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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I mean, there's actually a note on that on the site: There's been a major revision with the recent release (which I recently learned I don't have) so things have changed. He was a regular Lich in 1.14.5.
  2. Well, the Elf route really pussed out, he was nowhere near this powerful! RIP Gerrick and the last Urza, really it's a shame the side bosses couldn't be killed.
  3. Hmm, that doesn't seem right. Maybe there's something outside of FE to show that might be the case? ........I mean, maybe? /s, by the way.
  4. You'll get Frederick. But at some point he has to get a wyvern and become a Wyvern Lord.
  5. Is this a free Delthea chance? 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless (*sigh, I don't have enough orbs to be overthinking the 2 Delthea options) 4* Nino (I think I've gotten a dozen Ninos since Reyson came out. It'd be nice to get one angery bird. +Atk/-Res)
  6. ^ .....Why? Why would I? I'd be more concerned if the crit did enough damage! < Kind of bored, but there's things to do v Has not thought about Brexit lately (Lucky duck!)
  7. Finally scrounged up 20 again. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 3* Nino (No, just stop. +Def/-Res), 4* Odin (O Din of irrelevance, please allow other good fodder to grace me. +Res/-Def), 4* Henry (No, I don't want a 5* Henry. +Res/-Def), 3* Caeda (That's 3 this banner I think. I want some fucking Red Variety, Please. +HP/-Spd) 17 orbs, nothing of value. 4%
  8. So, a thought occurs. There's a line from the pappa troll in the first movie where he asks if Elsa was born or cursed with her power. After the king responds with her being born with it and the conversation moves on. I wouldn't be surprised to see that come up in this sequel.
  9. As someone who has had to use fadas and accents before, Holding AltGr and pressing the letter should give you the accent. It doesn't do it in an English keyboard language though, which is infuriating, but still not a big deal if typing in Not English. (æ e → ø ↓ are what you get for typing the vowels in English) Oh no, this isn't peak? We're in danger. Avengers: When you want to have a moving forest that smacks the enemy in the face. Really nice on forested maps, still alright without them.
  10. I'm not remembering the lance concentration being all that low in BB honestly. Though that certainly was a mistake on my part. Anima is still much better than all physical weapons though.
  11. I did not know. He has to deal with a band of poor units. That's all you need to know. See, this is why I didn't do that (Use google). Kusakihara would have given the direction on character design, so he'd be giving the orders for Kozaki to have drawn Fates's cast to begin with. Swords are bad (in BB), mmkay? Aside from the video itself? I mean I don't think it needs context but from what I know: Well, Stone Cold Steve Austin had this wrestling opponent named The Higher Power who had been messing with him for a while before this clip. This wrestling opponent was revealed to be the man shouting in the video (Vince McMahon, owner of WWF/E), hence what he's saying. Professional wrestling is a soap opera all its own. I mean, Celica had to be there for long enough for Alm to be able to get to know her (which is shown in SoV), but it's not really specified, so it could be a week for all we know. Not as bad as this suggests, but still. I never disagreed. If tanks are female, then yes they're probably sexist. Holmes just gets away with it because of the butch cut. Looks like he's pointing to me. (Looks it up) There's apparently 6 total. There's also apparently ways to randomly get them. Why no secret shop carries promotion items I can only guess. I'm not sure if Sid should intentionally throw this or be even more afraid of losing. Leda being Berned to the ground feels a bit appropriate. I guess the dragons won after all Zeph.
  12. Lissa and the regular explorer's hat also works. As for Owain's wings, the black ones were given to Lyon, the white to Lucius. Cliche, I know. There's a bunch more, I think. But I'd have to check.
  13. I'll be honest, I tried the GBA port of Shining Force and while it seems like a good way to play that one, I've never gotten into it. If it seems like it might interest you, then probably try Force 2, it's supposed to be much better. Also, I decided to look at the series as I though it was only really Shining Force. I was horribly wrong. There's (At least) two continuities, but thankfully they are separable by one point: Everything from before Shining Soul is one continuity, so in the list below I removed the remakes from the first period and tried to pin down one version for games which had many. There's also apparently another game coming out this week, which is an enhanced version of a fighting game (When you look a little, it is clear that they just got a bunch of variety, especially from Soul on).
