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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Well, not too long from now it will be a year since this whole ISIS clusterfuck started. It seems to me that it would no longer be accurate to call ISIS a terror organization, as they have been having great success with fighting a conventional war in the Middle East, and against a rather large coalition of countries arrayed against them. Now, that leads to the question of how the fuck do we solve this? Well, if the Pacific War has taught me anything, it's that it's a lot easier to seize territory than it is to liberate it. At this point, I think we need to accept that it will be impossible not to kill innocents in this war and launch a total bombing campaign against ISIS held lands. The threat of killing innocents didn't stop us against the Nazis and Japanese and air power is significantly more important now than it was then. The question is, how much should countries not directly threatened by ISIS get involved? In my mind, all Middle Eastern countries not currently in deep shit themselves should send ground forces, and the rest of us should bomb them into submission. Israel, in my mind, is a country that really should be contributing ground troops, as they will likely have unpleasant things done to them if ISIS conquers Israel. That's just my opinion, however. What does everyone else think?
  2. Well, Genghis Khan did just fine. As did the Germans in WWI. We always seem to forget that Hitler had good reason to believe he could succeed. Oh, and this thread reminds me of a joke. Why did the Ottoman Empire prepare to defend Bosnia? Because Austria was Hungary for Turkey.
  3. Oh yeah, sorry. Some things slip my mind. On another note, are Laguz really hated here?
  4. Yeah, I get that it was for pride, and to restore confidence. To be fair, the Laguz culture values honor and strength more than we do, so it would probably make sense in their culture. Still, I have a hard time believing that she wouldn't help. I just can't see a restoration of confidence being worth the risk against bandits who wouldn't hesitate to kill. It would have made more sense, IMO, if it was against bullies, or another group that wouldn't resort to murder.
  5. Well, you would be either the first or second Austrian to try and invade Russia, depending on your point of view.
  6. Lego Star Wars, I think. It then proceeded to be the only game I had for like 2 years. Naturally, I know it quite well.
  7. Welcome to the forums! As long as you don't like Woodrow Wilson we should get along fine.
  8. Bah! Nothing based on Feudal Japan can be good! *ignores that Nohr is based on Fuedal Europe*
  9. Agreed, the series would have been much stronger if Charles's plan just didn't exist. But yeah, for me Schniezel, at least before he went nuke happy on everyone, was both more interesting and more heroic than Lelouch. As in someone I myself would be proud to call my Emperor. Never played SMT 4, what are the Nihilists?
  10. Yeah, okay, whatever, weird stuff happens in Paradox games. It appears that even in this universe Germans go out of their way to help Greeks. Hopefully these Greeks won't elect a Communist asshole who makes loud and bombastic demands. Yeah, that makes sense.
  11. I saw it happen twice, which is more than in IRL. Also SUPER AUSTRIA! Champion of truth, justice, and the Hapsburg way! In any case, good job against the Ottomans. Are you going to just let the Prussians form Germany without a fight?
  12. Well, Kanto in Gen 2 was pretty boring and,that didn't stop gen 2 from being awesome. The funniest thing there was how the Team Steam costume functions as an acro bike.In any case, at least they had the decency to recolor the Rocket sprites unlike a certain other hack.
  13. Oh my god! They used Johto! You bastards! In all seriousness, the Pikachu "boss" battle was when I first realized that this hack wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Then again Light Platinum had that music with a freaking Feebas, and Light Platinum is amazing.
  14. This actually reminds me of something I read where Hienz Guderian would always talk to his tank, named Bertha. Rommel and Manstien thought he was crazy. It was pretty funny, basically WWII the funny version.
  15. Oh god, please no one like Sully. She always acts like she's oppressed or whatever, but there is clearly no sexism in Ylisse. I'd say she was a Straw Feminist, but we're clearly supposed to sympathize with her.
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