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Vigilante Mafia Game Thread - Game Over, LoVE wins!


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What about jamie who's also on DF?  What's your thoughts on DF's singular vote that is on perci?

Being able to post a wall of content/thoughts based on a few posts is also a sign of genuinity I think.  It at least doesn't FEEL forced in a sense.

Also I mean the whole point about Eury sticking hard to a read "when there's only like 3 posts" has to be viewed in a context that this game only has 6 pages at the moment.  You for example cam had less posts DF themselves up until AFTER your Eury vote.  Some people just don't have much content this game.

Iono I just don't like the feel of this eury push personally, but you do you, I still wanna hear your thoughts on the eury/Elie debacle.

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tbh DF's actual vote is a big nothing, they said they didn't want to vote, got chewed out for it and voted, I don't think there's much more to read into than that

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like yeah I guess in a vacuum that's not ideal? but this is just an impossible situation to be in in general once you actually commit to saying that you don't want to vote

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They didn't get chewed out, just told them they were gonna have to vote eventually.  My point was more on the fact that I would call it vote sitting but it is more inactivity than anything.

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(update: i have not read the thread since my last post and i'm starting to come down with some kind of illness; i will try and catch up but i cannot promise anything because i feel like absolute booty)

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just so you guys know I work graveyard shift so I'm asleep when most people are awake and actively posting, I'm reading now though

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hi everybody it is I the stoner guy here 2 hours before my shift

lol I hadn't read the latter half of the thread yet so I didn't realize my post explaining my inactivity was that close in proximity to grace's post explaining her inactivity, I promise that's entirely unintentional 

shinori is either hardcore town or power wolfing, I really appreciate his playstyle either way though. I also agree with him on pretty much everything lol

i assumed the DF vote on me was an RVS lol so i wasnt worried by it

don't wanna rely too much on meta (I don't remember a lot of meta anyhow & admittedly when I stopped playing mafia I didn't really read peoples' posts much LOL) but eury was one of my most confident reads back in the day and right now she's playing hardcore to her town meta, take that with a grain of salt but personally I just work with whatever I got even when it's not very strong/valid

j00 was a town read for me initially but the bart vote was /: given her main reason for it which was like, the one NAI thing about him lol, I also feel her behavior's noticeably different from last game which may not mean anything but it's noticeable enough to make my spidey sense go off

reading weapons town tbh

marth early game reads as contrived frustration at the game's slow start, though his take on the bartozio votes is good, considering I was one of the bart votes I have no issue with that part. don't like his response to weapons though because it also reads contrived and kind of fillery. when I was skimming the thread earlier I thought it was weird he didn't commit to the weapons vote right away (this is a thing I find scum commonly does and I have done it as scum & get the psychology behind it) but I realize clocking him for that would be hypocritical of me because I did the same thing with my bart vote (posted like twice about him before I actually voted him, this was really just me hating to vote on mobile lol but it's worth noting); the second response to weapons was good but I feel it's easy to chalk weapons up as not being used to multiball and if anything him seeming less aware of the implications of multiball setups may be a towntell considering scum are going to have on their minds more that there's another scum team. anyway thing is if this weren't multiball marth might be a townread for me but since the scum in this game are also still hunting scum (interesting that this is something marth's brought up too) this mixed back and forth I've been having with his content is making me think it's a sign he could be scum

eury/elie debacle is gonna have to wait because I don't have time to really dig into it right now but I am town reading eury currently

##Unvote: @Bartozio
##Vote: @Bluedoom

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This is not how I thought D1 was going to go.

So, uh, we have some ~15 hours until phase end, a bunch of small tied wagons, and about a third of the players are basically missing. We should really think about consolidating our votes at this point.

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6 hours ago, Eurykins said:

I will be re-checking into a few others later.

And so here is the promised check and re-examination.

