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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I find the absolutism on display around some of the units to be a bit much, broadly speaking. This being Fates, a game where often enough you can push right past thresholds with enough statting. Not to mention I've never had him be terrible in any playthough I've used him. Sure, take this run, he's not got 30+ Str, but he's working with bows most of the time that's not a major problem. His hit's not the best, but in context of this run he's not the worst offender by a long shot and he's sitting pretty solidly on that one. Niles not being insanely powerful is true, but to pretend he can't be used ever, sometimes even with little effort on my part would be untrue. It also drops Justice is an Illusion on me for free. To put it another way, I'm not a player who's ever been used to ironmanning. But during said run, I ended up having Xander in the party and he ended up dying right at the end. At this point, I'd gone through enough resets to convince even me to just cut my losses, it was only Xander anyway. I'm not playing this thing optimally. Again: I know others have done it before too, this is just my choice to go for. I'm pretty sure I'd still be banging my head against a wall on Hinoka's chapter with the best possible units. Kumagera has a more useful role on Kitsune Hell thanks to not being on a horse and havng powerful attacks on player phase in particular while also being able to do some of the walling in that map, assuming you didn't go Wyvern Lord Xander which is not a cheap consideration at that point. Ninja Hell also sees Kumagera with less shaky hit, admittedly on player phase for the most part but he can provide similar cover to Xander. A shame he doesn't have a reclass where he could get more skills that mattered, but that's something to accept here. All that being said, Xander is probably objectively the better unit. On that metric alone I should use him over Kumagera. Or a sufficiently reclassed Laslow over Rallyman. Or Kaze over a Master Ninja that happened to get Move +1. Or Camilla over pretty much every single unit I'm using instead. This is not the metric I apply to this run.
  2. It's been pretty annoying to hear about the MGS and Arkham collections be mostly download for physical releases, Not particularly surprising sure and I don't know how many would be picking these up without thinking this'd happen, but it's pretty egregious with the size of some of these (The MGS collection has 60GB to download, that is pretty much new SD card time unless you have a sufficiently big one already) Also, as one of those thinking December onwards would have been fine for Genealogy Remake, I guess I anticipated something being said too soon. Like "Fire Emblem exists"? Nah, that'd annoy the fans who feel like it can't be objectively proven it does. Kinda want to put this quote in the sig.
  3. Just realised that. That chapter was one I had a rough time with on Hard. What a pity that is, having to fight your way through all the enemies- Aversa: dies Well, job done. The latter maps being very bloody? Good thing these last maps are defeat boss in BR then. I'm getting Swordfaire on my LunaRev Corrin, but that'll be for 2 levels total, not what you'd call sticking around. Maybe do it like I might do the first half of Thabes. 😛
  4. Just read your line as if you mentioned the possibility of it being a port of 1, sorry. Nintendo are publishing, so that's not a bad guess. Square developed the original, but no indication any particular team is on it. Miitopia also happened, so I can buy it. What else would be likely? I doubt they'd try to resuscitate Ever Oasis, but maybe Dillon's Rolling Western would be considered? Planet Robobot port would probably be well received, but would the same be said for Harmoknight?
  5. I'll take this Lephant. Is... is it not a sequel? Genuinely baffling that they drip feed this slow, Especially for consoles which they have a large chunk of the noted library (N64 especially)
  6. Missed it live because of a meeting, but let's see if there's anything big. TL:DR: Personally underwhelming, especially with no Genealogy remake confirmation (Guess that's for September if it's a thing? that or I'm in cope). Fair amount of Pokemon (Surprise Detective Pikachu 2. Now port 1 and we can have both!) and the wider Mario setting got a lot (SMRPG remake wiped me out), more farmsim stuff, but me personally, the only things I might have clicked with were the platformers and arguably MGS if I wanted to get into those (I'm assuming those games are pretty standard ports though.) This feels like an underwhelming direct, but especially personally. Yes! Will you be able to use the trunk?
