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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. And Brazil scored. Neymar did something. Badney
  2. I was lucky as all hell to get the limited edition at the price I did, wouldn't have them otherwise. Looks like scanning them in adds tickets for the amiibo purchases, so unless there's a Luigi costume in game sorry. Then again we're all out of luck if we can't scan more than once if we even have any. Hopefully all the blood washes out when they end up in the splash zone.
  3. If Engage's physical copies are anything like 3H's I'll probably be fine holding off here, but I could be wrong yet. Everybody wearing Alm and Celica's clothes on my file then? She's never been shown with lances, not even with a reclass. She could have lances in some context, but that video wasn't it. "Jeez, these enemies are getting intense! Hopefully there won't be more-" 2 dozen fell dragons ambush spawn "That wasn't an invite!"
  4. Website translations here! Get some sensical translations here! There's explanations for 3H and Tiki there! Apparently there's revival crystals in this game? How do those work? Oh yeah, another Game Awards thing to link to: enticed? engrossed? eloping? Emblem Maker should have a campaign mode like Super Mario Maker That one I am still confused by. I asked for translations for a reason. Looks like it. Oh that thumbnail.
  5. There was the word map! Also wait, is Somniel just listed on said world map then? Okay I guess. Also, wait thy just merge with Tiki when engaging? Yo what. Shame this wasn't translated either, would have been nice to see those UI elements translated. Should have been Emblem of the Path smh Feels like a somewhat more freeform My Castle battle map to me. She's swordlocked. The worst timeline.
  6. So, I have to ask what's going on with SF right now. For the last few weeks the search bar on the site had disappeared and while it bothered me somewhat, it was awkward trying to just use one word searches with it checking the newsfeed and the rest of site content so if that was why it had been taken down I kind of get it. However, SF has now lost the rest of the contents of the sidebar, which included links to articles throughout the site and others and sections for each game, which at least the latter does have a means of accessing from the bar at the top of the page but the rest do not. Is this as part of a wider change for the site or did something go wrong recently and these had to be taken down for that? I understand if that's not going to be a priority at the minute with VincentASM currently away (which, I hope you're alright, especially with the infodump that just happened), but I felt I had to ask.
  7. You see that SF's lost he sidebar that was used to access most of the bloody site. What's gone on there? Never mind, I said I'd engage with Engage discourse, let's get on with it. So! Two large trailers, some showcases and a bunch of online info. The infodump is getting to be too much. Showcases: DLC trailer: Somniel trailer: Website bits: TL;DR: Kagetsu's crit is anime as fuck, Honestly Wave 1 could be worse but I'll probably still wait on discounts when I haven't preordered this game anyway, the fishing looks to be at least decent, some of these engages might be busted. Oh fuck this took too long. FFS IS, pace this shit out a bit. And if someone's translated the website and Somniel trailer, let me know please. 1: Are ye fusing? 2: If not, who's the emblem of the two? Missed that, lol. It's not confirmed dead, but I have that sinking feeling. Getting Genealogy boss powers is hilarious to me though.
  8. Well that's a lot of info. But fuck it I don't want to talk about Engage this second! There's a whole dumptruck there and some of it probably needs translating/transcribing still. So what else was there at these ads structured as an awards show? As for everything else I want to note, in the unoriginal category with new announcements, Dead Cells is doing more with Castlevania than Konami, Returnal got a PC port, Among Us is playing Hide and Seek, Hades II exists, a Bayonetta prequel is coming out in March, which is pretty close to III's release if you ask me, Death Stranding I guess gets a sequel, same for Baldur's Gate and Diablo, Crash Bandicoot's doing an arena fighter and Armoured Core finally exists again, From Soft's out of the Souls mines? I guess some of that will work for some and I'd be thrilled at Dead Cells if I had it. On the original titles, I want to note Viewfinder, a puzzle game where you use photos and the objects in them in 3D spaces to traverse levels, Earthblade, which is Celeste with combat so far (Same devs and art style, I think it's fair to say), After Us, a postapocalypse where you raise up spirit dogs and fight an AoT-esque remnat of humanity, There's a game claiming to space Bioshock (not the same devs but same lead) called Judas and Forspoken gets a demo (Sure, trailer music not helping, but if I had a PS5 I'd be booting that up sharpish. Clinton: the true Elder Gamer How rare is that in general?
  9. I'd not be as familiar as I like with the idea to begin with, much less sharecropping. But it doesn't sound surprising. There's that I suppose.
  10. aka the show where The Edge did the theme music for some reason. The fact I forgot that happened in that show is kinda telling about that show as a whole. Looks up the episode. That was one of the better ones in fairness. Could there be anything going on nearby recently setting it off? I say corporate town because those seem like they'd share similarities with serf positions (In terms of being tied in place to the company and expected to work towards the objectives to exploitative degrees), only you'd pay the employer to buy necessary supplies in the company store. So they'd be making money off your purchases and labour. I half expect to hear about some company going full "Office Home"
  11. I was worried it would get worse the longer it went. It got better. "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!" Could just have been a massive addition from that scholarship and maybe the university he went to has a good reputation for the sports side of things, but I ain't the person to ask. Thanks for adding that, I sure never remember that was the case.
