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Double Mythic Heroes: Heiðrún & Eikþyrnir

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I called this, including the part where Heithrun is green infantry.

Honestly, this is probably the only way they're getting the OCs out in a timely manner.

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Yeah... I already expected this to happen.

Honestly, I may summon on this banner because I lack all the Green units, and only have Loki from colorless. Looking good to me.

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Why is the background music the Black Fang theme?

Also, it's really annoying that they're both splitting the colors for these banners now on top of not giving us a second spark. I guess I'm pulling for Eikthyrnir since he's an offense Mythic and both of the units sharing a color with him I don't have at +10 yet.

On the plus side, it's nice that Eikthyrnir appears to have 2 brand new inheritable skills instead of just 1. And both are really useful skills, too.

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And the usual translation notes:


Heiðrún's epithet, "Healing Nectar", is "蜜の癒し手" (mitsu no iyashi te), "Healing Hand of Nectar".

Nectar Horn is "蜜の癒し手の角" (mitsu no iyashi te no tsuno), "Horns of the Healing Hand of Nectar".

Stronghold is "堅牢城塞" (kenrō jōsai), "Solid Fortress". Compare with Fort. Def/Res, which is "守備魔防の城塞" (shubi mabō no jōsai), "Def/Res Fortress".

Divine Nectar is "神獣の蜜" (shinjū no mitsu), "Nectar of the Divine Beast". This is the same for both the skill and the status effect.

Eikþyrnir's epithet, "Quieting Strength", is "体の葬り手" (karada no hōmuri te), "Silencing Hand of Physique". As usual, "葬る" (hōmuru) literally means "to bury a dead body" and is used figuratively to mean "to hush" or "to cover up".

Quieting Antler is "体の葬り手の角" (karada no hōmuri te no tsuno), "Antlers of the Silencing Hand of Physique". "角" (tsuno) is used to refer to most types of horn-like structures on the head, including horns and antlers.

Fierce Beast is "猛獣" (mōjū), "Fierce Beast".

Atk/Def Excel is "攻撃守備の突破" (kōgeki shubi no toppa), "Atk/Def Breakthrough".

Divine Strength is "神獣の肉体" (shinjū no nikutai), "Physique of the Divine Beast". While the "体" (karada) in his epithet means "physique" as in the body as a whole, figure, or constitution, the "肉体" (nikutai) here means "physique" more specifically referring to musculature.

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LH!Eliwood never shared with anyone I was interested in so that means I'm pulling colorless on this banner. Debating on red or green as my back up color. 

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8 hours ago, Florete said:

Why is FE7 music playing?

7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Why is the background music the Black Fang theme?


BoaFerox told me that they have been using the Black Fangs music for the Quieting Hands in the story, since like Black Fangs they are also a group of Assassins.

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Hahahahaaaa... I don't have orbs. Still trying to at least get Clanne. Kind of gave up on getting Summer Hrid to +1, and on getting Summer Nerpuz. Looks like my goat collection doesn't like to include summer fem goats (since I also didn't manage to get Summer Freyja.)

Anyway, it's interesting how Heidrun is...I guess a sort of centaur? A goat-centaur. A very chubby one, but only in her goat bod. Also not a cav unit. Was NOT expecting all that.

So, the Greek mythological monster people represented by Laeradr's children are a harpy, a naga/gorgon, a centaur, and a minotaur. Also a squirrel. Laeradr himself will probably be a dryad.

Anyway, these guys just became more likely to survive the book. Obviously we won't know for sure until the book closes, but Eikpyrnir MIGHT be the second male character to not die! (The first was Hrid. Even Alfonse has died at least once.) Good for him.

Speaking of stuff like that, I noticed that the only color on this banner with male focus units on it is colorless. Just struck me as interesting.

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Where the hell is Fafnir?

These skills look ridiculous. I'm missing all three colorless units, so I'll go for that.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Where the hell is Fafnir?


Would be very bad for Nidavellir if Fafnir was the Mythic this month, while Nidavellir himself is a normal hero without even a prf skill.

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Would be very bad for Nidavellir if Fafnir was the Mythic this month, while Nidavellir himself is a normal hero without even a prf skill.

Nidavellir got screwed no matter when or how regular Fafnir releases.

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Honestly, it really seems like IS doesn’t actually want to do this Book V TT series and are just doing it out of obligation.

On top of Nidavellir’s treatment and the continued lack of base Fafnir, they didn’t even bother making one of those cute little videos like they did for Books II to IV.

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7 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

BoaFerox told me that they have been using the Black Fangs music for the Quieting Hands in the story, since like Black Fangs they are also a group of Assassins.

