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Bizz's Choral Mafia


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Just to let you guys know, my friend is over and I might not be able to get flavor done until later, but consider day phase officially over and submit night actions. Lux was indeed mafia, and I won't reveal any more until flavor is done

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Of the remaining six singers, Blas seemed undeterred by the number that was slowly dwindling every day—everyone else was at least a little emotionally or mentally jarred, but it had not an effect on her until the fifth night. She took her place in the middle of the small circle and spoke up.

“I know who did it,” Blas explained, “I was able to get a look at his face.” She was still disoriented and disbelieving at the fact that Sophie was dead. They were so close for such a short moment, and Blas had picked on her before for much too long. “It was that one guy… who never leaves his room.”

Chris tilted his head in curiosity. “You mean, the guy with the dorm on the second story of the building?”

“Yeah.” Blas looked up. “Does he even realize what we’re doing right now?” She shook her head, not waiting for an answer. “All right, guys. We storm up to his room and find out who this bastard truly is.”


The gang of five made a daring march to the second floor, the stairs being the longest walk since what seemed like ages ago. They ambled through the winding hallways and through the other dorms of students who passed by with rather confused looks on their faces, completely oblivious to the death and destruction that surrounded them. To Blas, it was absolutely pitiful.

She was the first one to reach the room—the number was 189—and threw the unlocked door wide open. The room had the strangest atmosphere to it, one that Lorena somehow found appalling—she grimaced slightly at the haunting air. “I really don’t like this place,” she murmured. No one heard her.

Suddenly, Chris halted, causing everyone else to do the same. “Guys, the window—look!”

The enigmatic Bronze singer stood atop the ledge of the window, his back to the outside and to the fateful death that awaited him. He did not look behind him; his gaze lingered to the wall directly in front of him. “… Approach me any closer, and I’ll kill myself before you get to know what you desire to know.” His voice did not change from the night Blas witnessed him killing her friend, and it angered her even more.

“So be it,” She returned calmly, “I’ll ask you from here, then. Who are you?”

“… Graul. That’s who I am.”

“Graul, huh?” Brittany chimed in, “I remember you. Weren’t you and Morgan almost like archrivals or something?”

The man on the windowsill snickered. “I suppose you could call it that.”

Blas clenched her fist. “Why did you kill Sophie?”

“I was ordered to. That’s all…” His attitude suddenly changed. “Now… let me ask you something. Do you remember…” He righted himself up, making sure his shoulders weren’t tense, and sang, almost flawlessly:

“ Ah! mio cor, schernito sei.

Stelle, Dei, Nume d’amore!

Traditore, t’amo tanto,

Puoi lasciarmi sola in pianto?

Oh Dei! puoi lasciarmi,

Oh Dei, perché?”

Blas’ eyes widened as the flashback engulfed her—the scene played through her mind so vividly that it may have happened only the day before. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound could come out. The girl remained infinitely trapped in what was such a realistic dream.

“Yes… you remember,” Graul explained, “You know whose it is, you know who it belongs to, and you know whom it was for. I’m a shell that exists with nothing living inside of it. I figured that I might as well make myself useful before it was time… to give it up. The voice of music is dead… we’re almost done… there’s no more reason to continue. Find the last one… and you are free.”

He let go then, and descended backwards out of the giant window to the spiraling ground below, a fall that absolutely no one could survive. His voice remained a clear memory to the singers that stood, traumatized and confused, in the world of no forgiveness and the taunting recollections of the month that passed.

“… It was Silvia’s song… to him, wasn’t it?” Aril’s voice broke the silence that was so unbearably extreme before, but it didn’t last. Blas did not move, nor did she speak, and everyone else followed her empty gaze into nothing.


Lux Aeterna killed himself! He was Bronze Singer Graul, MAFIA Rolefinder!

General Spoon, do not yell at me please~

Okay, I only really need one night action, so.

I'm pretty sure this is the last night phase.

Also, this is if you're curious.

Edited by Bizz
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Here's a list of the clears, and the reasoning behind it.

General Spoon (Do I have to explain this one?)

Mordecai (Of the three players that the rolefinder sent in and got the unlynchable result on, he is the only one left alive. He can ONLY be unlynchable)

Mordecai will be given orders from me on what to do tomorrow, so there's not really a point in killing me tonight, even though it'll happen anyways.

