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Bizz's Choral Mafia


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Are you trying to say we're both guilty now? Straws. You be grasping them >_>

I'm saying I'm innocent and you're guilty.

If I bring in previous cases to support my points and you just handwave them, who should everyone believe? The person who defends himself properly because he's innocent or the one who makes up shit left and right and then basically replies with "lolwut" afterwards?

Obviously the jury is out on this case but my death is going to be a pointless kill for the town. I'm innocent (don't know how to say this more clearly than I'm innocent) and I'm not making up shit to get myself lynched. You could easily say that you're pulling the same stunt that I did a couple games ago but I took a guess on Hikarusa being guilty and got lucky.

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The mafia wins if a single member lives. You're smart, you know this. It's perfectly acceptable to sacrifice members in order to make other Mafia members look innocent.

Let's assume for a moment you're telling the truth, and you're innocent, and Spoon's guilty. So, if we lynch you, we discover that you're innocent, so obviously we lynch Spoon the next day. In what way does this make other Mafia members look innocent? I'm not seeing the logic in your arguments here.

Vote Admiral Lifey Crunch

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Let's assume for a moment you're telling the truth, and you're innocent, and Spoon's guilty. So, if we lynch you, we discover that you're innocent, so obviously we lynch Spoon the next day. In what way does this make other Mafia members look innocent? I'm not seeing the logic in your arguments here.

Vote Admiral Lifey Crunch

You can lynch him today and get rid of a mafia member (and save me) or you can sacrifice me (rather stupid but not something I'd put past any of you) and lynch him tomorrow. Let me point out why the Mafia prefers scenario number 2.

If you honestly believe that the Mafia should and will ever stick up for each other, you guys must be dumber than you all look. Let me bold this for you. IF A SINGLE MAFIA MEMBER MAKES IT TO THE END, THEY ALL WIN. Giving the Mafia an extra day is RETARDED because they get an extra kill. I can't believe that I actually have to point this out to you idiots.

So how does a mafia member make himself look innocent? Start or contribute to a bandwagon that ends up lynching another Mafia member. Not that hard to figure out. Really guys, use your own brains for once. Watch the Mafia win this round because you're all idiots marching to the tune of these scumbags.

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You can lynch him today and get rid of a mafia member (and save me) or you can sacrifice me (rather stupid but not something I'd put past any of you) and lynch him tomorrow. Let me point out why the Mafia prefers scenario number 2.

If you honestly believe that the Mafia should and will ever stick up for each other, you guys must be dumber than you all look. Let me bold this for you. IF A SINGLE MAFIA MEMBER MAKES IT TO THE END, THEY ALL WIN. Giving the Mafia an extra day is RETARDED because they get an extra kill. I can't believe that I actually have to point this out to you idiots.

I'm simply looking at the facts here. On the one hand, we have Spoon saying he got a note from the detective saying you're guilty. On the other hand, we have you saying you're innocent. The fact is that Spoon's argument is stronger. However, the note was sent out to three people, so there are others out there who can either confirm or deny Spoon's story.

So how does a mafia member make himself look innocent? Start or contribute to a bandwagon that ends up lynching another Mafia member. Not that hard to figure out. Really guys, use your own brains for once. Watch the Mafia win this round because you're all idiots marching to the tune of these scumbags.

:facepalm: No, that only works if the Mafia being lynched hasn't done something to make himself look obviously guilty, like, say, lying about receiving a note from the detective and using that to lynch an innocent.

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Admiral Lifey Crunch as to why, its because of the note really. If you are innocent indeed then spoon will be lynched next day.

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Honestly, all you guys are idiots. ALL OF YOU. This town doesn't deserve to win a single game of Mafia because none of you can use your heads. Bandwagoning is a completely retarded idea and says "Well, I'll just let someone else do the thinking because I can't figure out that the real members of the mafia are actually controlling us". And yes, I'm looking at you three (Draco, Lux and Mordecai). Watch the Mafia devastate the town. I can't wait to hear you guys say "You know, I wish we listened to the Admiral because he had a proper head on his shoulders and was right" in the post-game discussion.

You know, there's a reason why I haven't lost a single game of Mafia yet? I'm 3 for 3 on this forum alone including the ONLY Mafia win. Wish I could make it 4 for 4 but you dumbasses apparently have other ideas.

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Elira was exhausted. She'd not slept a wink, not since what had happened.

