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Looking at it though,healing is really underpowered.Even at max mag,a healer only heals as much as a vulnerary.

I would suggest Mag + roll or Mag/2 + roll,preferably the first one.

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We're still on the "new system" for this fight, though. Basically, you declare at the end of the post if you're going to attack; the next poster will do your rolls and post the results. Likewise, if the previous poster declared an attack, you must first do their rolls and post the results before the rest of your post.

...Yeah, I'll be happy when we're off this system, it's kind of annoying...

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Looking at it though,healing is really underpowered.Even at max mag,a healer only heals as much as a vulnerary.

I would suggest Mag + roll or Mag/2 + roll,preferably the first one.

I agree with this. 2 HP per heal is kind of sad. The first method is 7 HP avg, which might be a bit much, the second is 5 HP average which I think is fair.

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I've been doing some thinking on the healing thing as well, actually (not surprisingly). In the games, a basic heal staff heals 10 + mag. A vulnerary heals 10. So maybe here we could employ a similar sort of scaling (it's sad that I'm not as useful as a potion)? Maybe an option would be something like a staff heals 3 + 3/4 Magic stat (Vulnerary base level + current Mag dependence)? That would range from 3 to 6 HP depending on user's magic stat, which I don't think would be overpowering. The random elements suggested above might work too, but healing in Fire Emblem is almost never RNG affected, though there really isn't a reason to be completely wedded to the games when it comes to ideas. Anyway, I dunno, I'm just throwing out another possibility.

Also, I was sort of thinking the Slayer skill seemed underpowered, now that I saw it sort of backfire. It doesn't really seem to be worth three stat points if it operates as I currently assumed it did, that is to say, Passive and always on. I guess it's mitigated if it's tied to a certain weapon perhaps, but then that brings up the ability to have the weapon stolen or destroyed, and then the character would be SOL. I'm not sure I have any decent suggestions on that matter though.

This all being said, I'm only just witnessing my first combats, so am not really sure what is or isn't over or underpowered.

As far as the combat system goes, I will admit it's exciting being able to roll dice, but the experimental new system seems to require that everybody keeps track of and understands everybody else's stats, skills, and characters fully, whereas if one only ever roles for themselves, they only need to understand themself and whomever they're currently fighting, which is much less of a hassle. Also, I must admit last night to being nervous about posting a reply, only to find out that I wasted too much time doing math on the numbers and writing descriptions, only to find I'd been beaten to the punch. While that bullet was successfully dodged, it did make me sweat a bit.

That said, I'm curious what are everybody's thoughts on the roll tracking website that I've been using. (I had noticed that Revan had mentioned it earlier in the thread when the discussion about honesty in dice rolls first came up, which was as I understood it, the motivation for testing new systems?) Did anybody go visit it to confirm the rolls, try to do any searches based on character names to reveal that I hadn't been rolling multiple times and cherry-picking results, or engaging in any other sort of shady, underhanded behaviour? Because as near as I can tell, the way it has things set up, it seems to do a very good job at deterring those sorts of things, as all rolls with actual character names are logged, and if you're registered, you can even log them to a specific campaign.

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I totally forgot the dice tracking site when I made my rolls... however I dislike fudging rolls in the first place usually *I've done it only once when a player was being a asshole with some power in D&D; so I fudged my roll once on a reflex save to spite him. I usually play fair though and hate cheating*.

Anyways... The intent for healing was that it wouldn't be a 'restore people fully' type-thing; but rather akin to a vulnerary; except permeant. However, I see your point. I'm willing to accept the 3+3/4s thing at least for now. I mean... I went in knowing the system was untested; so if it's clear something isn't working; it needs to change.

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You do not know how tempted I was to say 'Morgan. What do your elf-eyes see?' even though it would have been stupid.

Anyways, sorry for not being around today. Monday and Wednesdays are my late college days.

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I totally forgot the dice tracking site when I made my rolls... however I dislike fudging rolls in the first place usually *I've done it only once when a player was being a asshole with some power in D&D; so I fudged my roll once on a reflex save to spite him. I usually play fair though and hate cheating*.

