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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. 1. This reads like a scam 2. There's something to making an application form inside a game like this. Point 1 still holds true. 3. The degeneracy........ Meanwhile, that Crash 5 concept that just came out of the woodwork is actually insane. Admirably so, given how much would have to have been done for it. Fascinating. Surprised it was preserved as well as it was, not surprised where when you hear about King John losing the crown jewels there (There being the Norfolk marshes). Feel like I read that one as a kid.
  2. I mean, duh. Also just realised I'll be waiting for later on in the day for it. Ah well. Do you have a list of expected titles to get the Warriors treatment by order of likelihood? It's as long as one in fairness. Feels a touch like this is the eleventh hour direct. Which I've said before, like an idiot. With it still in early access, we might be waiting a while if they give it.
  3. Well, I guess this might be ignored by some, but looks like first party will be taking a backseat this time around. Regardless, we have a time tomorrow for 7am PT/3pm UTC +1/11 pm JST, so speculate or sleep, your call. So no Pokemon news for this week, likely no September Direct. Odds rising we get big news next month?
  4. So many possible answers! Pretty sure this applies to at least one TMNT setting You say this to the guy who played TWEWY Final Remix with a stylus, totally fine with that. No 3D Picross on Switch far as I know though. Sure, it was one I'd happened to pick up (just a pen with rubber nubs on the end that had multiple left with it, several of which I wore through), but still. Yep, fair enough that it'd be as daunting. Looking into how others talk about them might be useful, but don't know how available that'll be for you. @Eltosian Kadath
  5. I never was an airplane kid ooof, we could do with a backup plan, well whoever might still be around by then could. On the other hand, that one Doctor Who episode at the end of the world just got blown off schedule
  6. Yeah, this is something I could be better on clarifying myself. I wouldn't even know how to start a similar process over there, but there's someone who I'd owe a damm good chunk to on that. Rather not go into it about them, but social workers as a potential avenue (again, knowing as little as I do on how viable that is for IO doesn't make it easy to point to). If I had the guts to get all the Picross titles I'd confirm this. If we're villainised regardless...... /s And after the DS port of CT came out? Cocky mightn't cut it. And thus avoid mirroring the text, alright.
  7. Bantu: W Cipher Card. I'd think DS games would still not be region locked, which is apparently true so long as they're not DSi enhanced (like Pokemon BW2).
  8. I'm so miffed I heard the theme song Why yes, you can have a full bear team, and unless you use Rapid Urshifu they're all weak to Fighting. @Interdimensional Observer So Alpha Gaiden, W, OG Saga: EF (Ex) and maybe A Portable? I did forget to include PSP. After trying FFIV complete, silly me
  9. TIL (Spiderman comic spoilers): Looking again, just the Taisen duo for GBA, II on NES and GB, I on GB, 3, 4 and Gaiden on SNES and who cares (for translation reasons) on WS. Probably patchless too (except that bit of 1 I tried), can figure that out on my own So of the ones that I'd have access to on the bean machine but don't have at present, you'd recommend J and what else on PS1, N64, DS and PSP? Already sick, so: France will also be unhappy One detail I want to compliment is you getting the text right on this.
  10. TIL Gundam beat FE to Jegans And now I'm sick too, what fun /s. >Checks the bean Turns out there are some SRW titles to hand after all, from Game Boy, SNES, WonderSwan and GBA. No notion where to go from there.
  11. Not gonna lie, I'd probably have flipped if I saw this as a kid OP said it was that realisation that inspired the whole thing. Damm, they really hit you with the "Your party small" Pffft Poltergeist getting completely invalidated. Cracking under the pressure I see. Shit that's rough. I have to acknowledge this Kealvor killed Anankos. Feel a little bad a toad got given Lifis's name, least it should be workable from here? *sigh, the 90% accuracy trips me up too sometimes. RIP Serra. You wot m8. The kick and all too, sweet. It's this, the Bebop and everything else for what I know with SRW. Shows how little I know.
  12. Weighlanchor Yarrtani tried to cover up this image Me, using the generics seriously: Monstrosity disguised as cleverness No, it's survival horror, different genre. (Also just missed an 80% sale, dangit me) Am I right that it's like this? GRRM: I have no idea how I end this, Oh no. Gege: I have no idea how I end this, Let's go!