7 minutes ago, CT075 said:

i mean setting meta aside i think votesitting on an inactive noob is just really, really easy and wallposting about it makes you look like you have more Content than you actually do

First people complain that "I have too little hard reads, town or scum wise", and now it's an issue of having a vote I was firm with, in the sense of wanting more answers and responses from the one who played (at that moment in time) the most questionable gameplay to me? I'm pretty sure that's the definition of applying pressure votes in order to seek responses or investigate information from a player, in order to determine whether a predetermined read/impression from them is valid or not to pursue.

The fact that they had to receive a Prod from BBM due to their inactivity AFTER THE FACT of my casing/vote does not suddenly make it "uwu vote sitting on an inactive" for easy gameplay. In fact, they WERE POSTING IN THE THREAD OR AT LEAST BROWSING IT during the time original post was made, and they refused to respond to a single question thereafter. My questioning, followed by them IGNORING ME, does not invalidate the original reason for said vote, nor my reasoning/support as to why I have had issues with their performance leading up to that.

--- Checking content, roughly at the end of Page 3, after my post. (Will likely avoid mention of DF, since that has heavily been reiterated on multiple occasions.) -- 

21 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

I've been laying low for a bit hoping that Bartozio would respond to my post. But we've already spent too much time dithering around and nothing else that's happened has really bothered me.


##Vote: @Bartozio

Something that he said when he unvoted Shinori kinda bugs me. I'm struggling to really explain it, but it almost feels like he's trying to frame his vote as a "reaction test", like he was hoping for some sort of reaction. What exactly was he hoping for when he voted Shinori? Why was it "less fun" than he thought? And what does he make of Shinori's joking back with him?

I'd like an explanation please.

inb4 scum team is everyone who hasn't posted yet

Sunwoo's vote/post here didn't seem/feel bad, and was continuing efforts to dig for more responses/content. Felt fine to me.

16 hours ago, Bluedoom said:

I've been staring at this for the last half hour and honestly I just don't feel strongly about anything, I hate RVS

I *guess* I take issue with the Bartozio votes because it feels like nitpicking something that isn't there. Idk about Percival's vote but @Sunwoo isn't prodding/pushing people by voting them generally a townie thing? RVS is essentially coming up with excuses to vote someone until it leads somewhere where you can actually read people so I don't really give him much flak for it.

While I understand that there isn't much to garner with RVS, the tone regarding the situation of Bartozio votes sounded rather unenthused , as though it was tossed in as a side note. The vibe of "I feel obligated TO say something", but given the time in which this was posted (Pg 4) context can be considered in reading it. Not quite sure what the right words for this is, but felt like a post for the sake of posting something? If that makes sense.

16 hours ago, Bluedoom said:

This seems like extremely contrived reasoning to townread someone; do you really think its that hard for mafia to post "Why am I town?" , that's 4 words man, they just need to post fluff to keep up appearances. I get you that posts like that show doses of paranoia that are of a townie bent of mind, but they are extremely fakeable. ALSO, conversely, scum!Shinori knowing that this is multiball can still pull this question on you to trip you up as mafia from his perspective if he thinks that you're on the other team showing TMI.

Why would scum have less of an incentive to town read people specifically in multiball?

However, I do not disagree with this sentiment, as it echoed my concerns regarding Shinori's actions. 

15 hours ago, Bluedoom said:

Eh after 1 hour of reading I don't find anything that troubling  but oh well ##Vote: Weapons

I guess the only other thing I have to comment on is that I don't think DefyingFates' posts scream newb!town or anything. And I'm realizing that with multiball its going to be very hard to actually hunt the mafia based off of associatives, especially if its something like 9/2/2 lol.

