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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. I would really like it if prisons outright replaced talking to Recruitable characters. It would make so much more sense! People only switch sides, after all, after weeks of confinement and misery... mwahaha.
  2. That's... unbelievable. And also really, really depressing. That's actually reminiscent of the rhetoric of isolationist politicians in the early days of the Second World War. In Prague, and in most of Europe, it's not taboo, but it is reported on slightly sparsely. I chalk this up, however, to the fact that it's hard to get accurate facts on the fighting as it's going on, especially since no journalist with half a brain would risk being captured. Of course, the conflict is deeply affecting Europe, what with a ridiculous amount of refugees immigrating, and with ISIS targeting Europeans for recruitment. I suppose that with the wave of neo isolationism, any conflict not involving American troops doesn't matter. One thing is clear, though: the level of apathy we are giving ISIS makes Neville Chamberlain seem like Teddy Roosevelt. At least isolationists in WWII had the excuse that the Nazis were keeping the Holocaust under raps, but ISIS is being rather public about its dick moves. Really, that's not just depressing, that's terrifying, based on isolationists track record.
  3. Yeah, a trip to one of the darker corners of the Internet will do that to you. Fortunately, international politics are not the internet. Just be careful, as many feminists are not SJWs; the only ones who could be said to be that way are radical feminists, and even then they sometimes say shit like "all transponders want to get a better chance to rape" so that can't make the SJWs happy. And speaking of Holocaust deniers, I find it deeply ironic that the majority of deniers would likely be the first ones to find the Gestapo knocking on their doors (looking at you, Ahmadinejad)
  4. If I recall correctly, Bengnion was partly based on the Byzantine Empire; sort of like a mix between it and Tsarist Russia, filling the role of the Soviets (kicking the racist asshole's ass, only to have a guy named Ike take all the credit). In any case, I would love to see a Middle Eastern themed nation; there could be one based on the Otomans, one based on the Abbasids, one based on the Mughals, ect. I'd also like to see characters based on historical figures, especially females, as the Ottoman Empire produced some of the most fascinating women ever to rule. They were far better about women's rights than Europe at the time. While we're at it, a nation based on Imperial Germany would be awesome; if the Nazis got an FE country (Daien) then the Kaiser deserves one too! Ah well.
  5. At this point, I doubt that causing collator damage will make us look like the bad guys. We were still the good guys against the Axis with a bunch of unneeded collateral damage (Dresden) and I think ISIS is about as bad as the Nazis and Japanese. @Snowy: Okay, first off, my principle objection to American intervention in the Middle East RIGHT NOW is that its unneeded. The anti ISIS coalition is doing a pretty good job of keeping them contained right now. However, if ISIS begins to threaten to conquer the whole of Iraq and Syria, thats when we should get involved. Secondly, there are a lot of hyperboles you used. China and Japan are NOT about to go to war over anything; its a territorial dispute and they happen a lot. Putin is not trying to destroy Eastern Europe. Hitler, incidentally, wanted to eugenically make the Slavs into a slave race. All of this, however, is besides the point. The big thing you seemed to express anger about was political correctness. I seriously doubt that anyone who's opinion actually matters in their country believes ISIS should not be stopped or whatever due to Political Correctness. If tI happen to be wrong about this, allow me to first apologize to you for doubting you, and then go in a corner and cry out of shame for sharing a species with a leader that would think that. Now, all of what you have said hinges on the notion that more intervention is needed to beat ISIS. This notion is outright false. Coalition forces have recently recaptured the city of Tikrit, and are containing ISIS's advance elsewhere. The US and some European countries, meanwhile, are doing a bombing campaign. I think it sounds reasonable to have the Middle Eastern countries do the ground war, and the Coalition do airstrikes, don't you? he world, in my mind, does not need a policeman, as the nations of the Middle East have acquitted themselves quite well so far defending themselves.
  6. I had something, but now I don't because exams are a bitch. Ill have to sit this one out.
  7. Why didn't they allow you to play it? I mean my dad probably wishes he didn't let me play it, but thats only after I got addicted.
