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Whew ... I don't want to call her done just yet but ... we're getting there. I may still need to posterize her to finish up.

Note: posterizing is a function I found in photoplus that on a particular number gives them that slightly pixelated shaded FE10 look you notice when zooming in on the official sprites. Seriously that shading is so blocky it's pretty ugly up close, but from far away it's okay-ish.


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Whoohoo, looks great so far. I think there's something about the shading on the bottom part of her top that feels a little "off", but I can't specifically come up with a fix in my head. I think her left arm sleeve could have the zigzaggy fold wrinkle over the elbow area a bit more, with some underside shading too, or a reduction of the darkness in the middle, otherwise it will feel flat. I think the hair, the hands, and the weapon look awesome, though~

Edited by Samias
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks(and thanks again for the ref) :^_^:

I'll give those suggestions a try once I get back to finalizing Athena. Of course like always I get sidetracked with other projects. This one for instance.


I figured Athrun could use a do over and so I decided to give that a try. I'm not changing the design of the shirt Athrun wears under the jacket too much, but the jacket itself will be redone without all the little button things and will have an extra micro tail in the back to go along with the two in the front this time around. The greave designs are completely different because I wasn't satisfied with the original look. Sword's bigger on Rothene's suggestion and lastly the pose is completely different. I'll see if I can come up with a cooler hairstyle as well, but that's all I've got planned for this Athrun redux(that head is a placeholder and isn't the finished product).

One of these days ... I think I'll try fiddling with GBAs again. Not any time soon though :P:

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Okay, some news rpers and lurkers. I'm undertaking a good number of projects together in order to A: knock some lingering stuff out of the way once and for all, and B: see if my quick creation of the updated Athrun was just a one hit wonder or if my speed's actually increased. Finalized versions of some things won't show up until they're all finished. Others probably will since I don't want this gallery to go into a coma again.

Here's the project list and progress for each:


Athena FB 95%

Athrun FB 90%

Nadine FB update 99%

Cassandra FB update ~50%

Anna(yes that Anna~) FB 10%

Amon update 50%


Norbert FB 5%

Synthia FB update/Valter FB 0/0%

Sigrid (did I spell that right?) FB 0%

Most are fullbodies so yeah ... this should be fun, agonizing, and awesome all at the same time.

Anyway, for the sake of having SOMETHING vaguely resembling an FE10 sprite in this post, here's some progress on the Shastak siblings ...

Now I'm sure I got the wrinkles wrong around the elbow(too high up and too vague to the point of doing more harm than good), but I was trying to play it safe so eh. I dunno, I may take another whack at them later. Also touched up the shading on the forward ... flap thing on her blouse. I think it at least looks better and less jagged than before. I know it looks done aside from the aforementioned, but I haven't posterized it yet.


He looks finished you say? Not just yet. Still trying to decide if I don't want to add some flare to his his sword, whether or not I'm going to put those prints back in his coat's interior, and whether I'm going to try to add in a cravat for that fancy noble look or just make this Athrun's 'going out and being a vigilante' look. I ended up turning his head to the left(our right) instead of leaving it all idle because it works better with the positioning of his feet. I tried this pose myself and found that my feet were facing too far to the left while mimicking him so tried to address it by changing the direction of his head. That made the direction of the feet less unnatural. Of course since I changed the direction his head was facing, I had to change the shading too. (note; the entire sword is golden, unlike Athena's)


And lastly, because I couldn't resist :3:




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  • 8 months later...

I'm not sure why I only update this thing after missing a night of sleep. It's friggin' ridiculous how much I've done since the last time I updated this gallery. It's probably obvious but my speed hasn't increased much lol, but I did learn something; I tend to get more done when I'm not feeling any kind of pressure. See below for details.

First up Athrun and Athena ... complete this time, more or less.





That guy at the ball ordering hits on Reuter folk. He's also Colonel Sapphire Langley's father and Desmond Langley's uncle. May also have something to do with Lyra, I'm not sure how well acquainted they actually are yet; she was adopted into the family and introduced to everyone but he might not have been the adopter, nor anyone interested in getting to know her. Simple splice and recolor ... moving on.




Just trying another outfit. The unsecured armored bits are actually forged from the emblem, aka, hax.



Head of the Order of Mercy and not as depressed as she looks. Yeah, that's my take on a female Raphael. Enjoy ... or don't.

