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What am I planning? Nothing :/

Even if there was a Church 5 feet away from where we are, it'd take time for them to gather an actual force to come church force looking for them. I've pretty much been stuck with the group, and haven't had a chance to contact the church yet, Eric isn't attached to the group and if she gets recaptured next time she'll be able to write such a message is god knows when.

Therefore if Churchie guys attack you, it'll be a fair while away, (As much as I'd like to teleport them in abduct the group and disappear I doubt that'll get approved, nor would I do something like that at this point Lacks sense)

Snike's choice what to do, he could hand the message on, he could lose the paper, someone else could grab it (don't ask how) and yell at Kamilla, possibilities of where this'll go are infinite at the moment.

Either way, we won't be here by the time they arrive (I hope <_<) so they'll need to follow some sort of trail fire!

Just leaving possibilities open :P

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... that ... was a long ... boring car ride :facepalm:

I've got a couple of(dozen) things to say, and then I need to go sprite or something.

General Overview

I took a bit of time to review pretty much everything that's happened throughout the rp(good and bad) during that miserable car ride.

My initial reaction was this:

Okay, I made the mistake of not trying to force people to read what I had planned in advance, that way Nady would have no excuse for deliberately sabotaging it.

Nady made a mistake when she joined the rp just to make it suck for some of us for her own amusement.

Snowy's being just liberal enough to allow Nady to wreck our subplots at a moments notice.

Cynthia's WAY too busy to help.

If I were anybody else, I'd just quit the rp and try to find something else to do. But I can't just quit. I'm Phoenix. I can't quit just because my entire reason for joining the rp in the first place has been compromised. Enjoyable or not, I'm going to keep going til the end. Once you start, you'd better finish.

(my philosophically induced madness aside, that was my opinion on the situation initially)

Then I took a big step back to try to analyze the situation from everybody's perspective ... even Nady's ...

WE MESSED UP ... BIG TIME ... throughout this rp. Speaking of myself and a couple of others. I'll admit that there are a plethora of situations that have been completely botched by myself and others. The problem is that rather than address it in a normal manner, it somehow gets turned into a fiasco inside the rp itself. We probably shouldn't skim each other's posts anymore or ignore each other. Definitely not, but we also shouldn't deliberately skewer a situation for kicks as payback.

Revealing everything to everybody won't keep stuff like this from happening, and neither will revealing only need to know information. We're all here for different reasons, and some of us expect to experience the rp in different ways. Some want to be surprised, maybe because character separation is easier that way. Some want to just get hints and clues. That's cool too. Some want to do their own ... sick twisted thing ... and I guess that's tolerable under certain conditions.

Our differing reasons for doing this don't have to become a divisive issue, unless Nady insists otherwise. If we have problems with each other we should work on the problems, not take it out in the rp with added crisis.

The RP Itself

We have no rules or guidelines(well I do for mine but they've never been read <_< ) for character controls. That's fine, Snowy doesn't want this to become a bureaucracy so rules aren't ... necessarily ... necessary XD

The best we can do is alert each other when characters are ... out of character, and edit appropriately. That's about as good as that's ever going to get. If I do something with someone's character that wasn't realistic, PM me or bring it up here, and it will be speedily changed. For Nady I recommend a pm as I sometimes skim through your posts and have yet to conquer the habit -_-

The subplots are incredibly important to building the core/foundation/soul/whatever of our characters' personalities, lives, and backstories. They aren't properly managed right now, but at the same time, that's the side effect of how we've been doing this rp so far. It's just my opinion, but most of us should know what's coming in the near future, if not for preparation sake, then at least for the prevention of conflicts.

If I said anything before now suggesting we keep secrets. Disregard it. At this point, I'm willing to reveal any and all information regarding my plans, characters, and even personal goals to anyone who wants to know. It's more important to me to give people the context they need, than to launch things and hope Nady and Bal will approve.

If you don't want to know what I'm planning in the future, fine, don't ask me about it, and you will be none the wiser. If someone else wants to go blabbering about it ... use this ...