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Incase Mordecai doesn't get on intime to keep you from doing something stupid, I want you guys to vote Core tomorrow. Either he horribly fucked up as town, or made a good move as mafia. So either I can yell at somebody to be less stupid after the game, or he's the last mafia ;)

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Brittany yawned, tired but clearly unable to fall asleep; she stared dreamily out of her open window to the millions of star above, wondering exactly why they were there. Were they angels who sparkled the sky, were they ball of fire timed to explode at any given moment? Times like this always made her contemplate such things—if she were to die, after all, she’d love to become nothing more than a brilliant star, lighting the paths of many a lost wanderer whose only true desire was to find their way home again.

Her attention didn’t catch her unlocked door creaking open, inch-by-inch—she never really seemed to care much anymore. If she died, it would cause her family to grieve, of course, but if it was meant to happen, who was she to complain about it? It made not a difference if she took the necessary precautions or simply left everything be. She rubbed her sleepy eyes, and slowly turned around to face her assailant in the night.

“Hello,” She greeted quietly.

“Hello,” The unknown figure said.

“I suppose you’re here to kill me?” Might as well cut to the chase, she thought.

“That’s correct.”

“Any particular reason why?”

“Not really.”

Brittany paused a moment—something came to her mind then, something she found herself ardently curious about since the day’s incident with Graul. “I have a question… do you know the story behind Silvia’s song? It seems everyone made a big deal about it, and I’d like to hear it first before you kill me.”

“Very well,” the shadow agreed, “Do you know what the song is about, per chance?”

“’Ah! Mio cor’ is Italian for ‘Ah! Poor heart’, correct?”

“Correct. Some time ago, when Silvia was first brought here to the Land of Music from a completely different continent, she knew no English whatsoever, and had no way to communicate with the people around her. Hannah was the first one—and for a while, the only one—to accept her as a part of us, and the Grand Master was absolutely in love with her voice. And so, when she auditioned to be place in one of the three main Chorus Houses, she was immediately accepted into the Bronze. At first people were skeptical, but after a while, it changed…” The voice paused, perhaps to gather more thoughts.

“People became so drawn to her after about two months of her being a part of our choir. She didn’t particularly enjoy much attention at one time, so after rehearsals she spent a lot of time to herself, either reading or practicing piano, or gazing into the hills of the land with her inseparable friend Hannah.

“You know Graul was a really weird kind of guy when you saw him. He was always like that, you know. He never said much at all… however, there was just something about the man that really seemed to draw Silvia incredibly close to him. She wanted badly to get to know him better, to discover the reasoning on why he was so inexplicably quiet and otherwise different from everyone else, but he ignored her efforts. I don’t know if it was his intentions to hurt her, but he never paid her any attention, and tended to almost avoid her whenever she was nearby. Silvia didn’t show it, but this hurt her deeply, so she made it her goal to somehow get to his heart… and used her voice as a tactic to do it.”

“… And that was what she sang, wasn’t it?” Brittany asked after an interval in the story.

“Correct. On the day of Contests, Silvia expressed very many of her feelings on stage… through that solo that she sang. Her emotions were so realistic that she was practically weeping whilst she was singing, and there were very many who noticed… including Graul. There was another reason for her emotions, though… because she knew it would most likely be the last song she ever performed.”

“So, she was resigned to her fate from the beginning… Graul began to realize that her feelings were real… and then she died,” Brittany summarized. The person in front of her nodded, and Brittany chuckled grimly. “Well, that’s a sad story for someone who’s about to die, but I suppose I’ll let it go.”

“Very well.”

And thus, the stars would welcome her that night…


Mordecai has been killed! He was Brittany, TOWN Unlynchable!

By the way, I was going to make it so that the unknown figure had a death note, but nah.

Begin day seven. FYI, I am very irritated at someone in this game, and one of the rules for my next game may change drastically for this reason <__<

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All right, I was kind of waiting for Dracohon, but the game is obviously over and Fayt's has started, sooo:


“All right, Chris, it’s over,” Blas stated, “it’s over now and you’re finished. It’s obvious that you’re the last one. It’s easier if you just give in now.” Her voice was hard and coarse, affected by the abuse and the negligence of her sleep schedule. Her, Lorena, and Aril stood directly at Chris’ door, ready to confront him and end the reign of terror once and for all. The man’s door opened and he faced the singers sincerely, his head held high.

“Very well, then,” Chris said with a shrug, “I suppose that’s it. You win the game, Silvers. I hope you’re happy… there’s not much of the ‘Rebellion’ left anymore, is there?”