  8. Oh, of course its ridiculously biased, and of course the UN is shady, and of course we should not be the worlds policeman. Have you seen the World Freedom index? Biased as fuck. What we should be doing, however, is to assist countries we have an alliance with that are currently at war, as Iraq is. Now, what we are doing now does not seem like it will bring peace, but tell me something: will a complete withdrawal do the same? If we withdraw, we'll be giving a terror organization that claims its goal is a state stretching from Spain to Australia a shit ton of oil, oil that will be lost to us. zThats going to fuck over the economy of the entire world. So yeah, I'm not under any illusions that the World Police thing is bullshit, but I think that oil is a perfect reason to go to war. After all, its going to be pretty scarce soon. We shouldn't need a moral justification to protect the economy.
  9. Yeah, that's probably true, at least in terms of the reactions of the people of the Middle East. I suppose not being a democracy has its benefits.
  10. The main issue is I don't see how Kamui could have possibly developed an emotional connection with his Hoshido family on the Nohr route, seeing them for the first time since childhood in the heat of battle.
  11. ISIS views Iran as just as heretical as Israel. The Middle Eastern nations know full well ISIS is the bigger threat here. They are saner than that.
  12. Just an approximation of what they would say: Elise/Sakura: Why the fuck are we on this battlefield? This isn't the Kongo, for fuck's sake! In all seriousness, I'd hope you'd get dialogue options for the confrontations. Also, if you are forced to not kill one or more of them I'll be pissed. And the Nohr route could easily start out with destroying Hoshido, before moving on to Garon.
  13. Yeah, that plot point really went unexplored. It would be even more interesting if his fathers crimes were shown as a necessary evil, him persecuting the doomsday cult of obvious evil and the like. Well, you never know, really. Although that would seem to me to be something morally right about Nohr, as opposed to something morally wrong about Hoshido.
  14. Technology actually is a really valid point; Hoshido, being peace loving, had no incentive to develop their weapons further. For Nohr, where every day is a struggle to survive, so you need to develop; natural selection is at work. Its kind of like how Europe had more wars than Asia, which was dominated by China, so when Europe and Asia met, Europe won all the wars for a while.
  15. I think people would still hate ISIS. I would find it terribly depressing if we made them into the good guys. Making Hamas into the good guys is one thing, as their atrocities are less widely reported, but ISIS's many dick moves are widely publicized.
  16. The theory, while interesting, brings up the question of just how is Nohr the more powerful country in this scenario?
  17. Well, Life's point was probably hyperbolic, as was mine. If Israel did get involved, it would probably serve to build up support for ISIS in the land it controls, given how much propaganda is being fed. ISIS could very well take a page out of Kim Jong Un's handbook, only with Israel replacing (or joining) the US.
  18. Yeah, I suppose so. The USSR did, however, have a rivalry with the UK and France, but it was just an example. The sad thing is, this is probably true. We'd get headlines like "IDF soldier kicks puppy!" before we knew it.
  19. The IDF has more than enough men to fight ISIS while still maintaining the occupation. Also, "somewhat competent" is the understatement of the year; the IDF are arguably the best trained force in the world.
  20. I'm still waiting for you to clever the hotel. If you think the rest of the game is bs, the hotel defies the laws of nature itself.
  21. Wait, ISIS is in Gaza? How did they mangae that? If it's true, then the IDF would certainly be a welcome addition to the anti ISIS coalition. Also, my Social Studies teacher said that the solution for peace might be Israel and Hamas fighting a common foe, but we saw how well that went for the USA and USSR.
  22. I might be in support of deploying ground troops against them until their conventional forces are defeated, but not staying for the occupation. Being a conventional force makes them easier to fight.
  23. In general mediaeval rulers would have up to one mistress, and sex was consensual. Concubines were, with some exceptions, really well treated sex slaves. Same goes for Rome.
  24. Again, though it isn't really comparable to atrocities like the Holocaust or the killing fields. I am not, meanwhile, familiar with Mad Max, but it wouldn't surprise me; it seems quite gritty.
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