On the flip side though: I don't quite understand the purpose of this vote? (Assuming it will be explained in a later post, but at this moment, was this based on the prior post of the Townread on Shinori, or did I miss something? @Bluedoom

14 hours ago, Aster said:


I'm still trying to get a read, myself. I'm on the side of not voting until I get a better sense of what's going on, Fates, Sunwoo, and Jaime seem pretty town so far, everyone else especially Shinori I'm still kinda figuring out but apparently this is how Shinori usually acts as town member from what past comments have said so probably safe, I can kinda see why people are a little bit suspicious of Bartorizo though but also at the start a lot of people were joke-voting each other it looked like in general so I'm not 100%. This is my first real mafia game so also in general trying to figure out how this works. XD

Aster appears on Page 4, and what I will say is, in comparison to DF (who many were noting as getting Newbie!townie vibes, Aster presented themselves in far more of a fashion in that aspect than what DF put forth. My impression of this post is the 'flailing newbie' attempting to get their bearings, and has the babbling, flip-flop sort of vibe to the explanation. To me, it is quite different than what DF did and didn't do, so for this particular post, I'm not overly bothered by Aster.

14 hours ago, j00 said:

I also dislike RVS, I never really know what to say or do to get things going so when the gamestate is like this current one where it's awkwardly inbetween, with some joke posts and attempts at serious reads without there being much to go off on I just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ IDK maaaaan

Anyways, I'm willing to let newbies get a pass for pretty much anything D1. Even if they did happen to roll scum there will be more time to scrutinize their play later.

This has probably been discussed before, but for scum optimal RVS play is often to just skip it. You rarely lynch inactives D1 so it's safer to stay away from anything that can potentially turn into conflict. Still, it feels like most people has been very cautious this game so far?

Marth/Bluedoom's posts feels a bit like they're just to keep up appearances though. I totally get not having proper reads based on these 4 pages of uh basically nothing, but the best you can do is voting Weapons for disagreeing with a town read he has? Do you get any scum intent from his post?

I don't mind joining on voting Bartozio for the time being, his RVS didn't bother me that much but the fact that he went silent after the first bit of serious pressure does. Would like Marth to elaborate more too even if yeah I agree it's hard to talk about anything substantial right now.

##Vote: @Bartozio

j00 also appears here, and came in with some reasonable notions. (I may not agree with giving free passes to Newbies day 1, but the logic presented isn't unreasonable.) The sheeping of Bartozio vote feels a little simple, but seemed to have a twist in the observation of quieting post pressure. (Not sure if this was due to time differences in activity or something else, but has its warrant for response/pressure.) What elaboration was being asked of Marth/Bluedoom though? (Explaining his vote or something else?) @j00

14 hours ago, Percivalé said:

I dont think bartozio going silent is alignment indicative because he said he was going to be busy

Context to be kept in mind, if IRL stuff impacted thread activity.
(Like stated above with DF, ignoring any posts/points already responded to earlier regarding Elie posts, as a side note.)

13 hours ago, Elieson said:

I sort of disagree with this. Marth (and I) were prodded. His post feels like massive unprepared catchup with urgency to avoid getting modprodded again... speaking from a person who was also prodded in this game and the last >.>

aaaand that's all for Page 4. To summarize my reads

  • I have an actual intentional, bonafide scumread on:
    • Eury for that big ol' nothing post unintentionally disguised as micro wallpost
  • As far as active nulls;
    • Sunwoo is probably my biggest active null read, mostly because their wariness of DefyingFates feels weird specifically in how it's phrased, rather than what it is. It's throwing me off, and despite it giving me "this feels like fearmongering", I can't comfortably commit to a read because I'm not liking how I can't pin a more absolute read on her.
    • Bluedoom coming back is kind of like me; I don't really have a read on them because I don't have timing in context for what he's said, nor do I really have a response chain to base thoughts off of for him
  • If there's a name I didn't mention, I don't have a comfortable read that I can really define, so it's more of a passive null / "I'm not really sure what I think of you" read.
    • Specifically, this includes active posters like Weapons and Shinori. IDK what else to say. I ain't got nothin'
  • I am explicitly not scumreading (as in, I would protest votes made against)
    • Percivale
    • Bluedoom
    • DefyingFates

The Bolded part was in response to j00's comment on Bluedoom's post before on Weapons seems odd here. You claim he (like yourself) may have been PRODDED for activity, and that his post was in an attempt to NOT be poked again, rather than having any actual content. Yet you seem to not have an issue with this? Is being prodded/inactive until prompted and then posting a hasty post for the sake of posting not considered a "nothing post", which bears the same reasons why you claim you scum read myself for? And yet, wallpost or not, you opt to put him as an Active NULL, rather than having any issues with the lack of content. Call me crazy, but unless this was part of the "forced" thing that Shinori commented on earlier that you responded to later on, I don't see how the read can be any different from basically the same implications of empty posts.

