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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. I would like the younger sisters to be a boss faced along with Garon/Hoshido Queen. During the final assault on the palace they come out to protect their father/mother, and you have to kill them to get by, even if they are ridiculously easy to kill. This would also be a good way to integrate gameplay and story.
  2. I would be very disappointed if any of the enemy switches sides. Not only would it be unrealistic, it would remove some of the choice from the equation.
  3. Taking POWs is not wrong, especially if they took her after Nohr took Kamui.
  4. I feel that with the exception of Marx and Ryouma, you should have the option of killing them or taking them prisoner. You will NOT, however, have the option to recruit them later.
  5. Well, looking at most commanders for despicable sides historically, they either were decent people who believed wholeheartedly in what they were doing, pretended the big morally wrong thing about their nation didn't exist, or were "my country, right or wrong."
  6. I had to grind for such a long time to do anything. I just want to see your two cents about the end of the cave.
  7. Nah, just a joke. In all seriousness, it would be cool if you did one continuing the story of the Danube, a really brief summary of course.
  8. Well, this will be going on hiatus because exams. Blame Woodrow.
  9. Sorry to say this, but this will go on Hiatus until Summer vacation, as I have exams.
  10. Chalenge accepted, Snowy. I think I'll win for most original, at least.
  11. What if Acacia had enjoyed doing the Victoria 2 LP, perhaps?
  12. Spoiler warning: my entry is NOT about Franz Ferdinand. There are myriad excellent alternate histories written about FF surviving. No, I'm doing one that involves the Second World War(again!) but it is a fairly original POD.
  13. Oh, wait until you see a mechanic that will appear in a bit...
  14. Yep, the forum won't accept me making them as images, but I will try what Ice Tea Punch said.
  15. Once upon a time there was an empire. It was the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire got into the First World War. It would have won, but America entered. The Empire was destroyed. This eventually led to the creation of Israel and Palestine. In my school, there was a debate about who was right, Israel or Palestine. It drained a lot of my time. So much that I didn't update this LP for a month. Thus, this is Woodrow Wilson's fault. Hello and welcome back to Pokemon Firered! Last time, we discovered Team Rocket's hideout! This time, we storm the hideout to humiliate them knowing that one teenager beat them all! http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zpsp3y2xgid.jpg.html?o=24 Not really. It doesn't take a lot of nerve to beat you assholes. http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zps6fith5q1.jpg.html?o=23 I got here by pushing a button. You guys have the worst security Ive seen since I last ran into you. http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zpsk2sxq68d.jpg.html?o=22 Really? THIS is what you assholes call security? A puzzle that children could figure out? http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zpszm4tjvk8.jpg.html?o=20 After beating that laughably easy puzzle, We push on through the base! http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zpss7qq4y6j.jpg.html?o=19 I came here to post a video of you asshats getting crushed on Youtube. Say hi to my new subscribers! http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zpsgyaxo0r1.jpg.html?o=18 Okay, so every dungeon has a boss key. Simple. If I could beat Stone Tower Temple, I can beat this. http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zps0ltwufi6.jpg.html?o=15 Ah, thats the mini boss apparently. http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zps3bavitq6.jpg.html?o=14 So you were beaten in Pokemon, and you were so shocked you dropped the Lift Key and didn't pick it up? Wow you morons are incompetent. http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zps0lmwuuyd.jpg.html?o=13 Well, time to face the boss, I suppose. You know, if I can beat Team Rocket but the Cops can't, what does that say about our polio force? They're probably too busy killing black kids over in Unova. http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zpsim7xhyk5.jpg.html?o=12 Mouse? What the hell is a mouse? Oh wait! Isn't it one of those Animalmons the kids keep talking about these days? http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zpsofdhletn.jpg.html?o=10 Well, the boss is probably through here. http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zpsfd8uezjh.jpg.html?o=9 I'm impressed YOU made it here! It would be true to form for Team Rocket to trip over everything on their way through their own base! http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zpsfo8uprnb.jpg.html?o=6 Do you know what its like to be blasted by a orient of water at the force of a shot from a Panzer? http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zps2aonw2gi.jpg.html?o=5 Just ask Onix. http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zpsqut7ixnk.jpg.html?o=4 Or Rhyhorn. http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zpsgfffgdj7.jpg.html?o=3 Ah, the old "sending in a Pokemon that isn't weak to what I have out" trick. Truly you are a tactical genius. http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zpssc6ktjaa.jpg.html?o=2 Well, not even the most brilliant strategy can beat burn hax. http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zpseqr0bzfp.jpg.html?o=1 I've BEEN achieving it since I started this journey! I collect Pokemon, and use them to make money. It's quite simple! http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/HIMDogson/media/image.jpg1_zps4uvq3hnk.jpg.html?o=0 Well, might as well use this in Pokemon Tower. Next time: we calm spirits by beating the shit out of them!
  16. "For want of a nail, the shoe was lost. For want of the shoe, the horse was lost. For want of the horse, the battle was lost. For want of the battle, the Kingdom was lost. And all for want of a horseshoe nail." Its a famous poem thats probably the first instance of your prompt in literature.
  18. Ah, okay. I'm still stuck on the second gym. Then again I'm playing .5.
  19. Gentlemen, ladies, rejoice! blah2127 plays Pokemon Firered! will return tomorrow.
  20. Not the second gym. At all. Fuck the second gym. Oh, and hopefully Truth.exe doesn't feature hyper realistic blood.
  21. Oh yeah, that self destructing Pineco. Fuck it so, so much. Although Marshtomp really trivializes the first gym to a ridiculous extent.
  22. This actually looks really good. Great to see it successful!
  23. Why is it more important? Explain this to me. There's this asshole at my old school. I would love to see him dragged out on to the lawn and shot. Does that mean he should be dragged,out onto the lawn and shot? Of course not. What the students want shouldn't affect anything. That's why we're not allowed to vote, for one thing. Staging an arrest on a kid who for all we know was just cursing the teacher is wholly inappropriate. That shit doesn't get you arrested in real life.
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