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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Bah! Moral victories are for the weak! And Bhutan: http://lparchive.org/Paradox-Hohenzollern/Update%20110/ In any case, Primeape is actually quite fast. I don't know if it's Arcanine fast, but it would at least be plausible.
  2. Yes! Untermehen Seelowe has been defeated! Actually, Sealeo is even better, as it's name pretty much means Sealion.
  3. If you catch a Seel or Dewgong name it Seelowe for me, please.
  4. Staryu. Oh, and at some point have Spitfire defeat a Walrein.
  5. Because both dared to oppose the great Napoleon. Why was Woodrow Wilson such a prick?
  6. YOU NAMED STARAVIA SPITFIRE? That is so badass. Maybe my Richtofen can pilot it! If you catch another flying type, can you name it Messerschmidt or Sturmovik?
  7. The sacrifices of Azure and Hades will never be forgotten. They died as true followers of Comrade Marx and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Nohr.
  8. Well, I was right. Azure was about to become useless, albiet not in the way I expected.
  9. The point is that incest was never taboo for moral reasons, but the practical flaws became apparent with science of course!
  10. Not true at all. The majority of marriages in the Middle Ages were to faraway families in the interest of alliances. Purity had nothing to do with it. Incest only became prominent during the era of the House of Hapsburg, and the Hapsburgs made it pretty hard not to because their family extended to fucking everyone. It was also prominent during the Victorian era, because Victoria married her children to the other royal families. Incest became taboo because it's effects were clearly shown primarily in the Tsarevitch Alexei, who had Haemophilia because his mother and father were both carriers for incest. History lesson over. *crawls back into secret lair*
  11. Yeah, but Hariyama will continue to be useful in the long run, while Butterfree will get more and more useless.
  12. Cubone is actually really good. Switch it out with Butterfree or something. TENNO HIEKA BANZAI! TORA TORA TORA!
  13. Maybe it would be better if Greece left the EU. Then Germany wouldn't have to support it.
  14. Both sides need to calm their tits, in my opinion. Tsipras needs to stop being a blustering, ultranationalist asshole who won't see reason, but Germany should recognize that Greece can't pay back it's debts and give it another extension or remove some of the debt. That's my opinion anyway, take it with a grain of salt.
  15. Any reason why Volcarona? In any case, I named my Ferrothorn Kaiser Bill after the spiked helmets customary in the a German army at the time. Ferrothorn is covered in spikes, so yeah. I also named my Starmie Death Star, and my Dragonite Smaugon.
  16. Wow, a Minun. That should take you far in this game. You should have just killed it.
  17. My god Shuuda, you sexist pig. I can't believe you support the patriarchy so evilly. I demand a female Pokemon now, even if it's a Sunkern! In all seriousness, I wish I had your luck. I just got back from this Arceusforsaken festival where they blared music left and right. At least I had an update when I got back. The festival, btw, was called Jewfest. That name is stupider than Whiteneys Miltank!
  18. So up cultured! Tea is the drink of true gentlemen.
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