CONNOR (Update)


Edited the hair a bit, then changed the shading, shrunk his shoulders so he'd look less ... built. That's about it. It's only in this update because I think people can tell the difference between this one and the original at a glance.



Reign's older brother. I'm currently working on an update for this sprite, basically redrawing his jacket, getting rid of the strap since I don't need it, and debating whether or not to put a shirt on him.



There's something about the angle and pose of this that I just love. I could put this thing on just about any action adventure promotional material and it'd look half decent~



I got sick and tired of looking at the super saturated version and decided I might as well try different eyes and even a different type of possession for the Wrath!Desmond version, so this is 'Desmond Update' and 'Desmond Wrath V3'. For some reason, normal Desmond creeps me out more than Wrath!Desmond. I think it's because I gave him Calil's eyes and Wrath!Desmond's look completely different. Just about everything looks creepy with Calil's eyes once I realize they're hers. I have no clue why it unnerves me but it does lol.



Okay, I don't trust people to spot everything I did here so, here goes; recolored, arms thickened multiple times, eyes shrunken vertically (he is not a child, just short and young), face ever so slightly lengthened. Not as badass as the original Fletcher, but I don't use OAs as crutches anymore. Well I guess I still do, but not in their original forms. See Chance and Elrey for example.

GRETA (I haven't thought up a family name for her yet *shrug*)


This is technically a WIP but I just can't figure out what to do with her right arm or what to put on her so since she's been around for awhile both in the rp and in my project bin, I figured I put her in the update. She's at least presentable. Since only Merc will notice this, I'll point out that she has teeny tiny freckles under her eyes. I think they look cute~

... this is the only freckle sprite you guys are getting from me for a long time, so be grateful ... or something. I'm tired.

FIZZA (Update)


The edits were focused on removing that strap I started hating and giving her skin more contrast and therefore, a bit more depth. That's a problem with most of the tanned folk. Their skin usually ends up looking flat after I use the multiply and color tools to give them their complexions. I think I know what I'm doing now though, so these should be looking better in the future.



Ether didn't ask, but he didn't have to. This was a worthy enough cause, and I just love her colors now. Though, I ... kind of made the dumb mistake of using Elincia's face for this, so now she looks almost exactly like Lulu, which is kind of weird considering they're both from Sanctuary and not related. She also looks like she's related to Amon now, but I guess every blonde rexian does ....

GARAILE (I forgot if that's his first name or his last name, oh man, that's not good)


Just a splice I threw together. He's either a Hammer owner/lead type guy or some nobody!noble. I'd prefer the former but sometimes I don't actually plan these things. Also, this wasn't a simple splice because I had to shrink the head for proportion's sake and that never goes smoothly for me.

HANNAH (Redux)


It's a much simpler version of her, but I'll live ... sometimes simpler is just plain better. This is more or less done, but I may extend the length of her hair in the future since something seems off about the way it fans out at her shoulders yet isn't visible anywhere below that point. It makes sense, length-wise, but to me, it just doesn't look right for some reason.

MALIK (Update)


Skin contrast shenanigans ... hair shenanigans ... outfit desaturation ... and that's it. I tried matching his skin tone to Amon's but it didn't look right. It actually made Malik look like he was sickly but looks just fine on Amon so I was confused and just left it as this redder tone. I guess it's a decent compromise with his hair color and the fact his outfit's no longer red to match.



Same thing as Fizza and Malik, I was updating the skin so it contrasted more, but I also got around to reshading parts of the gauntlets so they would actually look like they share a common light source, though it's far from my best armor shading. I don't do gauntlets very often to begin with, and when I do, it's usually from scratch so I'm not as lazy about it.

HERO (Every rp needs one)


I saw an awesome cloak in 0083 Stardust Memory and I just had to try making my own version of it. That's also why there's the weird neck collar for no friggin reason.

GENERAL KATELYN MESOA (MoAB: Mother of all Banshees)


She trained the banshees that trashed Boscov and Schwartz; show some respect. I went with yellow eyes and green hair because I don't do that very often and because I saw it done pretty well with C.C. in Code Geass. Can't make the hair as vivid as hers though ... alas.

KING NATHON SHASTAK (Hail to the King)


Still a WIP but what the hell, I'm posting as much as I can. That gem on his chest does do something special and probably OP, but I'm not gonna say what.



About as close to cosplaying DmC Vergil as he can probably get without pissing anybody off, methinks. He shall not wield a sword, however. Instead he'll probably just learn that good ol' dark punch in a canonical form.

