here we are, at the end of the Cycling Road. Thats all for this installment of Pokemon Firered! Nah, just joshing. So beyond the Cycling Road we have here Fuchsia City. There is a lot to do here, but I am interested in one specific activity. Namely, the Safari Zone. The Safari Zone has a bunch of rare Pokemon, but there is one in particular that I'm gunning for. That Pokemon is Doduo. It isn't too hard to catch, but it is actually quite good for the main story. Dodrio is one of the faster Pokemon out there. In any case, I name mine Richtofen, after the three Richtofen brothers wo fought for the German Empire in World War One, although Manfred von Richtofen was the only one to gain recognition as the mortal enemy of Snoopy. Now, the goal of the Safari Zone is to reach the end of the Zone. Once there, you get the HM for Surf. I'll spare you the process of doing this. OH MY GOD ARCEUS!!!! This Chansey was I shit you not the second Pokemon I ran into in the whole Safari Zone! I managed to catch it, too! Well, kids, this appears to be a relic of an ancient civilization, most likely used for scooping up excrement. Here, let me demonstrate with this handy patch of Tauros dung! What? Is the war over? Did Timmy fall down the well? Speak up, man! Oh. That works too I guess. And what a terrible tragedy that would be. I won? Oh, okay, I guess thats the end of the LP! Thanks for reading, everyone! Nah, maybe twice in one update was a bit much. Ah, Surf! With this, we can turn Guderian into a weapon of terrifying proportions! He would be a Panzer meets a battleship! Let the revisions historians who like Woodrow Wilson tremble! Thats all for today! Next time on Pokemon Firered: The great Kanto trek!
  5. Fine. Give evidence for that. This changs nothing regarding the burden of proof. Wait, what? Are you serious? Give any form of evidence that Russia and China plan to support ISIS at any point. That's borderline slander on their names. Also, how exactly is North Korea ore valuable to Russia and China than Iran? North Korea is just a buffer state, and one that China would likely have to save in the event of war. Iran is the most powerful country in the Middle East, and has a massive amount of oil. The logic here is nonexistent. Boko Haram lacks the ability to project power into the Middle East, where the fighting matters. ISIS's possible allies are, for example, Al Quaeda and the Taliban, both of whom are now actively fighting against ISIS because ISIS went out of their way to piss them off. If ISIS gains access to Iran's nuclear plants, do you really think China and Russia would be stupid enough to believe that ISIS will stop there? This map shows the claims of ISIS: Now, as can be clearly seen, ISIS has made it public knowledge that they claim lands now part of both Russia and China. That should dissuade anyone in Russia or China from supporting them out of fear if they conquer Iran. Furthermore, if ISIS goes for China and Russia, which they probably will if they take Iran, North Korea will be actively betraying its allies, who are both much more powerful than it and right next to it, if it supports ISIS. I don't see how they come out on top in this scenario. Fine, I suppose I can give you that. But, North Korea is certainly afraid of pissing off Russia and China, which I have proven that helping ISIS will do. Also, don't call me little boy. It is irritating and shows a lack of maturity on your part. You know, none of this matters, really. The US has shown itself to be a fairly rational actor; Russia and China know this. Thus, they would prioritize getting rid of a nation that is supplying in control of Iran!ISIS with weapons over keeping their buffer state intact. In addition, Russia threatened to use Nuclear weapons in the Korean War, when both powers had much more strained relations. The same goes for China, when it was under the rule of Mao. The geopolitical rivalries of the Cold War do not apply anymore. Oh, and don't insult my knowledge of history. If you want to take me up on it, I'll show you just how much I know. What I said before about History still applies. However, if it came down to a war, the US could easily overrun North Korea. A simple look at a comparison of forces could tell you that easily. No arguments here, actually. The clusterfuck in the Middle East was America's fault. Iran is Shia. What did you do in History Class? So, in summary: You insist on spouting this conspiracy theory with no evidence. I have identified a reason why Kim would not want to support ISIS, especially if it conquers Iran. You try to distract us all with irrelevant tracts that avoid the core of this discussion. Finally, you constantly patronize me in a manner that points to you being childish. This discussion is over. Back on topic, please.
  6. In this world we probably will. The danger of giving weapons to countries in the Middle East has always been that they will fall into the hands of terrorists. Thus, we should not give them to Iraq and Syria, but Jordan and Iran, for example, are quite stable. I don't see any reason not to support them.
  7. Playing as Byzantium in any of the Europa Universalis games. You're completely surrounded by the Ottoman Empire, who WILL attack you the first chance they get. It takes a massive amount of luck to even survive until 1500, let alone restore the Empire's former glory. I have never managed to do anything but exist, and yet there are players who have done a world conquest as Byzantium.
  8. Sadly, this thread has been derailed for about a page now. Magical CC is now trying to convince everyone this is all North Korea's fault.
