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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I mean, they're not tactical geniuses, those sovereigns. I mean, it's like some maps fit the term novice. Others though..... Fuck those maps, they are not at all. (I'm kind of curious if you're doing any route splits or not?)
  2. This image sums it up perfectly. It's like, I can't trust them to survive but I also can't trust they will die as enemies either. That of course is before they promote. He'd take offence to that: He's clearly an Elfaeboo.
  3. Datamine spioilers: I guess I'll have to try. Fuck. 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless 4* Lissa (Eh. +Atk/-Spd) 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red (I see it's that kind of day) 4* Athena (Moonbow. +Atk/-Res) 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 4* Eliwood (Well, it's Ward Cav. +Res/-Def), 4* Tharja (I have so many units with DaB. +Def/-Res) 3.25% 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless 3* Stahl (Least he's better as 3*. +HP/-Res), 4* Seliph (Seliph, please don't. +Spd/-Atk) 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Soleil (It's not bad fodder. +Spd/-Res) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green 4* Ares (THIS IS MORE LIKE IT FODDER WISE. +Res/-Spd), 4* Athena (Moonbow. Again. +Def/-Spd) 3.5%
  4. Another year, another set of bunnies. I'd actually like to get Palla. Not enough to be pulling all the time (no more orbs these days, y'see) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 4* Hinata (A fine free pull. +Def/-Atk), 4* Seliph (Not so fine. +Res/-Spd)
  5. Trying to use a trainee in Lunatic, I would not envy that madman. It's an interesting run in all fairness, even skimming gives me a better appreciation of things that can be done to play around Fates's differences. I mean, I was already on side with switching Odin to Samurai as an idea to improve him, but I didn't think it was that much of a difference.
  6. Because a moustache is the most obvious of villainous facial hair. What about an evil goatee? Being conquered. Wow, the manaketes need a personal league. Honestly, I'd take Hans over her. I assume anyone with Hexing Rod just gets an immediate execution?
  7. Ah, Silver mages, absolutely funny with this shenanigans. It's funny to see how difficult swamps are unless you've got fins. That lack of move is something. Yeah, the tier four is great, much as it's just Fire, but more. ....Oh. Those warriors. Honestly, while that'd be cool, that would be insane on the longer campaigns, considering it'd get you something close to 20 on each attack if you focused on it. That would be a great image. I would also headcanon him shouting a lecture at the lich corpse, with a "You little shit" to cap it off. Also interesting, there's been a sequel campaign that was originally worked on by the same person who made this, but they quit and someone took up the mantle. It's slowly being worked on, with no update for a while.
  8. Well, I mean there's probably one archer who disappeared in another title, right? I guess I'll see Mr. OC for myself. On the possibility of accessing the ruins or an alternate thing, I think I'd be interested. Is this working with the US or EU ROM?
  9. Questions: Who's Scott and with the world map being locked, is the CC inaccessible?
  10. Oh god Bruno's here. Palla first is a Red Shuriken Flier- Well that's a bit tempting. Anyways she comes with Pegasus Carrot (Breaks armours, neutralises status effects and follow-up blockers when she has WTA and the usual dropping Def/Res), DA, Swift Sparrow, Disarm Trap (Does what it says on the tin) and Hone Fliers. If her stats are good she's a definite tempting option. Marisa (REALLY?) is a Lance Flier, with Flashing Carrot (+2 to all stats when opponent has full health), Reposition, Spd/Def Link (New!) and Flier Guidance. She seems disappointing honestly. Bruno is a Staff Cav (WE KNOW WHERE VERONICA GOT HER INSPIRATION! YAS!). He has Ovioid staff (which heals him and adjacent allies by 7), Martyr+, Miracle Atk/Def Push and Dazzling staff. I mean, if he interests you, that staff and A skill work wonders. Veronica is here as a Green Tome Flier (I mean, I guess...). She has Veorfolner's egg (which gives her +3 Spd and +4 to all stats if her HP's over 75%), Glimmer, Green Duel Flying (Of course, been a while) and Chill Res. I mean, same as Bruno. Also, at the end we see Loki. On a wyvern. With a Bow. I see she's more like Camilla after all. :P Anyways, we finally got a red easter unit. And she's probably the best on this, but I'm not all that convinced by the banner.