I don't understand the Sunwoo posting/read either. What exactly was giving the vibe of "Fearmongering" with the posts? Not sure if I missed something, but am curious to hear the reason behind the gut read. @Elieson

Outside of what was posted above: What put Percivale on the "I would protest votes made against" list? Am scanning the posts currently, and IDK if I missed seeing a mention earlier on them? No mention in them on this "reads" list either, so what exactly makes you put them there? (I assume DF is there for Newbie! read you had on them, and then Bluedoom is getting the "Prodded like me" pass. I have no clue where Percivale comes into play though based on your posts thus far.)

-- Bartozio activity appears after this, with some responses.-

1. The response of why he was doing the Shinori vote wasn't great, but considering RVS long day phase, (and I think the vote did happen early in the pages?), it's not unreasonable? Something to jerk the thread around and stimulate a response. 

2. Overall did a handful of responses to j00, Bluedoom, and Sunwoo, which is good to see after being pointed at for inactivity. I did not personally find much issues with the responses, and the banter did offer more input/conversation. 

12 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

@Percivalé Sunwoo so far reminds me a lot of the previous game, just generally proactive. You seem like usual town Percy.

I think I am ok with leaving my vote on Marth for the time being. On top of what other people are saying, I find the "I was reading the thread for an hour" thing weird cause I think you can figure out pretty quickly that there's just nothing there (at least up to that point) and so it's like why are you trying to force a scumread? I don't think it's hard outside the range of town!Marth but I'm also just not seeing worse elsewhere in the thread.

Other things:

- I do agree Eury's post is pretty empty, but in the context of the thread I think it's fine. Could wagon here, but more out of lack of anything better than anything else. Elie I guess plus points for now.

- I get new town pings from Aster and in retrospect I didn't really get them from DefyingFates. Not that I think they're scummy and I'm willing to give the new players a pass D1 anyway, but it's something that pinged me. @DefyingFates why the Percy vote?

- Bart's fine imo

1. Is the read on Percivale purely being noted via Meta/game experience? Is there anything that scum!Percy would be doing any different than town!Percy? @WeaponsofMassConstruction

2. Vote on Marth and the notion of keeping it there- do you think Town!Marth would have more to gain by this gameplay or scum!Marth? Is it an attempt to cruise on D1 and fly under the radar, or something else?

3.. Regarding Elieson's interactions with my own posts, is your read on him purely based on that? No context/thoughts on any of the other reads or notions he had of anyone else in the thread? 

4. What was the main differences between Aster vs DF, in terms of vibes/reads? What gives one vibes, and not the other?

12 hours ago, Bluedoom said:

The bolded is the reason I'm not voting them, actually, since it p much follows what I said about finding excuses to vote someone, I'm just usually spooked by early bart votes in general since he has a meta of getting wagoned early and then getting mislynched.

Do you believe the same this is happening here and that the pile of votes early on was an indication of this? (Regarding Bartozio)

11 hours ago, Shinori said:

During rvs I stated "If I did vote it would be on Bartozio."  I did toss that thought process into my posts, outside of that I am actively trying to be less spammy so I'm not making multiple machine gun posts like I did last game because I don't wanna start flooding everything and then lose people once again because we suddenly have like 10+ 15+ pages and then I have to listen to every person complain about it.

And as of now I am also doing the above because I am pressuring Bluedoom even if I'm not throwing a vote down.

