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Special Heroes: Our Path Ahead

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And the usual translation notes:


The banner name, "Our Path Ahead", is "私たちはこれから" (watashi-tachi wa kore kara), "From now on, we will...".

Zelgius's epithet, "Ninja Knight", is "紅漆の忍者" (kōshitsu no ninja), "Crimson-Lacquered Ninja". "紅漆" is possibly pronounced "beni-urushi". It's a play on Zelgius's Black Knight identity, as the Black Knight's name in Japanese is "漆黒の騎士" (shikkoku no kishi), which is typically translated into English as "jet-black knight". However, "jet black" is only the English equivalent phrase and isn't a word-for-word translation, and "漆黒" (shikkoku) literally translates as "lacquer black", as jet is not a material native to Japan and the color black is instead associated with lacquer.

Scarlet Spear is "将軍忍者の紅槍" (shōgun ninja no kōsō), "Shogun Ninja's Crimson Lance".

Lightless Luna is "漆黒の月光" (shikkoku no gekkō), "Jet-Black Moonlight". As mentioned above, "漆黒" (shikkoku), "jet black", is a reference to the Black Knight's name. "月光" (gekkō), "moonlight", is the name of the Luna skill. Compare with Black Luna, which is "黒の月光" (kuro no gekkō), "black moonlight".

Distant D/R Solo is "遠反・守魔の孤軍" (enhan: shuma no kogun), "Long-Range Counterattack: Def/Res Lone Force". As usual, "遠反" (enhan) is an abbreviation of "遠距離反撃" (enkyori hangeki), "long-range counterattack", which is the name of the Distant Counter skill. "孤軍" (kogun), "lone force", is the name of the Solo skill series.

Heather's epithet, "Wandering Ninja", is "流しの忍者" (nagashi no ninja), "Wandering Ninja".

Spy's Shuriken is "密偵忍者の手裏剣" (mittei ninja no shuriken), "Spy Ninja's Shuriken".

Spd/Def Ruse is "速さ守備の大共謀" (hayasa shubi no daikyōbō), "Spd/Def Great Conspiracy". The name of the Ruse series, "大共謀" (daikyōbō, "great conspiracy"), is a reference to the weaker Feint series, "共謀" (kyōbō, "conspiracy").

Schism is "連携阻害" (renkei sogai), "Coordination Obstruction".

Reina's epithet, "Sanguine Shinobi", is "愛虐二面の忍者" (ai-gyaku nimen no ninja), "Love and Cruelty's Two-Faced Ninja".

Kumo Yumi is "白夜忍の和弓" (byakuya-nin no wakyū), "Hoshidan Ninja's Japanese-Style Bow". As usual, "白夜" (byakuya), "Hoshido", literally translates as "white night". The localized name translates as "Cloud Bow".

Sanaki's epithet, "Dawnsworn Ninja" is "暁に誓う双忍" (akatsuki ni chikau sōnin), "Paired Ninja Sworn to the Dawn".

Radiant Scrolls is "光炎の姉妹の忍法帖" (kōen no shimai no ninpōchō), "Ninja Arts Scroll of the Sisters of Light and Flame".

Flared Mirror is "鬼神明鏡の炎撃" (kishin meikyō no engeki), "Fierce Deity/Clear Mirror Flame Strike". As usual, "鬼神" (kishin, "fierce deity") and "明鏡" (meikyō, "clear mirror") are the Atk and Res stat indicators for the Blow and Stance skill series.

Saizo's epithet, "Hoshido's Flame", is "白夜の爆炎忍者" (byakuya no bakuen ninja), "Hoshido's Explosive Flame Ninja".

Kumo Naginata is "白夜忍の薙刀" (byakuya-nin no naginata), "Hoshidan Ninja's Naginata". The localized name translates is "Cloud Naginata".

Ginnungagap's epithet, "Ruler of Nihility", is "虚無の王" (kyomu no ō), "King of Emptiness".

Arcane Void is "魔器ギンヌンガガプ" (maki ginnungagapu), "Arcane Weapon Ginnungagap". As usual, "魔器" (maki), "magic weapon", is the term used for Rearmed Heroes and Arcane Weapons.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

For some reason I had it in my head that Volke was from a much earlier game. Huh.

He was in Final Fantasy VI


Unfortunately he lost the dog when he transitioned over to Path of Radiance XD

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8 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Ponytail Micaiah might cause me to act unwise with my orbs.

That's why she (and Sanaki) looked different, thanks! To think, I just read a thread on Reddit ~two days ago about how rare it was for characters to get alternate hair styles...

