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Bizz's Choral Mafia


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I'm going to look at this logically.

Does anyone have an sort of reason why Cheez would be killed? I like to think that the Mafia never kills randomly (without intent) so there has to be some sort of reason. But I'm drawing blanks right now.

"U-um..wel;...yesterday,Dani voted for [General Spoon] to be hung...but s(he) seems smarter than...to go after someone for that...Someone might be trying to frame him/her..."

After saying this,Lorena quickly blended back into the crowd,shyness overtaking her.

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In the light grey of morning, Elira found herself awakened by a loud din and incredible bustle. There was uncertainty in her heart, and a sinking feeling of dread, so she forced herself into action, despite being weak against mornings. She washed her face, brushed her hair, and slowly the daily routine steadied her, and she was able to leave her room with a degree of confidence. With an inward sigh, she found herself thinking Bizz knows how some of the younger members look up to me. I simply can't afford to appear weak, now of all times.

The situation rapidly became clear. It appeared the Bronze have begun striking in earnest, and that the tears from one loss have barely dried before they begin to flow for mourning the next. Silvia last week. The unfortunate mistake with Hannah at the gallows last evening. And now apparently Dani at some point during night.

Milen seemed to be scurrying about, claiming to have found a vital clue, but her appearance was wild and haggard, and she was clearly distraught. Had she been that close to Dani? Elira found herself having a hard time remembering, but it seemed clear that such was the case.

If anyone wants to know the content of the note, I'm willing to share it.

"My dear, I certainly would be interested to hear what you have to say. In fact, I think the same would hold true for all of choirside. Is there some reason to be reluctant to tell everyone? I suppose there very may well be, depending on the contents, but I can't really know that for sure until I've seen what it has to say." Another small kernel of activity caught her attention however, and she separated with the following words, "Come see me a little later for coffee or tea or something, and we can chat about the letter."

She moved over to hear [Admiral] ask

I'm going to look at this logically.

Does anyone have an sort of reason why Cheez would be killed? I like to think that the Mafia never kills randomly (without intent) so there has to be some sort of reason. But I'm drawing blanks right now.

Elira pursed her lips in silence for a bit, as a puzzled expression stole across her face. Finally she spoke up:

"I honestly can't think of anything, though it is unreasonably early in the morning. The only possible thing that comes to mind is that they're taunting us for our mistake last night, as Dani led Hannah to the gallows... Though that hardly seems proper motivation at all."


OOC tl;dr

Reinfleche, sharing information is good. I'd love to have some of that too. I'm curious why it can't be public, but perhaps after seeing it, all will be made clear.

Admiral, I honestly don't know why cheez might have been killed, it's late for me here, and I'm struggling to get this post out before falling asleep so probably didn't do a proper job. The only thing that stood out to me was the gallows flavor text. I will fully admit that it is a stretch though.

Bizz, sorry for the lack of explicit music references this time. I was going to try to add in something about a concert of despair with no intermission in sight, but it ended up ruining the flow and just being in general out of place with the rest of things, so it hit the cutting room floor.

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"T-the note was f-from Dani... It had information that c-could lead us to th-the Bronzes, or at least h=help identify who's on our s-side", said Milen urgently.

"B-but it had the clue that let m-me know Dani was in d-danger: there's b-blood on it..." Milen sobbed, furious that someone would hurt her friend.

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I would like to see these notes as well.

I'm going to look at this logically.

Does anyone have an sort of reason why Cheez would be killed? I like to think that the Mafia never kills randomly (without intent) so there has to be some sort of reason. But I'm drawing blanks right now.

Remember that scene in The Princess Bride where Vizzini and The Man in Black have those two wine glasses, and Vizzini is engaging in a match of infinite reverse-psychology? I think its kind of like that (if I refer to it in the future, it will be as Wine in Front of Me, shortened to WIFOM).

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Chris sat in his room, his thoughts overwhelming him, but one stood above all the rest. He held a small note in his hand that he had found next to his bed when he woke up. Chris reread the note.

Latest Gossip: Messy mike/Sophie visited Balcerzak/Elira last night

"What does this mean? Is Sophie or Elira another one of those bastards? Or Dani....."

He looks at the paper again. There is a smear of blood at the corner.

"Dani must have done this in his(her?) final moments, Dani was always one to talk and create rumors. But then, there is the possibility that this is real information, that Sophie has a shady part in all this mess, and I don't like the thought of it."