As someone who generally doesn't move my vote until I get done with my more detailed posts, I can empathize with the vote notion, and at least in Shinori's case, he has been active and I believe contributed enough to push thru part of the ED1 pages to not be concerned of the lack of actual vote cast. The only point in which I'd probably question a lack of vote is in the event of End of the Day phase for any of the main wagon(s) that may be present at the time. 

As a side note: the fact that he openly questioned early on "Why do you think I'm town?" rather than COASTING with it, is mildly vibing OK with me, as of this current moment.

11 hours ago, JamieIsBored said:

From my experience new scum prefer sheeping big wagons as it draws less attention to themselves, but I see the point here. One thing that seemed off to me was how early it was that Defying came to the conclusion that he wouldn't be voting today which I think is what you're bringing attention to? If we had stayed at similar thread activity and Defying had said that near EoD, that would be townier, but so early is eh. 

This is correct. No vote, no contribution, no involvement of garnering interactions with players for D1- we get absolutely nothing on the table for townside. Because god forbid we opt to sheep any form of this gameplay: Scum gets freebie days, get their kills at nights, and town gets screwed over. There is no reason to opt for this at all. @JamieIsBored

11 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

I feel like Scumnori would be more likely to just not interact with the read. Obviously he could just be replicating town meta, but the way he did it pinged me like he wasn't thinking much about it at all. Would you say the suspicions on you are justifiable so far?

Do you think Scumnori would be unwise enough to ignore questions or reads, in lieu of being more inactive or flying under the radar? What are the chances of replication vs being legitimately town!nori in this situation?

11 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Actually I considered joining it at some point, but it really felt like wagoning just to wagon. I mean I guess maybe that was the play just to help move things along, but even that felt likely pointless. I see what people are saying about Bart, but it feels more like people trying to latch onto something more than anything else.

So was the consideration purely for the game sake, in terms of offering a wagon to eventually be disputed? Does this hold any water to the concern that Bluedoom spoke of earlier in the post of the voting Bart- "he has a meta of getting wagoned early and then getting mislynched"? What does this mean for those who are currently on his wagon- opportunistic? Scummy? @WeaponsofMassConstruction

11 hours ago, JamieIsBored said:

:huh:Not a big fan of these wagons tbh, I'll chuck some pressure out:
##Vote: @DefyingFates

Is the vote/wagon on DF any form of consolation- any better/worse than the other ones currently? I can't argue with the reason for the vote itself, since my own was for basically the same nature of garnering more from DF slot. However, you did comment on not caring for the current wagons as a whole- is there someone else that piques your interest or concern?

9 hours ago, Shinori said:

Elie/Eury spat is kind of interesting to view though.

What made the interaction "interesting"? Was there anything that occurred as a result of said interactions- a read on either Elieson or myself? If so, why? @Shinori

9 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Since Sunwoo asked and I'm still the biggest wagon right now (I think):

Town leans: Sunwoo, Perci, Bluedoom, Elie

Sunwoo and Perci I talked about in my previous post on this page. With Bluedoom and Elie, I like the reasoning I've seen of them so far.

Eury I was leaning scum on, but I'm willing to sheep Bluedoom and Sunwoo if they're saying this is her town meta.

Grace: Her one serious post is fine, but I'd like more to go on.

Hard null: CT075. This should need no explanation.

Scum leans:

Aster: She's pretty passive, which imo is more scummy than towny. Not too telling for a new player though, which is why she's the weakest scum lean.

DefyingFates: He's a bit more active, but the Perci vote lacked an explanation ( @DefyingFates please still give this, lol) and he capitulated a little too easily about not voting someone early on for my taste. (For the record, I do think voting people early on is better, but swapping off of your plan so quickly feels like pleasing people). Again though, new player, so taking it all with a grain of salt.

Shinori: I could see Shinori act like this as either allignment, but I'm currently leaning slightly more towards him replicating his previous town game as scum. Mostly a gut feeling though.