CECILY (Redux)


This isn't even a ... thing, really. I mean it's just an FE9->FE10 conversion from the original, and that's about it. It's been done since like ... forever, probably within a month of the last update even.



... suavesider. I think I'm going to drop this guy on the ball after all. I'll find a reason. I don't even care anymore; this is happening.

LORD TERREL REUTER (The guy engaged to Athena ... hate, hate with all your might)


Simple recolor, though it took me awhile just the same and I think it may be a wee bit too saturated still ....

SYNTHIA AZUBAH (Hope I spelled that ri-Redux)


WIP but it's too good not to put in here lol. Yes, I have her in Calil's FE9 pose, what of it? >_>;

JOANNA (Redux)


I was scared to even look at the original sprite, fearing her inexplicable popularity might diminish if I did something to it, but figuring it probably had less to do with her glowing appearance and more to do with her unwittingly suicidal behavior in the rp, I took the chance. This is kind of a WIP but it'll probably stay this way for a good while anyway unless I find some immediate improvements I want to make. My layer abuse made this one of my cleaner and quicker re-toned recolors~

LIAM (The Winged Neeson)


He will find you, and he will ... probably let you live, maybe. For some reason I didn't make any progress on this one until I saw Stardust Memory. Thanks, Anavel Gato. You're an inspiration to us all me. This one has a pose combined from three different characters and was a pain to shade, the cloak especially, though once that was done it was just fun with testing out possible color schemes.




This is the outfit she made with a little help from Hypnos during the trip back to Europa. The trimming on the coat tails is similar to Angelos' (which is why I bothered noting Hypnos' involvement here). Slightly different pose but I kept the legs the same because they're just fine the way they are and I'm lazy. This sprite has been done for like ... six months or longer, I think.


I really really REALLY hate posting these this early since it's practically spoilers, but for crap's sake, they're pretty much finished, and this is an update so ... yeah, to the curious go the spoils.

[spoiler=Sirius A and B]Siriusbeta_zps67988973.pngSiriuschildbeta_zps433e632b.png

I had to full custom a whole lot of the older version's hair because of the reference I used and 'how the hell can I splice this from existing styles without killing myself in the process?' ... also the pose is another combination pose I slapped together (don't ask what she's wearing). The wings are full custom too but that's probably obvious. The little one's just a splice with tweaks ad absurdum.

A couple more things ...


There probably won't be a time where it's appropriate for me to use this as my avy so I'm just putting it here for posterity.


Merc asked, and I remembered.

Anyway, back to what I was saying before; I tend to do better, more, and faster, when requests aren't being handled formally or in order, so I'm going to scrap that whole thing and just start doing the rp characters a bit randomly from now on. Don't make any requests in here or anywhere else; I'll come to you guys for details when I start working on them and post them here once they're finished and approved (save for Syn-chan, she had to go up nao~). This way, I should be able to get them done more quickly. As of right now, the only queued entries not yet finished are Bert (Oh my goooood! >_<), Valter, and Sigrid, but I'll get around to them eventually, just not in any specific order lol.

... I really hope someone got the whole A and B joke.

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Wow. That's one big update.

Congrats, anyone who can make full bodies of spliced/ full-customed bodies of FE9-10 characters get a 10/10 in my books :) I especially like Raquel, Cassandra, and the two siblings :D: !

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I know this is overdue but I was debating whether to give my Mercritique here or on IRC. Anyway, here we go!

@ general update: You stockpile, I see. This is a gigantic update.

@ royal siblings: I really like how they turned out. They match a lot without wearing the same exact thing or being all "male version/female version." Also very excellent detailing in the inside of Athrun's coat. I also like the straps and studs on his coat's wrists (forgot the term; cuffs?) and that sword and sheath are friggin sweet. I can't help but wonder if his shirt would look better or worse if they were about the same color as Athena's sleeves, though (the yellow part.) Did you try that? And did you try giving Athrun a circlet or something? Seems like he could use one especially since Athena has one unless there's some reason for it. It's mostly be covered by his hair but I still think it'd add a nice touch.

@ Bernard: He looks awesome. I didn't think you were going to sprite him so this is a nice surprise. Great job on the color choices and the component choices for this one.