It's great that she and Sanaki finally have a duo together and while I think it's nice that they let the less popular character lead, it means we don't get any of Micaiah's Prfs in this alt (compare that to Tiki + Ninian, who got a Dance in their Harmonized Skill). I would like to get them, but I'm also horribly lacking in Orbs and these banners lack sparks, so... I probably won't. We'll see.

6 hours ago, Baron the Shining Blade said:

Never imagined it would be in the form of a ninja alt. The lance I expected, but I will freaking take it to the bank and back. What an awesome early birthday present!

Congrats, Happy advance Birthday! He even comes with a buffed Black Luna! That was something else I saw discussed on Reddit, for the speculation thread about the silhouettes!

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Atk/Def Ideal and Spd/Def Oath are the Sacred Seals this time around.

Saizo's Kumo Naginata is a 9-Mt lance with an identical effect as Reina's Kumo Yumi. He also has Ignis, Atk/Spd Solo 3, and Def Smoke 3 as his base kit, none of which are particularly notable.

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Even if its the freebie I still think its great Saizo got an alt. Heroes always treated him as the red haired stepchild of team Ryoma despite easily being the best of the bunch. Seeing Kagero especially get all the love while her partner got totally ignored especially stung a bit. It helps that Ninja Saizo looks intensely cool too.

I think its funny Zelgius seems to grumble that Ninjas are dishonorable in the trailer. As if Zelgius doesn't eliminate all sense of sportsmanship by going around in an armor practically no one in Tellius can pierce. 

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1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I think its funny Zelgius seems to grumble that Ninjas are dishonorable in the trailer. As if Zelgius doesn't eliminate all sense of sportsmanship by going around in an armor practically no one in Tellius can pierce. 

A classic case of "pot, meet kettle".

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On 10/22/2023 at 8:33 AM, Zelgius said:

Huh. I got a Zelgius (+HP/-Spd) on the free pull of the Treat Fiends banner, that's the first Zelgius I've got in years since my +10. Could it be a sign of things to come?

I knew it was a sign! I have many orbs saved so I'll definitely summon him, it's also cool to have a blue Zelgius as well so you can have a full time with three colours. His armour looks cool too.  


15 hours ago, Baron the Shining Blade said:

I've expressed my hype on Discord, so I'll make it brief.



Never imagined it would be in the form of a ninja alt. The lance I expected, but I will freaking take it to the bank and back. What an awesome early birthday present!

We all get to have our moment. This one happens to be mine. I sincerely wish all of you who haven't already will have your moments as well.

Happy birthday! (When it comes)

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15 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

So in her castle quotes Heather displays a crush on Sharena. Um...isn't Sharena about a decade younger and probably underaged? I know Heather was never written all that gracefully but that's still pretty awkward.

Do we have ages for Sharena and Alfonse?

Anyway I remember that Sanaki (from RD) said that Veronica was about her age (so 13), and when we got Brave Veronica she was visibly a bit older and they explained that she was 1 year older because 1 year had passed since the launch of the game. 

Then when Legendary Veronica was released she was older than Brave Veronica. I don't really believe that the passage of time is 1:1 with the real world (Legendary Veronica still doesn't look like the adult she would technically be if that's the case, to quote Leo) but it's clear that years are intended to have passed for the Heroes OCs (see also the TT+ storylines for Eir and the likes). 

Since Sharena always looked Eliwood aged (so 16) to me (look at her spring alt to see that she has a developed body), that would make her probably over 18 now.

Or at least I think that's the case. IS has been careless in the past but I don't think they would make an adult woman hit on a kid. Still this is the same company that gave us Micaiah/Sothe wedding duo.

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14 minutes ago, GrandeRampel said:

Do we have ages for Sharena and Alfonse? Then when Legendary Veronica was released she was older than Brave Veronica. I don't really believe that the passage of time is 1:1 with the real world (Legendary Veronica still doesn't look like the adult she would technically be if that's the case, to quote Leo) but it's clear that years are intended to have passed for the Heroes OCs (see also the TT+ storylines for Eir and the likes). 

I don't think their ages are ever mentioned but Alfonse's design is that of the typical lord who mostly hover around the 17-19 range which would logically mean that Sharena is below that. As far as we can tell from her looks and how she acts 15-16 seems a safe guess. I guess what muddies the water is that Veronica keeps aging slightly while the designs of the askr royals stay roughly the same. That and they don't get that many alts anyway. Especially Sharena who got locked in the basement so her family could take Veronica to the day of devotion.

