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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. OKAY, THIS GAME IS REALLY REAMING ME RIGHT NOW. So I just finished my first run through, nothing too concerning. So it starts loading after finishing the map, then crashes out of the game. I boot up expecting to get the usual option to check if I wanted to resume at the end of the final map. Only for it to go right to the home screen, no indication it registered the run at all. So I check to see if it recorded the score, and it says 0. I check the quests and it had the quest rewards for clearing 1 run of TT. So I have Schroedinger's TT run apparently. I'm going to have to lodge am complaint, because this is far from the first bonus run that's been lost on me, but this is the most egregious and the first time it's happened without the phone dying. Aside from that, using SummeLinde, Seth (at 4*), Finn and Husbando Marth.
  2. So it doesn't allow for that. Shame, I thought I might have something there. Aw well, still no idea who wants Watersweep then.
  3. Salt is the meal of the day on the Nohrian Summer Express. 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Tailtiu (At least I got more skills, right? /s +Def/-Res, ANOTHER ONE) 3 Blue, 2 Colourless (Is this it?) 3* Odin (Good fodder. +Res/-Def), 4* Nowi (Ugh. +Spd/-Res ugh again), 4* Oscar (Just.... fucking christ this banner. +Def/-Res) 4.5%
  4. So, a question: Do the new summer weapons (Juicy Drink, Starfish and Fishie Bow) have their desperation effect if the unit is using Watersweep?
  5. Hmm, eachother. He just rushed to finish that sentence. Or it's a typo. Man, Legolas/Gimli seems like the most accurate comparison. Something dumb for now: I think I figured out the evolutionary line. I was suggesting Merric was his grandson. Eh, Rein has a pretty decent amount going on in Thracia anyway. The real issue is that the banner which gave us Leif gave us that second Rein. I did get Leif at least, so nbd with hindsight, but alts really need to get out of regular banners. >Forgets swordlord It sucks to be Roy. "I mean, having to watch Marth kill Medeus on the sidelines was a wakeup call how I could be so much stronger." Is that supposed to be Matthis or Frost he's on about? ..... This was the moment that the mage reconsidered everything he'd ever done. Before he heard screaming about accuracy when firing a bow and a fade to white. ......... It was bound to happen. I knew there'd be trouble. I didn't expect a straight up sacrifice. Well, now we know that Chad was a blood sacrifice. How else did he dodge two fatal attacks in quick succession? Don't tell them about the dragon shrine. Eh, it's Barth. Barth is boring. That's exactly why. I didn't expect that Lot of all people would be executing the king. Also, it's "counting on you!" We all know how that went last time. Stop it Raigh. Next time, Brunja will attempt to give the cold shoulder and we get to see if Karel is going to even get a mention.
  6. Finally cleared with the Askrtrio and Fjorm. Fjorm has the Close Def Seal which was necessary for the cav would cause too much damage otherwise. Anna had Hone Spd 3 Seal to get Fjorm in doubling range for Lucius, but it wasn't needed. Alfonse had QR3 Seal, Sharena was intended to facetank the Red Mage with Deflect Magic but she didn't really take part here, should have given it to Alfonse. So I started by moving Anna with Repoisition into the left side, follwoed by Fjorm the next turn while Sharena and Alfonse wait in the centre out of range. Anna breaks the wall, Fjorm repositions and the enemy comes to us. Fjorm takes out the archer and cavalry while the others move. Alfonse then takes the lead on fighting Lusius and Raven, while the mage is distracted by Fjrom. Fjorm takes them out while Alfonse is danging with Lucius and Raven, eventually taking out Raven and leaving Lucius low on HP for Fjorm to take out.
  7. SALT TRAIN HITTING THE STATION 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green 4* Subaki (I haven't pulled him in a while. +Def/-HP, think I have better), 4* Tailtiu (The game's really just being a dick at this point. Neutral, have better) 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless 3* Jagen (Ugh. For the merge? +Spd/-HP), 4* Odin (This is just painful. +Def/-Res, huh.) 4.25%. Salt's still going strong I see.
