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New Heroes: Attuned Eirika & Ascended Amelia

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This month, we're getting a Sacred Stones banner, and on it we'll be getting Attuned Eirika, Ascended Amelia, Forde, and the Heroes OC Niðavellir. Kyle will be a 3/4-star unit, and Glen will be the GHB.


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I'm sorry, but what the actual fuck is this banner?

Why do we need an alt of Eirika AND an alt of Amelia AND Nidavellir, all on the same banner? Why can't they just give us one of the girls and Nidavellir, instead of both?

Why is there no proper banner demote? Why are they pulling the bullshit that they did on the not!Echoes banner and Attuned Nino's banner?

Why are we getting another Eirika already? Even if we're not counting backpacks as alts (which I generally don't), if they were going to make an Amelia alt anyway they really didn't need her on here. They could've put her on the next Sacred Stones banner to carry some other units, like Saleh. We could've had a proper demote on the banner, like Artur or even Franz to go with his bro and Kyle.

Heck, if we had to get an upgraded royal, this could've been Innes, after he got fucked over by his sister and his last alt being the grail child alt, which while not bad is definitely the most underwhelming of his batch. No reason we couldn't have had Innes, Amelia, Nidavellir, and two other male units instead. Or even L'Arachel alt bringing Dozla and some other dudes.

Just why.

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This is certainly a banner. We can’t have Ascended Innes, right? These new heroes banners are beginning to be underwhelming, especially when one of the slots is given to another (and underwhelming imo) feh oc.

Might pull for Eirika, but neither Amelia or Forde seem tempting. I was expecting Niđavellir to be so much better as the star of his own banner, not overshadowed…

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13 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I'm sorry, but what the actual fuck is this banner?

A banner that's being released between a Summer banner with TH & Engage and the CYL8 banner. Therefore, IS couldn't be assed to even try to make this banner interesting. They even "conveniently" forgot to give Nidavellir a Prf skill.

Oh, and I guess IS put Eirika here in the faint hope that she can make this banner be a slight bomb instead of a super bomb. They should've just used Innes or L'Arachel instead (like you suggested) because this banner is beyond help.

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Posted (edited)

I'm sad my "Fates/Tellius/Three Houses for April/June/July" prediction ended up only being partly true, instead we got Fates/Tellius/Sacred Stones. Oh well.

Anyway, the banner itself is underwhelming for me. I love Eirika, and it's great to see, Forde, Kyle, and Glen added to the game, but it really is looking like the new normal for banners will be two alts with only three proper new heroes from the same game, as opposed to a single alt and four new heroes.

Guess I'll be waiting on Dozla for another year...or more. Sheesh.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

A banner that's being released between a Summer banner with TH & Engage and the CYL8 banner. Therefore, IS couldn't be assed to even try to make this banner interesting. They even "conveniently" forgot to give Nidavellir a Prf skill.

Oh, and I guess IS put Eirika here in the faint hope that she can make this banner be a slight bomb instead of a super bomb. They should've just used Innes or L'Arachel instead (like you suggested) because this banner is beyond help.

IS be extremely rude, throwing another Eirika alt at me (and one that doesn't even enter the main summoning pool at that ...) when I'm trying to save orbs. I could have easily skipped this banner if not for her (and depending on certain factors I may still end up skipping this anyway).

Also, this kind of confirms a theory I mentioned to DefyingFates earlier today. I mentioned to him how Nino and Reinhardt recently got alts that were locked out of the main summoning pool, and they were also two characters who got those weird year 2 non-seasonal alts (proto-Ascended units, I guess). I figured that any character who had a proto-Ascended alt would get Attuned or Rearmed to keep them from having two summonable alts. And Eirika just had to prove me right.

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FORDE!!! FORDE'S FINALLY HERE! AND KYLE! HECK YEAH! (Where's Franz? Especially since his brother, brother's friend, princess, and girlfriend are all on this banner. Hope he shows up soon. His mother duck (Seth) has been in for a while.)

Also, Nidavellir! I'm still surprised IS decided to make him into an actual character instead of just some historic figure. I'm glad! But ugh, I have too many units to summon on too many banners and I DO NOT have enough orbs. Ah well.

I'll go for Nidavellir and pull reds if there aren't any colorless nodes. Blues (for Kyle) if not that. If it's all greens, well...guess I'll pull greens at that time. XD

Also, it's funny how Eirika as Fem Ephraim 2.0 exists. It's so weird how she keeps being the favored/spotlighted twin, but in such a way as it's like she can't be strong on her own (Brave Eirika, Emblem Eirika (in Engage), this new Attuned Eirika... So, it's almost like both Ephraim and Eirika are getting snubbed for each other? (I still think that Emblem Ephraim should have inhabited Eirika's ring with just as much presence (and a VOICE) as his sister, like how the House Lords Bracelet worked.) Would've preferred Attuned Ephraim channeling Eirika's power. It'd feel like it balances out better.