OOC version:

That's what the note said, It could've been a setup by the gossiper, or it could be true, but I wouldn't rely on it. What we can be sure of, is that Messy Mike's RP character is Sophie.

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New roles revealed:


Each night this person may track someone and get vague clues about their actions. They also choose 3 people, who will hear the gossip


Being friendly with everyone lets this person know what kind of role they have, either passive (roles that require no further actions to work) or active (roles that are used when chosen). Not all Bronze may be counted as active (their special roles will determine if they are active or passive)

Bizz will add these to the first post soon

Edited by Black Bomb
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"All I can really say so far is that I don't think Sophie is a Bronze," Milen said, still in shock of the recent events. "And even though I really want to stop all of this, I don't think it's safe to vote for anyone without any major clues. We'll probably just kill another innocent Silver. I vote that we hang nobody yet, and besides, we don't have the luxury to take a random guess. Now, if you guys don't mind, Dani needs to be buried..."

Edited by Reinfleche
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Bizz found out she can play DDR expert mode on anything as long as it's not a crazy-challenge boss song <3

Current vote tally:

No hang: Reinfleche

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... What?

It would help to see some reasoning behind your vote so I have some clue of why you voted for me.

Don't mock my attempt to run for treasurer, I was in 2nd place

Edited by Reinfleche
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I did "no hang" twice because there's absolutely no clues as far as I can tell as who would be a Bronze. We also don't know how many Bronzes there even are to begin with (IIRC Bizz never mentioned) so if there's, like, five, it'll be too close of a call.

There's also this thing called "changing your mind" which I would be glad to do if somebody has any idea who's a Bronze and who's not.

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You did vote no one, twice iirc, which is a move mafia would make.

Vote: Reinfleche

Your logic is flawed. The mafia would want to kill people so that they have less townies to kill in the night. The Mafia doesn't have unlimited time, so they want people killed as much as possible as long as its not them.

Regardless, no hang isn't a great choice for the townies either, because then they have wasted a day and the Mafia gets a free kill.

Vote Reinfleche

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A reason to throw in a no hang vote would be to prevent the mafia from having one of their members blitzing someone to hang at the last minute. Of course I doubt that was Rein's reasoning behind his vote.


Isn't wifom incredible? Clearly, the doctor would protect the better players. But the mafia should know that, and target someone else. But the doctor should know that, and protect the less skilled players. But the mafia should know that as well, and then, target the more skilled players. Which is why the doctor should protect the more skilled players. And so on and so forth :)

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Latest Gossip: Sophie visited Elira last night.

Elira was understandably a bit shocked at this bit of news that apparently had begun making the rounds, as both Chris and Milen had received notes attesting to such. She herself had no memory of such an event, and if it was true, Sophie must have taken great care to hide her trail. But why would she be visiting me? Obviously I'm still alive, so that narrows down the options a bit. Perhaps she was just collecting information, or maybe she thought I was going to go do something and was prepared to stop me?

Unable to come up with a reason, Elira shook her head, and tabled that idea for awhile, as new accusations began to surface, this time leveled against timid Milen herself! She found she couldn't just sit there and which while the poor girl was cowering so, so she stepped forward to defend her.

"I know at the moment, it'll be two against one, whatever I say, but I feel I must add that I have never once seen a hint of malice from this girl. Furthermore, I don't think she's the killing type, I mean, just look how shook up she is over the recent events. If she can convey that outward demeanor, while inwardly being a cold-blooded killer, then she's not only a good singer, but has acting talent worthy of an Oscar."

"I certainly understand that her hesitation to take a definite stand can be somewhat suspicious, but as she says, there isn't exactly a multitude of evidence. Suspicion could easily be cast on every one of us. I'm very interested in whether or not Sophie actually came to visit me last night, and if so, what her motives were. But while that's suspicious, it's possible there's a reason behind it. While I don't hold any grudge against her, if her intentions really were pure, I like to think she could have just asked me what was on her mind, rather than skulking about in the shadows."

"Aside from that, what do we have to go on? A few exclamations of general cluelessness, embodying what we're all feeling from scattered members. A few reckless accusations. Ninji, I'm curious what exactly caused you to vote the way you have? Weapons at least provided reasoning, though I disagree with it."

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Brittany votes for Millen/Reinfleche.

"The reason" She says, "There isn't anything and I don't have anything against her, however I think that after day one we should lynch somebody."

She then retired back to wherever she was before.

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