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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. American media, yeah. If you want relatively unbiased coverage BBC is a good place to look. Furthermore, in all fairness, we already know that Freddie Grey is dead. Another way to look at it is that whites riot too, over a bunch of tepid shit! But yeah, BBC has good coverage of the events. Why did we have to win the American Revolution?
  2. Holy shit. So that's basically really condescending blackmail. I see what you mean.
  3. I remember reading an alternate history novel where the CSA won the ACW, but freed the slaves in 1881 because Britain and France threatened to bitchslap it. Confederate Hitler didn't like that, so killed all the black people. Then the CSA got destroyed by nukes.
  4. I misunderstood what you were saying. On a side note, where is this letter? I tried to google it but couldn't find it.
  5. Lets see... Lance theme because duh N theme Ghetsis theme Archie Maxie theme as favorite (seriously Ana how do you not like this song) Oh and the Route 11 theme from Unova. It is glorious.
  6. No, I was making a statement about the problems with just pressing charges.
  7. Yeah, can you imagine if Jack Thompson found out about it. Oh, and if you think Victoria II is bad, wait until you see CKII.
  8. Well, racism in a single person is a lot easier to prove than racism in an entire institution. It's not enough to prosecute the cops responsible; as long as there are more racist cops this will happen again. There must be a comprehensive investigation into the BPD to try t purge all racist elements.
  9. Iraq isn't necessarily going to fall to ISIS though. At this point, it can't win. No matter what it does, there will always be a stronger army. It's cause was lost the instant it lay claim to the entire Islamic world.
  10. Well, later on in game you can -Support the Confederate States of America (you probably know the issue with that) -As an absolute monarchy or a Fascist/Communist dictatorship, brutally suppress dissent with your secret police -If a German state, you can be the Nazis -You can brutally colonize all of Africa, which will almost certainly lead to the deaths of millions of people mad at least one genocide -Outright commit cultural genocide by assimilating un accepted cultures into accepted cultures So yeah, this isn't the worst you can do in this game by a long shot.
  11. Well, this is pretty obviously total realpolitik. If this was reality, this would cost Austria a lot of prestige. Of course, the AI is pretty bad at simulating human reactions to conflicts.
  12. Can I please have a one day extension? I live in Prague, 6 hours ahead of EST.
  13. Man, can you imagine what the Polish history books are going to say about this? I live in Prague, and the Czechs give the Hapsburgs a bunch of undeserved crap, but my god. The Poles are going to be PISSED.
  14. Well, for either the current Saudi king or the next one to have the will to reform. I'm betting that the crown prince will pass at least some reforms. Pretty much, they need a monarch like the kings of Jordan and Morocco.
  15. Well, to be fair, the Prussians were the best trained army in Europe IRL, at least until Napoleon came along.
  16. I don't think its ironic. As the new Caliphate, ISIS needs Mecca for legitimacy, which the Saudis obviously won't give up. I am inclined to agree with your second point. Hopefully the new king and/or crown prince will reform it. (The Crown Prince is like 35, so theres hope.)
  17. Could eclipse please nuke my story, as it does not confirm to the guidelines?
  18. IS should just hire Sabaton to do their soundtrack. "They are the Wyvern elite, born to compete, never retreat!"
  19. They are fighting a proxy war with Iran in Yemen, not a war of aggression against Yemen. Were Germany and Italy waging a war of aggression against Spain in 1936? Okay, fine. I see your point. So we say to SA "Stop supporting ISIS." And then, suppose their response is "no," as it almost certainly will be. What the hell are we going to do then? The US isn't going to impose economic sanctions, especially not without proof, which, you know, we don't exactly have. An invasion is absolutely out of the question; the last thing that we need is ANOTHER long, bloody war in the Middle East. So even if SA is supporting ISIS, what do you intend to do about it? Saudi Arabia is not a terrorist regime. They also do not practice slavery. And Iran isn't exactly some amazing, awesome paradise of a country either. Most of the offenses you say SA does Iran is guilty of as well. Don't try to assign black and white morality to the Middle East. It won't work out. It does not matter if it is a coincidence. We need proof, which we currently lack, to accuse SA of anything. As a final note, ISIS does plan to conquer Saudi Arabia as well. Make of that what you will.