The other three glanced at each other hesitantly, the truth having dawned on them long ago: nothing would be the same anymore, even as the next generations of students came and graduated for the rest of eternity. The Academy would be different now, having once been the center of a fight for the end of a corruption that not many were even aware of in the first place. A new Grand Master would be appointed, and the story would be spread for many years to come… it would never die, no matter how many forgot or it or merely dismissed it as a false legend. The looks on their faces were determined. The flame of music would always burn, and that’s the way it would always be.

“Come with us, Chris. It’s either you surrender now and live with what you’ve done, or you can join the rest of your comrades and sing for our reconstruction. Which do you choose?” Blas’ eyes were firm and honest.

Chris’ eyes closed. “At this point, I don’t think it really matters. You’re free to do what you wish with me—but, if anything, I don’t see any reason for me to live anymore. There would be nothing directed at me besides hatred and scorn for the rest of my life; I am a murderer. Murderers get no mercy.”

“I suppose so,” Aril concurred—Lorena was silent, though she nodded in agreement. “We’ll make it quick, to be fair to you.”

“I would appreciate it.”


The morning was brighter now; the sun brought with it not a day of new suspicions, but rather a day of new happiness. Aril met with her friend Kelsey—a Bronze, but of no malicious intent—who aimlessly wandered the halls of the third floor, previously bedridden from a bout with illness. Upon sighting Aril across the place, she waved cheerfully. “Hey!”

“Hey, Kelsey,” she returned with a halfhearted attempt at faking the same jovial attitude, “I was—worried about you.”

Surprisingly, the other girl understood immediately. “I was thinking the same thing, actually… apparently too many things happen when you’re unconscious for a week. I really am… sorry for what you were put through.”

“So, you heard.”

“Yes, I’ve heard. I don’t think there are any Bronze singers who don’t know about it,” she admitted, “And a lot of them are rather upset at the thought of a new choral director. I’ve heard rumors of the new one, actually.”

“You have?” Aril’s interest spiked considerably. “Who is it?”

Kelsey grinned. “How does the ring of Grand Master Helle sound to you?”

The Silver singer stepped back. “That—that—really?! I didn’t know she would ever consider taking on that big of a responsibility!”

“We’re all really proud of her. She’s come a long way from being an assistant…”

“Mm.” Aril changed the subject, knowing what it would bring. “We’re going to live for them, Kelsey. You and I, we will sing for them and no one will ever forget the horrors that—that she put us through.”

“But of course, Aril. Of course we will.


In the end, the three sole survivors of the horrific events were offered places in the honorary Bronze House. Though Aril and Lorena both accepted, Blas refused, stating that the Silvers needed a reminder of what they should be, and it didn’t feel right through her own perspective. Such reactions were obviously expected in times such as these.

There rests a plaque now outside of the Academy, stating the names of the people involved in the salvation of the peace as well as those who threatened to disturb it. They were always remembered in the eyes of the choirside, whether they be Gold, Silver, and Bronze alike.


Core was lynched! He was Bronze Singer Chris, MAFIA Secret Voter!

The SILVER SINGERS have won!


Bronze Singers:

Core (Chris) Lover/Secret Voter

Lux Aeterna (Graul) Rolefinder

Admiral Lifey Crunch (Lillian) Lover/Hooker

Big Daddy (Morgan) Assassin

Balcerzak (Elira) Grand Master

Silver Singers:

Ratatosk (Hannah) Carriage Driver

Pride (Jessica) Vigilante

Alakazam (Brittany) Unlynchable

BK-201 (Amanda) Paranoid

Ether (Lorena) Survivor

General Spoon (Blas) Friendly

messy mike (Sophie) Doctor

Robin Mask (Sara) Detective/Leader

Dracohon (Aril) Hated Townie

cheezperson (Dani) Gossiper

Reinfleche (Milen) Miller

Gold Singers:

WeaponsofMassConstruction (Marli) Detective

Isaac55 (Eleia) Rolefinder

Ninji (Kayla) Recruiter

This was actually all based on a story I’m currently working on; I thought it’d be fun to make the characters and plot into a mafia game, and it was. The idea behind the gold, silver and bronze sashes was that it’s a part of our school’s choir uniforms to wear them: Gold if you are in concert choir (lowest choir), silver if you are in a cappella (middle choir), and bronze if you are in chamber (highest choir, obviously). Every single character is based off of someone I know, so I apologize for some of the weirder names—I changed a lot of them, and I’m odd at making my own character names, sooo.

I hope you all enjoyed my game! I understand I made a few blunders here and there, and both the town and mafia were a little broken in one way or another, but hosting it was very delightfully amusing.

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CRUSHING VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look back at GS's list on page 2, note the associations are listed adjacent.

This was a glaring mistake on my part x_x

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