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Epic Wins, Epic Fails


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This topic is also for when the RNG loves you or screws you. However, I'd recommend actually calculating the probability of things happening before commenting. Talking about missing with 80% and then getting hit and killed with 20% isn't actually that uncommon. Not like facing stuff that is 1 in a million (literally) or rarer. Like, for example, missing twice at 99% in fe5 and then getting hit by 1%. That is literally 1 in 1 million, since each of those events are 1 in 100 and three of them have to happen together.

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in my current paladin only PT, before Fiona when still using everyone:

epic win: Leo getting 3 near perfect level ups, Aran gaining speed, Meg evades enemies (no abusing of any kind)

epic fail: Edward barely gaining stats and gets doubled doing only 3 damage average on chapter 4 or so, Sothe face-blocking everything, not being able to use my 3 blessed characters after getting Fiona...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's an epic fail:

You see, I have a tragic announcement to make... :( I recently began playing Fire Emblem after about a year off. I decided to once and for all reveal

the conversation in which Almedha says that Soren is her son

. Needless to say, it wasn't easy to make Soren fight Micaiah in Part 3 - Chapter 7 without a long range tome. I even had to scarifice Haar <_< I haven't used anyone but Micaiah, Sothe and occasionally Volug from the Dawn Brigade, so you can see that it's been a plague getting through with this playthrough... However, when I reach that chapter in which you get to choose for Pellease to live or die, guess what I discover? I had accidently chosen a completely new ... how to say? Game, save? My point is that my only option was to kill Pelleas!! And without Pelleas I won't achieve my goal with this playthrough, so... I'm pissed! <_<

Edited by xanatha
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My Marcia got 4 straight STR levels in a row, and my Kieran maxed speed as an Axe Pal at level 16 without any BEXP. I've never seen either of those happen before O_O

On another note... Level 13 Vanguard Ike with only 30 STR? *facepalm*

Edited by Pet Pikachu
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Spent two hours slowly working my way through 1-E HM trying to use Edward, Nolan, Jill, and Aran exclusively, for combat, so they could get their last few levels and promote. I forgot that an archer had a longbow and it stepped out and one shot Laura...

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Slowly working foward with 1-E HM Edward and Ilyana taking as much kills as possible (of course when they can't double its hard) and miccy advances after taking care of the 8 reinforcements from the ledge. Edward ilyana, BK, nailah, sothe, move on, edward gets killed.

Restart Miccy gets awesome 3 speed level ups in a row, but then she is hit twice by the hand axe reinforce ment :facepalm:

Restart Edward in resolve range gets killed by longbow

Restart Ilyana gets killed because of my carelesness

Restart, miccy is carried, but when i lower her i lowered her in range of a longbow from Jarod's section.

It just keeps happening ;_; it doesn't help that my eddy was spd screwed... really 17 speed at 20/1...

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Epic win: Astrid (with Paragon Blossom combo) capped all but defense. First time i did the skill combo. Nice. Also Soren capping EVERYTHING.

Epic Fail: 3-E, Oscar gets sleep'd by LAURA (whos like level 12 Priest no less) and getting whomped and dying.

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Try again, Soul. Nolan has an average 2 MAG by now.

Yeah. Nolan's tier 3 mag capping is more a result of promo bonuses and low caps than anything else. Hence why at level 20 tier 1 it is so low on average.

+2, +4, for +6 mag from promos. 10 mag cap. He only needs 4 points of mag in 49 levels. It's no wonder he caps in tier 3. Only needs a 10% growth to pull it off on average.

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My epic win is that I just defeated Ike in chapter 3-13 without putting him to sleep. With a level 1 Trueblade Edward and his Brave Sword. He would do 4 times 7 damage with 100% hit rate and Ike would do 1 time 25 damage with a 57% hit rate. Edward hit him first time, second was a critical, then Ike missed and Edward finished him with an Astrum. He also defeated Soren with a 12% critical hit. Go Edward!

Edited by Quirino
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Kieran seems to be a lucky charm for me. He's saved my ass plenty of times. One of them being that level with Valtome (4-2, I think). Valtome almost always hits one of my units whenever I go to attack him. With Tibarn, it's not really a huge deal, he can kill Valtome in one hit, but I don't like using Tibarn very much in that chapter because I prefer to level up my other units. I like attacking with Kieran, Ranulf and Elincia for the funny conversations.

On this one chapter, I had one character next to Valtome who was clobbered pretty good. If Valtome went after him on the next turn, he'd die in one hit. Thankfully, I wiped out most of the other enemies within range. I went in to attack with Kieran. Valtome missed, Kieran activated Sol. It was beautiful.

As for epic fails, it's hard to narrow it down.

Pretty much all of 3-1, the entire chapter, ended up being fail for me on my first playthrough. I had to reset so many times. Now I have no troubles with it. But my most memorable fail on that chapter went like this:

Me: Crap. I hate Shinon. He's a jerk. I don't want to use him.

Shinon: -criticals an enemy-

Me: 0.0 Maybe I will start using him...

Shinon: -wipes out most of the enemies on the map without taking any damage-

Me: 0________0 I shall now worship him.

Shinon: -gets critical'd and dies whining about how lame his death was-

Me: D= D= D=

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Oh, don't worry. He's quickly become my favorite character. I just didn't want to use him starting out, then realized how good he was...and got very unlucky at the very end of the battle. Freaking enemy critical hit. Grrr.

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...Holy crap. Aran really dodged a bullet in 4-P, he would have been doubled and ORKO'd by a Warrior... but the warrior missed once.

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Should I mention in here my Mordecai that got Spd 3 levels in a row? And then again (for the cap since I used a Speedwing) on the 6th level?

And yet he's sitting at level 30 with only 18 Def.

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