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Voting Gauntlet: Motherly Meet!

Voting Gauntlet Poll  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Which army will you support?

    • Lumera
    • Sothis
    • Ymir
    • Henriette
    • Tailtiu
    • Arete
    • Karla
    • Panne

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  • Poll closed on 02/06/2024 at 02:55 AM

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I'm on the France about Henriette, Tailtiu, Karla and maybe Ymir. Probably will be Henriette though. 

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Henriette is the only mom here I enjoy as a person. She's not overly sensationalized in any way. So, she gets my vote. We'll see what I'll do if she loses...

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2 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Henriette is the only mom here I enjoy as a person.

You dislike Tailtiu? Intersting, I'm curious as to why. I don't think I ever met a Tailtiu hater before. The general opinion online seems to be to either love her or be neutral towards her.

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Her empty, soulless eyes terrify me. I mean, look at that portrait.


(Not serious, obviously, but that art is a little unsettling)

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It's kind of sad that there are a lot of characters in the game who are mothers and yet I don't care for any of the ones they picked here. Ended up going with Henriette because I couldn't think of anyone else (and Alfonse won CYL) but I kind of regret it because she's an armor and can't really do much on the maps. Also she apparently had less hour 1 total points than Ymir, which was a bit surprising but only a little.

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20 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Also she apparently had less hour 1 total points than Ymir, which was a bit surprising but only a little.

And just to make this clear, Henriette did place better than Ymir (both the FEH one and the Archanea one) in CYL8.

So, there’s more proof that CYL results mean nothing in VGs. See also: Lumera having the advantage over Sothis in this VG.

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34 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

And just to make this clear, Henriette did place better than Ymir (both the FEH one and the Archanea one) in CYL8.

So, there’s more proof that CYL results mean nothing in VGs. See also: Lumera having the advantage over Sothis in this VG.

When it comes to the VG specifically, I feel that (with some occasional exceptions) people choose the more powerful unit over the character they may like more. Especially if they're not overly passionate about any of the characters in the gauntlet.

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13 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

It's kind of sad that there are a lot of characters in the game who are mothers and yet I don't care for any of the ones they picked here. Ended up going with Henriette because I couldn't think of anyone else (and Alfonse won CYL) but I kind of regret it because she's an armor and can't really do much on the maps. Also she apparently had less hour 1 total points than Ymir, which was a bit surprising but only a little.

 Take Ash or something, so Henriette will be able to contribute way better. It's what I'll do.


12 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

When it comes to the VG specifically, I feel that (with some occasional exceptions) people choose the more powerful unit over the character they may like more. Especially if they're not overly passionate about any of the characters in the gauntlet.

 I have always had no clue what determines which character people choose more, if it was for power then it wouldn't be a meme that Edelgard never won a VG for so long (only if in her specific case it's some form of rejection to 3H or Edelgard on general, and she's One of the occasional exceptions).

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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22 hours ago, GrandeRampel said:

You dislike Tailtiu? Intersting, I'm curious as to why. I don't think I ever met a Tailtiu hater before. The general opinion online seems to be to either love her or be neutral towards her.

It's not that I hate her so much as I'm fatigued by her, I guess. She feels kind of overblown and when I watched a let's play of FE4, I was kind of underwhelmed by the actual events there. I guess another thing is that she feels into 2 camps I'm tired of: "spunky cheerful girl" and "ridiculously tragic offscreen event." Totaled up, it just makes me tired. I'd rather tragic (or otherwise profound) events be both witnessed by the reader/viewer/player and match the buildup to it so that there's sufficient structure to hold the event's weight. Otherwise it's just kind of "trust us, you should feel x way" without having properly earned it. Maybe there's more in FE5 (I haven't watched/played that one) but again, she feels more like an archetype and less like a character. She hasn't earned enough from me for me to care, and it's not even a case of "there's still a lot left to explore about the character." I just wish she was more complex (rather than just cheerful/earnest and then suddenly "I'm a gentle and caring mom like almost every other generic fantasy mom out there" - she feels "idealized" in a way instead of having subtle complexities) and had proper buildup to her tragic event. That's why I feel she just didn't live up to the hype. Really big events in stories need to be handled with care or they'll not only not generate the intended effect, but actually backfire and can lead to the work on the whole feeling cheap. In this case, FE4 has a lot of other things going for it where big events were properly built up to, but that's mostly with the absolute main characters and main plot. The side characters got kind of overshadowed, though I get that that's just because of what the game could actually offer given technology levels at the time, and even then, it's not all that bad (unlike the DS version of Shadow Dragon where a character not named Marth is lucky to get any lines at all.)

