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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. If you're looking at disassembled events I couldn't tell you what any of those mean just by looking at them. Try to figure it out using context clues. You're probably loading the portrait wrong or otherwise messing up the text formatting, because the event part is right and the vanilla text works. Anyway I think this would be better suited for the EA question thread, so if you have further issues I'd suggest taking them there.
  2. Rika's there for a reason. Use her. In theory it's beatable using whatever composition you want. Knock out the meteor mage and you'll have an easier time.
  3. I don't like this reasoning because it very much comes off as lazy. They're the same unit essentially, which means there's no real point to using both of them in the long run since you're wasting a deploy slot on the exact same unit. And twins are still different people, they have different personalities, ways of doing things, goals, etc. It's entirely in the realm of possibility that the twins not only have different stats, but they could have a different class as well if you so desired. Look at FE6 for a good example on how to handle twins. I've played a few chapters but a lot of the difficulty so far seems to be rng related, which isn't much fun to me.
  4. Couple notes: If you're going to have a bunch of forest on the outside, try adding more variety with the tiles if possible. You need something to break up the flat green in the center part. The map is under the minimum size for GBAFE, which I think is somewhere around 15x10?
  5. Thanks! Well when snipers have a crit bonus... I'll take a look at him and see if there's anything I can do about it.
  6. I'd recommend against doing this, it forces you to fit someone from an unrelated work into the game for no real reason. Considering concept threads (and ideas) are a dime a dozen, and saying "hey feature this character from my idea in your idea" doesn't really mean much to anyone, since honestly most people don't care about a concept until there's proof of work being done.
  7. It's not even a concept, it barely belongs in fan projects.
  8. Can confirm a larger team helps a lot
  9. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... FE7 does in fact have a support system...
  10. Obtain an FE8(U) ROM somehow and follow this tutorial for patching: FE8
  11. Ideas and sprites and all well and good but have you tried messing around with nightmare/learning eventing so you'll actually have the knowledge to make it a reality and not just yet another concept that goes nowhere?
  12. I disagree with this because it shouldn't be a requirement to get the hidden items to make a chapter less painful. Most of my issue with the map is the fact that the chump squad gets shredded by those enemies and barely does anything to them since they have a mix of reaver and normal weapons. I can't get to Izarck's group because the blue soldier always gets destroyed by those enemies since I can't safely leave either on them equipped because of the mix of weapons and the fact that the enemies are stronger than that unit.
  13. I haven't played a whole lot of the new version, but I've gotten to ch4 and I've got to say I really don't like this one. The premise is fine but the loldier squad to the southwest with the one playable gets decimated by the mercs/myrms that are there since most of them are a lot better and have reaver weapons, meaning the greens barely do anything and the blue soldier doesn't last too long either. I also keep running into the problem of my thief getting killed, but I need to play it more before I can give a better response to it.
  14. So, we're transitioning to the MAKEHACK/buildfile method for SoA, since FEditor is dogshit and breaks our stuff. This doesn't really change anything on your end, but you will need to make a clean save when the next version releases, because I tried using a non buildfile save and this happened: So keep that in mind, and I'll definitely be reminding you to start over when the next version releases.
  15. If you can do bits of it fine you shouldn't have any trouble making it into a whole thing. Try an alternate way of thinking, instead of events for a chapter, think of it as stage directions and dialogue for a play, or something. You need this backdrop and song while these actors are talking, these extras need to come onto the stage, etc. I don't actively participate in theater so I don't know if that makes any sense. Also, the codes and stuff aren't for fe8, but try reading Arch's guide to chapter construction if you haven't already, since it explains concepts better than my wiki.
  16. The entire thing is a learning process, you'll keep running into things you don't know how to do and you'll figure out how to use them (either by reading the doc or asking a question and hoping someone else knows how to do it). Eventing and programming are two different beasts, the hardest part of eventing is doing the conditional stuff right, and honestly that's not too hard. Most of eventing is just using the same codes to do the same thing for each chapter (load text, load units, move units, scripted fights, loading/clearing backgrounds, etc). People with no programming experience or ability can learn eventing no problem, it's easy to learn, moderately difficult to master. But nobody starts out being amazing at it. When I switched SoA to FE8, I had to bug circleseverywhere and alfredkamon all the time because I couldn't figure out what the FE8 version of x was. I probably could've read the EA documentation and figured it out, but the shitty point I'm trying to make here is that everyone starts from 0, and it's up to you to stay motivated and obtain a mastery of the system. Don't try to do everything all at once, take it once step at a time and you'll have a far better time trying to do it.
  17. Haven't finished playing so I don't have all my thoughts together on it but some stuff that stuck out to me (as of writing this I'm starting ch3): Player units not named Izarck seem to suffer from poor hit rates, the myrmidons with their 14/15 speed are near impossible for most of your units to hit (they also shouldn't be that fast at level 1), the chapters so far have been easy, the enemies were never really a threat, a number of the mugs need fixing, the plot is... boring, I tried reading through it but nothing really gripped me, so I ended up skipping the text entirely. There were also a large number of spelling/grammar mistakes so I suggest finding someone to proofread/edit your writing, since a fresh set of eyes catches more mistakes than your own can. The maps themselves felt kinda boring and definitely need some touching up from a mapping standpoint. There were many times where I was spending turns moving units toward enemies because none were near me. I'd argue that this is false, there's always some kind of good reason to fight. Grado invading Renais, Bern invading Lycia, Darin trying to take over Lycia, etc. I also didn't bother with any of the hidden stuff, mostly because it felt like too much effort. To be honest, no hack (to my knowledge anyway) has ever just started out and been good. We all start with something lackluster, but over time we refine it into something that's league better than what we started out with. It's a good start, and the fact that you have something puts you above all the concept posts with nothing but words in them, but you need to fix some issues before it can be considered a good hack.
  18. Something being annoying doesn't imply that it's broken, it's something that can be changed (which it is, if you bothered to read a few pages back).
  19. The C&D on Prism is legit, MS got targeted by some fake to remove the download, but it wasn't a C&D. Everyone just needs to emulate Primefusion and stay underground
  20. Hard mode will feature enemy only weapons, normal mode idk about
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