You're in too deep :mellow:

I'd also recommend collaboration on subplots so there's less overall friction. Not everyone needs to be involved, but with extra cooperation, events will run smoother, we'll all get nice tidbits about each other's characters, and we'll even expand the world while we're at it.

Whether or not people are actually interested in working together isn't what's most important. As long as we can get general consensus on events before any fighting starts, that'd be nice. And YES, the Phoenix is no hypocrite! He will comply as well ... henceforth -_-

Some Closing Stuff

Ah mostly "out of place" apologies.

Sorry these analysis posts are so long.

@ Ether

Sorry I jacked Damian just to get the group away from the fortress. I should have had him be more Damian-like and actually take out a few people and carry a girl on his arm on the way :P

I'm sorry for all the Ether god modding jokes, though I may resume that if I forget.

@ Cynthia

Sorry I had Iso drop Morgan in the inn.

Sorry I misspelled Gene Grey. (again?)

Sorry I gave Katie way more sexiness than what was required to get back at you for calling Iso's clinginess gross XD

@ Lacuna and Ether too

Sorry I keep missing your interaction posts. I should read more carefully and hit preview more often.(and will)

I'm sorry Iso's so strung up on Katie all the time, and never hangs out with anyone else.

@ Kai

Sorry for jumping on the Helios virgin bandwagon. I don't know why, but ... if Cynthia does it, I feel as though it can't be that bad. On the flipside I should be nicer, and more concerned with my own characters' sexual adventures rather than Helios and his ... honorable(in that era)(???) ... endeavor?

@ Lightning

I'm sorry that I'm out of ideas to fix this subplot XD

@ Snowy

I'm sorry I keep indirectly nudging you to crack the whip and bust some heads.

I'm also sorry for secretly plotting ways to have Iso challenge and defeat Harold ... for obvious reasons.

I'm sorry for sending you "is this okay?" PMs every 48 hours.

@ Nady

I'm sorry for ignoring your posts in the rp. I figured that was just Kamilla being Kamilla, and not actual warning signs.

I'm sorry for not teaching you how to post like me so that one post you made wouldn't fail so bad.

I'm sorry for not trying to work stuff like this out earlier.

I'm sorry for calling you crazy. True or not, I should be nicer -_-

It would be nice if we could help each other but I won't push the issue any further.

@ Everyone

Hopefully ... as time goes on, I can improve my posts beyond the need for immediate retcon, and all issues brought to my attention(via PM) will be swiftly addressed.

Now I'm going to go look for bigger hair strands to use for cloaked Katie ... "Toodles"

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My problem with laying down rules is that I either must abide by them, or not. If I abide by them, then there may come a time when I need to break them and not being able to. If I don't, then I become a deity GM and don't play fair, and no one likes a unfair DM.

I wouldn't have had a problem laying down some guidelines for behavior though. I just thought that they would have been obvious.

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Nyargh, over already? And here I was having fun :/

Then I took a big step back to try to analyze the situation from everybody's perspective ... even Nady's ...

Lies! This is not possible, no one can understand Nady's perspective, not even Nady herself.

The problem is that rather than address it in a normal manner, it somehow gets turned into a fiasco inside the rp itself.

I give fair warning in the feedback, it get's ignored, so I bring it up in Kamilla's post, and then I Iso scoffing at me and everyone else just ignoring (At least I get a reaction, though not the one I'm trying to bring to light. XD)

We probably shouldn't skim each other's posts anymore or ignore each other. Definitely not, but we also shouldn't deliberately skewer a situation for kicks as payback.

I don't mind people skimming, using Ether as an example, I really don't need to know what they're doing in their spare time (bath time episode) and don't plan on paying close attention during events like that in future, sure, I might miss somehthing crucial, but my definition of fun doesn't include reading every post as if my life counts on it.

