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Even if Seth isn't necessary early game, he's your only consistent ORKOing unit and is (one of?) the only one(s) who just will not die. Ross, on the other hand, isn't even doing very good chip damage, has crap durability. And Seth is better than Ross come endgame, as well. Compare 10/20/1 Zerker Ross to --/15 Seth. Seth wins HP, SKL, SPD, DEF, and RES. Most of those by significant amounts. They tie STR and Ross has more luck. And Seth has Anima affinity and supports lots of great characters. Ross wins Crit and CEV. Seth has durability, movement, attack, and helps your other teammates with supports. I don't see how Ross could possibly be better than Seth. Even at max level, Seth's more durable. Ross's only notable win here is his STR lead, but supports help mitigate that.

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You didn't address my actual point.

Despite Ross gaining way more EXP, the team with Seth on it is significantly stronger and always will be.

So...who cares if he's gaining very little EXP? 20/10 Seth slaughters 10/20/1 Ross anything even later on and Seth was gdlk earlier.

The point of Seth is his earlygame power. Saving him for later defeats that purpose.

Okay, yeah sure. I thought this was an opinion topic. Apparently not. Yes the logical choice is Seth. I'm not that type of person, I'd rather train a unit from their first tier than take the easy way out and use Seth.

And compared at max level stats, Seth is probably going to be worse than Franz, Kyle, and Forde, but with so many levels, anything could happen.

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The main thing was that you said that Seth was stealing EXP. If you said that you didn't like Jeigans, no one would've said anything. You just said something that has been proven not true.

I don't care if you don't like Seth. I don't usually use him much after chapter 10ish.

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The main thing was that you said that Seth was stealing EXP. If you said that you didn't like Jeigans, no one would've said anything. You just said something that has been proven not true.

I don't care if you don't like Seth. I don't usually use him much after chapter 10ish.

I should rephrase that then. Seth is making bad use of the exp he gets in the first few chapters.

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Why? His growths are better than everyone else's.

I meant that more in the sense that, Seth doesn't really need to improve to be useful for earlygame, and it takes him a while to level up while your other units see results after 3-4 kills.

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I meant that more in the sense that, Seth doesn't really need to improve to be useful for earlygame, and it takes him a while to level up while your other units see results after 3-4 kills.

Again, you are not proving how this matters.

Team A: Franz, Moulder, Eirik, Vanessa, Ross

Team B: Franz, Moulder, Eirik, Vanessa, Seth

Team B is significantly stronger even though Ross has huge EXP gains.

Furthermore, Seth doesn't need kills. That's an inherent benefit. He lets the other four get kills instead of him. Ross doesn't.

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Again, you are not proving how this matters.

Team A: Franz, Moulder, Eirik, Vanessa, Ross

Team B: Franz, Moulder, Eirik, Vanessa, Seth

Team B is significantly stronger even though Ross has huge EXP gains.

Furthermore, Seth doesn't need kills. That's an inherent benefit. He lets the other four get kills instead of him. Ross doesn't.

I never said anything about Ross or him being better than Seth, ever. Getting more experience means that your other units are going to level up faster. Seth is not your only unit. Also, this applies more to mid game, after you get Kyle and Forde, but are not yet seeing promoted enemies.

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I'm not seeing how this is some point against Seth. Seth is broken in the beginning. That's why he's good. No other unit ever obtains that level of power relative to the team or the enemies.

Your "oh he steals EXP" point is moot since he actually does the exact opposite by not needing kills and letting others get them.

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I'm not seeing how this is some point against Seth. Seth is broken in the beginning. That's why he's good. No other unit ever obtains that level of power relative to the team or the enemies.

Your "oh he steals EXP" point is moot since he actually does the exact opposite by not needing kills and letting others get them.

But if he's letting others get them, then whats the point of even having him there? To be honest, I'm done arguing this as it is my OPINION. you can rave about Seth all you want, its not going to make me think any better of him. Bottom line: He's great for earlygame and good enough for the rest of the game. Maybe I don't like him because he breaks the game, idk.

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It is factual that he is the best character. It's not an opinion.

The point of having him there is that he's an unstoppable juggernaut that can do whatever you want. Need to save a unit? Whiffed on an enemy and now that enemy can kill your unit? Gotta get to a village quickly? Seth's the man.

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Well, not most of the trainees that require babying. But aside from Seth, I wonder why no one bothers to observe more...

Just look at Gerik, despite not being there since early game he can take care of himself perfectly, he can even promote at base level and be great.

I find Seth overrated, sure, know ow useful he is, but aren't most characters here like that? Franz is also great, and I don' think Seth should have such a high value when most of your team is onerounding a few earlygame enemies and most midgame.

Then there's Duessel, who aside grom being slow won't have trouble doubling those pesky wyern riders and cavaliers and their steel lances/swords. He's also a mounted tank and has WTA advantage against all those enemies in his starting chapter not including magic users.

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Seth is forced in some chapters as well, comes with A in swords AND lances. No need to promote. Is able to kill consistently from beginning to end, and is mounted.

Franz is forced in part of one chapter. Doesn't have double As. Needs to promote. Doesn't kill as efficiently as Seth.

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With that sort of criteria most cavaliers in the series are lowin tiers. Having A ranks and being promoted isn't a big hit when I said that no one really has trouble onerounding, unlike Marcus in HHM, it's not like he's required to beat the game, that's why Marcus deserves a high spot in tier list, Seth is good, but not actually necesary even in Hard Mode since there aren't a whole bunch of enemies sorrounding you.

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Beaten it many times, thank you. Yes, at least that is in midgame, hell, the enemies are even weaker than FE7 even in Hard Mode, don't tell me you have Seth doing all the job earlygame when the enemies are all laughable, there's soldiers, brigands, fighters, some archers and rarely some mercenaries & myrmidons.

Anyone aside from Eirika & Gilliam will be onerounding soldiers earlygame, Franz is strong enough with an iron lance, the fighters are easy to take down with a sword, sure, Franz won't be doubling, but his Spd growth is decent enough to get him doubling in a few levels.

Unlike Marcus in HHM, Seth isn't really required to beat the game since there aren't a ton of enemies rushing up on you like in FE7 HHM.

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There is no "best" character when they are all great in relation to such an easy game.

Sure there is. Being easy doesn't mean we can't rank the characters in order of who is better than who, even if it ends based on availability. Seth is the best because he starts about as good as can be when everyone else is relatively weak and is still good when everyone else gets stronger.

Unlike Marcus in HHM, Seth isn't really required to beat the game since there aren't a ton of enemies rushing up on you like in FE7 HHM.

No one is required to beat any FE game except for Lords and other characters that need to do things like Seize.

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