  14. So, here's my plan. I have enough for 4 full pulls thanks to the tokens. Goal: get something. If I have enough for the fifth pull, alright I guess. 3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green. 4* Cherche (If I decide to merge beyond +1... +Res/-Def), 3* Donnel (I do not need pothead. +Spd/-HP) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 3* Wendy (I have not gotten her in a while. Maybe I should consider a merge.... but why for launch units? +Def/-HP), 3* Fir (Seriously, wrong BB units! +HP/-Atk), 4* A!Tiki (Is her IVs good? +Atk/-Def, good enough while I'm not bothering with a 5* version.) 3.25% 3 Red, 2 Blue 4* Henry (Cursed unit. +Atk/-Def), 4* M!Robin (Well, it's Bonfire. +Spd/-Def), 3* Caeda (Fortify fliers? +HP/-Def), 3* Marth (Not really worth much. +HP/-Res), 4* Est (Dammit all, I still don't know what to do with her! +Atk/-Res) 3.5% 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 3* Frederick (It's Luna. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Mathilda (I wish she was better fodder without being 5*. +Def/-Spd), 3* Stahl (Stahl the ball, I would like better. +Res/-Atk) 4 Green, 1 Red 4* M!Corrin (M!No-rrin. +Res/-Def), 3* Soren (Noren. +Atk/-Res), 3* Soren (Noren to you too. +Atk/-Res, Oh fuck off.), 4* Merric (Can... can he get out of the pool? +HP/-Spd), 3* Arthur (This I can stand. +HP/-Def) 3.75% so far. Yay.
  15. From Genesis to Revelation was buried and released as part of We Can't Dance's special edition then?
  16. I can just hear those classes now: Anna Smith's economic theory, taught by her grandchild Anna (who can side with Byleth later in the campaign), who uses a shop as demonstrations for her classes. I might have made it too good to be true. :P
  17. "It appears Sir Knight that you have arrived in the wrong location. The nearest castle is that way." *Point to the castle that can be seen nearby.
  18. And if he does, hey that mace is there. Well, at least I get to see the differences, considering I did the campaign. And picked the elves as I had been using so many elvish units. Some regrets were had when I entered the caves. That looks like a lot of pain. Least he couldn't die from it. It's what he's used to then? I still feel like it's missing a You Little Shit in there. Sometimes, Elvish smugness has to be dealt with. Then again, if Mebrin wasn't so smug this situation wouldn't have happened. Also, this means you don't get the stage with Gerrick having to push constantly to get to the north. That wasn't a fun map. I looked at my version. I thought I was on 1.14.6, but it's 1.14.5 and the maps keep looking different!
  19. Parrhesia, are you working with an earlier version? I ask because this map looks mighty different in 1.14. I'm now trying to figure out how I triggered this event. Sir Catch-Hands of the noble house of No Fucks, everyone.
