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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. You know, in the real world, we have a word for what Emmeryn does. That word is appeasement. Appeasement led to some... nasty things in our world. Oh, and the EvW thing was a joke.
  2. (In character as Rudolf von Dogson): No! Bad soldiers! We do NOT lose to Iraqis! This is the Austrian Imperial army, not the US army!
  3. The Soviets wanted to be really hard on Germany. So did FDR. Can't say I blame the Soviets. Fortunately, it didn't happen, but not for lack of trying on Stalin's part. Yeah, this actually happens a lot when I enter the discussion. It seems that just by my presence people get a sudden interest in discussing history.
  4. Chapter Four Appeasement By 1934 the French under Napoleon V had rebuilt their economy and their military. French Renault tanks were some of the most fearsome in the world. As such, Napoleon V felt confidant enough to move a French infantry division into the Calais region, which had been demilitarized by the Treaty of Potsdam, on March 20, 1934. The Germans did nothing about these developments. The French had won an important diplomatic victory, one that would set a precedent for the next few years. This precedent was not a positive one. Meanwhile, Benito Mussolini looked on the Empire of Ethiopia, the last independent African state, hungrily. On April 2 Italy forged an incident where Ethiopian and Italian troops fired on each other. Ethiopian Empress Zewditu claimed that the exchange was on Ethiopian territory. Mussolini announced that the battle took place in Italian Eritrea. Ethiopia had the unfortunate situation of not being protected by any colonial power. As such, Italian troops, without any negotiation whatsoever, moved in to Ethiopia. Neither of these developments were opposed by Germany because Germany’s chancellor, Franz von Papen, believed in the policy of Appeasement. This meant giving the Axis nations what they wanted, in the rather vain hope that they would eventually stop. Unfortunately, this did not happen. Many historians speculate that f Wlhelm II had not been assassinated, he would have overruled von Papen and stopped France. It is unlikely that France could have beaten Germany in 1934, despite the Great Depression. Such speculation, of course, is useless, as it did not happen, while the history discussed here did. Moving on. Ethiopia was ridiculously outmatched by Italy. Ethiopian troops used rifles from the Victorian Era against Italian tanks and planes. Some regiments were armed with spears and bows. Despite this, the Ethiopians resisted the Italians heroically, and the Italians took around a year to conquer the country. The Ethiopian Imperial Family fled to Switzerland, where Zewditu died. Her last wish was to see her country free from Fascism. Meanwhile, in Britain, Lord Protector Oswald Mosley looked resentfully towards Ireland, which had gained full independence after the Great War. The northern part of Ireland was inhabited by a Protestant majority. A fair amount of the citizens there were even ethnically British. In 1935, Mosley sent an ultimatum to Irish President Micheal Collins demanding that Northern Ireland be given to Britain to “protect the oppressed Protestants in the area.” To be perfectly fair to the British, this was true. Britons and Protestants faced heavy repression under the Collins regime. Of course, everyone faced repression under Mosley. So it was that on April 5, 1935, Mosley met with von Papen, Wrangel, and Napoleon V in Norwich, England to negotiate about the fate of Northern Ireland. Wrangel and von Papen were there as Irish allies, Mosley was there as the claimant to Northern Ireland, and Napoleon was there to represent Catholic Ireland (This was, of course, complete bull; Napoleon agreed with everything Mosley put forward). So it was that, 5 days later, on April 10, the Treaty of Norwich was signed, ceding Northern Ireland to the United Kingdom. In exchange, the Axis would not ask for anything more than they had (Spoiler Alert: This was a lie). It was at this juncture that Franz von Papen finally realized that to beat the Axis, he would actually require an army! As such, he began to prepare Germany for war. The problem was that the German economy was not able to produce enough planes, tanks, and artillery to stand up to the French army. Even with their Siegfried Line covering the German and Belgian border with fortifications, the Germans would be unprepared to face the French Renault tanks in open combat. This would prove to cost the German Empire more than it’s leaders could have possibly imagined. France looks hungrily at a weakened Germany, eager to reclaim what it sees as it’s. Italy announces its intentions to rebuild the Roman Empire. China looks to the north, towards Russia, seeking revenge for a century of humiliation. The USSA prepares to spread the world revolution north, to Canada. Communism and Capitalism face off in South America. All of these tensions will come to a head in the Second World War.
