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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. The evil fascist bourgeoisie capitalist oppressor Ryouma shall be brought to justice by the glorious actions of Comrade Marx! Also, his armor seems a bit too heavy for a sword master. It seems more hero-ish to me.
  2. Comrade Marx shares the nipples of the oppressed Proletariat. In the glorious Communist utopia Comrade Marx seeks, everyone will share all nipples.
  3. Actually, the amount of controversy it will get will probably help it. Look at Hatred, a game about killing as many innocent people as possible. Hey media made a big deal out of it and pretty much did its advertising for it.
  4. It's pretty much an easy google search. It also has the distinction of being probably the only unambiguously good original region hack.
  5. Okay. I can see that. We were 6 years behind Sweden and Norway and 14 years behind the Dutch. That's a pretty significant margin. I was talking about other matters as well, such as the end of slavery, which most of Europe ended before we did. Also no one seemed to notice my joke to the effect of the SC is ripping off FE Fates. Whatever.
  6. The Hikers in this game, with a few alterations, would eerily resemble Lord Palmerston; rather portly and bearded. I just noticed that now. Also, Azure is clearly that next powerhouse. He is destined to single handedly sweep the entire game. Actually, wouldn't that be a good way to break a Nuzlocke? You know, only training one Pokemon so it can never be defeated? @Blaze: You should see my Lit Platinum team. Charmander, Totodile, Skoripi, Snover and Drilbur before the first badge!
  7. All states have their own laws, but all laws in all states have to be in accordance with the constitution. The Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional to not allow gay marriage, thus all states have to allow it. Make sense?
  8. Well, the Supreme Court blatantly ripped off IS's ideas In all seriousness, I wonder how long it'll take to implement this. There is going to be some resistance to be sure. But yeah, Im pretty satisfied with this. Welcome to the club of truly modern nation states, America! Took you long enough, but Id pay money to see the look on the founding fathers faces if they found out that the UK would do this before America. Its truly ironic how far what was founded as the land of the free has fallen in terms of civil rights in regards to other nations.
  9. True, I suppose. HGSS are still my favorite games, as the level curve somewhat matches your levels, but it seems like you'll have your work cut out for you in this.
  10. Well, based on this it looks like the majority of the Nohr campaign is against Hoshido. That's good.
  11. Do we know if he's fighting against Hoshido or Nohr in the stream?
  12. Edit: accidental double post, nuke this one please.
  13. You know what typically happens in war? People die, often pointlessly. I'm glad they're including this, as it makes the story feel more realistic.
  14. Wow, they really did make this jack harder; that's good, as Johto never was difficult. It's like they took complaints of Koga and Sabrina's level spikes and said "Fine! Last GL below level 40! How do,you,like that?"
  15. Pretty much this. If you plan to get it published, your editor will help you iron out the faults. Incidentally,vs hats it about?
  16. Fair enough; you wouldn't know if they were burglars or murderers. That was a stupid question in hindsight.
  17. Comrade Marx shall liberate the Hoshido proletariat from their oppressive overlords.
  18. So out of curiosity, you would shoot someone for trying to steal your shit?
  19. In all honesty, we kind of had to see this coming. In hindsight, it was obvious. It would make no sense for them to blatantly recycle the designs unless they actually were the characters. Whatever, this is a stupid decision, and the only way this will be redeemed is if there is a resulting option to invade Ylisse and burn the entire godforsaken, idiotically idealistic country to the ground. That could be the third path: Hoshido and Nohr team up to fight in the name of good writing!
  20. Ah, splendid. The Mongols were certainly one of the more wildly and improbably successful nations in history. Back on topic, I vote Butterfree.
  21. Yeah, I would be in favor of that combined with banning weapons standard issue for the military. In any case, bowing out here for now. Peace.
  22. You were kind of right until that last part. Violence in the media may not strictly speaking help matters, but it does not lead to massacres like these. I also assume you mean to implement these measures after guns are illegal.
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