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20 most wanted characters for 2024

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Last year, I just did a "most wanted character from each game" and everyone seemed disappointed that it wasn't a straight overall "20 most wanted characters" topic, so, before we get our first New Heroes banner of the year, let's put down which 20 characters we want the most and see which ones get added this year. Hopefully, we can all cross off a bunch of characters from our lists! My list:

1. Brom
2. Linoan
3. Ashe (base)
4. Selphina
5. Elffin
6. Edain
7. Brigid
8. Douglas
9. Noire (base)
10. Zihark (base)
11. Dorothea (base)
12. Mozu
13. Dozla (base)
14. Castor
15. Lorenz (Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem)
16. Athos
17. Nergal
18. Zeiss
19. Deen (Thracia)
20. Skrimir

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  • Fire Emblem Fan changed the title to 20 most wanted characters for 2024

I'm only going to include characters that I don't think are a lock for a future banner (so no remaining Engage royals).

1. Tormod
2. Stefan
3. base Saleh
4. FE4 Claud
5. Midir (or whatever his name was localized to)
6. Coirpre
7. Sleuf
8. Amalda
9. Eyrios
10. Linoan
11. Shin
12. Dayan
13. Artur
14. Muarim
15. Janaff
16. Jade
17. Pandreo
18. base Seadall
19. Elphin
20. Edain

So basically a lot of dudes and a lot of characters from games that aren't very popular. If I got Tormod and no one else this year, I'd still be thrilled.

EDIT: Fuck, I forgot Zeiss. I guess you could replace Elphin or Edain with him, I don't know.

Edited by Sunwoo
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1. Ivy [Base]
2. Hortensia
3. Zelkov
4. Rosado
5. Goldmary
6. Griss
7. Rafal
8. Fafnir [Base]
9. Tormod
10. Nolan
11. Jarod
12. Brigid [Base]
13. Mozu
14. Scarlet
15. SD / NM Lorenz
16. Alois
17. Wallace
18. Zeiss
19. Linoan
20. Shade

To be truthful, I won't be too bummed if I don't get that many from this list since Book VIII already gave me Severa (my former most wanted character).

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1.Emperor Alvis





5. Beast Dedue

6.Nergal (he's long overdue)

7. Jedah (he's long overdue)

8.Base Rudolf (he's long overdue)

9.Base Sephiran (he's long overdue)

10.Manfroy (he's long overdue)

11. Nolan

12. Edward

13. Leonardo

14. Laura

15. Base Brigid (should have been put in the game in 2018)

16. Chrom's Maiden (wedding seasonal)

17. Desaix (the fans have spoken)

18. Male Warrior Naga

19. Seeker, he's been cucked on the pirate banner for too long now

20. Mannu (Pyrathi bias)

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In no particular order

1: Emperor Arvis
2: Reptor
3: Lekain
4: Brom
5: Tormod
6: Rosado
7: Hortentia
8: Merrin
9: Lang
10: Percy
11: Nolan
12: Nergal
13: Darin/Eric
14: Count Gloucester
15: Alois (preferably summer)
16: Hanneman
17: SOMMIE! 
18: Edward
19: Fogado
20: Clanne/Framme

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Ah, right! The tradition! Let's see...

Last year... Huh. It wound up being 20 categories for me (since I combined and split various games, such as by generation or world.) Anyway, 3 of my picks made it in, and so did 3 runner-ups. Not bad, I suppose. 🙂

This year... Hmm I may want to think about it some more, but I'll go ahead and list ones I know I'd like. There are plenty, but it's hard for me to tell which ones I want the most right now (except for a few.)

1. Elena (FE9/10)

2. Almedha (FE10)

3. Shura (Fates)

4. Njordr (Heroes)

5. Franz (FE8)

6. Forde (FE8) (He made it in on a new heroes banner in July!)

7. Kyle (FE8) (He joined Forde in coming into the game, but as an instant 4*/3* unit.)

8. Kieran (FE9)

9. Raijaion (or however you spell it - FE9/10 - a certain incarnation doesn't count!)

10. Vaida (FE7)

11. Volug (FE10)

12. Tormod (FE9) (I think it may be his FE10 version, but he's in! And on a desert banner. Since I associate him with deserts so much, I'm pretty happy about it. ^_^)

13. Clanne (Engage) (He got a summer version in July! Still waiting on his getting to use a tome, and it's too bad that he and Hisame aren't a harmonized unit (yet) in pickling brotherhood, but I'm glad he's in.)

