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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Ballte of the Bugs? Well, if your LP and mine fight, it'l be the battle of the BuLgs. Get it? Because my naming theme is based on German history? Battle of the Bulge? ...sorry.
  2. Then we change that culture. A good first step would be harsher gun control.
  3. Incidentally, we are fighting with our hands tied in the ME due to ethics. I doubt a totalitarian government would have that problem.
  4. I'm quite surprised that Santorum and Paul haven't refunded the donations. If they don't, it's even more of a propaganda victory for Cruz. In any case, I don't think anyone needs convincing that the CoCC is full of horse shit.
  5. Hello and welcome back to Pokemon Firered! Last time, we filled the team, and this time, we clear out all the routes that I missed! Before anything else happens, Richtofen evolved into Dodrio during the offscreen training montage. We start off this cross Kanto hike here, south of Lavender Town, where this asshat is blocking the road. Wait,,, its fat? WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT, WOODROW WILSON'S OPPONENT? Well, any enemy of Woodrow's is a friend of mine. Unfortunately he doesn't see it that way, and attacks! Richtofen makes quick work of him. Moving on, in this house this fisherman asks me a deep, profound question. I do like to fish, in all seriousness. Its so calming! Im going back to the States for vacation this summer, and Im going to fish at a lake and its going to be awesome... moving on. With this, my title now becomes "Dogson, avatar of Blah2127, hater of Woodrow Wilson, aspiring King of Kanto, and destroyer of engagements". You should see the titles of some real monarchs! Are you kidding me? Seriously? I JUST put slavedig in the PC! Dick move, game. Kanto's leaders fail infrastructure forever. Can I just point out the utter idiocy of having a fence maze booking off one of the two routes between a major business center and a city so close to the ocean, especially when the other route is reduced to cyclists? If Kanto was a monarchy, and not some weird Pokemon based meritocracy, this would never happen! Hey, here's a drinking game: take a shot every time we notice something that the police should be dealing with, but aren't. *gulp* You aren't N. Stop pretending you are. There are other ways to get fangirls. Well, that made the Lincoln Tunnel seem like those Japanese bullet trains. OHBOY. OHBOYOHBOYOHBOYOHBOYOHBOYOHBOY. My little Tank's grown up. I'm so proud. *gulp* Ah, the Second Amendment to the constitution, guaranteeing the right to bear Pokemon. Its come under fire recently when a three year old destroyed the entirety of Austria with his father's Rhyperior. "Bestiality! This is NOT Sonic Next Gen!" - Chuggaaconroy So, here we are. We've come full circle. Next time on Pokemon Firered, we take on the Gym.
  6. Wait, what platform is this on? Those graphics look a bit bette than the DS.
  7. Well, I'm really liking the Hoshido music.
  8. I think the problem facing America that led to this massacre has a great example in the second blurb.
  9. Yeah, fair enough. Of course, the question as to if the South had the legal right to secede is both complex and off topic, so I'll leave it.
  10. Well, here's a legal precedent: the Confederate flag represents, obviously, the Confederate States of America, a nation that, in an act of treason, broke away from the US. Thus, it is a symbol for treason, and should be treated as such. Mostly playing devils advocate here, incidentally.
  11. And thus, this LP has arose once again from the grave. May it's resurrection be long.
  12. They have tired to harm someone. That was what started this topic. If we are trying to stop crimes like this from happening, doesn't it make sense to stop the propaganda as well?
  13. So I'd like to point out that if you're some black kid and the police attack you and you pull out a gun to shoot them, you probably get one and then you get gunned down. So what did you accomplish? You gave the police the argument that "he started it!". Good fucking job. Several problems with this. First, armed resistance in the Middle East would likely be greater than armed resistance in the United States because in the Middle East we are foreign. Second, the government has drones. There is no credible way I see for winning against a drone. @Balcerzak: The issue with this is: who gets to decide what constitutes corruption. The last time people rose against the government it led to the American Civil War, and you'd have to agree with the guy whose actions started this topic in the first place to think the Confederacy was in the right. If you don't like something the government does, try to vote it out. If we enforce change at gunpoint, we may produce tyranny far worse than the government. Remember, Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot all came to power in that way.
  14. To add to that, peaceful protests succeed much more frequently than violence. Just look at Egypt vs Syria today. So yeah, no disagreements here. What has the military done against the American people that makes them a credible risk? Look you seem smart enough, but this is all pure paranoia.
  15. That was one of the more paranoid things I have watched. Essentially, the issue here is that he assumes that the government will do something horrible to the people now that they have a monopoly on guns. This is very clearly horse shit, as in most countries where guns are regulated (read: most of the EU and the Commonwealth) the government does not do horrible things to the people. This is the one argument against gun control that is pretty unambiguously stupid.
  16. The question is how exactly did his abusive childhood translate into the racist views that lead to him deliberately targeting a black church? There doesn't really seem to be a connection between that and black on white crime, which is by his own admission what got him pissed in the first place.
  17. So from the video, it seems like a better home probably would have gone a long way to stop Roof from being such a bastard. So it pretty much backs up what Klokinator said. @Eclipse: The question is whether the entirety of the Ku Klux Klan should be considered a terror organization. I would argue that yes, it should. I'm not arguing for some Orwellian thought crime system, but I am arguing for a ban on hate speech, defined as speech that advocates for violence towards a group due to their religion, race, ect.
  18. If the Bosnians had access to guns, then why did so many still surrender? The reason is that in virtually every case of genocide there is a chance, however small (the Bosnian genocide actually had a smaller death toll thanks to quick foreign intervention) of survival, a chance that won't be there if you try to make some last stand with a gun. Also, you said This implies that you think that people trying to use guns to violently defend themselves is an effective way to change the government,which contradicts your statement where you say that they should just be a last line of defense.
  19. I don't see why you feel that way. Admittedly my reply was a little rushed, but I responded. Let me reiterate: any group advocating violent action against any person due top their race, religion, gender, et cetera, should be considered a hate group. Any group with members that go through with said violent acts is a terror organization. We seem to be in agreement, to be honest.
  20. Here's the issue: guns would be wholly ineffective, especially since the people of Serbia would be opposed to any Bosnians defending themselves as well. In addition, governments toppled by revolution have seen violent civil wars often leading to anarchy and far more deaths than the regime was capable of. See the Congo, Libya, and Syria for some examples.
  21. This is all a hypothetical scenario, oh wait no its not. The Serbian government did some pretty fucked up shit to the Bosnians that could definitely be called genocide when the internet was in existence. Sure, the internet helped provoke a foreign response, but it took the UN to stop Milosevic.
  22. What can they do? If we make it harder for them to spread their messages, less people die in tragedies like this. Slippery slope fallacy. Ust because we do something, it does not mean we will take it to the extreme by any stretch of the imagination. Finally, I do not see why the KKK should not be considered a terrorist group after this.@Klokinator: The difference here is that the pacifists and the Communists were not engaging in violent activity. The KKK was, and is. You do make a compelling case, however, by appealing to my hatred of Woodrow Wilson. Regarding SJWs, that is disheartening to read, and know that I do not advocate that kind of censorship. I do, however, advocate censorship of those who advocate violence against people, such as blacks. This will prevent more tragedies from happening.
  23. Nah, just making groups like the KKK and Neo Nazis illegal. Not thought crime. Also the public advocation of racist beliefs would be a crime.
  24. At this point, I'm tempted to say that a banning of white supremacy and other hate groups is the way to go.
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