14 minutes ago, GrandeRampel said:

Or at least I think that's the case. IS has been careless in the past but I don't think they would make an adult woman hit on a kid. Still this is the same company that gave us Micaiah/Sothe wedding duo.

(and an actual wedding)

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2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

So in her castle quotes Heather displays a crush on Sharena. Um...isn't Sharena about a decade younger and probably underaged? I know Heather was never written all that gracefully but that's still pretty awkward.

Well assuming one book = one year (because things would be hilariously busy if they're meant to be having these multiple wars and execursions to hell and battle with different gods in just a few months) then Sharena must be, at the very youngest, in her early 20s by now.

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32 minutes ago, Florete said:

Do we even have an age for Heather? At a glance I'd say she looks older than Sharena, but not by much. Certainly not a decade.

The Radiant Dawn artbook only has actual ages for a few characters (Sanaki is 13, Ike is 20, Mist is 18, Shinon is 30, Oscar is 21) and most other characters only have an apparent age listed.

Heather's apparent age is 27.


But then they also say that Janaff is supposed to look like he's 30 (all characters with a Laguz class have a footnote indicating that it's compared to Beorc of that age), and he definitely doesn't look 30 relative to the other characters that are supposed to look 30, even if that's what his age actually is (in Beorc equivalent).

And that Meg is supposed to look 16, which is the same age as Soren is supposed to look.

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On 11/6/2023 at 1:49 AM, Ice Dragon said:

Ginnungagap's epithet, "Ruler of Nihility", is "虚無の王" (kyomu no ō), "King of Emptiness".

Arcane Void is "魔器ギンヌンガガプ" (maki ginnungagapu), "Arcane Weapon Ginnungagap". As usual, "魔器" (maki), "magic weapon", is the term used for Rearmed Heroes and Arcane Weapons.

Added the Tempest Trials boss to the translation notes.

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On 11/5/2023 at 10:28 PM, Ice Dragon said:

Assault Troop has synergy with Distant D/R Solo. It's a way to make a Distant Counter Solo skill actually viable on an armor because they normally have garbage mobility and can't actually get away from their allies and also makes it so that they don't have to make a new two-stat Distant Counter series with a more lenient condition yet.

Would not Prime be better? Just change Dodge and Special Charge to status effects, and I guess Air Orders as well to mimic Warp Powder if we want to give him a fourth effect that that does not effect combat too much to keep him at his current power level. If we want him busted, Vantage would be amazing since the status effects has no HP requirement.

With Prime, he gets more flexibility if people want to swap out Assault Troop for Save if the player wants to use him more defensively. Although I guess Distant Solos always have Distant Counter on with conditional stat boosts, while Prime has conditional Counter and conditional stat boosts.

On 11/6/2023 at 4:21 AM, Florete said:

Saizo can warp adjacent to an ally...and has a solo skill...

Pretty fitting, haha! Was not he a tsundere in Fates?

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Sure, but he doesn't have Prime. I'm justifying his current kit, not coming up with a hypothetical kit to replace it with.

I guess. His current kit just feels a tiny bit limiting. It is not bad, but I figure people rather just run a dual phase infantry unit with more skill availability and variety, and not worry about clunky armor movement.

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28 minutes ago, XRay said:

I guess. His current kit just feels a tiny bit limiting. It is not bad, but I figure people rather just run a dual phase infantry unit with more skill availability and variety, and not worry about clunky armor movement.

Most dual-phase infantry don't steal a quarter of the opponent's Atk stat for themselves and have a Special that is Black Luna + Escutcheon + Sacred Cowl + Noontime.

Also, I think most people would rather have a unit that is ready to use out of the box instead of having to eat other rare units to be good.

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

Pretty fitting, haha! Was not he a tsundere in Fates?

It actually gets even better: his weapon has the "At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%" condition, but he comes with an AoE special that will lower his foe's HP before combat.

This might be the most non-synergistic base kit ever.

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Something amusing I noticed in the intro to the Paralogue is Sanaki getting annoyed at Micaiah constantly going on and on about Sothe. I don't know if this was intentional, but it reminds me of Micaiah herself getting annoyed at Sothe's praising of Ike and the ever-famous line, "leader of the Greil Mercenaries, and father of Sothe's children...". Of course that exact retort wouldn't work so well in Micaiah's case, but it's cute to see Sanaki being possessive over her one surviving family member and Micaiah playing the role of big sister to the hilt.

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