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Everything posted by CrimeanRoyalKnight

  1. The game is now closer to release, but there is no set date. I believe it says either August or September? Anyway, enjoy. With this preview we have much more story information. I am disappoint we don't see that female axe user he showed us in an older update. Also I made a new thread because the ols one is too old.
  2. Why can't I make my Avatar in Fates look like Keiji? I want my fabulous long ponytail.

  3. It seems to be worse than Awakening :/ I already hate on in EXPotential Growth the enemies run away, this seems to be even worse. I hate to put thought in something as mindless as grinding, too, so I really don't get this design decision. Just make a cheesable map, after all if people pay to break the game, don't let them waste time in doing so!
  4. It kind of hurts me to see Ignis/Foleo's support has been ruined... it was much sweeter before.

  5. Hmm, I personally would put Benoit instead of Lazlow and Hinata instead of Kaden.
  6. I can read, although english is not my first language, thank you. If people are such an eyesore for you, I highly suggest you to not come to a public forum. And yes, people can interpret what you write. This thread did not have veterans shunning the game for not being like the older FEs, in fact, everyone was happy. But you had to come in and say how this is apparently a majority and you also insulted the "most of the people here". I have yet to see somebody on Serenes as whiny as a Youtube comments poster, so honestly not only your comment felt out of place, but generalizing, and rude to anyone who might be displeased with this game because it's their own opinion and not some fad to appear cooler and out of the ordinary. Also, I might've skipped first grade but at least I'm not an asshole like you are.
  7. This is really what it boils down to, isn't it? I hope they take note for the next game, if we'll have Avatar romance (we'll probably do). Whenever I see Niles I really ponder what the average gay man would find in him, seeing how I've seen many gay guys say they're not into yaoi and bishonen. I'm not saying all gay guys are not attracted to Niles, but simply that it's not common. Another thing they could've avoided was not splitting in two the homosexual options. Why not 2 boys and 2 girls for each version? Oh and I agree that Rhajat was not a very good option, since she is not a new character at all.
  8. Yeah, right, always shut up and never voice your opinion! If you are passionate about your hobby you can get out, only positives allowed, epsecially on a public forum made to discuss. After all, the sales are the only thing that matter, right? Heck, why would I play those old ass FE games before Awakening? They did not sell, therefore they must be crap. Keep on rolling sheep, clearly you know nothin' of high quality husbandos, you only accept what the game hands you as bland, handsome men, without really looking at what counts. What counts is clearly being a squinty eyed sexy bastard. You might as well marry the anikis at this point, to show how original you are. (jk)
  9. I just hope people's valid criticism and opinions will not be brought down with a simple "It's the last one that came out, therefore you're a sheep if you think it sucks!". Not saying stuff like the Zelda cycle doesn't exist (it does, I can confirm it; back in 2002 Wind Waker was really hated on the internet, but nowdays you barely see any detractors aside from "the graphix sux"), but if somebody presents you a long post on why they think Fates suck, I wouldn't want to tell them "lol tl;dr Fire Emblem cycle". Heck, maybe a FE cycle does exist, but at the same time, let's remember the change in tone and art style (and with Awakening, gameplay style) is bound to bring divisive opinions in the fanbase, who has been used to FE's usual style that has lived from 1 to 12, for probably 10 years. That said-- I'm European, therefore I can't really say anything on the quality of the game... but Azama is very cute, isn't he? Far better than any guy Awakening presented me, fufufufu.
  10. I don't really mind this loss (because their naked bodies look far from attractive, with those long ass arms, weird muscles, etc). One honest question though: is it true you can get these bikinis in your game with things such as cheat codes? Also I really wonder why you can't play with Japanese players :/ same happened with Xeno X... dang it, I certainly hope it's not for racism.
  12. I could be wrong, but I think the Gamexplain dude might've mistaken the A+ with Elise for Effie's A+ with Elise. It would be weird to not be able to marry her if you can marry Sakura and etc. Plus Corrin DOES NOT need A+ supports, as they get their friend's class with a simple A... right?
  13. All of them. I hope to get my hands on the SE, so I don't have to worry about digital copies.
  14. Hmm... the change from whathever the dimension of My Castle was named to ASTRAL PLANE. Will children be astral then? Lol.
  15. Still streaming? Ah, no... my bad. Was there a Nohr stream? Where can I find the video then? EDIT! Nevermind, ffffound! https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=59qfRxpFZWg
  16. I see. This thread is almost convincing me to not buy MM3D...
  17. Nah I am sure this dude's case in not that, because I'm not sure if you can get Ethlyn to fight more than the first enemy in Chapter 1 Arena (at least the one that you get in the starting castle), plus that problem can be avoided by exiting and saving as soon as you're close to a level up.
  18. I remember I defeated Gyorg with the Fierce Deity Mask once, so this is not true, at least for Gyorg.
  19. That sounds super awesome. Not to mention Ashnard's cap looks sick.
  20. I guess so too. Maybe it's an overlook from their part, or they added same-sex supports last moment (not unlikely IMO because I personally think it was NOA who asked them to have same-sex supports) and so it's a technical limitation or something.
  21. I personally would like to hear IS' reasoning for not having the same sex couples have children. I don't like the idea of surrogate mothers, but they could've easily done something like magic considering we have 10 yr olds getting impregnated. Like, seriously, wtf? Impregnating Midoriko and then putting her baby all alone in a time chamber is alright, but the thought of Rajhat making a baby through magical means (like the magic of love I don't know) is not? That's fucked up. It doesn't bother me that much, but it's still there. Maybe I am seeing too much into it.
  22. There are no people on this forum as incessant, monotonous and downright mean as you in regards to their least favorite games in the series. There is a difference in calling a series bad and criticizing it in the right place, in the right time and with the right words. You never fucking do that, you always pester GBA fans or call out others for having different opinions than yours, and sometimes you do that even in the wrong threads or subforums. You also never properly explain why you think the GBA games are the worst, other than cookie cutter half-assed half-baked replies such as "It's bland, the characters are bad". We get that you dislike it. Stop saying it all the time. Not to mention, you want to call out hardcore Awakening and Fates, yet you are just the same when you talk about the GBA games. You are a huge hypocrit.
  23. Just butting in to say that I agree with everything you just wrote! I love Arthur/Effie but the idea of Arthur/Niles is very good too. Too bad they don't have an S support... Arthur is the kind of partner I envisioned for a sadistic life-hating guy like Niles. Too bad only Mozume from the girls he can marry can actually give him this sort of emotional support. Anyway, so far, from what I've read, I've really liked Shigure/Mitama. It was very tender, and a believable love story between artists. I sure am putting them together in all of my playthroughs! I also liked Arthur/Effie, and Azura/Azama, although I'm not sure if I'll ever pair Azura and Azama together for reasons stated above (lol). Maybe for one playthrough... Then I liked Benny/Charlotte, really lovely and IMO he's the guy that works best for her, because they know eachother so well. Oh, and Shinonome/Eponine wasn't very good, but I still enjoyed it. Shinonome is so cute and obvlious to everything that's happening. There were other supports I enjoyed, but these are the first ones that come to mind.
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