Edit: Oh shoot we get Glen too? I don't know who'll be happier: Cormag or Valter.

Edited by Mercakete
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17 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Also, this kind of confirms a theory I mentioned to DefyingFates earlier today. I mentioned to him how Nino and Reinhardt recently got alts that were locked out of the main summoning pool, and they were also two characters who got those weird year 2 non-seasonal alts (proto-Ascended units, I guess). I figured that any character who had a proto-Ascended alt would get Attuned or Rearmed to keep them from having two summonable alts. And Eirika just had to prove me right.

Chrom also fits that bill between his 2018 proto-Ascended alt and his 2023 Rearmed (and Fallen) alt. They're even both sword cavalry units, too.

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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

Chrom also fits that bill between his 2018 proto-Ascended alt and his 2023 Rearmed (and Fallen) alt. They're even both sword cavalry units, too.

... Is it bad that I forgot either of those existed?

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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

... Is it bad that I forgot either of those existed?

Nah, you good. I've done much worse: wishing a unit was in the game when the unit was, in fact, in the game.

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1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

... Is it bad that I forgot either of those existed?

Given that the proto-Ascended alt just got a Resplendent, I'd go with kinda bad. 

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3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Given that the proto-Ascended alt just got a Resplendent, I'd go with kinda bad. 

Damn, you're right. I've already forgotten who's the most recently revealed Resplendent as well. Either my memory's getting shittier or this game isn't holding my attention like it used to.

But yeah, I guess we could just throw Chrom onto the evidence pile. I'm totally expecting Attuned Olwen for the next Thracia banner, whenever the fuck that is.

Also, let's take a wild guess: what will the inevitable Ascended/Rearmed/Attuned Ephraim be? What does Duo Ephraim count as? Because if his time being banned from the regular summoning pool is any indication, he's probably going to be Ascended. But he's now available as a 4-star special on any banner like all the other proto-Ascended units, so ... does that make him eligible for Attuned or Rearmed?

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26 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Damn, you're right. I've already forgotten who's the most recently revealed Resplendent as well. Either my memory's getting shittier or this game isn't holding my attention like it used to.

It is another FE8 character who also could've used another alt far more than Eirika: Seth.

IS also continues to forgot that Marisa is a character who exists. They gave her a shitty lance flier Spring alt in 2019 and proceeded let her completely starve the entire time since then.

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23 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

It is another FE8 character who also could've used another alt far more than Eirika: Seth.

IS also continues to forgot that Marisa is a character who exists. They gave her a shitty lance flier Spring alt in 2019 and proceeded let her completely starve the entire time since then.

Oh yeah, it is Seth. And yeah, he really should get a better main pool alt someday (along with Titania). It's kinda atrocious how his main version is bad and got a sucky refine, and his only alt is a grail unit with no prf and meh art. Wasn't he popular before Heroes fucked him over forever?

And yes, it is weird how they treat Marisa. Clearly, in Sacred Stones, the only characters that matter are the twins, Myrrh, Lyon, and maybe Selena.

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Well Glen makes me happy and he is free to boot so I can save orbs.  I think I really need to save orbs since with this SS banner there is a chance the September banner will be Binding Blade and maybe IS will finally let me have Elphin with good art and a voice actor.      

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The new flat damage reduction version of Savvy Fighter looks pretty cool. And Amelia is even an Ascended Hero, so she'll be in the standard summoning pool. Neat.

We're also getting Null C-Disrupt Echo and what appears to be a human melee infantry version of Dragon's Roar. Also nice.

Unfortunately, this banner is stuck in the shadow of the summer banners, so I can't justify pulling past the spark, but I hope I get an extra Eirika since she has some really nice skills she can even duplicate herself.


Anyways, the usual translation notes:


The name of the banner, "Attuned Eirika & Ascended Amelia", is "響心エイリーク&開花アメリア" (kyōshin eiriku & kaika ameria), "Resonating Hearts Eirika & Blooming Amelia". As usual, "響心" (kyōshin), "resonating hearts", is the term for Attuned Heroes, and "開花" (kaika), "blooming", is the term for Ascended Heroes.

Amelia's epithet, "Blossoming Talent", is "花開く才能" (hana-hiraku sainō), "Blooming Talent". "花開く" (hana-hiraku), "to bloom" is the term for Ascended Heroes, "開花" (kaika), "blooming", as a verb.

Lance of Grado is "グラドの将の重槍" (gurado no shō no jūsō), "Heavy Lance of Grado's General".