  11. Honestly, I think the hate on for Faye isn't even because of her character (which isn't helped by the one line that allows everyone to make jokes about her being a full-blown yandere). Maybe so, but I was implying he wasn't thinking about it even before he was literally saddled with a kid and forced to go into hiding. Honestly I doubt it, it doesn't seem like the kind of detail Kaga would worry about for this story. And with that makes more sense as to why he has his supporters. Least Nergal had interesting characters directly under his employ. Of course. Yeah, I think I need to make a change. I mean, he can't have been as bad on his first time as Eliwood. I am only somewhat sorry for that one. Okay, fine, everything else is bad. I just didn't want to draw attention to everything else. Clearly you've never had a Legendary Super Sain. I thought that could be it too. Why does only his class gets low reductions when dismounted? If you'd actually use Samson. Oh right, I keep on forgetting to call it Helswath. Yeah, it's an old name. Something Kaga must have said to himself when he had to cut the other route about it's likely protagonist. I don't think he realises how much trickier that got earlier. Plot armour. Ruben's robe is just lined with it I suppose. Least it's some enthusiasm. Happy Dorothy thief. I am on board with this, let's make it for a PME. Ahab's edit is also nice. So wait, 2 years? That doesn't sound right. Are we sure that Narcus hasn't lied to him about him being missing this long. As to why, I couldn't tell you. Maybe it's the general? Ah Holmes, that's about the usual. But that's a bit harsh. That's imply he tripped before the journey back.
  12. FINALLY GOT SOMEWHERE WITH THIS ONE. Sure, I had to use Rein and Brunonica, but they and Walhart and Titantine were surprisingly capable of the clear. Lunatic was an easy clear for ValentIke, LALyn, Chrissa and Eirimas and low HM units swept hard.
  13. All that seems pretty sensible. I'd say for the most part that everyone has done alright stat wise in fairness. Well, maybe barring Ilyana but as is she's often involved in chipping and she's got enough bases she can just make a unit disappear on occasion. Sothe has gained 3 levels already, which is probably too many. I looked at it briefly. Turn 2 reinforcements surprised me with their volume and at that point decided good night because it was late.
  14. I'll ask about that, because I will admit I've been too willing to give exp out to a bunch of units. Meg is benched, but other than that everyone else barring Volug has gotten levels so far and with Jill joining it's come to a head frankly. For future reference, I hate Chapter 1-5. I finally figured out a way to clear it without anyone dying and also killing the boss though. Volug almost died, but hey that's what happens when you get a too many fire mages. Levels are alright I guess, most everyone got at least one barring Volug and Laura. Ledges are also life, which I saw in full in the later part where Leonardo and Edward were able to prevent the archers from being effective by standing there. So after that we got to see that Izuka is helping Pelleas to take back Daein (so that's a flag so red I'm sure bulls can see it from miles away) and Michiah accepts being a general despite Dr. Moreau being involved in the liberation army. Anyways, I'm just happy we got those three units on side for the next chapter. A chapter that will likely not annoy me as much as 1-5.
  15. Bartre's a dancer. There, that's all the edit I could say, but I'll add: -Adjust his bases so he has no Str or Skl, but adds 4 to Spd, 2 to Luk and Def and 6 to Res -Has 140% HP, 0% Str, 0% Skl, 25% Spd, 75% Luk, 50% Def, 50% Res -Comes with Thor's Ire, Set's Litany and Ocean Seal
  16. >Scones are biscuits. >Scones are dumped in gravy. That is cursed. Cookies being the name of all biscuits is strange but scones in gravy ain't right.
  17. Onion. I have not gotten over the texture and taste of it. I actively avoid cooking with it, pick it out if I can and ask to remove it when ordering (Red onion's worse). The weird thing is that I can live with the flavour, to some degree (stuff like crisps, where it isn't the whole flavour), the texture of onion just is something I never like. I'm confused. Are these supposed to be digestive biscuits? If so, why are they being served with a chicken bucket (it's certainly not a thing over here)? I've heard of these before and it never made sense to me.
