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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. See, I'll admit my limits with these. Least I'll have the Wii ready again with what I mentioned earlier. Other M's in a weird place from what I understand. Marketing for Dread excluded it but Ninty hasn't said it isn't and it's got some mention in Dread. So yeah, that alongside Prime then to sort out. Oh gee, you started. That was quick.
  2. Continuous, but you'll live playing out of order. So both, but mostly the latter.
  3. I mean, it's another revenue stream for UEFA. Who cares what issues might emerge from it? Apologies, but I'm going to contrast with another team sport. It's funny how in Rugby (I'm talking union here, I'd know less about the others) they try to make the international tests out to be a big deal even when they're just friendlies in structure and how sides take them seriously, with these matches getting pretty heated and how some of these can result in the rankings shifting decently enough. But! Rugby suffers from having much fewer nations involved and the gap in overall ability make the matches between teams that aren't on the same level look like walkouts more often than would be liked, even if the score doesn't reflect that (we're seeing improvements, but that's because the quality of play is coming slowly closer to par. Emphasis on slow.). Mostly it's a structural nightmare to everyone else. It'd inevitably run right up against regional and continental competitions, mess with club games more often than it already does and it doesn't help that the reason for doing it makes Infantino sound like Mr. Krabs.
  4. FIFY I see you too hate Nations League. Structure needs fixing in Soccer. FUCK SAKE WORLD All this'll do is piss off all the other boards and have more squabbling that'd be better solved by scrapping the lot, burning them to the ground and organising it from scratch.
  5. Surprised not to hear Super mentioned there. I feel like that got mentioned the most when I heard about it. To clarify order for you, the chronological order for Metroid would be Zero Mission > 2/Samus Returns > Super > Fusion > Dread. Of those only Super (NSO) and Dread are on Switch at all, Zero Mission is a much better title than the original. ZM and Fusion are GBA so pretty easy emulation while Samus Returns is 3DS and while it should be similar to Dread I can't make any good comparisons as this is the only one I haven't played at all. Prime's a little bit confusing to me about where it fits if it's in the same timeline as the 2D titles, but it's Prime 1, 2 and 3 so that's straightforward. Some people mention the fangame Another Metroid 2 Remake (AM2R) that's closer in style to the original, but it will take some light digging to find and install. Why are Belgium and Brazil where they are in particular? Half that top 10 should be up in the air, right? Morocco getting hard done by here.
  6. So, they're doing this for a few days I guess. Deck builder with turn based strategy actually kinds interested me looking at Floppy Knights, that Roman Sands game fucking lost me at the claimed blend of genres (Adventure Gacha Horror Simulation Puzzle VN Apocalypse...... Yeah), Pupperazi is what it says on the tin I guess and Mortal Shell is some indie souls-like getting a Switch port. Floppy Knights is the most interesting item from this imo.
  7. Just realised Penny Pokemon could be Alear Fire Emblem's kid. For whatever that's worth. Flag Tale journal It's fun not knowing for sure /s Course, some will still bully regardless, as I can attest a bit. But knowing what's up and having the right info will make it easier on them, no question.
  8. What would you want to play in particular from Metroid?
  9. In the tree part of the tree Mine too! I'll take it. If he's a sage king I'd like to see him use magic though
  10. I finally got round to setting up all the old consoles at home. Now to see if they still work. Also I'd need a power cable for a PS1, but there's a PS2 and PS3, I think I'd be fine. I've given an idea of how to handle Thracia capture for Engage, because I still attest Fates capture being locked to one units saddens me.
  11. On the Neo vs. OG Plasma, I'll say I think BW is stronger overall because for all that plenty there were part of the organisation for power that Plasma as a whole was about more than that. That people agreed with N to at least some degree, even as the contradictions grew and they escalated their actions. OG Plasma still committed abuse against people and pokemon and destroyed an entire ecosystem in Victory Road (And took out best route theme from B2W2) Neo Plasma might have been mask off and , but I'll say I preferred OG Plasma as a whole in the end. I feel like he'd have done the same in BW if he had the chance.