More than that, they're a once "good" group that had been revered by people gone bad because of some outside influence. Ratatoskr is just the Nino here, while Hraesvelgr and Nidhoggr are Lloyd and Linus, and the other two are basically Legault and Jaffar if Legault and Jaffar were Nino's brothers.

6 hours ago, Othin said:

Where the hell is Fafnir?

Blue's also not really the best option to colorshare with this month. Deirdre and Caeda are kinda old and almost remix material. They even put Caeda in the HoF even before she was officially yeeted from the normal legendary pool.

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I absolutely hate them giving us two new mythics but only one spark. Legendary/Mythic banners having such horrible odds of folks getting what they want is likely why they tend to perform the most poorly. And why I wish they'd become a thing of the past (it's annoying enough just saving up for two main banners each month).

*Reads Heidrun's C skill*

Ugh... Now everybody can self galeforce like Duo Robin on top of warping up to 5/6 spaces?! I don't know how much more of this craziness I can take...

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The thing that actually bums me out is that there just isn't enough Mythic slots this year for all of the OCs they're doing right now, unless the keep doubling up, and even then. Which means it's very likely that characters like Athos will be waiting even LONGER, when they absolutely should not be.

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Double mythic OCs? Double the reason to not care. At least it allows me to build up some orbs and means the OCs are getting done meaning we can get to actual legacy characters I care about sooner (though I think I'd still rather they had given us Athos or Sephiran with this mythic and paired an OC with a main series character next time too).

Edited by Jotari
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Well, I ended up getting the other colorless mythic OC. I don't even remember what she does. Who cares.

Who was the last non-OC mythic, anyway? Lumera? And the last non-alt one was... Veyle? Ugh.

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Aside from the Book III era (which had five and was when Mythic Heroes were introduced), there has never been more than three main game Mythics in the Book eras that have come since.

Like it or not, FEH original characters are always going to get priority over main game characters when it comes to Mythic Heroes. There are now 27 FEH OC Mythics compared to 17 main game Mythics. Meanwhile in the main summoning pool, Heroes has just 16 characters (8 of which are 4 Star Special pulls at this point).

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Hmm ... this might deserve a topic of its own, but yesterday I was wondering if Heroes was maybe killing mainline FE.

Nowadays, we just get alts of the same popular characters over and over again with each new alt being more ridiculously busted, and the OCs take up more and more space on seasonal banners and sometimes on regular banners too and they're always 5-star locked with prf weapons and sometimes prf skills (Nidavellir is the most underwhelming OC upon release, I guess, but he still has a prf).

In exchange, more and more characters from the mainline games who aren't as popular or favored, get added as instant demotes with less optimized stat lines, no prf, and skills of varying quality. Which makes them less appealing to build than someone who comes with a strong prf, a full skill kit, and a better stat line. So, unless you're a fan of that character, that character is less likely to get new fans interested in them (and the game, by extension, if they keep doing this to all the characters from that game). And OCs taking up all the 5-star slots and prfs on a banner (like the first summer this year) means that characters from main line games are often prf-less demotes and prf-less TT+ rewards.

Hypothetically, if Heroes wasn't presented as a crossover of all the FE games, the OCs would be Fine, I Guess. But unless IS has plans to add them to any future FE games, or even make a main line game with Heroes characters, their popularity is kinda self-contained and I don't know if they make anyone want to look into the older games and their cast, when the majority of the older games' casts are getting sidelined.

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5 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

 unless IS has plans to add them to any future FE games,

I don't really want to see any of the Heroes OCs added to the mainline series m, unless it's a crossover cameo like Veronica's Engage DLC, the one exception to that is Fafnir and his brother who I would like to see pop up in a future game with a minor cameo specifically because they are meant to be actual peasants from an ordinary Fire Emblem world that were summoned to the Heroes world. So making that plot point come full circle by showing them as random villagers would be cute.

For the point over all, I don't think it's anything new. The Heroes OC (outside of if the first three) have always been reasonably powerful compared to the rest of the cast. And we're still getting busted main series characters. The Emblems are probably the most desired units around now and if I need to kill anything it's one of the two breath Alears (especially male Alear) who can punch through anything.

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On 7/26/2024 at 6:54 AM, Othin said:

Well, I ended up getting the other colorless mythic OC. I don't even remember what she does. Who cares.

Who was the last non-OC mythic, anyway? Lumera? And the last non-alt one was... Veyle? Ugh.

I still think them giving out Loki this year was a questionable move. It was expected since Lumera, but she hasn't been relevant for two, going on three books, and her popularity has been bleeding for years. I feel they could've kept her in their pocket until she became relevant again, and then put a decently popular/well known mainline Mythic in her place for more variety. 

Anyway, did some pulls and got MAlear and the Golden Deer. Now it's back to saving for CYL so I can get some new skills for my favorites. 

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