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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Does RK affect the skill weapons (Leif's Blade, Luna, Astra, Sol, Vengeance)?
  2. Were you recruiting them directly, or from the logbook? It does for me. But if that's really the case and I somehow haven't noticed (I should have, I'm already halfway done) then Deirdre would cost an extra 150 Golden Gaffe runs, which is even more ridiculous.
  3. They're better on past FEs because past FEs didn't have FE13's ridiculous enemy density, and it was reasonable to expect to fight ~50% of your battles in EP. In Awakening, charging one enemy puts you in range of about 5 more, and without Rescue or Galeforce you'll be seeing a lot of EP combat. In earlier FEs, having one or two goons who came after your archer(s) on EP isn't a problem either, because the rest of your team is right there to mop them up, but in Awakening you can't do that because most chapters huge enemy aggro radii and your entire team is needed to either rush the next wave of foes (who are right next to you) or pull back, in which case you can't pick off the leftovers. The net effect is that Archers don't pull their weight in FE13. Now, Wolt: I have two copies of Awakening. That means I need 199998 Renown to max out both of them. Hiring a spotpass team gives 50 Renown, so I need to hire 4,000 characters to get my Renown. Wolt, with the Silver Card, costs 600G to recruit. That's a grand total of 2,400,000G. Excluding the time it takes to get that gold, it takes about 20 hours to actually recruit him that many times. Dierdre, with the Silver Card, costs 2,100G to recruit. That's a grand total of 8,400,000G. For comparison, Golden Gaffe with Despoil yields ~80,000G per run. So basically using Dierdre instead of Wolt would cost me ~75 extra Golden Gaffe runs, which would probably add on about 3-5 hours. Now do you see why I use Wolt? Because he's the cheapest, and over 4,000 recruitments even a small difference becomes huge.
  4. I might be in the minority here, but I really like the overworld theme. Some of the DLC map songs are really good too (Specifically CoY2 and RaR2), but they aren't unique to FE13 so...
  5. Brokenness isn't a matter of opinion, it's a matter of statistics. You can argue all you like that Blaziken and Excadrill aren't broken, but the fact is that if there's an extreme difference in wins vs. losses in teams that have one and teams that don't, it's an indication that they could be over-centralizing the metagame and/or outright being the metagame. It's just like Meta Knight, you can argue all you like that he's not broken, but when such an inordinate proportion of tourney winnings go to players using him, it's obvious that something is wrong.
  6. Do Despoil and Leif's Blade stack? You could use both together... I also sometimes use Despoil + Nidhogg to limit EP kills (and get +10% drops, very nice with RK Inigo), or Despoil + Galeforce on a Wyvern to spend all of my EP time over water where nothing can reach me and die. Before postgame, though, Leif's Blade is always better because you don't have to put someone through Barbarian to get it, you get a free one for Renown, you can buy more from Leif, and the crit rate is nice. I mainly use Despoil in tandem with Golden Gaffe (enemies don't attack, so no wasted opportunities) when farming gold for Wolt.
  7. Probably because they can't fight on enemy phase and are thus only useful if you aren't getting attacked then, or if you don't want to retaliate (Counter). On lower difficulties, how good a character is is dependent on how easily you can throw them into a mob and watch them clean house, and bows simply can't do that. And I frankly never want to see Wolt's face again after watching him cart off so much of my gold on my quests for max Renown.
  8. For the same reason there's a Berserker with a bow in Secret Apo. IS tried to save space on the game card by giving attributes to groups of enemies instead of individual ones, and made some silly oversights as a result.
  9. ...Are you quite sure you quoted the right person? My post suggested scaling the maximum power of the Defending team with the Attacking team's progress in the game, which is the opposite of requiring LB and capped stats to even think about multiplayer. But if you're really against PvP, what about team battles (real ones, not Double Duel) against high volumes of strong enemies with two independent player teams and phases? Would that please you?
  10. So make the power of the Multiplayer teams you can make vary based on whatever factor is used to control Risen strengths in the attacker's game, or on the hardest DLC map they've beaten (count Apo and Secret Apo as separate maps and require beating wave 5 to count as defeating them). There, now it's accessible to everybody. Said Nightmare Sniper lacks pass and the ability to retaliate at 1-range, which make him easy to box in/rescue rush. I've boxed in his entire team on wave 5 using Pass and Deliverer before, it was fun. Considering as no human with Vantage+ would attack someone else with active Vantage, it might just be a good idea to ban Vantage+ (or at least restrict it to 1-range units and Bow users). Regarding Dual Guard rates, I think my unoptimized Manakete Morgan gets 54 without a +Def support. 60% should be easily attainable if you're trying to get it. But would you attack an enemy if you knew they had a 40% chance of ending your game? In a competitive scene, the stakes would be higher than just a reset, too.