WeaponsofMassConstruction: They feel very... there? Like, I read back their posts, and there's enough of them, but not too much in it. I get finding it difficult to make reads at this point, which is why this category is called scum lean instead of hard scum read, but not a huge fan.

j00: Not too much was said, other than jumping on my wagon without great reasoning.

JamieIsBored: Kind of similar to the two above with not saying too much. Some talk about numbers and casing a newby, really. Something that caught my eye while rereading though:

This is in response to DefyingFates saying he doesn't want to vote anyone.

This feels like a pretty big 180 with no real reason given.

##Vote: @JamieIsBored

Feel free to explain.

Couple questions: @Bartozio
1. "Leaning scum" on me, yet willing to sheep based on what other people say based on a meta you yourself may not be familiar with? Is there any reason that you would believe a read one someone purely based on Meta over your own impressions, especially when it contradicts to this extent? (I know I have not personally played many games with you in the past, and it's been literal years since I've played, so I wouldn't expect you to have any knowledge/Meta read on me period.)
Regarding other reads:
2. Is Aster being passive worse than those being inactive/not posting at all? What in particular states intent to be scummy, vs newbie vibes or uncertainty of how to approach the game? 

3. Is DF's actions worse or holds more or less scum intent than Aster? Also what sort of "activity" do you mean by DF's posting, when they said nothing outside of "I'm not voting for D1" and otherwise stating that they're not interested in participating in wagons for D1 lynch? 
4. Is there something in particular about Shinori's actions/words/gameplay that lean more into replication than town!nori? Was there something in particular that led to a stronger read in the scum direction, rather than null/town? (I don't recall seeing much mention of it in prior posts, which is why I'm asking.)

5. Weapons read- is it a lack of content/reads coming from Weapons that is bothering you, or something else? (I assume the jist of it was empty post and no meaningful content).

6. j00- Do you feel his vote is unwarranted, or just less so than the others on your wagon? Do you feel his vote would have been stronger elsewhere, or that he had consolidated onto your wagon to coast?
7. Am not sure if I missed something regarding Jamie- did they prior read into DF with no issue, and then flip at the mention of DF not doing anything thereafter? (Not fully sure what "big 180" occurred in this instance, so not fully sure how the Jamie Vote feels here.)

8 hours ago, Shinori said:

Marth Bart and Elie are currently the people I'm fond of the least.

More of a focus on the first two there I think.

Sadly not a whole lot has happened here so most cases are kind of weak as a whole.

Marth is still kind of based off my initial post WRT them and I don't think their responses to me were enough to really change my opinion there.

Bart has that weirdness coming from RVS and has now given a reads post.  Putting both new players into their scum lean + myself based on gut + Weapons + J00 + Jamie.  Following through on their jamie read is at least there but I'm seeing some things I'm not really liking all that much.

Elie kind of feels like he's partially forcing his case on Eury to an extent and I can't tell if that's just scum trying to force a case and stick with it at the moment or if that's town that is swinging for anything that looks like something to them, at the moment I think it might be more of the latter.

Who would you consider the priority with the 3 people mentioned @Shinori? Was there specific parts with Bart you weren't fully fond of? And does Elie's banter with me give any cause for why he would push/force something for the sake of doing so? (Not to mention he basically joined me in mini wall posts as well so...)


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7 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

So, uh, Elie, just to make things clear. Is part of your issues with Eury that you think she's "fear mongering" by not taking decisive enough stances on people, in your POV?

To keep it short; that's part of it, yes.

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I don't fault not trusting town reads on me because my earlygame was spammy and speculative on numbers mostly but that's mainly this game being a lot slower than the last one, until page 5 there was pretty much nothing to talk about

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actually I just had a thought. do you guys think j00 was sorta waiting until bart seemed like a safe vote? considering he was gaining some heat already and it felt more like a bandwagon hop than anything, IDK it just seemed especially off to me

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J00 gut pinged me earlier but it was just weird vibes and I didn't really have anything to stand on there so they are lower than marth/bart for me.

