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Feh Channel - June, 2024

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I named it Heithrun, with all the accents and characters and shit.

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Happy to see the biggest hater from Radiant Dawn make it in; I'm actually more excited for Jarod than the Dawn Brigade.

The new male characters have great designs, and I like the wood powers (insert Hashirama joke here); shame they'll only be seen to this extent here.

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Also, where's Nolan?

I can't believe they put in only two new characters on the banner. (No, Jarod doesn't count.)

Attuned Heroes were a mistake

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1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

Also, where's Nolan?

I can't believe they put in only two new characters on the banner. (No, Jarod doesn't count.)

Attuned Heroes were a mistake


We'll never get all the characters in Fire Emblem at this rate. I don't quite enjoy Attuned Heroes either


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I hate this. I'm mad. Screw the Dawn Brigade. I knew it was going to be them, but screw them anyway. Brom's never coming, is he? Screw you, Feh, I genuinely want to punch your dumbass face and then drop-kick you into boiling water. I've been patient since launch day in 2017, and now it'll be OVER A YEAR before you do another Tellius banner, so I'm forced to wait for too long AGAIN.

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

We'll never get all the characters in Fire Emblem at this rate. I don't quite enjoy Attuned Heroes either

It really sucks that they're doubling up on limited units and alts. I figured that a Dawn Brigade banner was going to include a special Micaiah of some kind, but putting an Attuned Micaiah with a Rearmed Sothe and giving us only two actual units? Not even an instant demote Nolan?

That's just atrocious.

At least when they did this on the Archanea banner, Merric was a main pool unit.

EDIT: In other news, the bulletin board and the feedback options have all crashed on my game. Is it the same for anyone else?

Edited by Sunwoo
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Oh hey, my Grails finally have a purpose again. If Jarod doesn't get a Prf weapon, then at least we've been given some pretty good inheritable lances lately (specifically, Nabata Lance+ and Kumo Naginata+).

7 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Also, where's Nolan?

I can't believe they put in only two new characters on the banner. (No, Jarod doesn't count.)

Attuned Heroes were a mistake

I'm probably just coping, but there might be a chance Nolan is a quest reward unit who, for some reason, they chose not to immediately advertise. That was what happened with Patty last year.

5 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

We'll never get all the characters in Fire Emblem at this rate. I don't quite enjoy Attuned Heroes either

This was never going to happen anyways. Even if I had the power to, I'm not nearly sadistic enough to force IS to add every filler character from Archanea and Jugdral to this game.

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Hey look, the Dawn Brigade's finally in the game! They're missing Nolan for some inane reason, but at least Edward and Leonardo made it in. I'm not surprised to see Sothe in his Whisper outfit, but I am extremely annoyed that Micaiah is in a brand-new green outfit rather than her blue Light Sage attire which is still missing from the game. I get they were going for the pair routine with Sothe, but come on. Jarod can join the overabundance of GHB lance units.

I do feel the need to point out that this is a New Heroes banner with 3 guys and 1 girl. Genuine question, when's the last time this happened?

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Posted (edited)

Oh man oh man so much to react to! Where to start?!

Okay, so, first off, I'll start with the banner. Edward and Leonardo are finally in! (Noland is still missing. Because of course he is. Maybe he'll get in alongside Aaron and Laura someday?) Jarod's in. Okay. Makes sense. That Sothe looks neat, but I don't have many orbs. Still, if I do summon on this banner, he'll be my main aim.

Next! That new mode! Looks fun! I look forward to trying it out and sending out heroes for other summoners to use. (Also, it's another way to accumulate orbs, which I could always use!) The team did a great job of arranging the heroes' art to make it look cohesive, too (though it's kind of funny how the only guy (Ike) is surrounded by nothing but ladies this time around. He doesn't discriminate, I know (what matters is if the ally can give results or not), it's just something I noticed.) Music's good. Hilarious how they chose Ike and Soren to help out Edward and Leonardo, though, given how things tend to go in RD's gameplay. It's also funny how Feh keeps referring to Leonardo and Edward as though the latter's kind of the leader of the Dawn Brigade when basically everyone else outranks him. XD (Micaiah being the leader, Sothe being her second, Nolan being the main advisor, and Leonardo being taken more seriously than Edward is since he has a calmer demeanor.)

