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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. On the contrary, I've seen them stay united and be one of the Great Powers. I wish it happened like that in real life; if it weren't for the Belgians 15000000 Congolese wouldn't have died.
  2. Have you played to the second leader? Fucking Donphan EQ that outspeeds everything...
  3. Oh my Arceus, I actually have an idea that fits the bill perfectly! Awesome!
  4. To clarify, having the fight was fine. It just didn't feel natural for Sara to put honor above her brother's health.
  5. Interlude Just in Case You Forgot a Bunch of Shit So! In this section, I will go through the circumstances of every major nation in the world on January 1, 1936. To start with, here are the alliances: Eurasia Pact: Ideology: Constitutional Monarchy and Capitalism Members: German Empire, Mittelafrika, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Russian Empire, Poland, Finland, Japan, Yugoslavia, Greece, Iraq, Iran, Holy Land Protectorate, Pakistan Status: The Eurasia Pact is essentially Germany, Russia, and their spheres of influence. While Germany and Russia are reasonably strong, their smaller allies are all weak points, with small armies and suspect loyalty. Poland and Finland are practically autonomous regions of Russia. Belgium is the same for Germany. The Eurasia Pact’s greatest strength and weakness both come from Germany and Russia. Axis: Ideology: Fascism Members: Third French Empire, Italy, Chinese Empire, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New ZealandSpain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia Status: The Axis is held together by two things: hatred of the Eurasia Pact, and hatred against the Comintern. All the member nations desire territory, are threatened by Communism, or both. If Communism and Democracy fail, it is quite clear that the Axis will fall apart. For now, however, they are a unified block. With France’s armored divisions, Italy’s Bersagliare shock troops, China’s manpower, and Britain’s navy, the Axis is a formidable fighting force, arguably the most powerful in the world. Comintern: Ideology: Communism (duh) Members: USSA, Mexico, Cuba, India, Middle Eastern Democratic Republic (aka Turkey), Centroamerica, Columbia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Haiti, Chile Status: The Comintern is held together by the USSA. The other states of the Comintern depend upon it and only it for protection. The only other Communist states capable of standing on their own are Turkey and India, and they are surrounded by enemies that outmatch them. The USSA, however, more than makes up for this with it’s staggering industrial base and massive military. The Comintern is a force to be reckoned with. Well, wasn't that educational? Moving on, here we have all the people who are important to this timeline or will be important in the near future: Huey Long: Premier of the USSA. Long is a very aggressive leader, wanting to spread the revolution to the world. He is also very dictatorial, abolishing the last vestiges of democracy since the Second American Revolution. Franz von Papen: Chancellor of Germany. He is incompetent, favoring appeasement. He also has handled the Great Depression poorly. Overall, a weak and reviled leader. Oswald Mosley: “Lord Protector” and dictator of the United Kingdom. A revanchanistic imperialist. A shrewd leader, but not too skilled militarily. Kaiser Wilhelm III: Emperor of Germany. After constitutional reforms, has much less power than his father Wilhelm II. Is unable to stop von Papen’s appeasement. Not pleased with this and hopes for a resurgence in monarchial power. Wang Jingwei: Leader of China. While nominal power rests with the Emperor, Jingwei is the one truly in charge. Believes that it is China’s duty to make all of Asia tributaries. Calls this ideology Sinocentrism. J. Edgar Hoover: American minister of security. Has a lot of blood on his hands. Extremely feared and reviled. Prince Saionji: PM of Japan. A supporter of democracy, he has so far been able to prevent the Japanese militarists from seizing power. However, it remains to be seen if he will keep this up if war breaks out. Pyotr Wrangel: PM of Russia. He is a moderate conservative, and has mostly focused his time in control on military buildup against China, as well as on repairing Russia’s economy. An effective ruler. Tsarina Olga I: Empress of Russia. Has moderate power, but not as powerful as Wrangel. Is well loved by the population for her works of charity and kindness. Also boosts morale of the army. Emperor Napoleon V: French Emperor of the Bonaparte dynasty. Shrewd in political and military matters, his real strength comes from the fanatical support of his people. In a few more years, he may begin fulfilling his ambition of restoring France to her former glory. Gerd von Rundstedt: Chief of the German army. Conservative, but with a sense of noblesse oblige, he believes Germany should be arming itself more than it is for the coming conflict. May be willing to take matters into his own hands. Charles de Gualle: French Chief of the Army. A proponent of the Lightning War tank doctrine. A brilliant commander, but known to be overly stubborn. King Edward VIII: King-Emperor of the United Kingdom. A Fascist, but has little real power compared to Oswald Mosley. Despite this, he supports his PM. Benito Mussolini: Leader of Fascist Italy. Bravado and a cult of personality mask the fact that he is in reality an incompetent fool who ruins everything he touches. He also looks rather ridiculous at times. And those are the people you need to know in order to understand this Timeline! Don't you feel smarter? Finally, we will look at each major power based on three scores: Army, Navy, and economy. Each will be rated on a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 as bad and 3 as good. 2 is medium. Well, lets get started! Germany Army: 3 Navy: 2 Industry: 2 France Army: 3 Navy: 1 Industry: 3 Russia Army: 3 Navy: 1 Industry: 2 USSA Army: 2 Navy: 2 Industry: 3 Italy Army: 1 Navy: 2 Industry: 1 Japan Army: 1 Navy: 3 Industry: 1 British Commonwealth Army: 1 Navy: 3 Industry: 2 China Army: 3 Navy: 1 Industry: 2 Well, that about wraps it up! With this as your guide, you can refer back to it at any point! Isn't that useful? You can thank me later.