  8. .....That'll be for a lot more than this chapter. Knights do not do well here. Not planning on starting a new one either?
  9. Well, he'll be a better tank than any of your armours in the long run. Hopefully he'll have more than 7/7/7 for the three S stats. I think that might be better than Sain would be. Sure, Sain has more strength, but Lance has more speed and is doing better in all the other stats too. "Alan, I must admit I'm thinking: How come Lance is doing so much better?"
  10. Maybe on hardest difficulty for DS era? Thracia 776 if you're unlucky enough and decided Leif should solo? Point being it requires making it hard on yourself. Man Roy's just bad at this.
  11. I feel a little bad at being happy about England not winning. Still want to see if Croatia can beat back a France looking to make history though. It might be the one bridge too far though. It's an odd world cup in general though, can't say that any one side is looking like the definite champions this time around. Could have had very different final four if some teams had played better than they did this time (Germany were last in their group, think about that), though sadly I can't say there was any team I was as impressed on their form as an out of nowhere side like Costa Rica last time either.
  12. Back to the salt mines. 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Mae (This seems to be the standard. Shanna would be nice for once. +Spd/-Def, think I have.), 4* Tailtiu (KILL ME NOW. +Def/-Res PLEASE)
  13. RIP allied wall. The morph factory's really gone down in quality over the decades.
  14. More salt! GET YOUR DOSE OF SALT HERE! 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 3* Donnel (HELL IS ENDLESS. +HP/-Res, have better.) That's 4%, so the salt mine is still open for business.
  15. Well, regardless of how dumb it was, I'm happy nobody will be hurt by it and free orbs on top of that. Tak-Tak will be my nickname for Takumi from now on.
  16. So, the update of 2.7 took 6 tries to stick. Summilla is better than Summer Corrin. I've had poor banner luck for a month. Point being, yesterday was a day of salt. 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green 4* L'Arachel (Well, not bad fodder at least. +Atk/-Def, already ave that.), 3* Effie (Of course. +Def/-Res, might already have that.) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless 4* Clair (I don't know why I expect something new. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Mathilda (Just pitybreak me please. +Atk/-Def, think I have similar.) The worst part is of course I've invested in a banner where the one unit I wanted gets powercreeped halfway through. Frankly, that's a dick move. Edit: Now the new summer banner's here. Am I as unlucky? 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 4* Clair (Stop. +Spd/-HP, have similar), 4* M!Morgan (Well, I can use this fodder. +Def/-Res), 3* Seth (He should have been a contender. +Res/-Atk, bleh.), 4* Lachesis (Ugh. +Res/-Spd), 5* SummeLinde (ARE YOU KIDDING ME? PITYBROKEN BY THE ONE COLOURLESS I WANTED IN ANY WAY! +Atk/-Res, bit disappointing as a bane but workable.) So that's three banner I have interest in. Joy. Also, Something I've noticed is that Heroes crashes every few minutes since the update. Anyone know what's going on?
  17. SA12 is here. Tactics Trials is already proving itself tough. Will this be? Had a couple of retries due to stupidity and that last map, which is the worst.
  18. You're still right that it's more do you have enough equipment sadly.
  19. That skill seems to be default equipped in Conquest by most people, hence why it's so difficult to find other sources of experience. Must by why Hans kills so indiscriminately. Well, they are coming at your army in theory. The fact they've not been closed off is the real sin.