@ Cassy: This is going to begin to sound repetitive, but man, she looks great! I really like the design here. The coat tails were a nice touch, but really the whole design is great. She looks tough and agile, which she is, so great job capturing that and showing off her emblem armor. :)

@ Charis: Still looks too much like Rafael to me. I can't not see him when I look at that picture. (Except with bluer feathers, buggier eyes and kind of pouty lips.)

@ Connor: Nice updates. :) I don't know how built he is, but you might want to soften the tones in his arms (the arms we can see, not the sleeves; sleeves are perfect) if you want him to look less burly. His forearms have some clear muscle definition.

@ Elrey: Is there any particular reason the back of his coat seems to be glued to his back? I know you said you're working on the coat for this one (and I agree that the strap kind of takes away from it) but I wanted to point that out.

@ Amon: Hey, nice update! He's looking even more like his own character now. Also I like the hair. He looks hard to read and yet a bit concerned, which really captures his character so great job on that. Also I didn't know he had facial hair. Great job with the headband, too. It's hard to get forehead stuff to look good and still work with physics sometimes and this worked out super well.

@ Desmond: Have to disagree with you. Normal Desmond looks innocent and unassuming to me. Wrathmond looks..kind of hypnotized and for some reason has war paint or something. Maybe make the design on his face and his eyes glow a little? Might make it more obvious he's..."not himself."

@ Cain: How young is he again? Also his hair and shirt look a little...weird. Maybe try toning those down a little. Like, making the hair and shirt tints not be so...white. Makes it look weird.

@ Greta: XD If I was on my desktop I probably would have noticed the freckles (since I know I pointed them out before in the past.) She looks nice. I don't think adding a belt (the large, back-supporting kind) or something would take away from it if you're looking to add more detail. As for her right arm, just having it be fist on hip looks fine.

@ Fizza: I think I've said this before but I really like that patchwork detail on her shirt. Also, yeah, I noticed the tanned folk in this update are looking better and couldn't figure out what it was until I read your Fizza note (though for some reason I noted the shading on Desmond's eyebrows (or rather the shading between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid) was nice.) Nice work on the skin tones.

@ Faatina: As you know, I didn't like the previous Faatina design one bit. This redux looks MUCH BETTER. Great job. The colors work together a lot better now. I think the main issue was probably the skin tones, looking back on it. You achieve the depth the design requires to look good so great job, man.

@ Garaile: I actually really like this one.

@ Hannah: I don't remember if I've said this before but that hair color combination reminds me of Hayato. She looks nice.

@ Malik: I like the tweaks you made and yeah, his skin suits him as is. Besides, who says there isn't some skin variation even within Sanctuary? Adds another element of interesting to the genetic code of that society. The arm bands look a tad painted on, though.

@ Haythem: It makes no sense why the new light source confuses me a little. Having a uniform light source is a good thing.

@ Hero: As much as I love earth tones (grayed-down colors) there are a bit too many in this. Maybe make the gray/lavender in her cloak a vibrant, dark blue instead?

@ Katelyn: This is so great. I love that she has those giant, bulky shoulder guards and cloak. :) The gems hanging from the shoulders kind of take away from the design, though, and the colors in here kind of clash a bit. On the one hand, you have this nice, soft green and complimenting yellows. Then on the other, you have this intense red and heavy charcoal colors. The soft purple in her shirt isn't quite enough to tie the two together. Since the cloak's colors probably can't be changed due to uniform reasons, (otherwise I'd say make the black cloak white like the shoulder guards or the shirt top to solve all your problems) I'd say make the purple shirt a grayed-down red and see if that helps. (It should since yellow goes well with red and green is red's opposite.)

@ King: The gold and gem look kind of flat. Why don't you try making it pop out more? Making the gold a 3-dimensional piece with a gem embedded into it would make a more dramatic statement. Also, wrt the inside of the cloak, i c wut u did thar. Very nice detail. :)

@ Shadrak: He looks a lot like an earlier sprite now. A Naturite, I think? Or am I misremembering?

@ Cecily: The hair and lighting look a lot nicer now.

@ Simon: XDDD

@ Terrel: Why do you make an awesome sprite with eyes that have such a deep, sorrowful look and then tell people to hate him? Maybe before the sprite I could be indifferent but he looks like a kitten alone in a box in the rain... Also I commend you on your color choices here. *clap clap*

@ Synthia: SYNTHIAAAAAAAAA-- She looks awesome. :) I really like the detailing on the tome, too. Hmm I know it's up to roy and not me, but her eyes look a bit too big for her head here. I'd say downsize it a pixel or two, but again, up to roy.

