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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Have as good a birthday as possible, good sir!

    1. charlie_


      Thank you, good sir!

  2. I feel kind of stupid for having to ask this, but who's your profile pic of? I'm going to guess Alexander II?

    1. DRTJR


      It's a painting of Tsar Alexander II in his naval uniform I saw in middle school, sums up what historians thought of him nicely

  3. There had damn well better not be a world ending monster in this one, or I'm going to lose my shit.
  4. I don't actually think any other FE has shown a guerrilla war which would be interesting because it would be way more realistic.
  5. Whelp, gonna have to join Loki here. I did write something, but it turned out to be pretty awful. Fortunately I have plenty of other good ideas for later.
  6. If it means anything, I could definitely see people like Marx or Rouyama joining better than the likes of Gangrel.
  7. The problem is that Ace Attorneys story had to be good, because the game is a visual novel. IS have a safety bet in terms of gameplay, so the game doesn't need a good story to be good. I doubt they'll put much effort Into the story.
  8. War is dark. War is depressing. This is doubly true if the war involves killing your own flesh and blood. I would be very disappointed if the game did not portray this realistically.
  9. Aww, c'mon! At least help the Second Empire! It even makes sense historically, as the Mexican Emperor was a Hapsburg. And wait... you've only even played as Mexico and Argentina before this? You gotta expand your horizons, man!
  10. Ha! When I end up as the only thing standing between a shirtless woman holding a tricolor and the Imperial Family, you'll thank me. On another note, PLEASE ally with Imperial Mexico! It's surviving now, unlike it did historically, and it would be great to see the empire of the old world and the empire of the new team up to take down those upstart Americans!
  11. Then again, Ylisse was an autocratic monarchy as well. Making anything a democracy was never in the cards.
  12. You know, I would have starved to death long ago if I gave a dollar to every person who needed it. There are more important causes. In all fairness, they never actually asked for a million dollars. Edit: Oh wait they did. I could understand enough to pay the rent, but a million? Jesus.
  13. I'd want the Nohr path to be that you beat and occupy Hoshido, then overthrow Garon, and then, when Marx is Emperor, a Hoshido revolt breaks out, and you have the option of crushing it or giving them independence. I want to be a benevolent conqueror, dammit!
  14. So in that case, we'll probably have a Bengnion-Daein alliance where Daein is a willing partner. Interesting. Come to think of it, wasn't that Ashnards whole plan? Could Sephiran and Nyra be working together? Now I'm just speculating, of course. But Theodor hates Daein. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to the alliance.
  15. Yeah, Imperial Japan would be a pretty crappy country to have as the representative of all Asians. However, the Qing came closer to modernization than you might think. If Cixi didn't have so much control, they probably would have modernized. I actually hope Marx turns out like Walhart. We could have it that there is a fundamental threat to the existence of humanity and Nohr is in a position to stop it, but Garon is too busy seeking glory to challenge it. That's why Marx needs to overthrow his father; to stop the threat. Who could the threat be? Well, they threatened both Europe and Japan and failed against both. They are the Mongols.
  16. I'm like a really incompetent monarchistic time lord who goes back in time to prevent the fall of the House of Hapsburg but bungles everything up.
  17. There has never been a war in history where non asshole people have not died. Despite this, in some wars one side can claim significant moral superiority. See WWII, ACW for examples. You do, however, bring up a good point about Garon sparing Kamui.
  18. At least Emm admits that Ylisse did wrong, unlike certain Nanjing deniers. Also, Japan's situation would be similar to Ylisse's if South Korea was routinely killing Japanese civilians. Emmeryn is pretty much reacting to the problem by burying her head in the sand. Sounds like appeasement to me. And where do the Ming and Qing come into this?
  19. If there is an arc that takes place in Hoshido (oh the Nohr side), one of the choices should involve using your family in Hoshido to assassinate people. I hope that in both paths you come under suspicion.
  20. Come to think of it, and this just occurred to me now, whats going on with Sephirans plan? Did the Senators still pull all that bull in Bengnion? It'll be interesting, actually, to see how Bengnion has been affected by all the butterflies going around, as it is my favorite FE nation ever.
  21. Aw, but isn't the Pokemon musical so much fun?! Isn't it wonderful? Isn't it something that you definitely wouldn't rather eat a dog fur sandwich than play?! Yeah didn't think so. In all seriousness, the BF was awesome. I mainly used it to test out my team ideas. If you think the BF is hard, wait unit you go against human opponents!
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