Anyway, my answer may have been a bit rambly, but I hope that answers your question.

If you got lost in the detailed version (which would be totally understandable -- it was kind of everywhere since this was the first time I put my thoughts on this topic to words), here's the short answer: I don't hate her, she's just a kind of character (or written in a kind of way) I don't like and thus prefer to ignore.

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2 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Anyway, my answer may have been a bit rambly, but I hope that answers your question.

Oh don't worry, It's not like I'm not guilty of making overly long comments as well. I see what you mean tho.

Tailtiu is often compared to some other fan favorite characters like Nino and Marianne for being good people who lead really tragic lives and who met tragic ends... I mean if Nino kids are orphans... you can imply what happens /tho in Marianne's case tho it's only if she isn't recruited that she meets a tragic end).

But with Nino and Marianne there is more nuance + they have more screentime + their big moments don't happen off-screen so in comparison I guess Tailtiu is really underwritten.

Well the good news is that a Remake could easily give her a lot more to work with. Not to mention other minor characters who need it even more (Silvia, Midir, Arden, Lana, Iuchar/ba, ANNAND!)

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15 minutes ago, GrandeRampel said:

Oh don't worry, It's not like I'm not guilty of making overly long comments as well. I see what you mean tho.

Tailtiu is often compared to some other fan favorite characters like Nino and Marianne for being good people who lead really tragic lives and who met tragic ends... I mean if Nino kids are orphans... you can imply what happens /tho in Marianne's case tho it's only if she isn't recruited that she meets a tragic end).

But with Nino and Marianne there is more nuance + they have more screentime + their big moments don't happen off-screen so in comparison I guess Tailtiu is really underwritten.

Well the good news is that a Remake could easily give her a lot more to work with. Not to mention other minor characters who need it even more (Silvia, Midir, Arden, Lana, Iuchar/ba, ANNAND!)

Oh I would totally be down for that. I don't really like her as is, but if her writing was improved, I'd be really happy about it. There aren't many characters I sincerely dislike, but thinking about it, there's at least 1 I can think of who I still would like to see more work for (especially, filling in some ambiguous timeline stuff and showing HOW he developed the mindset he did. Like, actually watch that descent into...whatever the heck he became.)

He's not a mom, though, so I think I'll leave that topic there.

Huh, speaking of moms...actually, Almedha is kind of the mom version of Emperor Rudolf, huh?


Sending their kids away even though they didn't want to. I think Almedha did it for her son's sake just like Rudolf did, but my memory of those details is hazy.


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Well I went with Lumera since I am just meh on all these characters, don't know who I will go with if/when she loses though.  There are other moms in the game I like a lot better, Arya being one and Louise another and I wish they were on here instead.  

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10 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

 Take Ash or something, so Henriette will be able to contribute way better. It's what I'll do.

This makes zero sense. If I am deploying Ash in my VG matches then I can't take Henriette. And if I'm not deploying Henriette and not getting the bonus points for deploying her then I'd just use someone else.

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49 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

This makes zero sense. If I am deploying Ash in my VG matches then I can't take Henriette. And if I'm not deploying Henriette and not getting the bonus points for deploying her then I'd just use someone else.

Sorry, I assumed you had Henriette from a friend! I realize now it didn't make sense 😛

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I went with Panne. She’s one of my top five favorite Fire Emblem characters and while I didn’t expect her to win, I’m happy to support her on a Voting Gauntlet.

Since Panne lost, I moved onto Karla, who is the only other character on the banner I like. I’m indifferent to the rest of them.

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