  20. Oh shoot, it's next time. Here, Sasha's second album. The whole reason I brought up the Seanad is because it's considered so useless in a lot of people's eyes. It's pretty limited in its powers and plenty associate it with a bunch of even more useless politicians getting a cushy paycheck. Course, apparently not enough for us to abolish it a few years ago (I blame the alternative suggested, which along with the (broken) promises to actually reform it are why I voted against.). jacksepticeye is probably not it. I mean, let's be honest of course it isn't. I can't think of anyone who actually watches him and he has millions of subscribers. I'm also going to avoid some of the most obvious ones (Foil Arms and Hog being the first that comes to mind) as that doesn't mean that someone from another country knows who they are. There's also the irish lad who does an engineering channel, so him maybe. I mean, you should issue that challenge to some of the others. At least you're using Maerchen, so I'm not mad. Then she got enough strength that she does that anyway. Not her best plan. How should I know, I'm only on Part 1 of RD. Fucking hell the Dawn Brigade are horrible to work with. I don't know how Sothe does it. So you did want to use less people? In the care of..... in the care of Mr Generic? I mean, it's a rule for evil overlords not to let their incompetent people take it on, that's on Guenchaos. He can be a distraction? Pretty sure I was wrong there. I was on about the art director, so my apologies it's not Maeda, it's Toshiyuki Kusakihara instead (which is weird, as he directed SoV. Then again, Hidari did the art. That damm fine art.). And Luck. Not that it mattered when he got crit to death. Also sub 50 hit on as many weapons as there is in Tearring specifically. Alright, I guess. I mean he could just find a Luna tome and figure out how to use it. Then again, they seemed to be all destroyed by BB. You're clearly misreading me then. That's me trying to downplay the fact that everyone just got a dragon that might attack near them. Hell, turns out Thea (Tate) was on the banner (Rutger's a GHB, so we all get his delicious bases), so that's neat. Good day. But you could still be a- I said good day! *Walks out. I mean, he was presuming Raphael would be willing to take over the forces now that they've come to him. I mean, have any of these stories ever ended as intended? If Zeus can get in for a booty call, I don't trust that someone with an actual serious reason won't. Some believe the rings, token of the goddess' power, are necessary to maintain order. But they're wrong teacher. The rings are to blame. Runan, with his middling to good stats, will make a terrifying enemy. And so the Octavus died off screen. That's a shame. And you're also implying that's possibly not what happened? This is Tearring, he's not coming back. It could have been worse: IT'S ME RUNAN Aw son of a bitch! What? IT'S ME RUNAN, IT WAS ME ALL ALONG, RUNAN. I'm sorry Claris but aside from moving it away from the Hidden Village HOW IS THIS ANY SAFER. So as vague as the amount of time Alm and Celica knew each other as kids? Or even more so? So we're not going to see this happen. I'm not remembering it clearly so calling it now. But what about Frost? Wow, look at him give up. He's supposed to be powerful for once. Yeah, what he said. I'm sorry, but fuck me that's intense. There's also a chance she returns in some form, but you wouldn't do that again, right? Right? Also, WOW Eugen, are you lamenting the lack of an alehouse here more? No wonder Runan's disappointed! /s I can understand wanting to drink away your sorrows, but still Eugen. That's a lot of people who would just make a tasty meal for Medeus. Good thing he couldn't miss. I mean, it's hard to look at the person who made you look like a wimp. Oh, and almost killed you. Marth after the War of Heroes. Course, course Sid. Someone back home must have constantly complained about their knees from their time in Ilia. ........ Sid, if you knew what had happened, you'd have shot right past Arkis into Super Hell for that one. Or Letenna's Daredevil. I mean, Maerchen isn't the commander. My guess is pretty lost on this one. These two really aren't doing as you wanted. Garo realised that being too powerful was a risky move. That's the stance when you've had 6 too many. Unless you're Luca. Or Shirou. Point being, unless you're a protagonist or female don't bother with archery. Go San? Being able to shout he's bulletproof? Good job. No really, I just remembered a certain map where this could provide dividend. Desolate. Not a word to associate with painless. Not as much as the next map from what I remember though. To be fair, that could just be him being stupid and not even intended as an insult. Then again, Holmes's whole thing with Katri is insults. At least animus with tsunderes (and other movies with bickering duos) have something more than insults.
  21. You also put it in the wrong GBA subforum. I might not fully side with this, but on topic for BB hey their offspring's even more imbalanced. It doesn't matter which one you consider.
