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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. The most articulate way a troll would put it: "Why use many small thing when big thing do?" Also, that art is pretty great for the lot of them. Shame that the armour doesn't increase the warrior's defences slightly.
  2. I honestly like the effects on the staff the most. I will say this: I was rolling three of them (Counting the warrior) out on a couple of maps and the hunter (one with the javelins) surprised me with how useful he was, especially on one of the later maps (I'll talk about that when we get to it). I mean, considering what they do to corpses, they're pretty lit up in battle anyway. Well, considering the rest of the campaign it's a good thing he has it early regardless. I was a bit later with it myself. Loris unfortunately also died, complicating the understandable mistrust. I'm also curious which versions you and Integrity have. Obviously won't affect gameplay much at all, but I think I've seen some differences so far and it's made me curious.
  3. None of them can be broken, so if they have one use you're still good to go. So long as you go to all the Gaidens and you still have them in the convoy or in someone's inventory you're still on track.
  4. So, I'm just going to say making cavs have to face this map is a dick move. The map's the real villain on this one and if it's supposed to emulate ledges, I don't think it quite works.. Askrtrio and Fjorm cleared pretty decently, with Fjorm only needing QR to deal with Sothe. Positioning was a pain to resolve, but that was the only real issue. Cav cleared with Titantine, Mathilda, Walhart and SummerLinde. Titania with Hone Cav just takes out the west end, Michiah gets 1-shot by Walhart and the only real issue is ensuring that Sothe dies as he alone takes out most of these units, but I got it sorted out.
  5. So, BB finally gets a banner. One that was spoiled mind but still. The surprise however is that Shanna's got an alt (on the one hand I am miffed because there's literally dozens of units not in the game and IS are doing this shit but on the other hand I kind of get it) Thea's here (Alright IS, you're off the hook this time) and Rutget's a GHB (Guess he won't be as good as in BB) Lugh is here, has Gronnserpent (And is better than Raigh already), Rally Up Res + (I think that's new), Mirror Stance (Alright) and Atk Feint (Is that also new?). I hope he drops already. Sue is a green cav bow, has Short Bow+ (Which is Bow Dao.), Moonbow, Swift Sparrow (Another one.), Chill Def and Hone Spd 4 (New tot he regular pool), so she's staying 5*. Thea has Vanguard+ (Safeguard lance), Ignis, Steady Posture 2 and Seal Spd/Def 2, I would be more than okay with her getting demoted but I doubt it. Idunn has no VA mentioned, is a Red armour Dragon, has Demonic Breath (which gives Def +3, breaks armours, gives her a boost of +4 in combat if she has a debuff on her (also neutralises debuff (I wonder how that works with Gravity and armour march)) or has less than 100% HP (WHERE. IS MY REINHARDT?) and is adaptive. It is not the longest description), Bonfire, Fortress Def/Res (Oh look another source so I don't have to kill Kliff for it), Vengeful Fighter 3 and Ward Dragons. So IS, where's our red bow? Also, skill wise this seems pretty middling honestly. So for if I pull, the units I want most might just drop, ho hum. Do people expect Thea or Lugh to do so or do we get lucky and get both?
  6. Alright, that's even more hilarious. I put that event in spoilers so that those who decided to play the campaign based on what they've seen so far could have some things they don't know about and could find for themselves and to fill in this gap that happened to not be covered for those who aren't as concerned. Considering this does affect other maps in some form, better safe than sorry personally.
