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December 21, 2012 Cataclysm Prophecy

Phoenix Wright

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Why wonder and make assumptions? We'll see for ourselves soon enough--three years is a relatively short time.

If the world really is scheduled to end, something tells me that no preparations we make will matter anyway. :P

Indeed, just know that if something comes to happen, there is nothing we can do to stop it. Just deal with it when it happens.

If the world ends, it was a privilege sharing it with all of you. And like the earthly family that we are, well, I think if something does come to happen of this sort of proportions, we'd still would not unite as a human race family that we are and face it together, and that is saddening indeed.

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Indeed, just know that if something comes to happen, there is nothing we can do to stop it. Just deal with it when it happens.

If the world ends, it was a privilege sharing it with all of you. And like the earthly family that we are, well, I think if something does come to happen of this sort of proportions, we'd still would not unite as a human race family that we are and face it together, and that is saddening indeed.

Who knows how things will be in three years?

Better to just leave the topic, for now at least.

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Cool, because that's pretty accurate.

You serious? Or you mocking me? :lol:

Who knows how things will be in three years?

Better to just leave the topic, for now at least.

I agree. No use getting all scared over something that we don't really know for sure will happen.

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In brief words, what I've studied in the bible, the prophecies written there from start to finish.

Hahaha, you just related awhile ago that you've never read through the book, and now you're relating your individual opinion on what is doubtlessly a few passage-worths as though you're an expert.

Comedy gold.

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And how exactly is it supposed to end?

The only thing I believe that will endanger many lives, is the collapse of the side of the volcano in the Canary Islands during one of it's future eruptions. If it collapses in one massive landslide into the sea, it will create a mega-tsunami that will hit the east coast of America.

Edited by Raven
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No, it's just another of those stories designed to scare people and whatnot.

Oh, for the record, the world will not end, only Satan's evil system.

How ironic.

The earth was created for men to live in, so it will not end

WRONG! It will end when the sun dies.

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No, it's just another of those stories designed to scare people and whatnot.

Oh, for the record, the world will not end, only Satan's evil system. The earth was created for men to live in, so it will not end.

Also, nobody knows for sure when this will happen, only God.

By that logic, God is also a system made to scare people; it's just outgrown itself horribly.

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I just need to make a calendar that ends at some random year...

How do you like the sound of December 31st 2099? Thats when the Microsoft Windows calender ends it also starts January 1st 1980

As far as the world ends I'm okay with it as long as it isn't aleins wiping us out except the few people who paid $1,000,000+ to learn about Blistopia and go on their spaceship to there or humanity managing to wipe itself out.

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Death, Esau, Lachesis:



You see this below?

Believe me, there will be harsh times like these you describe, however, the earth will not be destroyed. My beliefs are simple: Earth does not get destroyed, Satan's evil systems will abruptly come to an end, though, and that is not far from happening now. Lots of people will die during all this time. I can tell you that tremors/earthquakes will only get worse, and you will hear through news of events or happenings that you did not believe possible in some places. The market collapsing was one of them.

This is called bait. Don't bite the bait. I know you all really want to, because you just can't wait to score a few more points... but just stop. Leave the bait alone, and just swim away.

Edited by Black Knight
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There have been way too many theories for our world's end. And you know what? It's stupid and retarded, none of them are true. For example, let me go on this one. Days and year numbers are something we created. Just because those #'s make a strange date or whatever, something is gonna happen? k

Yup, I'll sure believe in this one, just like the old Y2K bug.

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Yup, I'll sure believe in this one, just like the old Y2K bug.

Oh, I remember that. Everyone was freaking out saying that the computers would take over the world or crash so badly.

In fact, I say the world is going to end on May 5th, 2009!

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How ironic.

WRONG! It will end when the sun dies.

Oh yeah? When will the sun die? You have an exact date for me? Or at least an estimate.

There have been way too many theories for our world's end. And you know what? It's stupid and retarded, none of them are true. For example, let me go on this one. Days and year numbers are something we created. Just because those #'s make a strange date or whatever, something is gonna happen? k

Yup, I'll sure believe in this one, just like the old Y2K bug.

I totally agree with this post. There was alot being said about the world coming to an end in 2000, and guess what, we are still here.

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Oh yeah? When will the sun die? You have an exact date for me? Or at least an estimate.

A date is not required, it is the absolute end. We may survive plague, nuclear war, cats and dogs raining from the skies, but that will be it.

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Does the world end on December 31 of every Gregorian year?
Heh, the reason why we celebrate New Year's Eve is because of a prediction that the world would end on January 1st 1000 so the people back then decided to party hard on the 31st until said End of the World would come. Edited by Ike-Mike
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Frankly, I wish 2012 would get here so that the History Channel would go back to showing things about the real world.

Oh yeah? When will the sun die? You have an exact date for me? Or at least an estimate.

Several billion years. By which time we'll be dead - the sun will have become a red giant before it goes poof.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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2012? Pah.

The end of the world- or rather, the end of humanity, cannot be so easily predicted. We've already tried countless times and failed. The only way it could possibly be predicted would be if the species somehow survived those billions of years until the death of the sun-- and who really thinks we can manage that?

No, we won't know the day nor the hour. I wouldn't worry about 2012.

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For those who are not afraid enough to discuss this subject: Does anyone think these prohecies are BS?

Does anyone think they are true? Are you undecided? Discuss.

Well...I used to, now I really doubt alot of it.

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According to the wiki

"The increase in solar temperatures is such that already in about a billion years, the surface of the Earth will become too hot for liquid water to exist, ending all terrestrial life."

Edited by Reimi Saionji
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~5 billion years from now. See for yourself.

Though as it mentioned, it's not set in stone that the Earth will be swallowed up.

The Sun freaks me out, a giant ball of gas that is above us...now that's the horror.

The Sun will expand enough to cover the first 3 or 4 planets near to it perhaps?

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