  12. The shame it less that they used MK stuff as that they didn't bring as much from Thracia. I don't think capture should have been locked to Leif if Engage was going to allow capturing generics, but maybe if they did something similar to Thracia capture and you'd be able to take weapons from opponents during a map only for that map? That way you could see someone has, say, a longbow that the unit could steal with Leif early on and use it to shoot at foes behind a defensive formation (which if they were adjacent to backup units they'd get their attacks to contribute damage too), or it could be an effective weapon you didn't have many of and could thus use more freely (say you were on a map full of cavalry so you needed a horseslayer and there was one in an early formation). Limit it by changing the weapon each time you use the capture. That way you have a choice to make on longer maps if reinforcements or some later enemies mean your hammer you stole isn't worth using in the latter half.
  13. If user uses Martial Arts, it breaks everything. Okay, Tetra Trick is cool. Leif's one of those who's great for those who are already good units when engaged (Adaptibility may be nice to stop breaks, but if you can't take all the hits it doesn't matter after all) and until then is alright (I'd like the sync skill to reduce damage more, maybe that comes with increased bond levels.)
  14. It's probably just me, but seeing Clodsire get washed concerned me because it's weak to water.
  15. I have belatedly returned home. It's going to be a long few weeks, though I'm curious to hear how much is going on. Just remembered Saturday I wanted to check out the Lego store while I was in the capital. I'd have to wait 90 minutes to get in. They were distributing bracelets it was that bad. Naturally I chose to not go there on a Saturday during this time of year. I may have read SO there a little differently 😛
  16. This thread has embraced the cringe Whaddaya win? Well, I don't know, so I'm going to guess Jade.
  17. I was at a house party this evening and they were watching the match. Only one of us was very invested, but he's happy that he can settle Messi = GOAT debates with a friend now. If I hadn't seen that I'd have asked if that really happened. Literally useless as bras lol It was interesting learning about the amount of data being tracked this world cup. The balls were chipped too for instance. Missed opportunity to pretend the Golden Glove is uh.... getting a hold on some different balls. So this keto diet they're encouraging specifically meat consumption? I can't speak to the specifics in your case. So it getting caught in your ADHD checks is a positive in that you know this is the case, but the cause could very well be a separate change. Were there symptoms that you had related to the inflammation? She doesn't read like someone who fears him for that reason and it seems like her status as a branded might have made her see his general might makes right stance as an opportunity for her. Maybe developing that sense that she does fear her own strength being lacking could be too simple, but I feel like it's not often for out and out villains. I didn't check if I could marry Rhea at the end of my maddening run, so I can't confirm if she can be saved there.
  18. With at least one person on the writing team hated them with those dex entries in Gen 7. My main regret is that they were uniformly +100 BST, I'd have loved seeing some major boosts for weaker mons in particular. I think the reason I'm arguing that is moreso due to recent discourse around meat and potential medical issues related to it. Now, in that context it reads a little surprising. He still 1-rounded my Haar with it.
  19. A fool can dream. That feeling. I have come to know it.
  20. So Battle Bond still works? Sheesh, I thought you still couldn't transfer it at all. Makes sense to have specialisations and at least they're not locked to one at a time like Conquest was. Maybe trainers would have a CO-esque meter that use more powerful abilities aside from some basic support stuff they can use as it stands. I think it's less pokemon not harming humans as it is doing so maliciously and entirely of their own will (Consider Legends Arceus, where defending themselves from human intrusion is a thing and I'd have to ask about where Alpha pokemon blur the line there), Huh, you too? I had this issue, took until late in RD for it to be cleared up for me. Alright, so you've gone the proc route for the main threats. There are other options considered better, but Aether can suffice from experience. ....I think Aimee could take it as a challenge. ..... This is the first time in my life I've heard of meat being a solution to a medical issue. Usually I'm hearing about the risks certainly of having too much. I wonder if lab grown meat would suffice? If of course there is no alternate option or remedy that can serve to provide what's needed as Acacia proposes. Huh, as someone who seems very much on board with Ashnard's ideology, Petrine isn't someone I feel much sympathy for. Though she's right, death is terrifying to think about Apologies in advance for this rambly mess. Here's the thing, these saviour stories have all the potential in the world to show word of a figuredhead coming to liberate actively inspiring action in those same populaces and seeing that lead to change. It''s a thing I'd like to see more often, but if you want to do it with nuance you could also express how people don't want to put themselves out there as they find the risk too great or despairing that change could happen or even people working towards maintaining that status quo. But back to the point about Great Man historical