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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. True, but being prosecuted for war crimes usually means the enemy has won a total victory over you; you have surrendered unconditionally. The only nations that will be capable of doing that to the US in the foreseeable future will use nuclear weapons first; then there won't be anyone left to prosecute. I do not think, however, that American cultural dominance will go away any time soon, or that we will be under the thumb of Asia, but that's beyond the scope of this discussion, and cannot be proven either way, as it is all speculation. Now, re your last point, I don't think the US can be blamed for starting anything as long as it enters the war on Iraqs side, as opposed to declaring war as a third party. Similar to WWI, really, though US participation in that travesty wax the worst mistake in American history.
  2. ONLY PEOPLE PARTICIPATE?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? The elitist, privileged, BASTARDS!!!!! Don't let the privileged Human fuckers keep you down, Breezy!
  3. Again, in regards to the US's policy on torture, I am in complete agreement. However, the US legally cannot be prosecuted for these war crimes, as it has not signed on to the international Hague court, largely to avoid the fact that a fair amount of the men and women in the FBI and CIA are sadistic shitheads. Essentially, there is no way to get at the US; it is too powerful to be made to sign anything. I do believe, however, (even though I have not fought a war myself) believe that civilian deaths are a FACT of war, and that it is never the defender's fault when civilians die; the blame for ALL civilian deaths go squarely on the shoulders of the aggressor; ISIS in this case.
  4. During the Second World War the US also had Jim Crow laws, and had every Latin American country as it's bitch for exploitation. We were much more generally racist back then. I do see your point, though.
  5. Really, it also depends on what you define as revolutionary. Revolutionary denotes an overthrowing of the old system, but there can be a reactionary revolution, like in Iran.
  6. Nope, try again. Your definition completely ignores Fascism. Fascism, while I do not advocate it in the slightest, is actually quite economically progressive. In many ways they are economically Socialist. However, the nationalist rhetoric of Fascism makes them more right wing than left. This political compass cannot be restricted to merely economics.
  7. Nohr. Being good is for self righteous pricks. We will crush those who resist under our jackboots and be fast as the wind, as our invasion has begun!
  8. Thanks, I was worried that they'd just come off as talking heads as there were no opportunities for dialogue in the memoirs. I think Rommel was the only real person who got a semi narrative part.
  9. Yeah, just google Nugget Bridge ev training; they have a pretty comprehensive list.
  10. Yeah, it is Libertarian, which makes it close to classical liberalism; however, it is definitely opposed to Socialism, making it more towards the political right.
  11. Protip: it is much faster to ev train in the wild with hordes+sweet scent+power items. It took me like an hour to fully ev train a Pokemon that way.
  12. Objectivism pretty much stipulated that no person should be forced to do anything whatsoever that is not for their own benefit. It basically pisses all over the social contract.
  13. If we're talking about Muslims living in the West, I agree with you. Although, legally there never has been a serious attempt to punish all Muslims for the actions of ISIS, there is an issue with bullying, though what to do about bullying is a whole nother can of worms. If, however, we are talking about civilians living in the parts of the Middle East where fighting is going on, I must disagree. We need to accept that we are fighting what is essentially a nation, in ability to make war if not legitimately. They are currently winning in Iraq even after the Battle of Tabriz, and the more land they take the harder they become to defeat. I know this May sound cold, but we need to accept that civilians die in war. As long as we keep the bombing to areas where we are certain ISIS troops are, if a few civilians die we will not be responsible, ISIS will for putting what they call their people in danger.
  14. Oh, okay then. My mistake. But wait a second: classical liberalism is more extreme than Libertarianism? Do you mean something along the lines of Objectivism?
  15. So what's Israel been doing to combat this, huh?
  16. Wait wait wait. Right wing liberals? Those two are just mutually exclusive. If someone claims they are a right wing liberal, that's a lie.
  17. Wow. You weren't kidding. That's certainly food for thought. In any other war, we would censor any and all enemy propaganda; I think it is only fair that we institute blocks of all internet feed advocating ISIS or any other Jihadi group. You may make a slippery slope fallacy, but jumping off the slippery slope is worth it to beat these bastards.
  18. Dialogue choices could be awesome; I'd want them to affect the relationships with each character.
  19. Well, how I would explain it would be to have two axioms, one for economics and one for politics/social. This way you can account for issues like Fascism being "last in economy and right in policy" as Mussolini said. Now, in general Right wingers are for more state control in politics and social issues (pro life, against gay marriage) while for less intervention in the economy; for leftism, the opposite is true. Now, there are some odd groups out there, like neo reactionaries, who most American conservatives would disagree with largely as they are complete mutters who like Feudalism and make monarchism everywhere look bad, but that's basically it. It's pretty much an issue of how much power does the government have to do what.
  20. Light Platinum has a good difficulty curve, except around the Champions, but what are you gonna do?
  21. In Bohemia, the version of Memorial Day is a bunch of dates honoring the two World Wars. WWI, though, is more focused on honoring the fallen, while WWII is "oh man, wasn't that time we beat the Nazis cool?". Unfortunately Memorial Day has become more about the latter and less about the former in recent years, although that is just my observations.
  22. And that Donphan was the epitome of evil. Fucking cheater... Poke community's idea of a good jack, apparently, is based entirely on how soul crushingly difficult it is. I believe Ruby Destiny won Hack of the Year for the same reason.
  23. @Snowy: Sorry, that was kind of what I was going for. It is formatted similar to some of the timelines on Alternate History.com, which I based it on. I can see it not appealing to some, though. Edit: It had better be the most realistic, going up against Chrono Trigger, Fire Emblem, and Pokemon!
  24. Ah, that's fair enough. My submission for the talking weapon prompt suffered from the same thing. In any case, I didn't know that about Anastasia, but Rasputin was pretty unambiguously hired to help Alexei. Again, this didn't affect the overall story, as Alexei died anyway.Edit: ninja'd!
  25. The really sad thing is this game got merged from 5.0. IMAGINE THE SUFFERING I HAD TO GO THROUGH!
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