@ Jo: At first I was kind of startled. Seems to me the tones are a bit monotonous atm and blend in a bit too much with each other (blue on blue and orange on orange; add more shadows or something) but since this is a WIP I'm not too worried about it. I really like those blue sash things she has in her hair, but then again, I always did.

@ Liam: This guy looks friggin awesome and he also looks very related to Jo. I love that cloak/shoulder guard thing's design. If he was a recruitable character in a game, I'd want to recruit him (I know because I've been playing pokemon Y recently and so I've gotten used to seeing interesting things and responding with "I want it" and then I saw this guy and had the same reaction.) ... ... ... *throws a pokeball*

@ Raquel: Okaaaay so... That strap right below her breasts is doing nothing for the design other than taking away from it. I'd suggest removing it entirely or modifying it so that it's a part of either side of the coat and connected by a button with one side overlapping the other a little. The sash looks kind of out of place. Also, I suggest continuing the black shirt the rest of the way down since just showing off that patch of belly just makes no sense and doesn't add anything to the design. It's just kinda... Why is that even there? "Hey, archers, I've got a new target for you." or something.

@ Sirius: Dem wings are a bit scruffy. I like that. :) The older one's design is nice, but I'd suggest changing the outfit of the younger one a little. Its a bit boring as is. Other than that, very nice work. The hair is very voluminous... Must be a pain when it gets too hot. I hate it when sweat gets stuck on my neck. >_<

@ Zach and Iforgethername: I dun get it mainly because I can't remember who she is. ... Also Zach is like..6' something iirc. Either that girl is TALL or he's intentionally resting his head on her bust...and it's kinda funny since I can't see it very well on my laptop but it looks like she's being all "dude, what the heck are you doing?"

@ Combat team: YOU REMEMBERED!!! :D Yay!~ Thank you!~ :D:

@ A and B: Took some looking to find it but I'm guessing "Adult" and "Baby."

And that is the Mercritique. Thank you for your time.

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  • 11 months later...

Well it's been a year and while I have been working on things occasionally, it wasn't until recently I decided to update this topic. I'm not actually finished with the whole batch, though so this is just a placeholder for the 14th (Ether's idea: happy anniversary or whatever today is heheh ... heeeh). Anyway, here's a teaser or three before I actually update this ancient thing.




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And finished ... finally.



Honestly this was barely worth posting since it's been done for ages and was only a very minor update. But hey, for better or worse, here he is.



I dunno, this character isn't even remotely relevant right now but when I saw another use for one of the rejected heads of another project, I figured I'd make him now.



Can't remember how long this one's been done but I might go back and change up a few things at some point. Anyway, this is the lady that trains and intimidates much of Weyland's estate staff, though she usually just sticks to training the maids specifically, and keeping things running smoothly around the house. Code name Zero-Three.



A more recent (like maybe four or five months ago ...?) project. He's a weapon's specialist and that's about all he focuses on. Code name Zero-Five. (we're skipping Zero-Four for now because she is DEATH INCARNATE not relevant or sprited yet). I'd like to note that I made Raphael's hair completely from scratch. Pretty confident now that I can custom hair for any future characters that might need it.



She still looks somewhat depressed so mission accomplished. When I ran out of ideas for a new outfit I just decided to throw a poncho looking thing on her. I don't regret that decision. I used the new hairstyle as a test to see if I could handle massive curls.



One of Merc's characters and probably the most hardheaded guy on the team lol This one took awhile but got all the little details ironed out and now he's complete.

It's actually a fullbody though so here's the rest.




One of Script's characters, given pixels. When you need a serious matter downplayed to oblivion, he's your man *thumbs up*



One of Ether's characters I finished quite recently. She's somewhat unique in that her head consisted of more than just one or two layers. There were like five or something before I started merging things. I just notice that Angelica and Gar are like mirroring each other in their poses. That's awesome because it wasn't intentional :XD:



Appearance inspired by Exar Kun. He hasn't been in the action nearly as long as Sardis has, but he's already shot a hole through the Dauntless big enough to get the thing retired, sent assassins after Raquel's family, amputated the few limbs Sardis had left just for the entertainment value, crippled Jethro when the guy decided 'no, I'm not going to let you kill my daughter', killed Desmond Langley (aka the avatar of a god, though he is making his resurrection roll so we'll see), warped Gar to what should have been certain death, shot and nearly killed Raquel, and survived a disagreement with Lilith and escaped completely unscathed.