  7. That's not quite the conclusion I get to, I like type tied to class enough that I'd be fine keeping that as is but I get the concept. What bothers me about it as is would be that several types don't feel as well utilised as they could have been. Covert ends up feeling like you only want a Thief and Alcryst if you're using him anyways, Qi Adept of course is stuck to the dancer and a class that people would be pretty down on in Martial Master, Mystical may have Sage but High Priest feels ineffectual and Armour feels a little flat. Sure Enchanter and Mage Cannon exist, but that doesn't do anything for Covert or Mystical. Says a lot that it's the infantry types that aren't Backup feel underused imo.
  8. Haven't spoken up on Engage much yet, but one thing I don't think has been discussed much is the class variety: namely, how some of the class groups don't have that much. Ignoring DLC, Armour has only General (with all three weapon types), Mystical and Covert has three classes each including their Lord exclusives, Qi Adept has two counting Dancer, Flying has two with three variants each and the Elusian units, Backup has seven different classes and Hero has two variants for 8 and Cavalry has 5 different classes with three weapon variants, not even counting Royal Knight or Cupido or Avenir for 18 total. This bothers me personally as it somewhat limits use cases for some of the Emblems in this game (Qi Adept having 1 class for most units that I don't see wanting to reclass for just to use particular emblems), while also making me feel like it's rough to try and get some of the unit types integrated into the party with the options they have (the Covert options can feel pretty limited and DLC doesn't even give them another option). I don't know that I've put it all that well, but I end up feeling like some more classes could have been nice. As someone who has benched the actual units for them, I can get that few of them are stand out better than actual units outside of niche stuff like Rallyman and that hit rates can be shakier without supports available, but I'll use them regardless. The bribery is also an annoyance admittedly, but it's not something that's given me much grief. I'd make the point that my incompetence is why I haven't cleared Lunatic up to now with them. Well that and First Blood not working on them, not even the bosses, doesn't seem like it shouldn't be useable on them, but alas.
  9. Before I get on with killing Duma, a question. In the context of SoV, I have access to the Cipher DLC mainly to check out the units. Now, the question is should I just not bother with the units and get on with Chapter 5, or would everyone like to see if I fuck up those maps? Frankly I'm leaning towards the first answer, but I'll take opinions on the matter. That's Chapter 26 for BR, so IO would have had to wait for that anyway. Edit: Wait, the Iago chapter!. False alarm, me.
  10. It's a large model of an arrow. Wait, does that explain that one glitch for Merchant we saw before in Teehee? Beruka's clearly getting ready to use the Bolt Axe. Well, it was a calculated risk (That would have worked anyway) but man, Ryoma was bad at math. Hoshido will remember that Well, it's arguably more accurate in an Ironman situation. Anyways, good job on the clear, managing to get through the enemies in the turn limit was nice to see.
  11. Another consideration, if we're talking about dead air, chances are we see NSO emulation additions and they might mention the recent/upcoming releases as well. But there's always the chance we get something more substantial out of that as well. But I can't expect we'll see ports that haven't been announced yet, and even out of those what would be picked? I mean, there's a possibility of that remaster getting ported, so why not? Now with melee QTEs!
  12. Interesting to see a full on direct, not just the Partner Showcase of last year. 40 minutes means a fair amount can be in it, but good chance 5 minutes could go to Pikmin as the opening item and TotK DLC. As for other bets, chance for Genealogy remake getting confirmed? Will a franchise come back from the dead? What third parties are left to go on at the minute? One train of thought, some 2D Metroid news is probably still too soon and with the Prime remaster maybe we'll hear about Prime 4 if they're making progress. Could also hear about Prime 2 remaster for long term. Imagine if that happened!
  13. Was someone else in range if there was a crit? I'm assuming that didn't happen here. Ryomavate: verb. To decorate an area with one's foe's blood. What are Odin's stats at this point? Yeah, Sumeragi and his goons are scarier than you'd think, managed a similar situation on Lunarev but I don't think I was this close to screwed. Orochi this run is powerful, it needed to be limited to Rev so she couldn't capture body bags on top of it. Next time: The enemies are coming from the ocean's grey waves!
