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asdlfja;lfd didn't see this sooner.

Uh, do you have a spare heal for Arlene? I'd rather not activate those two unless absolutely necessary!

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I could. I was just waiting to see if anyone wanted me to heal stuff/attack things along with the defend. Been kinda busy with other stuff, though, so I haven't been on IRC. Just let me know what you guys think would be best.

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I was hoping for a Charisma on Helios so he could defend Morgan before she attacked, because defending enemy phase didn't work out so well, at least he could save her from poison death after miracle or something and still get his damage in. I could Tessa heal morgan, then Char can take care of like, Helios and probably Conrad or some other crimson.

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Well Viv can toss up a charisma for Helios and Conrad, then I guess we can do the Helios/Morgan thing and Conrad'll just go after his own barrier this turn.

Edit: Apparently Conrad's already boosted so I guess the extra one can go to a different crimson.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Healing was going to be done, and possibly some charisma, but I'm not sure which targets Beau should heal/buff. Was thinking of Midori, Arrin, Iso, or Iris for heals, at least, and I think Tessa was going to heal Beau or something.

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Should have posted this in here when I made it up a few nights ago.

[22:53:44] <Balcerzak> [22:20:02] <Balcerzak> so, possible full set of 14: tiria (done), charlotte(done), Iris(defend), Viveka(heal+charm), Isotov (attack), Tessa(heal something), Alex(defend), Adena(sol), Beau(multiheal? + Charm), Midori(defend), Tas(defend), Eric, Damian?, Chase?

Anyway, the outcome of the Iso attack was less than ideal, and gives us a few problematic areas. In that we're too short on heals, as Midori, Iso, Iris, and Beau could use some and we can only hit 3 out of the 4. It might not be terrible to not heal Midori, have her not act, and hope that since she didn't act, she won't draw attention and can be healed next round so she doesn't poison tick out. (Examples of enemy inaction based on player inaction include Adena from previous round, and I believe Chase/Damian as well, so it's not unprecedented, but it is not guaranteed.) It would perhaps mean Arrin has to survive a round with something, but he was stunned from miracle and didn't act as well, and he's at 10/12 and ... isn't completely squishy? Man, I just don't really know, because if Midori doesn't act then we have an empty action slot that needs filling with someone. (...Tristan???)

At any rate, a Beau multiheal is a given, and Iso is one of the targets... The other target is up for grabs and I don't want to argue to strongly for one case or the other, being as I might be accused of conflict of interest. So, let loose folks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah I've been meaning to bring this up, too. At the rate we're going we're probably never actually going to finish this battle and by extension the rp. On the flipside, though, we're probably going to lose anyway since we've got like another nine turns minimum and even if the demon mooks get wiped out completely somehow the LoAF can just keep wailing on us the whole time. I've been entertaining a few ideas. One's more recent than the others but they're all intended to either give us a bit of a nudge or just thrust us straight back into the fight.

Version #1: Raphael taps deeper into his power lowering the turn restrictions on his revive ability.

Notes: A more harmless version but doesn't improve our situation that much.

Version #2: Raphael pulls some kind of weird sacrifice-esque move that restores the entire party (full HP, no ailments, etc), but takes him out of the fight.

Notes: This will drastically affect the aftermath of the battle.

Version #3: Ixion and Miranda as reinforcements.

Notes: Neither of these two have revive so the projected nine remaining phases thing isn't addressed, but we'll have an easier time fighting the mooks in the meantime.

I'm actually not sure if we should even bother since the final battle wasn't necessarily a battle we had to win no matter what, but that's why I want some opinions now. It seems like people aren't even really interested in finishing the battle, so I want to try and figure this out and finish this thing ... for better or worse, I guess.

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I'd go for one of the revive options, myself. The faster we can get Crimsons working on frying barriers again, the better.

While #2 is tempting I'd be wary of the fact that it would mean an autolose if any Crimsons fell after it before their barriers went down, so I'd opt for #1.

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I just think that those who can attack in the meantime should. Quite frankly, all I have left is a tank who can't actually hurt anyone. (Our party is made of attackers -- why aren't they attacking?)

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Morgan shouldn't attack because the AS boost she gives her support is too valuable to lose if she dies. Adena should stick to healing these days, imo. I'll try to draft up a list of actions today, I'm not feeling as dead as usual.

Edit: People who haven't acted, who aren't dead.

Damian (should attack something, poke Ether harder than I tried last time I guess)

Eric (should either attack or defend Charlotte, who is out of stealths I think? but could probably dodge most threats actually...)

Iris (should probably defend a healer??)

Midori (???)

Morgan (should idle)

Tessa (should heal Helios/Midori/Iris)

Viveka (see Tessa's entry)

Heinz (doesn't exist)

Luc (doesn't exist)

Helios (is stoned)

Edit 2:

Assume Tessa heals Midori for 8, that's a net 6 after the final poison tick, giving Midori 8 HP to play with, but she won't be in prayer range for any of that, meaning ouchies. Viveka is probably the better option to heal Midori, though I still am unsure if she could survive defending Arrin, but it might be worth a shot for him to dps something in the rounds to come? And we have more actions than (usable) characters, I think. If we want Iris guarding someone, Tesaa should heal her just in case, but idek. Inputs from other minds are fine too.

Edited by Balcerzak
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