  18. IS really needs to stop hoarding orbs, I just cannot pull enough on this banner. 2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue 3* Raven (I don't think I have the patience to 5* him when I have Linus. +Def/-Atk), 5* Julia (I would say Naga Praise, but it's a pitybreak. Neutral, the same as my first one. Merge I guess.), 4* Mae (I wish she had Desperation 3. +Def/-Spd), 5* Idunn (If only Julia could do more damage to her. +HP/-Spd, OH LAWDY finally a decent combo for one of these), 4* Raigh (You showed up 4 times I think, why not your brother? +Def/-Res) I think I'm done here, a Julia merge is helpful and Idunn should be a good dragon.
  19. Armour Knight: Sword (Can promote to General or Great Knight, also has access to Master Knight as "third tier"). Esther's armour is a functional steel plate, with the only flair in colour being the red and purple markings that indicate her lineage. Her appearance is fair, with her light skin and hair contrasting with her brown eyes. She is considered plain by some but she's often seen smiling with others, more because she's not the kind of person to worry about other's problems. The scars she mainly has are on her hands from sparring and careless minor cuts, rather than scars from large scale battles.
  20. I've actually had the Sigurd thing happen before (this is a typo that can occur, it's a bug where it loads this guy up despite the fact it shouldn't), though not the freezing glitch (I've had something that was somewhat similar (the screen glitched, but no crashing and the losses all got turned into the same number)) after killing with Seliph (but that's the canto bug, this is something new to me).
  21. Ouch, Faye will get out all her knives for that comment. On the other hand, Mycen has never hinted at being interested by a woman. I mean, I didn't think he was pointing at me, but still. I have to wonder, would the dragon age in human years? So does she die in human years? It would mean Leda would be finally freed from Kranion in some time. I mean, who's the prince here? It's not Shigen, is it? Imagine if this was in an era where Youtube was a thing. SKELETON DESTROYED WITH FACTS AND LOGIC I think I'm going to go ahead and put some music on for this. What happened to Kranion's arms? Oh shit, it turns out he's the dragonlayer! Well, Nergal ripped him off after all. :P I would argue not quite, but hey I think we'll let Guenchaos show the scale of his plan first. The Chu-ko-nu is made from Osmium I guess. THE GODDESS DIDN'T PROTEC I guess she got rocked. RIP Krishna. Also, Oh fuck Julia has to step up. I guess losing was the right call. Shame explaining feelings is a bitch and a half. .....Now might not be the best time to laugh. At least he had some sense. I think I got his laugh. Also, SURPRISE, SOME BITCH BOUT TO DIE. I can't help but think Narcian's heroes VA would be perfect for Rich here. Shigen leaves the party. I'll take note that three of these have no title. So they'd be never recruitable. STOP TEARING ME APART RUBEN Also Sid too if you'd be kind. It's not like Ruben killed Sid though. All this lightning is making me concerned somebody will get thunderstruck. He'll probably do that to Albertus at this rate. Again, Kaga's ambition does not match his product. ......You have my curiosity. It's not even useful on these golems. Besides, that's not how that kind of piercing works. Maybe Kreiss will have to ask Arkis for advice, considering how much of a dick he is already. Man her speed's bad. I know Rein's is bad in Heroes, but you don't have the same type of stat concerns. Strength would have been just the cherry. I'm trying to remember, I think it's because he got enough speed for it. Course, with some of your units they're close to double that. >Hears Richard is coming "Fuck it, I'll accept the embrace of death more than I ever could his." "Doesn't mean I'll let him have it over me" There's his wife. I guess this version of Dorcas and Natalie are a more capable duo, especially Katrina. I think you missed the N there. Is this supposed to be Garon's axe before he got Bolverk? I'd rather Fates not be involved, but any way to set you off...... This is the metal for you. It's like Swanchika actually, only less broken. Alfred: man of many broken families. Somehow I don't think he'll be sympathetic. Oh shit, I didn't remember that. Well, I'll wait and see who else has died. Also, shame on those convos.
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