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Bizz's Choral Mafia


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My suspicion is on Balcerzark and Core too, they have proven to be very cunning at this game.

Edit i just took out the word skillful since cunning says all that i wanted to say.

Edited by Mordecai
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Balcerzak and Core are both silent despite visiting here. Odd.

Silent? Look who's talking. If you're saying I'm silent, then you should also look in the direction of Ninji, Dagron, Lux, Pride, Bal(Although he's making massive RP posts, I don't blame him), BK, Draco, Messy Mike, Isaac55.

Also, FF tabs ftw. I have this open in a tab most of the time.

editted to add quote tags around Ninji's statement

Edited by Core
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Did you miss this Core?

Here's some more info. Got this info from someone, who I'd prefer to not name, as he/she would then wind up dead.

Of DAGRON, Balcerzak, and Core, one (1) of them is the assassin.

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Did you miss this Core?

Didn't miss it, I wanted to make it clear that if you are going to find evidence on me, saying I'm silent is bullshit. I don't have a response to the list, really. I can tell you that I'm not a bronze singer, much less the assassin, but somebody's word in this game means squat.

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I need one more night action, and then something amazingly marvelous happens.

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Night phase has pretty much ended, so I'll just post official flavor now. Tee hee, what a wonderful night phase!


Sophie, driven almost berserk from paranoia and sleep deprivation, burst into Aril’s room that morning in a wild impulse she could do nothing to control. Now that Sara was dead, her irrational panic could not be quelled so easily. And, sadly enough, it was fated to become worse- her hysteric eyes glanced once at Aril holding the limp Kayla in her arms, struggling immensely to keep her composure in check. A lamenting, piercing scream interfered with the flow of time- it froze to a sudden, abrupt stop as it permeated throughout the entire wing of the Academy. Her perturbed state threatened to permanently drill into her sanity of common sense.

”Tell Sophie… that… just because… y-you sing a cappella… does not mean you… are alone…”


Jessica rushed over to Lorena in an almost urgent manner; a ray of hope was suddenly shining through the darkness. “Lorena, my gods, you have to see this.”

Lorena tilted her head to the side, both flabbergasted and curious at the same time- if it were possible. “Wh-what is it, Jessica?”

Jessica took the smaller girl by the hand. “Just come with me. Lorena, this is big. The morale of the entire faction of Silver Singers will be risen today.”

“You… you mean—“


Elira lay in her room, propped up in a corner in a crimson pool of blood- a sword was impaled through her gut, pinning her to the very wall itself. There was an eerie smirk still plastered onto her face, even in death. A bronze sash was nailed to the wall, possibly to declare that justice was served- though, something was different about it: a thin silver and gold embroidery outlined the edges of it. All of the woman’s belongings lay haphazard and scattered all about, presumably the result of a struggle that took place in the dead of night.

“I also found this,” Jessica stated simply, handing Lorena a wrinkled piece of paper. All of the members were gathered around now, and the timid girl read it out loud for all to hear:

”To the members of my most beloved chorus:

Bravo, bravo- it appears I have been discovered. Such a shame, is it not? I was hoping to have but a bit more fun before I had to go… nonetheless, it seems the curtain now closes on my own grand opera, something that I must honestly admit I wasn’t expecting.

I will declare it now with the utmost pride: I am the grand puppet master behind this concert of death- I am none but the most wondrous, benevolent Grand Master herself. I am the voice of music, the reason why this small group of Bronze Singers is so eager do my bidding. I am the conductor of the show, the leader of the Academy, everything that means nothing but the greatest of all honors, the highest of all ranks. The great maestro, so to speak.

My dear singers, your terrors in the night have not ended. There still remain members of the Bronze that are ever-so-willing to carry out my final wishes of a school ruled by nothing more than the best, and I will not have any more of you rebelling against me. That is why we silence you; one by one- I dislike it when people oppose me. You know already that my word is adamant, and that attendance is always of the utmost importance. Do you know why Hannah was demoted to the Silver House? After that traitor Silvia was properly silenced, she quit coming to our rehearsals- she shirked her duties and her responsibilities that were specifically handed out to her. She knew the consequences, and so did Silvia for leaking out our information to you in the first place- had she not, you would know absolutely nothing of our scheme, and you might not have had to die. Alas, such is life!

Keep your wits about you, my lovely choir, for the game has not ended yet! And to the rest of my Bronze Singers- best of luck to you.

-Grand Master Elira

“Today,” Jessica said, “Is the beginning of a new hope.”

Balcerzak has been killed! He was Grand Master Elira, MAFIA Godfather!

Ninji was also killed! He was Gold Singer Kayla, MASON Recruiter!

Baaal, I’m going to miss your RP posts ;-; I’ll allow you one more, if you want? Pleease?

On a completely unrelated note, I won first place in my public library's writing contest (short story category), nyeheheh.

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"E-Elira was a bronze...the grand Maestro at that...?" Lorena was stunned.The feelings flowing through her were mixed,she had seen a hero and a potential friend in Elira,but,she had been a Bronze all along...she had orchestrated everything...

"Oh...right..." Lorena said,drawing everyone's attention.

"Yesterday,before she was hung,Lillian told me this. "Okay; I can only tell you this, because I don't have much time. Chris/Core, you know, he isn't only my lover, but he's a Bronze, too. He's in all of this, too. I just wanted to let you know. I hope you find... Silvia's murderer, because..." . I can't say for sure if she was telling the truth,but Chris is one of our candidates for the a-assassin according to Blas[General Spoon],so we should lynch Chris/Core next."

Lorena recalled what she had been told the night before to the group.

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Congratulations, Bizz :)

Grand Master

The head of the Bronze singers. In addition to having the final say in who the Bronze kills, they will appear innocent if investigated.


