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Faatina reminds me of a pegasus knight, though that was probably Ether's intent.

Reign appears to be going on vacation, not being beaten up by buffoons. Awesome, sir.

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New Stuff :D:

Note: I won't be using spoiler tags anymore since some people I know (Ether) cannot defeat them to gain the glorious prizes within.


Slight edit to Wynn's colors:

Hair is lighter to reduce contrast

Clothes are less saturated to clash less



Gizem's only a middle name. Last name unknown.

This sprite is still a bit of a work in progress. Probably obvious but I used it to test a few different ... things. I think she's kind of cute but she's a SHADING NIGHTMAAAAAAARE!!!


Moving on ...


CASSANDRA (Update #2 ... I Think)

Only the halfbody. Here's the full version:


Details ... ummm. I dunno. I'm tired. Been up for like thirty hours so I'm not all here. One thing to note is that the straps going onto her shorts are not attached to her boots, but rather the stocking things inside. Just a little piece of info there ... nothing all that important.



Something something something legs:


She's always worn pants but they were black, not this soft looking beige that I eventually ended up going with. The puffy sleeves were a must~

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Got a little bored last night so made three more of those mostly John centered pictures ...

An idea I might actually try one day

[spoiler=Hair dye]John-Hairdye.png

Keep not having anything to post, and I will swamp John with Joannas.

Might look something like this


A thing


I just like using John for these because almost any commentary can go with that expression :B):

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No character details yet, but this is a basic splice of Kyza and Kieran.

Note: I increased the size of the entire body to better fit with Kyza's head. Rescaling is a pain.



No character details yet, but this was a clothing design experiment that was a partial success. Yes, only partial. The base is obviously Zihark.

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Not finished with any of the new stuff yet(or rather not finished with everything planned before the next update), so I'm just going to bump this with a couple of things I spent the last half hour making for no apparent reason.

Note: All of these are 550 by 160 in size because I was going to take the ones I liked best and put them in my new sig randomizer ... so yeah that's the real reason I made these :lol:

BurkexNaomi series (originally meant to be used with the randomizer and not all read at once like this :XD: )







Related to an rp quote


Destiny or something




Ragna's tail (I should point out that fallen tails do not normally have really sharp spines on the end)


Words ... I cannot find any :sob:


Too bad this one can be interpreted in several different ways :lol:

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Okay now for actual sprites I've been working on and stuff.



Just a recolor with a couple of edits to the eyes. Nothing special here.



Noble girl living in Tremere port. Was originally going for a more unusual hairstyle but that just wasted a bunch of time. Maybe next time.



This one's a little more than a recolor and deserves a bit of an explanation. Okay so way back when I was spriting Domovoi, I started off with a face that was ... more or less an attempt to readdress the exaggerated facial features Nadved has. The fix I made initially wasn't what Sage had in mind so I eventually just grafted Gatrie's face on there somehow.

Anyweyland, I was in need of another rexian character and decided to use the leftovers from the Domovoi sprite. I fixed up the facial features even more and recolored the armor as well. These are the results :^_^:



And here is the next time. Yaaay, look what I turned Jill into this time!~ Three different color sets because I wasn't sure which one I was going to go with at first. They're in order of creation from left to right. I like the purple haired one the best so I'll probably go with that one but I wanted to post all three to see what people thought of them in general. There was some rescaling involved in this one to make the parts fit better.



Request from God of Discord(almost spelled that with a k, oops :lol: ). Rescaling like a madman. She's slightly less dead/dying than usual.



Request from Snike. I'm just so glad I finally got to use a different hairstyle for a change(and it actually looking good and not like some weird abomination)~ Rescaling was involved here, too.



This is the same armor as before but with a few updates. I went at it with the shading on her clothing, arms, and legs and tried to get a little more contrast going on the blue parts. Here's the fullbody:


I also made some other edits, like to her right foot(our left), and her right armguard. A few things done to the hair, also. If you didn't notice she has blades on the heels before 'no, I didn't just add those in this version'. I might change the design at some point, though since these ones look like they might cause some problems while just walking normally.

And since I randomly felt like it, I decided to make a couple of edits to Ragna's hair so she and Nyx wouldn't have such identical hairstyles. Edited her corset!coat too since I was tired of looking at the completely blank version. I also edited the blade heels so they wouldn't punch little holes in the ground wherever she walks but are still sharp enough on the edges to let her play kickblade with people's faces. She and Gabbie seem to have some common ground :/:


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Great work as always Phoenix, really like the purple Mandy out of the three of them. Ragna's new hair also looks pretty sweet.

Does this mean requests are now open? gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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Chelsea looks soooo pretty~! The part of the ribbon or whatever on the top right looks kinda goofy though =3

Oh and I agree you should go with the purple Mandy. I would say get either of the other clothing colours if only because that type of peachyish (or whatever) colour always looks hideous in my eyes x3

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So this is the completed version of Mandy ... at least as far as color schemes go. I decided to use the blue haired version's outfit since more than one person suggested using a different color on the purple one.