We're all here for different reasons, and some of us expect to experience the rp in different ways. Some want to be surprised, maybe because character separation is easier that way. Some want to just get hints and clues. That's cool too. Some want to do their own ... sick twisted thing ... and I guess that's tolerable under certain conditions.

Our differing reasons for doing this don't have to become a divisive issue, unless Nady insists otherwise. If we have problems with each other we should work on the problems, not take it out in the rp with added crisis.

Sick twisted Nady?

Define "certain conditions?"

The only division I see are Phoenix/Rein having getting upset over not getting their plot carried out, Snowy jumping in occasionally trying to sort things out, and me being the "sick twisted" Nady I am. Everyone else is pretty much just adding their two cents from the sidelines (Even Bal, who I wish I could claim as an ally).

Personally I don't have problems with you people, to be honest I don't even see you as people, but more as extensions of the RP characters, so if you expect Kamilla to get along peacefully with... say Chase, I'm not posting my posts based on my dislike of Rein, I'm basing off Kamilla's dislike for criminals.

You seem to be getting one core component of my motives mixed up with something else. I did not "screw up" the Viveka-Chase peacetalks because I dislike someone, but I did it because I didn't like the idea of going to the capitol. Regardless of what you claim to have planned, I've asked several times for information on what you're planning at the capitol in regards to the groups criminal status, and each time, the only response I've gotten in "General Conrad Jackson will pardon us." And I have repeatedly said this is not plausible. You spoke of assaulting the soldiers who captured members of the group, but we've assaulted soldiers over and over again with the border-town, Percy, and Istample. If "assault" makes the chances of Conrad/Viveka joining slim, it got extinguished a long time ago.

The fact that no one seems to be available to come up with reasons for Viveka/Elysimma to forgive the group in my chaotic attack proves you, nor Rein had much planned other then reaching the capitol and being forgiven. If I am wrong in this regard, I request once again the reason behind any "pardons" and if not the reason for wanted criminals being left unharmed while they walk around the capitol.

We have no rules or guidelines(well I do for mine but they've never been read <_< ) for character controls. The best we can do is alert each other when characters are ... out of character, and edit appropriately. That's about as good as that's ever going to get. If I do something with someone's character that wasn't realistic, PM me or bring it up here, and it will be speedily changed. For Nady I recommend a pm as I sometimes skim through your posts and have yet to conquer the habit -_-

Surprise? You're probably not the only one. I am against control guidelines and controls as a whole. In cases like Rayton (theonefate) I have no objections, but there is absolutely no need for another player to take control of another players PC's. Generic NPC's are another matter, but there's no reason people can't wait for the other Rp'er. I myself have stolen Ulfhrahn for some god-moding earlier, but Ulfhrahn generally doesn't talk, and Aiya being unconscious is in no state to command Ulfhrahn. I found it inevitable that Kamilla would have to take action then, since there's really no viable way to allow Kamilla/Aiya to survive such a fall otherwise. In such extreme cases I don't mind.

If people want to share characters, (Example Phoenix/Snowy sharing Katie) then I have no issues as you may want to make Katie do something specific to your actions. But receiving permission each time is a hassle. And most likely the reason for your guidelines. If this is so, just make an agreement with the other player (In this case Snowy) organizing restricted power over the other character, otherwise, just don't touch :/

The subplots are incredibly important to building the core/foundation/soul/whatever of our characters' personalities, lives, and backstories. They aren't properly managed right now, but at the same time, that's the side effect of how we've been doing this rp so far. It's just my opinion, but most of us should know what's coming in the near future, if not for preparation sake, then at least for the prevention of conflicts.

If I said anything before now suggesting we keep secrets. Disregard it. At this point, I'm willing to reveal any and all information regarding my plans, characters, and even personal goals to anyone who wants to know. It's more important to me to give people the context they need, than to launch things and hope Nady and Bal will approve.

I'd also recommend collaboration on subplots so there's less overall friction. Not everyone needs to be involved, but with extra cooperation, events will run smoother, we'll all get nice tidbits about each other's characters, and we'll even expand the world while we're at it.