  14. Maybe some day, if I am getting the expansion pack. Until then, I'm curious to see if SS gets put up or not. Nothing else coming out outside Japan also bothers me. Took a few minutes to find any official communication of it. An update with one game is too little, even if it's two because BinB.
  15. So being in range of guards do not trigger reinforcements and break the mission? Well that makes things less of an issue. I did proceed to clear it, with the idea of retreating, but this was weird as I expected Mikoto's initial party to follow me. But they didn't after I left their range. It also gave the stealth reward as you said, so there's that. Can confirm as well. Well that's a good sign. I'm curious how much you went for.
  16. The last few weeks have been hot here too, discomforting at times. I am coming back when I feel the time is right on my part (aka: I have not made nearly enough progress on the lore stuff (I have actually gotten onto this more lately), not to mention a fair amount going on in my life). Not the most substantial answer, I know. It's not even close either for survival, Lunatic stats be what they are, but arguably I would do better retooling the kit (if a dodging kit could work) or doing a reclass to something with more bulk. (After having tried with a tonicing up, Corrin died by 3 HP to Mikoto. Mess Hall was not a factor, so it could work!)
  17. How was your trip @Shrimpy -Limited Edition-? The gang make Corrin an orphan in the afterlife Oh no, the elevator map is probably atrocious in Lunatic. I'm at this map in Lunatic Rev and my problem is not the sneaking, with Corrin having Locktouch and movement options: it's what happens afterwards where he fucking dies after opening the door. I should probably look up what I do for that strat: a possibility now that I think about it is switching partners to the generic who I reclassed into Witch for Warp and buffing as much as possible for defences after opening the door then warping back if he survived, but the AI could just stay in place. Although, if this does work I can then actually leave the rest of the party at the start of the map. Hard Boiled Lobster continues to break the game Ahaha this Orochi is broken.
  18. The only quest that'll be locked out entirely is one of the ones with Alessio, the merchant who asks for coral in Celica Act 2. If you don't do his first quest before Act 4 it locks out the others, the second might also be time limited but I'm not sure (All you need for that is 30 silver and it nets you a ring with +4 Res, which isn't too bad honestly) and the third is time limited to before the end of Celica's part of Act 4. All the others should still be doable in postgame.
  19. modedit: bazung the gone post quote If you're on Android, there is the app Unipatcher for applying the patch, you can get it on the play store. You'll then need to get the unpatched rom and the patch file on your phone, where you can then select them for in the app. It does have instructions as well. I'm much less familiar with iOS, but there's someone who got FLIPS ported to it here, but judging by it being on a jailbreaking subreddit you would have to jailbreak the iPhone first. Kinda surprised that Unipatcher is available without modifying the phone.
  20. I knew that, just joking about a more traditional sequel along with the formatting MGS Delta did. This is the first I've heard about this leak. What a list.
  21. Fair amount in all this. Seems if Nintendo are playing this like last year they wouldn't want to be in the middle of other mews and get lost in the shuffle, which combined with them being somewhat predictable in their direct releases the last while I'd bet there'd be something later on in June. I'm going to particularly note the Access-Ability Summer Showcase, hope it'd be pretty good at keeping to it's stated goals of being more open to a disabled audience. Or Persona 5 2, with T being the letter 2 starts with /s Wait what. Why are Squeenix doing this to me?
  22. Hivemind member gets isolated and lost/10
  23. If you ask me it's the perfect image of magic warping reality. Odd. Could it be the crit noises are treated separately for the other dark tomes?
  24. >Me Interesting getting some of these insights. As to the latter, considering they only open up during crits, you wouldn't see it that often (Right?), thus the rarity. Never noticed that before with her. Says a lot about me looking at the official art.
  25. >Clean palette variety in bosses >Removes Roy's Journey from after Chapter 8 >Was originally released in 2019 and came back Well that's cool, didn't realise this was what it was until now. That's a nice mod of BB.
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