  9. Hello and welcome back to Pokemon Firered! For quite a while now, there will be an update once every one or two days! We start our journey today outside our target, Celadon Gym. Here, we can observe this asshat being a pervert! Note that the Police could be busting this guy for being a borderline pedophile, but instead they're preoccupied with Team Rocket. Straight away, I am informed that I am breaking the rules in a most grievous fashion. Well, my true calling has been reached: I am a rebel, raging against the machine! The Man (Woman?) won't keep me down! See Bellsprout whip. Whip, Bellsprout, whip! See Wolf Pack use Ember. See Bellsprout burn. Burn, Bellsprout, burn! One must wonder how exactly this works. So this woman has apparently mistaken me for that old peso outside. That's some interesting vision you have there, madame. Once again, I rage against the machine. Yes, I am aware. Stop wasting my image per post limit and get to the point! THAT IS NOT GETTING TO THE POINT! FINALLY! Well, this gym should be easy, based on Wolf Pack's type advantage. Or, you know, it would be, if Wolf Pack didn't fail to kill the Victreebel, get paralyzed by Stun Spore, and then have Erika use a Hyper Potion. That was a bit of a flaw in the plan. Fortunately, I get a crit on the next turn. Victreebel goes down. Her Tangela goes down easy from a Flame Wheel. Vileplume finally goes down as well, to a critical Flame Wheel. I was so lucky in this fight. Two crits, and not a single instance of being fully paralyzed? Must be good karma for hating Woodrow. Erika also apparently supports LGBT rights. Good to know. Delphox News must hate her. In any case, east of Celadon City is this house here. What secrets does this domain contain? It contains a woman who apparently doesn't want to be found. As a reward for not telling anyone about her (and what a good job I'm doing if I'm posting it on the internet) she gives me Fly. Thats all fore now. Next time on Pokemon Firered, we view the third most annoying part of the game!
  10. We have Serious Discussion for a reason. This section is meant for threads like this.
  11. Fine, then. Name one action Kim Jong Un has taken that proves that he is supplying ISIS. Go on, tell me. I'm interested to see what you can come up with. North Korea's link to Iran comes from the fact that both are protected by China and Russia. If it was found out that North Korea was supplying ISIS with weapons, that would piss Russia off, and Kim doesn't want that. I also like how you provide no reason whatsoever as to why ISIS has anything to gain by allying with North Korea. This line of argument, really, is incoherent. ISIS has acted so far in a manner that has served to completely alienate any possible allies they might have. Their military success comes from the incompetence of their opponents, not from the competence of they themselves. There's your logical evidence. For fucks sake. If ISIS has no real hope of destroying Iran, so all North Korea gains if they support ISIS is making their allies pissed at them. Also, why is America afraid to piss off Kim? He already seems angered at them. Also, at this point China doesn't really need North Korea. They have an economic co dependence with the US, so neither of them have anything to gain from war. Stop with conjecture, and provide proof for your claim, if you can manage that that is. I am getting really fed up with teaching you about geopolitical realities.
  12. To be perfectly fair, North Korea is not one of ISIS's targets. The rest is all true, though. The Kim's have kept an iron grip on their personal fiefdom since it was given to them by Uncle Joe as a Christmas gift through, in my opinion, brilliance. Kim Jong Un would not risk his country to piss off America.
  13. The Pokemon protagonists have no established character whatsoever. The idea that they are less representative of the player than Link is is nonsense, as Link has personality. Regarding a female Link, I'd be fine with that. I'd also be just as fine with it not being a choice, either way. As long as the game is fun and the story is decent, I don't care.
  14. Your knowledge of the mind of Kim Jong Un seems to be rather definitive for someone who has (hopefully) never met him. What proof do you have for this? What evidence do you have that ISIS will act in a manner beneficial to Kim Jong Un if they win? You can parrot the line about war and benefits, but ISIS has shown itself to be anything but a rational actor recently. The notion that North Korea is supplying ISIS is still a conspiracy theory because Qatar has already been proven to be the culprit. Start thinking rationally. Thank you.
  15. Well, I have an American 3ds, but the issue for me is that it's a complete bitch to get a game imported from America to Europe. What country is that?
  16. I would have to vehemently disagree with you about the Giver and Fahrenheit 451. 451 literally just rips off one of the things that the Nazis did that wasn't as bad as some of the other things they did. My main problem with that book is that it is such a ridiculous "reading is fun!" author tract. As for the giver, killing children is kind of bad; the dystopia itself is bad, but the issue is that said dystopia is just a single town. It's too small scale for any of the atrocities to have a horrific amount of casualties. It didn't help that I found the characters of the Giver to be quite uninteresting, so I didn't really care if they escaped or not. Agree with you about Terminator, though. I'm inclined to agree with you on this, especially about 1984. However, the Jedi were self righteous pricks, they had it coming XD. I haven't read Atlas Shrugged, but yeah, any society in which people are willing to listen to a guy talk for like 6 hours is pretty evil.
  17. @Snowy: Yeah, I'd say that North Korea honestly created stable totalitarianism. The problem with Communism, however, is the same problem that practically every ideology except for pure egalitarianism has, that being that it decries people based on something out of their control. In Communisms case, it discriminates against the upper and middle classes, and that can mean they can lose out on a lot of stuff that can come from having educated people run your country. Look at Stalin's purges for an example of this policy biting Communism in the ass.
  18. Fair point. Again, I was just throwing it out there as some form of argument. Well, the constitutions of most non theocratic nation states, for one.
  19. Well, only a tiny amount of that was relevant. It seems like the only thing even a tiny bit relevant to ISIS that you put forth was that North Korea and ISIS will have an alliance of convenience. Now, what I want to know is, what does North Korea gain from an ISIS victory? While some US aligned states will fall, Iran, who is indirectly North Korea's ally, is also on ISIS's hit list. I myself would rather have the strongest army in the Middle East as my ally, rather than a bunch of untrained fanatics, I don't know about you. As I've said before, STOP WITH THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES.
  20. I feel like she'd be one of those things airmen painted onto their planes in WWII. That she's allowed to wear an outfit like that is an interesting interpretation of Mideaval Europe.
  21. It would be hypothetically possible for an all powerful God to change peoples opinions of him so they think he is morally perfect when this is a lie. I am just throwing that idea out there.
  22. If we're being fair here, isn't it possible that God would be able to have lots of propaganda saying he's good when he's evil in reality? If that's the case, the omnibenevolence wouldn't be a contradiction, as it is a lie. After all, the Bible was theoretically written with the aproval of God. Not saying I believe in God, but it is possible for God to be evil.
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