And time for some featherfolk if no one minds ...

JOANNA (Update)


This is just a minor update for Jo, with changes to her eyes and a couple of other things. Also tossed on an enormous gold 'thing'.



I'm finally satisfied with her overall appearance, but this sprite was finished ages ago lol



Watch out, there's a sniper out there, and it's probably her. This is one of Luna's (Cynthia) characters that I finally got around to working on recently. Everything except for her face had to be drawn and shaded; the face was spliced like usual.



One of Valdimarr and Steinn's sixteen sisters (Norn is one of the others). Same approach as Sigrid, though there was more hair to make @_@



The one on the left is a modification to her old uniform (also featuring a modification to her necklace), and the one on the right is a new outfit based on her old uniform that isn't designed to open up all the way in the front. That one's also got a huge corset coattail thing attached and has trimming inspirations from all over the place.

(This also probably marks the last time I will be making a hairstyle solely through splicing without a really good reason, since for me, it's way harder than just drawing one from scratch at this point)

Anyway, here are the fullbody versions of each.

[spoiler=BIG PORTRAITS]NadineRfullbody_zpsceb77561.pngNadineNfullbody_zps8f409dcf.png



This will make sense to only a few until after the retro we're working on is finished. This armor's inspired by the mobile suits Sinanju, and Jagd Doga. The chest plate and shoulder plates also feature Uniter's anchor. Nasty surprises await.

Also it's a fullbody, so ...

[spoiler=I wish I could finagle a jet pack here]UniterArmor_zpsde620886.png



Various ideas went into this violent spirit's new armor set, including inspirations like Darth Vader, the mobile suit Kshatriya, and of course the whole 'walking armor with nobody inside it' concept that I originally started with. The skulls were a pain, not to shade, but to actually position and draw, but I got it done and I'm proud of them ... if not unnerved.

[spoiler=Yeah, the shields just float around like that.]BurkeRenew_zpsaecc871f.png

That's all for now RotE'ers and other people who might have thought I'd thrown in the towel :XD:

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  • 6 months later...

UPDATE: :unsure:

Well I didn't finish everything I wanted to before this update (I'm literally tearing up about Jaeger), but I might as well revive this thing. Also a few surprises for random fans of random things. Let's go.

GABRIELLA (Neo Seeker)


Gabbie's new outfit and hairstyle. Technically the hairstyle isn't new, she's worn her hair down a few times already. This is just what it looks like when it's decent and she's going for that look. As for the outfit ... it was inspired by the jedi/sith style robes in SWTOR. Below is the fullbody because of course Gabbie gets a fullbody. Also there are two alternate versions I made because I think they look good.




This is Hoshi. She is a druid that can hit multiple targets with nosferatu at once, and no that is not against the rules, just be nice. I feel all she is missing is a green lightsaber and a young idiot assistant. Might update this one slightly if there are any IC changes to the style. We'll see.



This is Mriya Griffin, High Segregator of Continents, Sky King, Second Bird of Paradise, and Lilith's foil. I affectionately refer to him as Mriya. He is the largest avian I've ever made, and yes there is a blasted fullbody below. Don't mind the shoes.


You know, for awhile (like 2 years) I've felt a bit odd always spriting things FE10 style. It's so borderline some people don't even count them as sprites, which I can understand. Still, I can't bring myself to start making a bunch of GBAs because they don't serve any real purpose for me compared to my usual work.

Nadine%20GBA%20version_zpsy4dnifzw.png(Don't get me wrong, I could just hug this miniature Nadine~)

So, as odd as I feel sticking to the FE10 look (vaguely), I'm going to try not to dwell on it too much, anymore; FE10s are flexible enough for me to make virtually anything I want and sticking primarily with them has allowed me to have a very consistent collection of characters. Now, I might do a GBA occasionally, but I'm more of a GBA admirer, not a GBA spriter. Anyway, back to what people are really here for, the borderline stuff.

This next part is going to be a little different because I've been making characters that aren't rp characters. I forgot why I started doing this again, but it's been useful because I've been modifying the results into different characters (rp characters). Huh, maybe that's why I started doing it. Anyway, I'll be doing some side by sides of those.