  6. Don't be so hard on yourself. This is all about improvement. It was not a chore too read what you wrote.
  7. Well, I was specifically talking about unrest in terms of slavery. Britannia obviously doesn't have slavery, so,that means it was banned at some point. This probably pissed off a bunch of southerners. I was also partly talking about South American ethnic strife. The point about Ougi is actually interesting. My head canon (before Akhito the Exiled) was at the EU was actually Nazi, and did the Holocaust, and was even worse than Britannia. However, according to the CG wiki it's basically a union of successor states to Napoleons empire. That's all.
  8. Now all there is to do is to dig a trench through the Middle East to make the Danube flow through Libya and Algeria!
  9. Plus the main antagonist is named Micheal. Fucking really? Micheal? Also second gym leader is total bs and I think mine might be broken.
  10. Uh how was Lelouch worse than Light? Seriously, Lelouch didn't have a god complex. In any case, my main problem with CG was that it was a hilariously implausible alternate history. I could go on about why its implausible, but I'll just point out that "Communist" China is a monarchy. Also where the hell is the Japanese Imperial family? And how does Britannia keep the entirety of the Americas pacified? And Napoleon apparently not only conquered Russia, he conquered all of Siberia. How does China keep India pacified? Even though the Bonapartes theoretically control Europe, Germany exists. HOW THE FUCK DID A POLYGAMY LAW GET APPROVED IN BRITTANNIA? How did the Middle Eastern Federation come to be, especially considering the Ottomans should still exist? How did Britannia transport the entire noble class to America if Napoleon rules the waves? Where did this random Britannia dynasty come from? Why did no one else make a bid for the throne after Elizabeth III died? Okay, so maybe I did just list all the historical implausibilities. But you know what? Despite all this, I still like it. The other issue I have is that there's a bunch of filler crap and that most of what goes on at Ashford is unneeded. I will, however, agree that Death Note was way better. I generally feel like CG was trying to be a Republican LOTGH, which I don't really like as a monarchist. The aforementioned LOTGH will always be my favorite show.
  11. Me neither. I want to be a Schniezel. It reminds me more of the HRE, though not as much as Grandbell. What they should have done was have it be HRE vs Caliphate, but then we'd have people claiming you could play as ISIS lol.
  12. Ah. Okay then. To be fair, with Pedro in the picture it was never realistic for the union to survive.
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! The sun never sets, indeed. And actually, the historical reason for the split between Portugal and Brazil was because neither of the Portuguese Royal children could inherit both. Pedro I of Brazil couldn't inherit Portugal because you had to be born there to rule there (he was born in exile at the hands of Napoleon) and Maria II couldn't rule Brazil because they were opposed to a woman ruling. In any case, let the Franz Josephian age begin!
  14. I would say it was hilarious how we ended up talking about Legend of Korra, but we ended up talking about Nazi Germany in another thread so
  15. Alright, review time! Glaceon: This was a very interesting idea for why Link could see Zelda. It does bring up the question, however, of why Zelda didn't interact with any of the ghosts. You could potentially have something really interesting there, like Zelda seeing the ghost of Tetra, for example. Overall, though, a good piece! Dcat: I love dogs! The dog's interpretation of everything is mostly clever, and it is easy to figure out what is going on. I do, however, feel it ended too fast; it would have been better if you had actually shown the dog visiting her old home, as that would potentially be the most interesting part. Ana: This one was fine. There weren't many errors throughout. My main complaint is that the story didn't engage me very much. I also didn't think it was very natural for Sara to actively encourage her brother to risk his life fighting the bandits, but I realize that there would be less of a story if there wasn't a fight. Snowy: Ah, a story about one of the worst serial killers of all time! It might be that Im a history buff, but this one was my favorite. I would say that there was a problem with show don't tell, but it wouldn't be very natural for someone to show not tell in their journal. It also provides a good motive for Bathory. Good job. Dual Dragons: I like the concept of a story where the heroes are essentially fighting a losing battle. I also like that you didn't have them win in the end. That would have been unrealistic. The dynamic between the two main characters is well done. I do have a problem in that it doesn't seem realistic for Lenora to reintegrate into society so well, but I'll let it slide. Jotaro Kujo: I liked it, but it really would have been better as a multiple chapter work. There was just too much backstory to explain adequately.
  16. Please don't tell me that you're being some moral guardian who's all "Oh Hitler wasn't a cartoon character, we shouldn't make fun of him" even though the director and stars all thought they were hysterical? Because if so, I have nothing to say to you.
  17. This. That is all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6hcOv6-9K4&list=PLC3AFFC2B29E9D096&index=10 As some backstory, the film Downfall is about the fall of the Third Reich. People have been substituting subtitles in for years having Hitler rant about random things. This isn't my favorite; Its just a sample.
  18. Huh, I might have to download this mod just to play as Mexico then. If only the Tea Party IRL would do all this crap, it would give us an excuse to kill them all lol. Go out there and give mermaids their homes!
  19. There have been children in FE before. In 4, I think there were even some enemies who were teenagers.
  20. Holy crap, the Mexican Empire is going insane! In any case, the fact that Jacobins can rise in democracies and HM's governments in Victoria 2 is IMO the dumbest thing about it. When Yang Wen Li said that in a democracy, change is possible if the people will it I really don't think armed rebellion is what he had in mind. Though I could probably see the modern day Tea Party in the US pulling something like that...
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