theory. It's interesting seeing it be challenged in recent years, that we're asking ourselves if those committing the orders of these greats had agency to do so or not, not to mention accounting for material realities that would impact on those decisions. In some ways, the idea that these people are front and centre in the talk of these titles as they're coming out certainly shapes talk around those series. I think part of the reason we don't necessarily see it as much with western devs is that it's less likely that specific people get elevated to speaking as the mouthpiece of these series (it's not like it doesn't happen, Rubenio mentions it with Mario + Rabbids). Note how it's less frequent in newer franchises as well or in more recent years generally, never mind how much less lionised they can be (or ruin their position as such, see Peter Molyneux). And I think in some ways people can know they're not the sole dev on the project, but because they're a face of sorts that the development displays they become associated as the person at the centre of it all to the point that their absence could be seen as a sea change. Just look at how Keiji "Father of Megaman" Inafune was just assumed to have the spiritual successor role for Megaman with Mighty No. 9 and how that bubble was burst when the game came out. didn't help he was in a producer role for much of that time. People have talked about 3H enough that I don't want to add much here. All I'll say is that I do with more had been done to differentiate each lord's gameplay loop, but I don't know what IS's internal development of the routes was so I can't give an assessment that takes much more than my opinion really. I am suggesting Garon can transubstantiate his flesh. So yes. It can have it's uses, but PoR doesn't have enough skills on enemies or terrain to use it effectively. It certainly has more use in RD and you can choose to use it there, so in conclusion I'd be fine seeing RD Parity be used again. Give us Evil Alear timeline, who knows it could topple Leif's best lord stahahahahah.... I can't say that with a straight face, fuck those shoes. Is it a thumb war because of the Engage design?
  21. Wow, that's how it starts? And here I was hearing Team Rocket got to be competent. But if Zekrom nerfs everything that sounds like Unova's their easy mode. Doesn't help Moltres just goes "I am you but better" in that meta. Not even Slash is enough? Wasn't much snow for all the frost and low temperatures, but I'm not that far inland. Back on Gen 3, Flying at least provides Fighting coverage (though it being Wing Attack, Aerial Ace and Fly as the sum total is a bummer), but without some breeding options are very much limited. Also Lorelai's mostly Water, come now. Funny how it didn't have Solarbeam in Gen 3. Doesn't help that there's so many. RSE were titles I experienced after the fact too, coming to them after returning to the series with Gen 4. Aside from a brief borrowing of an Emerald cart I'm more used to emulation. The fun of the technical issues, though it's more hardware in this case it seems. As an aside that clock issue had me running into issues on emulation, my save corrupted after the E4 essentially. If it shows up in the miniseries......
  22. Hello again Teehee. I saw one of the stupidest freezes I've ever come across this morning. There was a courtyard in front of a station that had turned into slippery ice overnight. Like, walking on it was a risk to your safety. I was worried I'd have another fall. I missed a train partly because of this. Of course I don't, why do you think I asked about the Unova anime? "Somehow, Ho-Oh returned" Only true once Condiment King or Kite Man's a main villain in live action Batman with a spin off explaining their origins that takes three hours and depresses all of us. Or that doctor who just wants to turn people into dinosaurs, if he's obscure. I don't know that I'd say that so quickly in earlier gens (like, 1-3, if that?), but the meta was anything but kind since. Megas aside of course and even then imperfect solutions, but much more viable than base form. When you think about it, Water is a funny typing with regard to what it can handle and arguably more meta than people let on. I think ti could do with some considering what could change. Can confirm, less here than it used to but still sort of there. Good job! Also, Rys is weird, in that light and staff magic are tied together. So chipping with light magic raises his Staff rank. I should use him if I replay PoR. I recall you saying you weren't all that fond of ORAS. I was on about the physical manga, but still. Shame it's Mega Only but yeah, Thick Fat on Venusaur is good choices. (Wish more Grass types had it, but there's only Appletun besides) Nice to see it accounted for Fairy in some form. I feel like some of the other new characters would help cover niches not taken up already and help represent rarer mons and types. Would it be trainers let out one at a time for the mons they raised? Or would it be an RTS with larger parties? Long as it is, I get what you mean about the treading on old beats. I have only one thing to add as I read this late: Why are you so stupid Lance? Why the hell am I agreeing with the elitist Victorians here? I thought you'd worry about the latter part. Mostly because I'm leaning against him being a good call for the Emperor. That was cute. Okarin's detailled face is 👌 The Garon steaks are actually from his flesh, to bless his subjects with
  23. Didn't realise I deserved that much credit. 😛 I wonder how bombs are handled, didn't look like they could be thrown, which is accurate to the original in fairness.
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