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I will not hold anything from D1 against j00. If she is scum, we'll know it in later days but I'm not inclined to look into stuff from this phase because if she is playing weird, it's for non-alignment indicative reasons.

I know I've had my vote on Bartozio for most of the day, but truth be told he hasn't really changed my mind and most of the other players I have a read on I feel okay about. And I'm not particularly keen on lynching people with no game content because it won't really tell us anything.

Seriously though, we should start considering who we'd be willing to consolidate on.

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until I reread eury/elie more in-depth and catch up on a couple more people I think marth is the only person I really want to elim rn, j00 I just thought I'd explore the question to get a feel

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10 minutes ago, Eurykins said:

The Bolded part was in response to j00's comment on Bluedoom's post before on Weapons seems odd here. You claim he (like yourself) may have been PRODDED for activity, and that his post was in an attempt to NOT be poked again, rather than having any actual content. Yet you seem to not have an issue with this? Is being prodded/inactive until prompted and then posting a hasty post for the sake of posting not considered a "nothing post", which bears the same reasons why you claim you scum read myself for? And yet, wallpost or not, you opt to put him as an Active NULL, rather than having any issues with the lack of content. Call me crazy, but unless this was part of the "forced" thing that Shinori commented on earlier that you responded to later on, I don't see how the read can be any different from basically the same implications of empty posts.

Correct; I do not have an issue with this...well, I do, but not nearly as much of one, because it's an entirely different issue. You can't possibly compare your huge posts with various people mentioned and various observations and little commitment to stance, to the tiny posts of someone who has conveyed at least some focus and commitment on a couple of reads.

Re: my "I would not vote for Bluedoom" read: I'm honestly more townreading the guy, now that I went back and re-read what he said, in order to build this response. He had some concise things to say. Didn't back them up too heartily, but said them short n' sweet. I town read Eury. I don't think Fates is newbtown. Weapons, you posted something contrived (and fairly quickly in a subsequent post) I guess I'll vote for Weapons (implying that what he's got is a scumread). Easy to follow, easy to backtrack to, and if things change, we can see where and why. His vote on Weapons has a reason that can be discussed further by various parties (others who agree/disagree, Weapons himself). I haven't taken the time to look into the things that he's said, and I never noticed the Weapons things in my initial readthroughs enough to warrant pursuing them, so I'm not sure how much I can agree with what he's said. I can say that at the time when I said Active Null / "I will not vote for Bluedoom", that absolutely nothing he said came across to me as scummy. I just don't really know how to interpret what he's said in a "I definitely read this guy as town" way, hence the forced null read.

At the time, I could see that you're committed to voting Fates for a handful of reasons boiling down to pressure, and that you pointed out a bunch of happenings in thread. Bluedoom, did neither of those things. Therefore, any issues I have with Marth's anti-prod posts are not comparable to issues I have with your filled to the brim post. I looked at his posts, tried to come up with a read, and came up with no strong feelings one way or the other, mostly because I didn't have much of a thought on the Weapons situation to agree or disagree with, since nothing Bluedoom said felt inherently scummy. Looks to me like he caught eye of something, and in his limited time, focused on reading things associated with it (Weapons, a bit of Fates).

I looked at yours, and almost immediately found things that didn't make sense. I kept reading, and clarity didn't come. There were a lot of words in your post that didn't absolve my confusion at your justifications for basically... anything that you said. Dunno what else to say, except...

10 minutes ago, Eurykins said:

I don't understand the Sunwoo posting/read either. What exactly was giving the vibe of "Fearmongering" with the posts? Not sure if I missed something, but am curious to hear the reason behind the gut read. @Elieson

Fearmongering is what I brought up earlier; including most of your thoughts with "hey look at this thing X person did. It is a <insert town %> thing, but don't automatically consider this thing a townread because things could change later". Those types of statements are essentially doubt by definition. People don't need your warnings during D1 (RVS stages or otherwise) to know that what's being said isn't factual information, so it's padding and fluff when it's being said. It looks like contribution, but it's not, and that is a significant part of my issue; not the fearmongering for being fearmongering, but the fearmongering for coming across as fluff @Sunwoo (if you were hoping for more depth to my answer to your question).