Subplots aren't something that are manageable, if I borrow your words, this is "our story" and hence shouldn't constitute of a set group of people who want to further their own agenda's. Most people seem to be willing to go along with whatever comes along (I think) Tessa & Morgan for example don't really seem to be revealing much about themselves in terms of events, but slowly reveal themselves through long boring jk internal monologues. But are able to stay as interesting as any of the other character.

On the other hand we have Helios, who is constantly bringing up facts about his past, and other events which everyone just seems to ignore. (And he writes it up, so that we can't interact). That's his choice, but is by far not a very effective means if he's planning to get the whole group involved in Tora's issues.

What I'm trying to say though, is that there's no need to reveal everything to everyone and remove the surprise factor from the story. Personally I'm not interested in Isotov's past, since Kamilla isn't. Even if I did know everything, it'd be useless information. However when someone requests the information from you on what you have planned, they clearly don't mind having their surprise factor taken away. If Katie and Esphyr are secretly sisters, I don't want to know that until it happens. But when I ask specifically what you have planned for a certain event, I expect some sort of response, not just "Everything'll work out" cause I gave you the benefit of the doubt with the Cobalt caves, and nothing happened. I am still strongly against the existence of these caves and will fight tooth and nail against them in future unless given a more detailed reason around their existence, not just some rubbish about 2 people knowing about these mysterious network of tunnels. Plot has editted this so that Elysimma's is aware of these tunnels. (maps) However I am well aware that this was not the original intention or plan behind these caves, and would like a detailed response on how such a useful network of caves has remained unnoticed by commoners, travellers and most of the military.

Whether or not people are actually interested in working together isn't what's most important. As long as we can get general consensus on events before any fighting starts, that'd be nice. And YES, the Phoenix is no hypocrite! He will comply as well ... henceforth -_-

I am a hypocrite, and while I'll continue demanding information on certain upcoming events, refuse to give out details of my own plans to certain individuals, mainly because I am certain many of you can't handle it. If for some reason I plan to poison everyone with real poison this time. I discuss this with everyone and miraculously get an okay. Some characters will act... inaccurately.

Most of you already know that Kamilla's poisoning at Istample was actually only salt. A small number of you also know that it was done by me to lure Phoenix into shouting poison and causing a ruckus. But it did have another effect, and that was weeding out characters I could trust with plot, and those who I couldn't. Rein and Kai in particular would have found a way around it (had it been real poison) and we go back to the argument between splitting OoC from RP. I'll admit willingly, that I don't separate the two, but will also accuse other (not just those two) of not being able to separate the two either.

I'm sorry for ignoring your posts in the rp. I figured that was just Kamilla being Kamilla, and not actual warning signs.

I'm sorry for not teaching you how to post like me so that one post you made wouldn't fail so bad.

I'm sorry for not trying to work stuff like this out earlier.

I'm sorry for calling you crazy. True or not, I should be nicer -_-

It would be nice if we could help each other but I won't push the issue any further.

I refuse to accept any apologies as I do not believe they are due, likewise I offer no apology, and maintain that I have done no wrong, regardless of what everyone else thinks. Since I have yet to receive a valid argument against my actions. And while I may slightly modify my actions, they will essentially remain the same. Nady will continue to be the "sick twisted crazy bitch" she is and "screw the group over and over again" until she grows bored of the repetition, or you stop giving her so much crap to stir.

Nady is the shit stirrer, but you're the ones giving me the ingredients to stir. I may warn you not to add that shitty plot to the mixture, and if you decide to write my warning as the ranting of a madwoman then don't complain to me when the mixture blows up in your face. Actually complain to me, I find it highly amusing

Overall, nothing new, nothing changed.