On the left is Masamune Date, from Sengoku Basara. On the right is Ryuudou, a character in RotE that won't be relevant for little while longer. I'm sure you can see the resemblance.



So yeah, remember when I said I'd sprite Fang, Vanille and Lightning in addition to Snow? Well two to go. Naturally I wanted to see if I could use the base for anything else and lo and behold, I could, though this is just a modest recolor a little layer/tone abuse. I'll leave it to RotEers to speculate about Lexi.



First off, sorry Alexis' pic is only a halfbody. I used a much older version of Rider when I started on her so that's all there is. Also, if you don't remember who Alexis is ... oh well lol.

Here are a couple more versions of Rider. That chain was tedious but surprisingly easy to make ...


Okay that's it for the side by sides. The last two I haven't gotten around to making rp versions of, so they'll stand alone. And they probably should since they're both a bit ... wide.



Yeah ... I had to. I'm going to do Syndra and Azir at some point too but for now, my league main. I'm not sure how I shaded those tails but I'm glad I managed even without having a method down. Also, I would like to say this sprite outfit is her classic/default, but technically it's not. I couldn't find two consistent pics of her (two pics where her outfit was the same from head to toe), so I combined a few elements from the ones I liked and made a few small custom tweaks to finish up the design. But yeah, this is one of those 'borderline' sprites I was on about earlier lol.



My Fate itch came and blindsided me, so I started on this. That was 2 days ago.

And update complete. I hope these were interesting to look at :D:

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This is pretty awesome; just one question: How much time does it take to do this amazing stuff?

P.S: This one is my favourite. I love so much Sengoku Basara, this is really amazing.


"Let's Party!"

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This is pretty awesome; just one question: How much time does it take to do this amazing stuff?

P.S: This one is my favourite. I love so much Sengoku Basara, this is really amazing.

"Let's Party!"

Varies hilariously. Berserker took me about 2 days because I was rushing like crazy. Date took about a week but I was working on other stuff at the same time. Griffin took literal months but I was really noncommittal with him. So I'd say ... 2 days if I'm in a hurry, a week if I'm doing things properly, and a lot longer if I'm distracted by other things lol.

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gba sprite looks nice, you should probably make more of them. who knows, someone may take a look at your ability and asked a favor on it.

I can't tell whether the crossover sprites are customs or splices because they look smooth, well done in that.

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It's not over yet ...

I haven't even been on hiatus exactly, I'm just the slowest bird ever. Anyway ... some new things for RotE. As usual, in order of least impressive to 'oh neat, full customs.'



One of Norbert's orphanage sisters. Her job sucks (scouting for the local garrison) but she's a good person and has a wee bit of plot armor. Nothing fancy design-wise, just a bit of splicing.



Darcy's friend and fellow scout (though she's quickly moving up the roster). Also probably waifu material for Bert. She's undergone a few small design changes since her introduction but I like this one the best so I went ahead and sprited her like this.

JAEGER (Jaegerin Lee)


'Zero-Four' in Weyland's short list of elite agents. Although she's number four she's far and away the strongest mage the Weyland family has ever had in their employ. I was going to give her a different color scheme than this but couldn't bring myself to after I tried it on. Still this one is technically a WIP.

EDITH (Edith Neumas)


A descendant of King Maas, she's the only person left alive that can activate their ancient runic lance. Basically Ursium's tactical nuke that they only recently found out about. You can probably tell that I used an FE13 pegasus knight's sprite and Nadine as the base for this. Wouldn't recommend the former. Getting her up to snuff was surprisingly difficult.

One of Scorri's PCs. Lumi's a sociable ice mage and one of the few characters that rides a black pegasus in the RotEverse.



This is Eva, one of Mel-chan's PCs. She's a tough wyvern rider who got around the 'fighting from the air with a sword' problem and the 'lol low res' problem in one fell swoop. She fights with this massive runic sword.

And for those of you who like legs or swords or both, there is a fullbody for this one.





A sapient demon taken in by Nong (captain of the merchant ship Emi Maru), Canaan's a nice guy but his past is nothing but red. This one was really hard to make since I have a hard time with abnormal appendages or anything that starts to look too animalistic, but I managed. I couldn't do a fullbody though (Canaan's legs are of the anthro type for the record). Maybe once I get a little better at drawing animals without BSODing.

... right ... this probably doesn't look too difficult.

[spoiler=The Basilisk]


Okay maybe now that spiel makes sense. Anyway that's all for now.

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