Anyways... The intent for healing was that it wouldn't be a 'restore people fully' type-thing; but rather akin to a vulnerary; except permeant. However, I see your point. I'm willing to accept the 3+3/4s thing at least for now. I mean... I went in knowing the system was untested; so if it's clear something isn't working; it needs to change.

It's all cool. And I certainly don't mean to come off as pushy or forceful about anything. Personally I have no problem if people want to roll their own physical dice and just post the numbers, or have whatever other method they have preferences for. Speaking purely on a personal level though, I'm probably going to stick to this, because I'm not going to lie here, historically I have found myself with a tendency toward fudging dice. For instance, seeing all those big damages come up on enemy rolls made me cringe inside. And especially when I'm handling other people's characters, I personally feel a lot safer if I have something I can point to to say, "Hey, I'm being impartial, honest!"

Yeah, don't get me wrong, for the most part the system seems to be really nice, and I wasn't going to say anything initially. But then other people started talking... I'll go with whatever you and the group thinks is balanced, because I'm not that picky, just here to have fun, not to be an all-star super-star.

You do not know how tempted I was to say 'Morgan. What do your elf-eyes see?' even though it would have been stupid.

Anyways, sorry for not being around today. Monday and Wednesdays are my late college days.

XD That would have been hilarious. Out of place, but hilarious.

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Nady only suggested doing each other's roles because she suspected someone of cheating. The problem with that idea, is that it's too uncomfortable to start, and it slows down combat significantly. That's just going to steadily subtract overall interest in the rp. There's something extremely disheartening about someone else doing my roles.

Now if only one person did everybody's roles, that would be fair, and even more balanced than Nady's plan, but it'd have to be Snowy, and he'd have to be on all the time to pull this off, and this idea similar to Nady's completely erases combat narrating potential. COMPLETELY. The original system is simply the best idea so far. We can do our own roles, and because of that, we can narrate combat instead of just posting numbers, and we know for sure that our combat round was done properly. All we need is some integrity, and some better tactics :)

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So where is Irina in all of these conflicts and speeches?Let yourself talk a little!Socialize,or no one is gonna care about your character at all man!

Standing next to the camera man :awesome:

Like I said before. She's got nothing relevant to do until the wyvern riders return and/or Isotov arrives, and though I'd love to have her just chatting away with everyone, the posts wouldn't be more than a couple of lines long. That's just a tad uncomfortable for me.

I can guarantee this though, once those two get back, she's going to be overly involved for someone not wielding a crimson weapon. That was my plan from the start, but until a few days ago, I couldn't figure out how to mold both character stories into this group. Was kinda just waiting for chapter 3 to start so we'd be fresh in a new chapter. I can't launch a relevant event in the middle of another relevant event :sweatdrop:

That makes me wonder how many chapters this story has :unsure:

An average FE game has between 20 something and 30 something chapters.

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Or you can arrive in the forest and rescue on of us <_<

Are you keeping tabs of what we are doing?

Believe it or not, I actually do take the time to check up on the story. Reading :mellow:

I actually missed a couple of chances to bring the wyvern riders back, because I'm not always online in time to post before a random situation unfolds that prevents it. I hate those kinds of clashes. That's why I decided to wait until Chapter 3 started, that way nothing could progress too far before I had a chance to get them and Isotov involved.

Who knows though, Iso could show up just before the end of chapter 2. Depends on how difficult that monster thing becomes.

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But seriously,even if you didn't plan for Irina to be a character who was very talkative for the first little while,atleast have her talk to someone every once in a while.

Just start up a conversation.Considering everything,she has more than enough reason to spark a conversation with Damian atleast,probably Morgan/Esphyr as well.

Just talk to people,build supports,let us care about poor neglected Irina,eh?

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Maybe if you didn't run off into your own little world so often,you might have an actual support.Heck,at this point,Damian could probably grab 2 C's and run around with an Extra extra point of Avo at the least,and maybe some other fun stuff depending on who he hooks up with.Just talk to someone,get into a conversation,make the two characters become closer,and then ask Snowy if they are ready for a support.

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