  5. Okay, what the fuck. There is nothing morally wrong whatsoever with killing an enemy soldier, especially if you're on the right side. Wars would be un winnable if you couldn't actually fight them. Fighting to repel an invasion is never wrong. At the same time, invading can be right or understandable, like the invasions of Belgium and Serbia in WWI. This. Fuck pacifism.
  6. Even if religion is the opiate of the masses, I seriously doubt anyone would pick doomsday cult over crappy monarch.
  7. The Battle Maisons only problem is that it isn't the Battle Frontier.
  8. COMRADES, THE TIME IS NOW! WE MUST THROW OFF THE SHACKLES OF GARONS RULE AND TURN TO (Karl) MARX! Seriously, I can't be the only one to come up with this joke. Marx, if you couldn't tell.
  9. ORAS were good as games, underwhelming as remakes. They left out so much from Emerald that it ended up quite disappointing. At the same time, they improved on so much from the originals that they are good games. Also the Archie/Maxie theme gives me a hard on. By far the best song in the Pokemon franchise.
  10. I'm not enamored with Titty Chan. Then again, I'm not enamored by a lot of people.
  11. Isn't it obvious that Hoshido are evil? After all, they oppose Marx! Arise, comrades!
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnAvNdVyJB0 Pretty much Nohr's theme song.
  13. Oh, and for some advice, it's actually much easier to EV train if you use horde encounters. Look it up on Nugget Bridge for more info. Also if you name your Lopunny Mr Bun that would be an awesome Calvin and Hobbes reference. You could also use battle simulators to perfect your team without in game work.
  14. Can the disability be non physical as long as it still severely affects the characters occupation?
  15. Okay, thanks for the clarification. Incidentally, I am 6 hours ahead of EST due to living in Prague, so please take that into consideration.
  16. Hell yeah! Six vs six is IMO the most strategic kind of battle. I was, however, talking about the logistics of time and place. Admittedly not too familiar with how to do this. Do we exchange friend codes or something?
  17. I was actually about eight years old, and I was in to the TCG, but not the video games. When HGSS came out, I gave it a shot. My first ever team was Meganium, Pokewalker Onix, an Infernape my friend traded me as a Chimchar, Gyarados, Snorlax, and Electabuzz. I was such a noob at the time, but I still yearn for the feeling of wonder I got when I first played Pokemon. Like if u crie every tiem.
  18. How will we do these battles? And will they be 6 on 6? Tentatively entering.
  19. Awesome. I can probably whip something up by then. Re entering.
  20. I see what you're saying, but Naziism, Fascism, and whatever the hell Japan had going on were far more monolithic than Communism. Germany, Italy, and Japan got along perfectly well, whereas China and the Soviet Union broke off their alliance because of ideological differences. Now, as I understand it the types of Communism are: Leninism, Trotskyism, Stalinism, Maoism, Titoism, Juche, and whatever Pol Pot had. Vietnam invaded Cambodia because they were sick of Pol Pots shit and thought he was making Communism worse than it looked already (which was probably true, because fuck Pol Pot, but whatever). As another example, Stalin had Trotsky killed because of an ideological difference. Name a time in the history of Fascism where two Fascist countries went to war over an ideological difference. Mussolini's invasion of Greece does not count; it was out of desire for more land. Finally, parts of that common denominator are wrong. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Kim Jong il all caused famines, but under Leninism and Titoism there were no famines, at least not ones caused by Communism. Similarly, only Trotskyism preaches violent spread of the revolution; in particular, Stalinism explicitly advocates for Communism to collaborate with the rest of the world (as it did against Hitler). Leninism and Titoism, in my mind, are not as bad as Fascism. Stalinism and Trotskyism, as well as Juche and Pol Potism are worse than Naziism. Of course, it cannot be overstated how bad Naziism was. If Hitler had succeeded, Naziism would probably have been worse. As it stands, however, every Communist leader so far except Pol Pot and Gorbachev have ended their lives in power.
  21. God dammit if Id found this sooner I could have suggested Woodrow Wilson as our worst enemy.
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