And now, moving on again to my favorite section...which I'll do in the story's discussion thread! ^_^ So check that one out if you want to see my thoughts on it!

Edit: Also, I forgot to say this, but putting Leonardo in front of Edward at the beginning of the new mode's spotlight was hilarious. "You attack from 2 spaces away, so stand in front of me while my attack animation has me slicing open your back again and again!" XD

Edited by Mercakete
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6 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Also, where's Nolan?

I can't believe they put in only two new characters on the banner. (No, Jarod doesn't count.)

Attuned Heroes were a mistake

I think there's nothing we can do. This is the new normal now.

Knowing this I accept that characters like Greil, Zihark and Heather, Rickard, Framme and Seadall, Lifis, Dozla and so on will stay as seasonal exclusives.

In fact I hope they continue to give us at least one brand new character every seasonal banner because otherwise we will never even get close to completing the roster.


Also, it's really weird that we are not getting one of the new OCs in this banner. We already did not get one last Mythic banner and got Loki instead.

When are they planning to release the new characters? How are they planning to release them?

I would joke that they simply plan to not release the guys, but there's only two of them and they are three OC release opportunities behind schedule. There's no way they don't release the base version of one of the girls right?!

So they must be cooking some other way to release the OCs right? Hope it's not a terrible new way to release units. PLEASE MAKE GOOD DECISIONS, DEVELOPERS!

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Alright, I'll leave my thoughts about the banner for the Banner discussion thread and my theories about the main story on the Book Viii discussion thread (which reminds me I've been forgetting to post there for quite some time, I know I'll have a lot to read and write later!), which I won't do right now cause I just woke up and I'm lazy.


 First of all, The animation and 3D visuals on the midpoint trailer have gotten a massive up in quality, even since the first trailer of book Viii in december, I think, did they change the studio that does ir or something? It looks really really good, the only parts that look even *sliiightly* wonky (for lack of a better term) were when Ratatoskr's father became part of the tree to come in between her and her brother and some fast movements she did with her hands.

 Also Feh knows danm well what we think of that Deer dude, she kept using terms like "this muscular man", "his legs are as thick as Yggdrasil" (while showing a close up of his legs, then a close up on his back and arm muscles) and how she wishes she had a body like that, so many emphasis on his body... You can just say he is hot as fuck already, we know (I'm partially joking, I know they wanted to tell us how strong he is, but the choice of words and close ups seemed a bit proposital lol).

 Also this new mode looks really neat, I love to be able to use other people's heroes and it just looks hella fun in general.

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Edelgard finally got onto an AHR banner, I hope this stops people spamming votes for her each year. But that's such a great roster, so many Heroes I'd love to get!

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Ok I finally looked at this and while I will have to wait for the TT orbs to do the full 40 summons on the AHR banner since I made the mistake of going for L!M!Corrin and not getting him, but the banner is a must pull for me since I really want Veyle and some of the others would be great too.  The banner is the best part about this FEH channel and I agree with others saying that the alts make it harder for new characters to be added to the game, this is why I sent feedback in on the last Binding blade banner.  My only hope is that they start adding more new heroes on seasonal banners.  I am to the point I would take bunny Elphin over no Elphin and I personally don't like the bunny banner.

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14 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

  The banner is the best part about this FEH channel and I agree with others saying that the alts make it harder for new characters to be added to the game, this is why I sent feedback in on the last Binding blade banner.  My only hope is that they start adding more new heroes on seasonal banners.  I am to the point I would take bunny Elphin over no Elphin and I personally don't like the bunny banner.

 If Elphin got a silly bunny alt (I don't like the bunny banner too) I'd be pissed at the time thinking "Elphin is probably never gonna get more than one alt and they used for this! Fuck IS, etc etc" but if the game ended and we got no Elphin I'd be doubly pissed. 