  13. This commander is horrible, Dua didn't deserve this. Also, watched Alien Romulus. 1. S'pretty good both as a film and as it fits with the rest of them. 2. It might have raised my opinion on Prometheus a smidge. 3. I kinda want an Alien VN in the vein of stuff like 999
  14. Huh? Looks it up Ah. RIP Infinihammer. I feel like somehow there's an intent of calling back to reality in the story of this one. Just a feeling. (Looked at a trailer, got a sense of how it'd feel to play, neat that it's not Windows locked)
  15. Hmm, guess me splitting four ways doesn't work as effectively as I thought it did. Aw, I wanted to make a dozen generals. As for Nina, Let's say Nyx, Quixotic or Certain Blow and Raider Weapons Magic weapons (For tomes, let's say Bird Spirit).
  16. Man, life is happening. Kinda affecting having something to say too. But hey, I saw this was apparently a thing: NO NO NO NEVER NEVER NEVER (Yeah, I know it won't be a full Paisley rant)
  17. It's the Irish Sea, which you have to feel bad for the Manx on it because they're right there and the Man Sea was there for the naming. Bold of me to assume isolationism wouldn't accelerate if that comes to pass? Maybe, but I could see it happening. A more fearful world, unwilling to listen to each other. I would say it's a bad idea. Well, we'll see if any of these threats (The EU vaugely gesturing too) will actually be followed up on. Curious when this occurred.
  18. I'm Walter in this, because wew some people's discourse. @Eltosian Kadath I still remember the pain of grinding out 10k for Ice Beam. Squishy the Tentacruel died to Lance, as did all but the Furret and Belossum hold on, Minister Musk. I hate it. I am so relieved that he's not here so that this could be a risk here. I've a demo list stupid long including this. If I weren't minding the gremlin today, this would be probably first.
  19. Speaking of Chrono, got the forest music in my head since the day before yesterday. There's the awkwardness of international shipping to consider as a factor, we're treated as the UK's annoying skin growth. The only option I was given was to give to a delivery man, which thankfully I'm not that introverted but yeesh if you were. It's wild that the other one hasn't drifted at all.
  20. I have a Joycon that has been drifting on me for the last 2 years, between up and left. It has now managed to drift left and right at the same time. Levels of drift unseen can be achieved by this thing apparently. I need to see if I can send this off or not. There is currently a puppy I'm dealing with to some extent or another. If this one's as bitey I'll believe it.
  21. That's a toy Zelda Amiibo at least confirmed? I was thinking hallow'een, yeah. What an interesting spin on it. Shame there hasn't been contests like this in the main games in a while. Feck sake Voltorb Flip is back, I have memories of grinding it out. Just let me use money for the coins dangit Least it wasn't a worse end.
  22. Sure, too early to show this, but why not? (Honestly just wanted to put something in the comment, this was the first thing I felt okay about) Bats being the inspiration for even more invasive drones shouldn't surprise me. That bit with immobilising ear bones is a cool fact in particular. Have not checked it on the emulator device, but it probably should work, it even made a playlist so both discs are in the same entry. I didn't say it to my table that I felt a bit more mixed about AI use in the last campaign I was part of, but I likely should have.
  23. Interesting to hear Sniper Elite be described in similar ways to the newer Hitmans, with the sandbox nature of how you can approach a big strength. I can presume the enemy AI might be tougher here? This however is very nice for that. To be fair, this is a good point for the back of the box. Legit skill to learn from what you're telling us about it. That sounds like someone's weekend in and of itself, not even the rest of the game. Considering you went near 90 hours, that's a lot of game I see. Belated happy birthday to you. Ah, what fun.
  24. Me looking at the title: Wild seeing this happen. Pretty decent moveset too. What a gimmick to be working around. Forcing constant trading in the achievement, meaning this team is itself guaranteed to be switched out later on and you can't know how it'll end up.... Ooof if you're unlucky. Farewell Panne, Medius and Vileplume for this time.
  25. Is this a map of places to go prolystise? I'm focused on intent, so those would be like The Room and not count for the example I was making. RIP Zubat, Litwick and especially Lowen.
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