  20. Oh yeah, if Prussia allied with Poland, you'd have to... gasp... actually honor an alliance?! The horror!
  21. Chapter 1 Germany is Having Trouble, Such a Sad Sad Story 1936, against all expectations, would pass peacefully. During this year, the Allies, Axis, and Comintern deployed their forces across each other’s borders. It was obvious now that war would come. The only question was when. It is one of the great historical ironies that the Second World War would start on March 5, 1937, around the same country war was avoided for in 1935: Ireland. Oswald Mosley on that day sent an ultimatum to the Irish government: They were to accept King Edward as their head of state and become a dominion of the British Commonwealth within 24 hours, or face war. The Irish government, of course, rejected. However, they knew they could not fight Britain alone. As such, Ireland turned to Germany, where, to everyone’s surprise, Chancellor von Papen announced his wholehearted support for Ireland. Germany was soon followed by Belgium and the Netherlands. Napoleon V and Mussolini quickly declared that a foe of Britain’s was their foe as well. Hungary, Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, Czechoslovakia, and Romania all, predictably, declared their support for the Axis. At these declarations, Russia, Greece, Yugoslavia, Poland, and Finland declared for the Allies. At the declaration of support by Russia, Napoleon V knew he had to be quick. Germany had to be damaged before Russia could project power to the front. As such, French High Command sent messages to all the major Axis countries that Operation Charlemagne was set to begin. Operation Charlemagne was a rather ambitious plan that called for the cooperation of all the Axis Powers. On March 6, it was put into action. The plan stipulated that Germany would need to be defeated fast. To do this, the heart of German industrial capacity was targeted: The Rheinland. First, Britain would do an amphibious invasion of the Netherlands, using marines and paratroopers to capture key cities before the enemy could react. This phase went off without a hitch. Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the Hague, and Antwerp in Belgium were all captured. Meanwhile, in Ireland, the British launched Operation Cromwell, storming towards Dublin from Ulster. The newly rebuilt Royal Navy prevented Germany from coming to Ireland’s aid. Dublin fell on March 10, the Irish unable to stop the British. Ireland surrendered soon after. However, elements of the Irish army went underground as the IRA (Irish Republican Army), a group dedicated to liberating the island once again. Meanwhile in Europe, Germany shifted some of its troops in Belgium north towards the British, who were quickly expanding their beachheads in the Netherlands. This proved to be a mistake when the French launched their end of Operation Charlemagne. French forces, spearheaded by their tanks, launched an offensive into Southern Belgium on March 12. There German army was too small to oppose the ferocity of their assault. By arch 13, the Germans were in retreat. To the north, the British launched a new attack south, both linking up with French troops and encircling the German army in northern Belgium by March 20. So far, Operation Charlemagne had gone quite well. This would change when the Italians entered the picture. In their phase of Operation Charlemagne, the Italians were to use their alpine troops to seize the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, threatening German positions in Elsas-Lotheringen. The Italian troops were crushed by their German counterparts, ensuring that the Germans would not be threatened from behind. As such, the French had to move to the next phase of the plan alone. After the encirclement of the Germans in Belgium, a section of the Rheinland lay borderline undefended. As such, the Germans shifted troops from Elsas-Lothringen to the border with Belgium. This was exactly what De Gaulle had wanted. On March 25, the French launched a new attack against German positions in Elsas-Lothringen. The attach was successful. Metz fell on March 28. The entire region fell on March 29. That same day, however, the German army launched a counterattack that stopped the French advance. The lack of the Italians had meant that the third phase of Operation Charlemagne failed. This is not to say that things were going well for the Allies. The Netherlands and Belgium surrendered on March 28. British and French troops then pushed into Hannover, but were stopped by severe German resistance on March 31. From April 1 to April 10, the French army tried to advance further into the Rheinland, but were stopped at every turn. Meanwhile, in the Balkans, the war was quite chaotic. As the Polish army invaded Czechoslovakia, the Czechs attacked the Sudetenland, but failed miserably. They would surrender on April 2, after both Prague and Bratislava were taken by Germany and Poland, respectively. Yugoslavia was assaulted by Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania from all sides. The Italians were able to overrun Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia, but the Yugoslav army, with help from Greece, was able to hold the one in Serbia. The Greeks, meanwhile, attacked into Bulgaria, with limited success. In the Middle East, the Italian army in Egypt attacked the Russian Holy Land Protectorate, but were repulsed. None of these bright spots, however, changed the fact that the Allies were losing, badly. This was clear to Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, supreme commander of the Imperial German Army. It was also clear to Kaiser Wilhelm III. The two of them met to organize a coup against the obviously incompetent von Papen. On May 1, 1937, von Rundstedt and a cabal of army officers led a coup against Papen, declaring the new Chancellor to be the former. The Kaiser ordered the German army to recognize von Rundstedt as Chancellor for as long as the war continued. Von Papen went into retirement. Von Rundstedt’s first act as Chancellor was to declare that the state controlled all industries. Said industries were immediately repurposed to the military. The new Chancellor now had emergency and absolute authority as well. He instituted a draft for all men aged 18 to 30. Women replaced the men in the factories. The first month of war had been hard on Germany, but now it had a new leader to restore its former glory. Then Napoleon V played his trump card. Authors note: If you got the reference good for you!
  22. Firstly, having a good strategy and being mindless zealots are not mutually exclusive. Secondly, ISIS is going up against two ridiculously war torn nations, Iraq and Syria. The Syrian army is fighting for Assad, a pretty nasty piece of work himself. The Iraqi army is fighting for a US puppet government. Neither army is likely to be all that loyal. When you take these demoralized soldiers and put them up against the fanaticism of ISIS, they don't exactly need to be led by Rommel to win every fight. You also haven't shown any evidence that ISIS is tactically sound. As far as I know, their strategy seems to be an endless full frontal assault human wave tactic. This is a good strategy if you have vast manpower reserves, but not if you have the manpower of ISIS. Clearly, they are not actually employing good strategies. To address your second point, ISIS actually has begun to set up government institutions like hospitals and police stations. They have their own laws. They actually have all the trappings of a modern nation state, with the exception that said laws are completely barbaric and inhumane. Now, if they had no intention of actually setting up this Caliphate, and instead want to provoke America, why would they waste resources on institutions they would have no need for if they were a simple terrorist organization? Oh, and before you ask, source for the hospital thing: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-32456789
  23. That is absolutely true. I never said the Saudis were good; I actually hate them. However, comparing them to ISIS is too far. The question of the day, of course, is what exactly is that problem. So basically your saying thayt free speech/press is the problem? I mean, I might agree with that, bunt do you?
  24. If FE if has a similar moral reversal to BD that would be cool.
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