  11. Yes, only 4 male staff classes. That came to my attention when I was playing with using Marth's infinite use Parallel Falchion in cht.4 as a source of infinite damage for my healers to heal to circumvent anti-grinding measures on Lunatic(+). Turns out the best two units for doing that have already joined your team at that point. You don't get another source of infinite damage (without skirmishes/*pass/DLC) until cht.18 (or Nah's Paralogue), so the timing is very handy.
  12. Indeed, I don't believe Secret Apo threw out even one Vantage+/Luna+/Hawkeye enemy. Anna should have had that. Maybe the Defending team could have some sort of thing where they start out with even higher stats (+~35) and receive a penalty based on what skills they equip. Dragonskin would be free, Vantage+ and Luna+ would be the most expensive. Normally obtainable skills would be free (excluding Counter), encouraging you do do something other than make your own Lawnmower Squad. Oh, and maybe Lethality+RG should be banned.
  13. If you're absolutely 100% sure you never want her using axes, you could pass down Despoil to speed up grinding.
  14. You would. But saying it's "the best" without specifying who it's best for indicates that it's best for everybody, and it's clearly not.
  15. Assuming you consider Secret Apotheosis to be the game's hardest content. Try doing a challenge run where you can't use promoted units/special classes/promoted skills except the ones Chrom passes down and see how far "standard" pairings get you. Suddenly, "bad" pairings become surprisingly useful, and Galeforce and Luna access count for nothing. Excellent for variety.
  16. Oh. In that case it's pretty good. Yarne's mods make Vaike!Gerome cry.
  17. Go ahead and marry Emmeryn with that and see how it works out for you.
  18. Interesting. That actually gives me another thought of how to defeat FTA: As I see it, the metagame is/would be currently Lawnmower with FTA vs. Lawnmower without FTA, so why not make unequal victory/battle conditions to balance things out? Basically, the fights could act more like Streetpass and have an attacking team (who must route to win and gets FTA) and a defending team, whos units start paired up (but can't activate Dual Strikes and Dual Guards, those are attacking team only), moves last, and only needs to take out any one of the enemy units to win. FTA gives a huge boost to one team, so it makes sense to not try to make every single other aspect of the teams be on equal footing. For that matter, what if the defending team, instead of using their real units, got to customize a team beforehand or on the spot (all units have neutral mods, innate Limit Break/All Stats +20, have all classes and are generic), with access to the Lunatic+ skills, twice as many units, and the ability to start their units anywhere on the map (but no pair up)? It would then be a contest of Ultimate Lawnmower vs. Player-controlled Apotheosis with skills that are unknowable in advance, instead of Lawnmower with FTA vs. Lawnmower without FTA. The defending side could even use NPC/outrealm portraits for their characters.
  19. Now she has 4 Mag, 5 Def, and Tomefaire, without even a negative Spd mod. Oh well. This is old and more of a popularity poll than an effectiveness chart, but it could contain something useful for trashing the children: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/643003-fire-emblem-awakening/67508779
  20. Is it even possible for Dual Guards to block Dual Strikes? DS bypasses Counter and PavGis(+)... I suppose we'll never know.
  21. Have you ever actually tried Ricken!Kjelle? Sully's Str and Mag are both terrible, so I don't see any immediate reason why she can't go magical instead. Stahl!Noire gives Noire Vantage+Vengeance. Too bad Fred is already taken. Other than that, looks pretty good (pretty bad?).
  22. Balance isn't exactly one of FE13's strong points either. To be perfectly honest, I'm biased against Pokemon's multiplayer because I don't like grinding for perfect IVs every time I want to test a new strategy, so instead I test them on Pokemon Online or some other fanmade simulator. The problem is, out of the ~100 matches I've played on there, literally one guy was a good sport. Maybe it's because I give my sweepers names like Cow Tipper and Attack Wagon, but it's not very fun to play when people spend more time yelling at you in chat than they do fighting. In regards to this difficulty discussion, this is far more entertaining (to play or watch) than any Nuzlocke run: http://speeddemosarchive.com/PokemonFireLeaf.html#E4R2SS
  23. Generally, anywhere there's an overlap of two or more classes is a bad pairing, and anywhere the mods ad up so that none of the useful ones are over two is also bad. So stuff like Maiden!Lucina, Fred/Kellam!Owain, Libra!Laurent, Donnel/Gregor!Inigo, Virion!Nah... Some characters like Brady and Cynthia get everything they want from their moms, so it's hard to wreck them with classes and the best you can do is give them Fred to trash their Spd and Mag, or give them Avatar to waste his huge class set on someone who already has everything. Go +Str/-Spd if you do that for maximum mod terribleness.
  24. Or you could just hand an automatic win to whoever moves first. That sounds fun too.
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