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Phoenix, you owe me absolutely no apology. Nor does anyone else, and I think the only apology that needs to be made is of the 'kiss and make out up type between you and Naddy, if even that. Feuding over something like this won't do much more beyond drive a rift, and we do not need the drama! Naddy is PMing me now, and if she steps out of line like she did before, I will take the appropriate action as a GM. Now, I do not want to see this fight persist any longer. I don't care who has the last word, nor about any sense of being righted, wronged, or having anyones 'honor' intruded upon. A revenge war keeps on killing after all.

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I'm ... more interested in finding Katie's new hair strands at this point actually. My last post pretty much cleared up everything I needed to clear up, and Nady's response was pretty much what I expected. All I can do now is exactly what I promised. RP better and be nicer to you guys from now on ^_^

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I've stayed mostly out of this, and I'll keep out of this. Just noticed this line.

If Katie and Esphyr are secretly sisters, I don't want to know that until it happens.

From this,I conclude that Damian is the new Harold. :P

Harold = FE Genghis Khan?

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XD That was an example, not fact XD

Esphyr needs to send money to her family, and I doubt that "family" is Harold,XD He most likely doesn't need money.

Ah Snike, how you pick up on the most awkward of things... Unless of course that wasn't a joke? (Which it sounded like to me)

I have diverted Snowy's attention elsewhere, where he will be killed by my ninja-monkeys. Expect no response from him for a while :P

JK, the PM wasn't that long.

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Way to kill speculation, Snowy. Anyways...

Are the heroes second, or third tier? Wondering, because it seems we'll have to fight most of them at one point.

Edit: It was a joke. I'm tired, so maybe that's why. Or it's from reading too much Renaissance Poetry...

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Your ninja-monkeys were no match for my samurai-rabbits! Haha Naddy! I am victorious! YOU SHALL BE CONDEMNED TO A FATE WORSE THEN DEATH! YOU WILL WATCH BATTLEFIELD EARTH! MWAHAHA!

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... OK, maybe I'm NOT so tired...or insane...

You both lose to my spartan-bears, BTW.

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*Counters samurai rabbits, spartan bears and sith fish all at once with her flames.*

If you want to contest that, I challenge you to a flame war! XD

*We're all bored and insane, otherwise we wouldn't be on the internet so much*

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You can not implode the Nady, :/

The Nady is constantly exploding, imploding and attacking everything possible, including herself

Anyway, Phoenix, would be nice if you could speed up the destroyed reaction of soldiers. Everyone just seems to be sitting around, (Though I suppose you need Damian(Ether) to progress any further anyway.

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The soldiers would be getting this done faster if they weren't scrambling to account for their dead(rough estimate: between 60 and 100), and searching for any party members they missed -_-

In short ... a body count this high is going to slow down the actual imprisonment, so I guess Damian has plenty of time to negotiate with Viv. Careful though, that thing he usually does won't have the same affect it normally does with the women.

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Well, there goes all chances at escape. >.>

Side note: Watch random bandits attack Istample, just because of the 'things can go right' comment.

Note 2: No, I'm probably not going to make them. If I do, just RP, not stats. >.>

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Hmmm, so

Damian/Aiya/Viveka: Negotiating

Chase: Nearby, most likely bound by rope.

Esphyr/Katie/Kelas/Arrin/Isotov/Irina: Captured and together?

Tessa: RIP I mean trench near prisoners, currently going insane

Morgan/Helios/Mark: Unaccounted for?

Conrad: Capitol

Eric/Kamilla: On the road again?

Few questions, is Kamilla "wanted" due to her association with the group, or is she not considered part of the group? Curious, I don't mind either way, but I thought I'd just keep that in mind.

I doubt Eric is wanted though,

Just something I wanted to check for future references.

Due to Elysimma being pretty much run by Chase and Phoenix now. I'm happy to leave the choice to either of you (preferably the latter of the two).

@Snike, You forget you are cursed with Murphy's law, and if you haven't, You are forgetting you are traveling with a character who is controlled by a player who is the cause of Murphy's law XD

I assume quite a bit of time has passed for us then?

(Also caves would have been no good anyway. We both took the land route remember, though I applaud you for disabling the caves :lol: *

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