  22. Might as well do this then. Skills: Branded: Lvl 1: Skill +2, Lvl 10: Strong Riposte Revenant: Lvl 5: Malicious Mien (While wielding a Beaststone, enemies get -2 damage and -15 hit and avoid in combat), Lvl 15: Bestial Carnage (%Skl/2 chance of hitting three times with defence reduction) Berserker: Lvl 5: Wrath, Lvl 15: Axefaire Personal: Bestial Knowledge (takes 2/3s damage from beast units and gains +3 damage against them) Supports: Kai: Kai first talks to Caliban, certain that they're similar with Caliabn's ability to use stones being similar to his own best transformation. Caliban responds with confusion as he doesn't remember this, shouting at Kai when he keeps up with the questions until he runs. Before long however, he apologises to Kai for this and explains that he has forgotten who he was. Kai responds in horror and is about to call out humans, but then Caliban says that in this army he's found others he can understand, including Kai. For their A Rank, Caliban asks Kai about his village and as he goes on about the place Caliban eventually asks how someone like him would be received. He then asks to take a look at Caliban's drawings, which leads to him suggesting showing them to his tribe as some of the symbols are a bit familiar to him. Petrichor: Petrichor breaks one of Caliban's easels after a late evening of carousing, leading Caliban to chew him out the morning after. This causes Petrichor to laugh in response because Caliban is a much shorter manbeast than himself causing him to laugh and apologise to Caliban. On the next support, Petrichor learns about what Caliban was drawing and finds it interesting but can't really tell what it means. He finishes by asking if Caliban could draw his wyvern. Caliban agrees and their A support is Patrichor and Caliban talking while the wyvern's being painted and how Caliban's going to live after the war. Petrichor suggests going to where he's from and offering to be a guard for wyverns as Caliban seems to be trusted by his wyvern. Caliban doesn't respond in that moment. Kiki: Kiki and Caliban start by arguing after they had ran into each other. The conversation degrades in to insults, shouting and jokes that I think I won't be able to write because I've written too much already. After some time, Caliban comes to Kiki, who is sparring. She tells him that the best way for him to apologise is a sparring session with her which he accepts but not before she riles him up playfully. In their A support Kiki thanks Caliban for the help he gave with the bruises she'd gotten in the sparring match, especially after she'd dived onto a fence after missing him. She declares that they should be sparring partners in future, but after he says something that unintentionally slights her he hits him in the arm, knocking him off the chair he was on. Aria: Caliban thanks Aria for helping save him from certain death and starts to ask her why she helped an Accursed. Aria brushes it off and acts like it was no big deal, leaving Caliban to stew on her words which suggested she knew about what had been done to him. The next time, Caliban asks quite bluntly about it, wanting an answer from her with threats to her. She then proceeds to admit that she had learned about the cult's treatment of beastkind from her father, who had learned of such acts and had tried to force reformation of laws to protect them, hence the assault on her home. Caliban then apologises for his actions towards her, which she accepts but admits she needs some distance after this altercation. In their A support Caliban apologises again, accepting that she would have all right to not look at him again. She surprises him by giving a hug and saying she does get why he was angry before reverting to her usual self. Caliban then gives her a small shell as a gift to her, thanks her for everything and promises to be an ally from then on, which she accepts. This shell is also a reward from the support, granting +3 to Res when in inventory. Events: As an enemy he holds a Silver Axe and Dracoshield, neither of which he has when he gets his recruitment event. He also drops the Dracoshield as an enemy. The next chapter after his recruitment, he finds a small item if he got to a certain grove and searches it. It turns out to be a bestial mark, which he and possible one or two others can use to promote to a class with Beaststone usage. If he becomes a Revenant he's allowed to speak to a beast tribe leader in the late game who gives him some information for his past and a special Beaststone (Hardened Rune, which gives +7 Str, +4 Skl, -2 Spd, +9 Def and +8 Res on top of its good combat stats. Might need rebalancing.) If he becomes a Berserker, he speaks with the leader of a band of brigands who asked for a peace and causes them to side with the player in a later map while also getting a pair of Boots. Vs. Golvanass (like Izuka, but more cleancut and involved in the death cult): C: "You.... You're the man who had me tied and cut up." G: "... I'm sorry, but you are?" "You- You're the man that made me into this!" "Ah. You're all so alike to me that it slipped me mind. After working with so many Accursed before, you all blend together in my mind. You are a fine specimen though. Here boy, you've grown well, but now we need to go remove this lot of vermin." "So, you won't apologise. You can die now. For the Gralfang!" "Wait, wait, heel Accursed!" This.... was a bit much.
  23. I would say that Project Naga edges out Gharnef's overall, but you can certainly use either one imo (except for the ending where Gharnef's crashes) On looking into it, someone started playing Project Naga on OpenEmu and didn't mention running into issues, though they didn't come back to give full feedback.
  24. Now I want to know how I can make Surtr die to Nephenee for myself.
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