At the rate they've been releasing new characters (with 2 Asset Heroes per banner) I'm starting to get worried about Elphin's chances on a NH banner, which proves that IS is stupid cause there shouldn't be any worry about a character as plot important as him getting into the game. By "sent feedback" you mean you sent feedback to IS via customer/player support service? I might do this as well, suggesting that even if the new character wasn't on the banner, that it was released as a Quest Reward at least since that's what they do when they put an OC (AKA a character that is not a new character from the title of the banner/taking a slot) they should do it when there's 2 Asset Heroes too since they're not new characters/OG alts and are taking a slot too (unelss it's something like Alcryst and Hortensia, that got their OG alts as Rearmeds).

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6 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

 If Elphin got a silly bunny alt (I don't like the bunny banner too) I'd be pissed at the time thinking "Elphin is probably never gonna get more than one alt and they used for this! Fuck IS, etc etc" but if the game ended and we got no Elphin I'd be doubly pissed. 

At the rate they've been releasing new characters (with 2 Asset Heroes per banner) I'm starting to get worried about Elphin's chances on a NH banner, which proves that IS is stupid cause there shouldn't be any worry about a character as plot important as him getting into the game. By "sent feedback" you mean you sent feedback to IS via customer/player support service? I might do this as well, suggesting that even if the new character wasn't on the banner, that it was released as a Quest Reward at least since that's what they do when they put an OC (AKA a character that is not a new character from the title of the banner/taking a slot) they should do it when there's 2 Asset Heroes too since they're not new characters/OG alts and are taking a slot too (unelss it's something like Alcryst and Hortensia, that got their OG alts as Rearmeds).

I am just to the point that I don't care how Elphin is added so I will take him anyway i can get him so my only hope right now is a seasonal since the alts are taking over the NH banners.

Yeah that is how I sent the feedback if enough people ask for a 4* directly added to the summon pool it might work they have taken feedback to heart in the past. 

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I'll be sending feedback about this banner, for sure. I won't send angry feedback, that'd be stupid, but I will voice displeasure about the rate of new characters being added to the game, as well as interest in ones I really want.

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7 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I'll be sending feedback about this banner, for sure. I won't send angry feedback, that'd be stupid, but I will voice displeasure about the rate of new characters being added to the game, as well as interest in ones I really want.

Yeah, it's what I'll do as well, if it's angry they might disconsider it, but having a handful of people voicing displeasure on a reasonable way might give them a "wake up call".


15 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

I am just to the point that I don't care how Elphin is added so I will take him anyway i can get him so my only hope right now is a seasonal since the alts are taking over the NH banners.

Yeah that is how I sent the feedback if enough people ask for a 4* directly added to the summon pool it might work they have taken feedback to heart in the past. 

Oh, you mean like not quest reward then, but put directly on the summon pool as 4* without being on the banner? Sounds like a good idea, have they ever done that?

 Also, do you have any example of feedback that was taken to heart before? I never heard any major CONFIRMED case, only when someone points out mistakes in weapon descripitions or on arts and the likes and they fix it. I'm not doubting, I know their customer support is pretty good, just got curious as to which extent they heard us.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Oh, you mean like not quest reward then, but put directly on the summon pool as 4* without being on the banner? Sounds like a good idea, have they ever done that?

We get a unit added directly to the 4-star summoning pool every time they put a Heroes character on a New Heroes banner. Most of the time, we get them as a quest reward, but not always.


EDIT: I believe Wil was the most recent unit to be added to the 4-star summoning pool without being on the banner or given as a quest reward (when Ginnungagap took up a banner slot).

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Yeah, it's what I'll do as well, if it's angry they might disconsider it, but having a handful of people voicing displeasure on a reasonable way might give them a "wake up call".


Oh, you mean like not quest reward then, but put directly on the summon pool as 4* without being on the banner? Sounds like a good idea, have they ever done that?

 Also, do you have any example of feedback that was taken to heart before? I never heard any major CONFIRMED case, only when someone points out mistakes in weapon descripitions or on arts and the likes and they fix it. I'm not doubting, I know their customer support is pretty good, just got curious as to which extent they heard us.

Ayra is the case that comes to mind because of how they put her in the game, that was big when it happened and everyone was mad and sent feedback about it.  I sent feedback about this banner asking them to start adding 4*s directly to the pool on banners where they have 2 or mor alts if the game still has many units left to add.

Edited by EricaofRenais
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