  7. Coincidence of all coincidences, but I actually started on The South Guard after reinstalling the game. I'm a fair bit further than the first map though. No spoilers of future maps though. I love that he just looks like he's a mounted policeman shouting at people to calm down, the little shits. I would not ignore those thugs at night where they start to deal some serious damage. Sure, Tier 1, but a bunch of these at night is actually concerning. That's kind of hilarious considering what he's supposed to be versus what you get in Beginner. Why not archer? I'll just mention a missed event for this map:
  8. .....Ignoring the fact that that was a typo that I couldn't edit. You really want to keep up the senate jokes. He doesn't have the powers of the Senate though. He's like the Seanad. Ah, whoops. I mean, would I be wrong? Also, to hype up something else, Ippei does Old Hector and Eliwood. You know, I did mean Lorenz (as in the original there was no hint for him), but you're right. Like Pent though, those bases are all he could need for this. As is the way. I guess the mixed fighter is gone. That strength is great though. I'll make the new edit next time. No, no it's not. I mean, she at least levelled magic, but still. I don't think they'd mind so much, as monsters and "sub-humans" aren't quite the same thing now, are they? I think Ike would like to have a word. She did less damage with a crit than it did to her. Why did you bring her? (Especially considering she dies soon after) So, Guenchaos is as crazy as Nergal power wise after all. And no, you added this one, you made him as OP and as easily distracted. :P I mean, Albertus said to stay frosty, that's on him. Alicia must have felt that loss. He's like Cecilia as Mage General: More in their position because of their administrative prowess. Kouhei Maeda just woke up in a cold sweat at the thought of women wearing appropriate attire. Well, hope in one hand and all that. Mayheps that's Oujay's skeleton? ..... I still can't say the things I would about him. Trying to sell in a market stall? It'd be nice for her to have more. Still a good level regardless. .....Because Raphael's on his horse. Raphael's clearly a very short man. It has some fine hit now doesn't it? Before Tearring I don't think I expected to say that for an 80 hit weapon. Probably a mix of concern and pride. I'm sorry, you forgot something: Thank you, Runan. Thank you for protecting my daughter. Even if she seems like she doesn't need it- Did you say something? Well, I see Sasha got that strength from somewhere. Both her parents, I mean. But why not not use the man who's going to hell anyway? Fancy for him isn't it? Shame his bases aren't so hot. 5 def concerns me. Then again, Runan seems to be all attac at this point. He's a mad one, that NPC. Holy crap, all the early archers I've seriously used in FE must be jealous. I see a trap. Everyone, fall in! A succinct summary Matthis. Really, why take on the guy who's on his own later? I mean, who does he really have besides himself that would stand to this mad man? Or is Rormand..... stronger than Matthis? The horror! Ruben.exe has activated I see. ........ I was kind of expecting Albertus actually. Way to slam the fridge shut. Man, what a wuss. Is Rormand meant to be so broken that he has to do this? ono a dragon. Also, Binding Blade's banner units got leaked if you're interested Rubenio: (LEAK Spoilers.)
  9. Did one of the claws have high crit? Also, for anyone else reading the vote's in a strawpoll at the end of the post.
  10. I do get the idea, though I was also comparing to the elven ranger getting a potential 32 damage per round. I will agree on the x3 idea for the javeilineer (maybe I forgot that it's up to 24 damage they can deal from their spears, I mistook it as 18. That's ad from me, I usually am better at math), but yeah the ranger seems to get a lot going for them in comparison (if arguably situational due to the importance of terrain in this game and how the map could have little to no beneficial terrain for them) That's going to be a bit if I remember correctly. I wasn't specifically asking for it, just wondering because I remember how long it took for me back then.
  11. I learned that the hard way. So, you want us to give names to attack to Dave then? Funnily, I heard someone tell a story where everyone on a construction site was named Dave. Even the people not named Dave. I mean, if you count being swarmed by goblin horde as a way to go. I kinda want to theorise on a rebalance. Also, is Heir to the Throne being skipped? Asking as I do remember that being a long one.
  12. Sweep banner didn't have Soren (RIP Angery Tactic boi) 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 3* Ogma (Ogno. +Res/-HP)
  13. One last charge. I hope it's worth more than a 5% pity rate. 3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue 4* Caeda (Game.... Could you not? +Atk/-Spd) Hell, I cleared Book 3 Lunatic CC 3+4 for this. I expected it to be horrible. It was not. 3 Blue, 2 Red 4* Caeda (I get the same 5 units it seems. +Spd/-Atk), *5 Hallow'Myrrh (ABOUT. FUCKING. Time. +Def/-HP, I'm just happy to have another armoured dragon.), 4* Odin (Fodder. I guess. +Atk/-Def, might change my Odin's nature.), 4* L'Arachel (I would have loved to get an easy merge. +Def/-Atk), 3* Sully (Ugh. +Atk/-Spd) At least I got what I was aiming for. Despite it being nearly 200 orbs just to get her and nothing else, and not with a great nature at that (Moreso the bane, that Def though.).