Also real quick; CT075 made a pretty good first (second?) impression now that he's back. like, damn

I'll read more of the Eurypost later. 2am hit me like a brick and I feel like I'm rambling with what i'm saying. Bed time now.



Also @JamieIsBored @DefyingFates since you two are not exactly long-standing SF denizens; here are some associative nicknames to note in case you didn't have them:


Current Name - Previous/Older Name:

Bluedoom - Marth

Percivale - August (and possibly Levity in case someone down the line opts to use that much older one or quotes meta from some very old game or something, with an actual quote)

Sunwoo - Boron

CT075 - Cam (and even older, CamTech)

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8 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I will not hold anything from D1 against j00. If she is scum, we'll know it in later days but I'm not inclined to look into stuff from this phase because if she is playing weird, it's for non-alignment indicative reasons.

Ehhh.  Agree to disagree.  I'm fine with not lynching J00 right this moment but I don't think it's right to just ignore it and this seems kind of weird.

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2 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Ehhh.  Agree to disagree.  I'm fine with not lynching J00 right this moment but I don't think it's right to just ignore it and this seems kind of weird.

I don't care if you think it's weird

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27 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Ehhh.  Agree to disagree.  I'm fine with not lynching J00 right this moment but I don't think it's right to just ignore it and this seems kind of weird.

I'm going to assume that they have their reasons and won't pry too hard

some kind of scheduling mishap happened so I'm off today for some reason. which means I have more time to read the thread 🫡


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I think it does kind of matter to some extent because there is nothing stopping a random J00 wagon from appearing sometime between now or randomly CFD'd near EoD.

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Boron is defending me because I've mentioned to her (and BBM) that I've had family stuff going on IRL, which has definitely had impact on my motivation for this game. I appreciate the concern but I'm fine with being wagoned now if that gives people something to talk about. It's better now than 3 hours before deadline but if I don't mind becoming the D1 sacrificial lamb cuz mafia sucks

Tho the main reason why I'm playing different this game is that the game IS different. Last game had a lot of posts and almost only experienced and known players, which gave a lot of stuff to analyze. It was also spammy which albeit can be annoying also are quick to read and can give you a tone/vibe check very quickly.

This game has very few posts. No spam, but a bigger portion of very long posts that takes more effort to read.
A lot of inactivities, and people new to playing at SF and everyone seems a lot more cautious to post. Last game I formed stronger reads much earlier but this game lacks the overall intent to move the game forward the last one had. The "wagons" we have managed to agree on are 2 people voting the same player. That's probably a mix of scum having no motivation to do so and town grasping at straws due to lack of content, but as long nothing's really happening it's easy for scum to hide.
I already said my early Bart vote was partially to get a wagon moving but I don't think he has improved much.

Both he and Marth has focused on defending themselves, and Bart's reads post and vote on Jamie feels more like reads for reads sake rather than genuine scumhunting, even saying that it was something he did because Boron prodded him and because he was a wagon.

I'd be down with lynching Marth/Bart/Grace.

Regarding Eury, I disagree with her vote on DF but the rest of her stuff is fine. Her last post was good. I get Cam's point that parking a vote on a newbie for newbie behavior feels easy, but her posts and arguments are really dang hard effort. It's easier to genuinely scumhunt in multiball regardless of alignment, but I'm not interested in her wagon today. Elie looks worse than her for tunneling. @Eurykins I wanted Marth to elaborate on his Weapons vote, which he admitted was flimsy. But he hasn't really had other reads since and I don't feel any scumhunting intent from him.

DefyingFates and Aster both seem like newbies unsure about what to do, which is NAI, but I hope they're not too overwhelmed. It's better to post what observations you might have.
@DefyingFates I know Eury's posts are looooooooooong, but do you think her suspicion towards you feel genuine, or manufactured?

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