  20. So, new summer banner. Linde is a dagger horse. Really? Game's trying to get me to pull. She also has Desperation on her weapon and another Brazen. Y!Tiki gets an alt.... of the same type. *sigh, it is a new fire dragon, right? She's also flying, has Dragon Valour (REALLY?), a breath that gives extra defence, whacks dragons and gives special cooldown on EP. She is going to be broken if that works with her stats. Takumi gets Takumi emblem and his third bow. *sigh. He's also Flying Colourless (Well that'd be tempting if Kinoka wasn't a thing), and has a weapon like Linde's and a Wave skill for Res. Camilla embelm is also happening. *sigh, though she's a Blue Flying Tome so it's at least viable. (ALSO COME ON, SUMMER CORRIN'S HARD ENOUGH TO GET!) She also gets the same weapon skill as Linde, has Flier Formation and Hone Fliers so she's going to likely be great. So, Linde has a new weapon type for horses, Y!Tiki might be crazy and Summilla seems like what I wanted out of Summer Corrin and the reason powercreep is raised as an accusation. Takumi should have gotten a green bow. This update is the ocean's gray waves and I am drowning in the salt.
  21. Berkut humming his theme everywhere'd just ruin him. Practising for combat? Hums Pride and Arrogance as he charges. Practising his dancing? Humming Prince of Darkness in time to his movement. Practising his sacrifice of Rinea? There he is belting out Praise this Despair! Aside from those, there's Narcian, possibly Reydrick and I could see Gharnef humming it when he's hunting the party in the desert. Also very obviously Azura sings and hums hers all the time.
  22. Al's Sword, BB (for taking out warriors at range, you'd be surprised how useful it is in this map) and three other weapons (I'd have to check which) can do it, as I can say from experience getting the S rank. Honestly only iron swords could take too long. As for my opinion, Kaga era can be ignored, nothing whatsoever. BB has the arena which kind of exists and Trial Maps, which aren't too bad though they are limited barring the pirate and defence one imo. BS only has an arena mode, so nothing much there. SS has the arena mode and CC, which is just more ruins diving, with the only real difference with Valni being more grinding. Unlocking units without replaying the campaign 8/9 times isn't the worst thing in the world though. I can say nothing on if Tellius has anything. DS era has arena and that's about it honestly, though it is far more robust than the GBA era. Awakening has more skirmishes and streetpassing allies. As for the DLC, it has the Spotpass paralogues, which can be a bit harder that Vs Grima imo and the actual DLC has Apotheosis in particular. Fates has more castle fighting, skirmishes and castle invading. Aside from DLC or course but it has scaling levels so it doesn't really have anything that can't be played from early on. SoV is the entire reason Thabes is not a boring generic place anymore so it gets my vote from a story perspective (When the others had 0 :P), much as Thabes can be draining to move through in gameplay without considering how tough the enemies get (it would be nice to have a save at the 5th floor). As for DLC, I can't say much but it mostly adds more to caps and getting more stuff for your convoy and exp from what I can tell as I don't have it yet.
  23. Yeah no, Canas isn't dad of the year. It's not that he's awful at it (I mean, we see some of that with Nino and that is one of the best supports in the series) so much as his willingness to focus on his magic study has an effect on his son both in terms of terrifying him at 2 years old, possibly putting Hugh off dark elder magic entirely and being away from the child to study it is an obvious problem too. I'd argue best dad is either Elbert or Finn.
  24. Dayni as a class name? I assume it's some special version of the general class that has armour more akin to a knight armour of the 14th/15th century. Uses swords and axes, kind of associated with larger swords similar to the Landsknecht. Keeps the armour weakness, though it would also have more balanced defences and more speed. Skills: Unpromoted (probably knight, though it would start with axes as its base) 1: Natural Cover (Knight level 10 skill) 10: Strong Riposte (Merc level 10 skill) 5: Wary Stance (Triggered skills, reduces opponent's effective speed in combat by 5, effect reduced by 1 for each combat until it resets to 0.) 15: Furious Offensive Lunge (working title) (Triggered skill that boosts damage based on 2/3 defence + resistance. Cooldown of 5 turns, drops defence and resistance by 5 for the next turn and can move into enemy's position.)
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