  12. Well that was a long day of remembrance and pulling people together, but that should be it, I don't have to thi- >Another Engage trailer Oh find me in the alps. TL;DR: So the class types actually matter? Lyn being good in Fire Emblem Engage? 20 range attacks being a thing? Engage looks kinda wild. Don't think you've mentioned a dog before. How long have they been around? Are they generally troublesome otherwise? Okay, I understand the principle. You're thrusting a prick at the enemy to pierce them. This naturally would be irrelevant for the handheld crossbows, which yes, there were real examples and they're not just for D&D. Dawning horror, we're getting to corporate towns again at this rate Twist, you gave them pufferfish. And people call the axes inaccurate 😛 Daggajan Probably more comfortable than I should. It's not that I can't see the issues around the character as a whole in regards to how someone in his position fighting crime ends up looking. That's not even getting into how some portrayals are. Is he counting Joker in this analysis out of curiosity? I'd bet not, just wondering. DCAU Batman > pretty much the rest too, not helping the comfort because of being able to make that statement. Ouch.
  13. Well that's no good if you need to behave like Bear Gryills.
  14. The music in the Hortensia and Fogato combat videos? I am curious how that goes, I think I like that one already. I am now curious what the issue is here. Shoot, I just realised how late it is here. Probably should sleep then.
  15. Let's cover the main tasks. Alright, so An Taoiseach is the equivalent of a PM here. As head of government in a bicameral system where chances are you have the majority in both houses, you can obviously point out the power that has. (We're in an exceptional period here where who is Taoiseach will change in the middle of a term in a few weeks between parties for the first time.) But when it comes to legislation, you of course have a process, from drafting, reading through and voting across both houses of parliament. The President (An Uachtarán) comes into this story after a bill has been approved by both houses. They take a read through it, assess it's constitutionality (which while you'd think all bills would deal with that, obviously sometimes that doesn't happen) and approves or rejects said bill on that basis. If it's approved, that's now law. If not, it has to go to the supreme court here to go over and can end up sent back to have revisions or be struck down if they really are fucking around. There's also the power vested in the office to approve the appointment of said Taoiseach, cabinet and judges (Sounds familiar eh?) and having the power to dissolve the Dáil and call for elections. Usually those happen pretty normally, at start or end of terms/Taoiseachs and go by as you'd expect them to. Note that just because they are expected to doesn't mean they have to approve it, though this hasn't happened and I doubt will unless something smelly and brown hit the fan. Closest it came was in the 80's where the then president resisted calls to refuse dissolving the Dáil from opposition (for some context, the party he was part of were in opposition and asking him to refuse to dissolve it, aiming to form a government themselves with the numbers they had). The president here is also considered head of the defence forces here, which is a pretty formal position that doesn't result in much of any actual commanding but unless you're in active conflict or using it for concerning reasons that's generally the case anyway. And of course as a head of state he's a representative of the state, visiting and receiving people, but that's kinda obvious. I do say he a couple of times here, which is accurate right now. Course if his successor isn't change pronouns here as appropriate. You do not know some of the 18 year olds I did. That being said, he's likely younger by a year or so I'd bet. Me and mine are exactly this too, I'm the tallest and the eldest is definitely not close in height. NOT THAT TRACK AGAIN There it is, the fount of all anime
  16. A world whatever deity there is doesn't want to be found. I find it hard to be that hard on the literal 10 year old here. I feel like such opportunities should be taken more often. Sadly we didn't see much of that here either. And for all that our president is a pretty decent man and one who's had his moments outside of office, I can see someone criticising them as "getting political" in what is treated on paper as an office that's above politics; arguably a poor way of putting things, but then again we've seen a president actually be forced to resign over getting involved. The seniority of the current guy is probably not helping matters in terms of expecting him to be heading out that often, but if you feel that way you should have seen every other mainline candidate both times he ran.
  17. That is why Tellius isn't canon to SF. Hope it's not a big pain to sort out. And it's not hard to see that AfD is not as it says it is too, which makes the pretending performance for the sake of it in the end. That's why I wonder if these 25 are the actual limit, must be pretty deep in your ass to think that this plan works with this few involved in the planning stage and just assuming people will come on board who've heard nothing about it before they strike. And how do they plan on doing that?
  18. Hold on, the moderate wing? I almost want to joke about that being a thing, but that detail about picking out a transition government for this coup too makes it quite concerning. More concerning would be how many they could get on board with it of course. Colonialism! Colonialism! The "fun" of trauma, it helps cause harm across time, even to those who'd never know it. I see you picked the same promotion weapon I did. Barely even used it, because she just sped ahead of everyone else on exp and I ended up leaving her out whenever I didn't have quite enough space. #Nephnephmthrfka Ah now, that was the efforts of Reyson and Leanne. Reservation roadshow would certainly be an event if it were to happen. Can't think of any visit to one by a sitting Pres and sure, 4 of those years would definitely not happen but I feel like it not happening even once is a bit telling. Confirms it's the same here Fuck sake.
  19. To our Deutsch Teeheeers, you see the coup arrest news? How are you feeling afterwards? It's not that far here at the minute, slipped out of the conversation and hasn't been pushed much the last while. I was working with people used to that in a pre-pandemic role. From what I understood the main building was just stress inducing and I never would envy them for having a more sustained contract. You'd hate to be in my parent's position.
  20. That's an on going topic that's further along in some places than others.
  21. Why was he doing insider trading for mobile games? I just don't get it. Or mobile games I guess, to the full extent of their money making I suppose. As an addendum:
  22. Media hype for Avatar 2 as a film starts. Fully expect this to be the critic anthem for a bit. What would be an Olivier art? Considering that's a combat mechanic in that series, how would that look? Gives the 5-year old spiny shells while everyone else gets coins in a family round where everyone's mad at each other
  23. I was responding to you hinting something was up there 😛 You can't know that. And frankly, you shouldn't
  24. I didn't realise this was a lewd series, didn't think it was. THE BLOCKADES RETURN Probably limited in how long they last, more like light runes then, but hell, we get Exp for them.
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