  14. Genius. Situational, but man it is genius. Or the best jerk. I don't think I disagree, mostly. Armours being any way good in FE is based on them having something else. Their movement issues certainly don't help. How much slower are the heavy infantry then other units in Wesnoth (because it's been years since I played?) I have missed these kinds of lines from you Parrhesia.
  15. Alright, I'm not sure I can get any more orbs for the 2nd anniversary banner. Mistakes were made. 3 Blue, 2 Red 4* Ogma (Also someone I don't need. +Spd/-Res), 3* Draug (Fuck. +Atk/-HP) 4.75%. Congrats, we're on the percentage I got to with the BS banner where I got no 5* units. Fuck every damm thing, I won't have enough to try on the legendary banner. I am stupid, let's get the free legendary pull out of the way. 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green 4* Athena (It's Moonbow) I hate everything, I should have waited for the legendary banner.
  16. I mean, for all we know, Sothis could be the final villain (or at least something tied to Sothis, hence her being put to sleep) with her being released through Byleth's actions being the folly that threatens Fodlan. Being real though, I think it will be the Church of Sothis in some form. It might be the matron, it might be someone close by but the church will be villainous in some form.
  17. Pretty much the only units on 0 HM are those who were never raised up. It's a small pool of units, but Gharnef's on there because I forgot to get the 4* copies of him a made the 3* copy into a book. I'm only on 1 unit at 5000 though, M!Robin. I would check the others, but I'm not bothered right now.
  18. I need to find that image of Saber as dad to Celica's group. Him and Lukas would get along.
  19. Fuck this map, I hate everything about it. Finally got a clear on Infernal with L'Ephraim, Mageirika, Brunonica and Nohrzura, because a dancer was necessary.
  20. Caliban's growths defy some of the expectations of the berserker, being that he's not particularly strong or bulked up in HP. However, as a result of being compromised in these he is defensively impressive, taking magical and physical attacks surprisingly well, while he also has more finesse than would be expected of the barbaric ilk that he would be compared to. Caliban's background is something that he has forgotten, having been offered up years ago by the villainous cult of the game and turned into a Accursed which also caused him to lose his ability to transform. When he's first confronted on the battlefield, only one or two people are able to speak to him. Even when he is spoken to, he runs away from the battlefield, unable to process what he's told. He's next confronted on a windy peak, where he's found starving and near death. The kindness shown by the lord's party allows him to survive and open up, where he confesses that the past few years have been him charging through rebellions to put them down and understands if they wanted him dead. By this point however at least one person in the army knows what was done to Caliban and vouches for him, eventually convincing them to let him live and possibly join the party. Caliban is not the most articulate person, something that causes him frustration with others as he is often unclear with others as a result and causes him to be somewhat distant from the party. However, he is attentive, shown by how he often points out details that others have missed and in how he treats others in pain carefully and a creative individual, trying to work on art pieces to unwind outside of battle, usually depicting something he seems to barely remember in his mind as he tries to explain to those who ask about them.
  21. Let's try... again. 4 Colourless, 1 Red 4* Chrom (COULD YOU JUST STOP. +Spd/-Atk) And again: 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* SophiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- (Fucking really? I keep getting the same crappy fodder! +Res/-HP) This is the fucking BS banner from last year all over again at this rate!
  22. Hence my conclusion it was a downgrade, but somewhat off topic. I don't remember Ryoma winning, but I haven't played this dozens of times to try and confirm. It's likely possible, it's not the kind of situation that seems to be designed to be unwinnable for Green Ryoma. The amount of experience it's worth you could debate, especially on a difficulty where trying to attack with someone not named Corrin is essentially suicide.
  23. Jeez, really? That sounds pretty horrendous actually. That few? Are we mostly working with promoted units after this, or is there something I haven't taken into account? Just looking at that map, no, no he does not. Ilyana probably doesn't either with all the sand in the south. Also on those notes, I can't help but think of One Jump from Aladdin blaring as Edward runs away from Begnion troops.
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