This is an RotER character that'll be introduced in chapter 4. I was aiming for a more complex design for the coat. In all honesty I just needed to make a picture of him so I could have an easier time with characterization. I only fullcustomed one of those gauntlets he's wearing so that's why the bigger one doesn't look as good. I may fix that at some point, or just make a better version of it. I'll definitely be doing something to it if I make any more edits to this thing, like if I add more armored parts or something.

Here's the fullbody version


Sidenote: Two more requests in the queue and then I'll open it again.

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@ Mandy: Excellent. Good choices.

@ Angel: Also excellent. This is probably one of your better sprites. I like the design and the colors work exceedingly well together. (See also: Merc wants that coat.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

More Stuff :D:


I changed my mind again and decided to go with the blue. There was an edit I was going to make to the clothing itself beyond a simple recolor, but I didn't quite finish it in time for the update.



Not what people were expecting, I know, but at least it's clean. Wasn't sure I could get Makalov's hairstyle to work on this kind of sprite, honestly.



Wasn't really sure I could get anything with this sprite to work. Good enough for now, I guess. Another episode of 'Phoenix uses his own sprite bodies as bases.'

Next up is a semi-failed experiment. Partly failed because I couldn't find clothing colors I was satisfied with so I ended up defaulting to the original ones with a few tweaks here and there. Partial success because I still managed to change Raquel's complexion without it looking awful. The idea came up when I decided to combine some of my traits(my complextion, haircolor, and usual clothing colors) with Raquels. Problem #1 was I usually wear all black, so it would look kind of bland with a Raquel recolor. My complexion also doesn't convert to sprites very well, so I just ended up matching her to Reign instead. The purpose of the experiment? Curiosity and a bit of support.


I decided to make the inside of the coat red at the last minute to mimic Limstella.



Request from Rothene. Androgynous as I could manage, but it would have been a lot easier with longer hair~



Request from Acaciasgt. Way cuter than Mist or Laura in my not so humble opinion



Yep, I'm still screwing around with her, trying to perfect her look and costume. This is the latest attempt. Also a fullbody.


Now just wait until it's revealed that this new outfit has a protective layer of graphene~



Now this one was and still is a serious pain. It's not quite finished yet, but I don't want to do anymore work on it until I settle on a color scheme. And like always, here's the bottom halves of the newer version(yes the coat got longer)


Post note:

I'm reopening the queue now, but I decided to take fewer requests at a time from now on.


LoAF or RotE characters only

Once the queue hits three requests, it's closed until they're all finished

Valter's at the top of the queue, so he's up next. Two spots left.

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Disclaimer: I'm not an artist.

Something doesn't look quite right about Bogdan and Cassandra's chins and collars to me. I think for Cassandra the chin needs to be on the outside of the collar but for Bogdan... I dunno, like I said I'm not an artist.

I'm always impressed by you work though Phoenix, that's why I lurk here.

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  • 1 month later...

Always nice to hear that more than just the rpers check in here :^_^:


Okay so I find that I REALLY like the word 'redux' so I'mm start using it more often~



Request from Luna.



Request by Eail.

And here's some alternate colors and preapproval shenanigans:




He got jealous of Connor's hairstyle, I guess. As for those nifty plates on his chest and shoulders? Find out in-rp. For those that don't remember, this is that guy that stabbed Chelsea but hits on virtually anyone else.



Not much to say about this one. There was a character I wanted to sprite, and I did. I wanted to do something a little out of the ordinary and use different bases, so I did.



For those that don't remember, she's a priestess of Truth that occasionally shows up in the rp ... :wub:



Can't think of anything else for either outfit really ...

Here be the fullbodies;




One of Raquel's old academy buddies.





Be afraid. Be very afraid. Her battle theme is from DMC1 so you know she's dangerous :P:

Also here's a fullbody though I may add more to the outfit later if this starts looking too plain.


And here are the swords Scylla and Charybdis, which I made separately at first, then rescaled to fit (they aren't scaled properly in this pic but I'm not going to bother at this point in time)




So yeah ... long coats are flooding Sardius at an alarming rate. "Repent from your short coat loving ways or be swept under and forgotten beneath thine enemy's coat tails":

(Actually I'm not really sure on her color scheme, but without much input, this is where I start.)


And last but not least, here is an update for Sardis' costume that I'm working on(Still WIP). Also gave him a new weapon.


I'm currently trying to finish up the Gytha sprite, and after that I'll work on Valter and any other WIPs that I couldn't finish in time for this update. Queue's still closed until those two are finished, mind you :-_-:

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Oh nooooeeeezzzzz Light Yagamiiiiiiiiii *hides*

Don't kill me I'm a good girl


Ooooh I think that one looks real nice =3


I think the hair shading looks kinda funky on him... =[

I like all the feathery stuffs =D

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