Obsidian Tactics is "黒曜石の教え" (kokuyōseki no oshie), "The Obsidian's Instruction". "黒曜石" (kokuyōseki), "obsidian", is Duessel's epithet.

Clever Fighter is "慧敏隊形" (keibin taikei), "Clever Formation". Compare with Savvy Fighter, "慧眼隊形" (keigan taikei), "Perceptive Formation". As usual, "隊形" (taikei), "formation", is the term for the Fighter skill series, which is why the skill icons are formations of dots.

Forde's epithet, "Unfettered Knight", is "奔放の騎士" (honpō no kishi), "Uninhibited Knight".

Wild Wind Sword is "奔放なる風の剣" (honpō-naru kaze no ken), "Sword of the Uninhibited Wind".

Spd/Def Unity is "速さ守備の連帯" (hayasa shubi no rentai), "Spd/Def Solidarity".

Niðavellir's epithet, "Founding King", is "建国王" (kenkoku-ō), "Nation-Founding King".

Niðavellir Ballista is "ニザヴェリルの弩弓" (nizaveriru no dokyū), "Niðavellir Crossbow". "弩" (do) refers to any weapon that functions like a crossbow, including ballistae.

Seal Def/Res is "守備魔防封じ" (shubi mabō fūji), "Def/Res Sealing".

Eirika's epithet, "Resolute Princess", is "優しき決意の王女" (yasashiki ketsui no ōjo), "Princess of Gentle Determination".

Sisterly Axe is "優しさと強さの絆斧" (yasashisa to tsuyosa no banfu), "Bonding Axe of Kindness and Strength".

Gust is "陣風" (jinpū), "Gust".

Moonlit Bangle Q is "華月の腕輪・先" (kagetsu no udewa: sen), "Bracelet of the Brilliant Moon: Before". As usual, "華月の腕輪" (kagetsu no udewa), "bracelet of the brilliant moon", refers to the Lunar Brace, "月の腕輪" (tsuki no udewa), "bracelet of the moon". "先" (sen), "before" or "ahead", appears to refer to the skill having the Vantage effect, which is worded as "先制攻撃" (sensei kōgeki), "[unit makes a] preemptive attack", in skill descriptions, as well as the start-of-combat Pulse effect.

Null C-Disrupt E is "響・見切り反撃不可" (kyō: mikiri hangeki fuka), "Echo: Nullification [of] Counterattack Prevention". As usual, "見切り" (mikiri), "nullification", here literally translates as "to cut through by seeing", meaning "to see through [someone's tricks, etc.]", hence the eye in the skill icon, and is the name of the Nihil skill from the main series games. The original Null C-Disrupt skill is called "見切り・反撃不可" (mikiri: hangeki fuka), "Nullification: Counterattack Prevention".

Kyle's epithet, "Zealous Knight", is "情熱の騎士" (jōnetsu no kishi), "Passionate Knight".

Pursual Lance is "追撃の槍" (tsuigeki no yari), "Follow-Up Attack Lance". "追撃" (tsuigeki), "follow-up attack", more commonly means "pursuit" or "chase".

Glen's epithet, "Sunstone", is "日長石" (nicchōseki), "Sunstone".

Sunstone's Blade is "日長石の剣" (nicchōseki no ken), "Sword of the Sunstone". So Forde gets a sword, but Glen is stuck with just a blade.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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But yeah this is quite a bad banner. It seems the devs felt obligated to do a Sacred Stones banner while also really not wanting to do a Sacred Stones banner. The result is them going through the motions with Eirika, and dragging their feet in adding new characters through an oc and an alt. 

Strange Ashe doesn't seem to be Forde's Forging Bonds partner since he's so similar to Franz.

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This is so underwhelming. I remember when they started adding Ascended Heroes to banners. I remember how at the time getting an OC meant not having to sacrifice a new character getting added to the game.

And now here we are. They give us two Ascended/etc. for every new Heroes banner and they can't even be bothered to make the OC one of the two so we can still get four new characters. If only Nidavellir was an Attuned we could have had no boring derivative new version of Eirika and Franz joining the banner.


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Not in At All

1. Garcia; 180th
2. Franz; 195th
3. Ismaire; 237th
4. Moulder; 275th
5. Morva; 349th
6. Fado; 414th
7. Hayden; 431st

Alt Only

1. Artur; 349th
2. Saleh; 353rd
3. Dozla; 416th

The displayed ranks are from CYL8.

This is literally all Sacred Stones has left to offer in terms of New Heroes as of this banner. They unironically need to save Franz and/or Garcia for the next banner because of how little they have left to work with behind them.

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This is just insulting. After the same three-character lineup for the Tellius banner last month, I'm tempted to drop the game on the spot.

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