This player may make one singer per night an honorary Gold member, giving them access to all of the details of the Golds and allowing them to communicate.

Edit: Bizz has put these descriptions (slightly altered, since she did it before me :facepalm:) in the first post. Also secret voter:

Secret Voter

This singer may make a vote publicly, but may also place a secret vote in a private conversation, which takes precedence (as in, the secret vote is the actual vote).

Edited by Black Bomb
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"Yesterday,before she was hung,Lillian told me this. "Okay; I can only tell you this, because I don't have much time. Chris/Core, you know, he isn't only my lover, but he's a Bronze, too. He's in all of this, too. I just wanted to let you know. I hope you find... Silvia's murderer, because..." . I can't say for sure if she was telling the truth,but Chris is one of our candidates for the a-assassin according to Blas[General Spoon],so we should lynch Chris/Core next."

Lorena recalled what she had been told the night before to the group.

I think I'm leaning towards Core in light of this. I might change if new evidence emerges.

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Well we're going for the assassin, and since it is only me and Dagron on the list, I'm going to have to vote Dagron. Good Job vig, I don't think the bronze singers saw that coming at all.

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I wonder if ninji got a bronze...

"Dagorn, eventhough i suspect Chris, I don't want to lynch him because if he's a silver he can help us. However this could also turn against us..."

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Elira had just returned to her room from the Bronze's nightly enclave she'd been hosting. Perhaps if her mind hadn't been preoccupied with running over the various plans to put down the Silver Rebellion. If only there hadn't been a need for any of this, she mused briefly, before it struck her. She'd locked her door before chairing the meeting, but just now it had not only been unlocked but slightly ajar. Not only that, there was a figure in the shadows by the wardrobe.

"Excuse me? Can I help you with something. Actually, considering the time, we should probably do this tomorrow―"

The figure cut her off silently with a single motion. In her upraised hand was Elira's sash, marking her status clearly. Elira took a step backwards towards the door, but the other woman was lithe, agile, and much quicker, and as she moved the shadows parted and the candlelight glinted off of cold steel.

"No. I don't think so," a lilting and delightful voice met her ears.

"...I don't suppose you're here to apply for membership? I mean, you're well aware that the ranks of the Bronze have a vacany at the mom―"

A light, but firm prod of the woman's sword cut off her attempt at levity in midword.

"To the desk. I'll have you write a confession, taking responsibility for your sins. I'm a killer too, but I'm better than you," the voice twisted a bit with anger, marring its otherwise beautiful tone.

Elira grudgingly let herself be marched to her desk, where she took out pen and paper, and set down a few short paragraphs claiming responsibility. She wrote with perhaps more bravado than she actually felt, but when backed into a corner such as this, a touch of despair is not unsurprising in the least. As she put down the pen, and engaged in her last desperate gambit. She swung a letter opener that she'd palmed at her attacker.

The other woman had great reflexes though, and leapt back out of range of the pitiful makeshift weapon, before returning with a swing of her sword. Elira just dodged it, and it took out one of the legs of the desk, which, off-balance, toppled to the floor, scattering her belongings across the room.

Elira never stood a chance after the surprise attack failed, and she knew it. She was outranged, and physically outmatched, and driven literally into the corner. She tossed the letter opener into pile of other refuse, and faced her attacker calmly.

"Do it. But I want you to look me in the eyes as you kill me."

"As you wish, Director."

With a final nod of courtesy, acknowledging Elira's legitimate accomplishments before the disastrous escalation of events that had led to the current state of affairs, she thrust her sword deep into the older woman's abdomen. Elira stifled a cry of agony, and as a burning fire lit her up through the inside she involuntarily gazed down at the protruding piece of steel. Pinned to the wall, she turned her head back up to her attacker, gazed deep at her face.

"I-I... never suspected... you had it in you... Always... nice girl... weren't you, ---------? Things never... should have... come to this―"

Elira managed a self-derisive grin, and the last spark of life faded from her eyes. Her murderer had one last order of business, nailing her sash to the wall by her corpse, before she left the room with a spring in her step.

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"Wait" Brittany said, "What if the godfather is the assasin? In the Godfather's description it says: "...You have the final say in who gets killed every night." So I'm wondering what if we killed the assasin already? I could be wrong though."

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Assassin: While alive, you will perform all of the kills for the Bronze. You also may kill a second person, up to two times in the game. You alone can choose who this will be, but of course other Bronze can discuss this and give you suggestions.

the description of assassin, as revealed by Bizz on page 9 I think.

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Asdsfhjdskfj that rp death post was amaaazing

Vote tallies!:

Core: Ether, BK-201

DAGRON: Mordecai, Core, General Spoon

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Aaaand... end day phase! Official flavor will be posted after I take a quick walk, so hang on tight~

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The scattered choir members turned to Jessica, taking an unofficial leadership after the night's previous events took place; she merely sighed and shook her head in visible dismay. "Guys, I don't think we're going to hang anyone today."

Amanda blinked, perplexed by the rather odd decision. "Huh? Why?"

"I think maybe it would just be best. We can't seem to decide, not after... you know. I am well aware that this is probably an erroneous choice on our part, but the general consensus couldn't meet a final... conclusion, so to say." The girl seemed to end her announcement abruptly, her gaze fixing to the wall. Her pensive behavior was baffling, but Amanda eventually shrugged her shoulders and made her way to her dorm.

"... Lock your door tonight," Jessica suddenly added, causing Amanda to halt momentarily.

"I know."

"... Good."


The voting results ended up being a tie, and no one was lynched today!* Begin night four; send in all night actions!

*I didn't make any mistakes, I promise.

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