14. Jean (Engage - I especially want to see him interact with this book's characters, so maybe next year would be better)

15. Fogado (Engage) (He's in!)

16. Percy (Fates)

17. Asugi (Fates)

18. Alois (3H)

19. Hanneman (3H)

20. Rodrigue (3H)

And many, many more, honestly. Especially characters with deeper backgrounds that don't get as much attention (such as parents of more story-active characters.)

Edited by Mercakete
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Ordered by game, not priority:

  1. Wendell
  2. Jedah
  3. Safy
  4. Lara
  5. Linoan
  6. Raydrik
  7. Elffin
  8. Athos
  9. Nergal
  10. Franz
  11. Glen
  12. Kieran
  13. Tormod
  14. Edward
  15. Volug
  16. Vaike
  17. Scarlet
  18. Sophie
  19. Fogado
  20. Rosado

Honorable mentions to the 10 characters dropped from my longer previous list: Cecil, Rudolf, Chulainn, Brigid, Lombard, Skrimir, Kellam, Reina, Leonie, and Dorothea. (Although I'm willing to count Reina's seasonal version, honestly.)

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  1. Ashe (Vanilla)
  2. Ignatz (Vanilla)
  3. Percy
  4. Dorothea (Vanilla)
  5. Alois
  6. Lonato
  7. Xane (Vanilla)
  8. Rosado
  9. Leonardo
  10. Mozu
  11. Janaff
  12. Samson
  13. Ogier
  14. Jesse
  15. Midia
  16. Etzel
  17. Samuel
  18. Scarlet
  19. Judith
  20. Ismaire
Edited by Morgan--Grandmaster
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  1. Wendell
  2. Jedah
  3. Safy
  4. Lara
  5. Linoan
  6. Raydrik
  7. Elffin
  8. Athos
  9. Nergal
  10. Franz
  11. Glen
  12. Kieran
  13. Tormod
  14. Edward
  15. Volug
  16. Vaike
  17. Scarlet
  18. Sophie
  19. Fogado
  20. Rosado

That was fast!

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I don't have 20 I want but I will list who I would like and see how far I get.

1) Elphin FE6 (my favorite FE character and the one I want most)

2) Volug FE10 

3) Yashiro TMS

4) Glenn FE8

5) Rodrigue 3H

6) Rosado Engage

7) Lorenz FE1

8, Zeiss FE6

9) Scarlet Fates

10) Vaida FE7

11) Jean Engage

12) Clanne Engage

13) Shura Fates

14) Yukimura Fates

15) Jake FE1

16) Geitz FE7

17) Renning FE10

Yeah I can't really come up with 3 more that I want enough to write down.


Edited by EricaofRenais
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1: Tina (Thracia 776)

I know, I know, I'm a bit late here, but Tina was my most wanted Thracia character in your previous topic and would have been on my list if I noticed this new topic sooner, so I don't count this as cheating.

2: Misha (Thracia 776)

3: Jeanne (Genealogy)

4: Yuliya (Mystery of the Emblem)

5: Fiona (Radiant Dawn)

6: Giffca (Path of Radiance)

7: Nuibaba (Echoes)

8: Rosado (Engage)

9: Hanneman (Three Houses)

10: Ladislava (Three Houses)

11: Marni (Engage)

12: Madelyn (Engage)

13: Mozu (Fates)

14: Ayaha (TMS)

15: Ephidel (Blazing Blade)

16: Vaida (Blazing Blade)

17: Pamela (Genealogy)

18: Franz (Sacred Stones)

19: Ismaire (Sacred Stones)

20: Layla (Fates)


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  1. Wendell
  2. Jedah
  3. Safy
  4. Lara
  5. Linoan
  6. Raydrik
  7. Elffin
  8. Athos
  9. Nergal
  10. Franz
  11. Glen
  12. Kieran
  13. Tormod
  14. Edward
  15. Volug
  16. Vaike
  17. Scarlet
  18. Sophie
  19. Fogado
  20. Rosado

I'll take it.

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18 minutes ago, Othin said:
  1. Wendell
  2. Jedah
  3. Safy
  4. Lara
  5. Linoan
  6. Raydrik
  7. Elffin
  8. Athos
  9. Nergal
  10. Franz
  11. Glen
  12. Kieran
  13. Tormod
  14. Edward
  15. Volug
  16. Vaike
  17. Scarlet
  18. Sophie
  19. Fogado
  20. Rosado

I'll take it.

Tormod? Where? Is he on the seasonal banner of the month?

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Where are:


Noire (base)

Katarina (i suppose it technically doesn't count, but i love the Awakening design too much for it to just be lost to history)











Reina (basse)



I know it's not 20, but i don't know enough enough games to put down 20 and both awekening and fates have had a very long run on the game by now most of the characters are in. Definitely hoping this is the year we finally get Mitama at least.

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I was gonna post here sooner but I ended up forgetting it.

Man, just 20? Let me see... Ah, the list will be from the top of my head, so maybe I'll end up leaving someone out in favour of someone I want less (because I don't wanna think for too long):

  1. Athos
  2. N̶e̶r̶g̶a̶l̶
  3.  Oifrey
  4. Jhan
  5.  Aideen/Adean/Edain/however else her name is written
  6.  Brendam Reed (because it's unfair as fuck that we don't get to actually fight him in FE7)
  7. Shannam
  8.  Shiva
  9. Kishuna
  10. Johalva/Lucharba
  11. Linoan
  12. Aida
  13. Sigune
  14. Ellen
  15. Elphin
  16. Douglas
  17. Captain Fargus (Added him because I didn't realize he was the GBH in november, lol, anyway now he's already on the list).
  18. Dart
  19. Ismaire
  20. Uhai

 - Honourable mention for every other Tellius Laguz (the day they finally add Volug I'll die on the spot), I like them all. 

The list is not in any sort of order.


 EDIT: I forgot base Brigid, base Fafnir and base Bruno (and I thought I'd managed to make a list with just 20 characters, if I didn't start to cite Tellius laguz...), they are already in the game with alts so I'm not sure if they count, and also I already have the list full, but I'll leave them here as honourable mentions.

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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41 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Captain Farhus

If you meant to say Fargus from Blazing Blade, he is in Heroes. He was the GHB unit for November of last year.

Fargus also got a pretty sick Prf weapon, unlike some less fortunate axe GHB units (like Caellach or Gonzalez).

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In chart form! It starts in the center and goes clockwise following the turquoise line.

In past years, several characters I wanted who weren't in my top 20 were added. Wolf, Malice, Hapi and Felix come to mind. This year I'll list some that I consider honorable mentions. I'll start with Renault, Ryan, Samuel/Samto, Brom and Vika.

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Late on this:

  1. Skrimir
  2. Deghinsea (regular)
  3. Nasir
  4. Volug
  5. Nergal
  6. Fogado
  7. Deen
  8. Shin
  9. Forseti (using Lewyn as a base)
  10. Glen
  11. Muarim (non-Fallen)
  12. Nolan
  13. Elm
  14. Fafnir (regular or dragon)
  15. Merrin
  16. Scarlet
  17. Panette
  18. Kurthnaga (regular)
  19. Eda
  20. Soan

Honorable mention: Jesse

Edited by Medeus
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On 1/21/2024 at 1:47 AM, Tybrosion said:

If you meant to say Fargus from Blazing Blade, he is in Heroes. He was the GHB unit for November of last year.

Fargus also got a pretty sick Prf weapon, unlike some less fortunate axe GHB units (like Caellach or Gonzalez).

WHAT?! No way! NO WAY! Can't believe I missed it until now (I pretty much didn't play the game much in november...). Great that he has a cool Prf too! Well, guess I'll scratch a name from my list already.

 Also, yeah, I typoed his name.

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  • 1 month later...

1. Marisha

2. Laylea 

3. Bors

4. Saleh (normal)

5. Brom

6. Yulia

7. Artemis (mythical)

8. Elffin 

9. Timerra (regular) 

10. Noire (regular) 

11. Aimee

12. Daisy 

13. Jhan (mythical)

14. Dozla

15. Amalda 

16. Fiona

17. Mozu

18. Jake 

19. Manuela (normal)

20. Moulder

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  • 2 weeks later...

Feels nice to be able to cross at least one character off the list.

1. Brom
2. Linoan
3. Ashe (base)
4. Selphina
5. Elffin
6. Edain
7. Brigid
8. Douglas
9. Noire (base)
10. Zihark (base)
11. Dorothea (base)
12. Mozu
13. Dozla (base)
14. Castor
15. Lorenz (Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem)
16. Athos
17. Nergal
18. Zeiss
19. Deen (Thracia)
20. Skrimir

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  • 1 month later...

I get to cross someone else off my list, yay.

1. Brom
2. Linoan
3. Ashe (base)
4. Selphina
5. Elffin
6. Edain
7. Brigid
8. Douglas
9. Noire (base)
10. Zihark (base)
11. Dorothea (base)
12. Mozu
13. Dozla (base)
14. Castor
15. Lorenz (Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem)
16. Athos
17. Nergal
18. Zeiss
19. Deen (Thracia)
20. Skrimir

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