It is the middle of the night; you are dazed and sleepy, about to go to bed, when a figure suddenly appears in front of you and hands you a slip of paper. "Important," you hear the figure say, and it disappears. You hear a disturbing sound in the distance- a knife slash, maybe, and a sudden, terrified gasp- and, frightened, you make your way safely back to your dorm. You shut the door behind you and lock it; a sigh of relief escapes your lips, and you hastily unfold the paper. It reads:

Admiral Lifey Crunch is guilty

After that it had taken her quite a while to compose herself, but then she knew what she must do. The Bronze only ever seem to kill one a night, but she was sure that if somebody had stumbled across them at the scene of the crime they wouldn't be afraid to take further measures. She looked around the room for anything she could use to defend herself, grabbed a candlestick holder, and set off. That noise, the possible slash, and the sudden gasp, it was like a waking nightmare. She was almost positive she'd witnessed tonight's murder.

Making her way carefully back to the scene, Elira arrived near where she'd been when she had been given the note, and discovered that her suspicions had indeed been on mark. Poor Marli was lying facedown in a pool of blood, the distinctive golden sash [she] wore was tattered and stained. No-one else was nearby. Elira checked the poor [girl's] pulse, just in case, but there was nothing. She'd wasted too much time cowering in her dorm. Since there was nothing in her power to be done to save [her], she decided it might be best to start waking the other members. Dawn was not too far off now. Just around the corner though, she ran into Kayla who informed her that there'd been a second, and that Sara had also given her final performance.


And that brings thing to the current situation. Blas had just brought to light also receiving a note, and was under fire with accusations of making things up, but also receiving some measure of support from the onlookers. Elira peeled away from the moment from examining the crime scene to also contribute.

"Ladies, Gentlemen. The note is indeed genuine. I too received one myself, and can clearly confirm what Blas is telling you all. Let there be no more doubt in your minds, but Lillian is guilty and must hang tonight.

Furthermore, while we must grieve deeply for having lost two detectives, not all is lost. We must not give in to despair, for that would simply assure the Bronze of their victory. No, we must continue to fight! Even the Gold are assisting in this matter, and that should give us all at least some measure of comfort."



Time zones and all, it looks like Spoon beat me to it. He's not lying guys. At least before our detectives bit it, they managed to net us a clean mafia member, which is not insignificant. Also, you Mason guys, keep up the good work.

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The scene was escalating,and it seemed that Lillian was in a a bad spot.

'Still,this is the most solid thing yet... I-I can't let it slip by...'

"W-with Elira getting t-the same note,it seems obvious t-that Lillian is a b-bronze singer...so,I'm going to v-vote for Lillian(Admiral Lifey Crunch)"

Lorena said this,hoping to support the silver singers,and desperately praying she wasn't accidentally voting to kill another Silver.

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I'm back and it seems I've missed a lot.

Anyways, The note is real, why would anyone risk faking it? Admiral, give it up. You can't bluff yourself out of this, stop overestimating yourself.

Vote Admiral Lifey Crunch for the gallows.

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Well, since I'm about to die, I might as well own up.

I am Lillian and I am a Bronze Singer. Hell, I'm proud of it. I'm probably on one of the most ingenious Mafia teams yet.

Now, let me get something straight. I am going to die because of bad luck. Spoon, don't you dare start thinking that you guys won a little battle here by lynching your first Mafia member because look at what we've done to you guys. We've taken out the Detective AND the Leader while you've only gotten rid of a single mafia member of the four man team. You're going to need some proper thinking to find the rest of us and based on what I've seen for the past couple of days, very few of you have any critical thinking.

When I saw that note, I knew I was done for. So what did I do? Might as well help you guys nail the coffin shut. I was determined to get lynched today. Why? You'll find out in the near future. Just because I'm dead doesn't mean that what I've set in motion isn't dead now.

Spoon, I'd watch my back tonight if I were you. You are pretty much a dead man walking. And to everyone else, I'm going to point out the obvious. Spoon is innocent because we all know what his role is (Friendly). But just because he's innocent, doesn't mean he's helpful.

To everyone else. I'm going to extend my streak to 4 wins. Why? Because I know this game a lot better than most of you. I just can't wait to brag about it to the town in the post game discussion.

To my fellow Bronze Singers. Sorry that I got tagged. Was really unlucky but what can you do? Take out the rest of the town, OK?

And with that, I head to the gallows with my head held high and proud. VIVA LA MAFIA!

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... And with that, folks, ends the day phase! :D Time to post flavor! I'll be a few minutes.

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Big talk.

Oh, okay then. Have fun with that.

And as ALC almost suggested, I'd like to request to have a doctor or something protect me tonight. Of course, my dear doctor, you are free to WIFOM and protect someone else, under the assumption that the mafia wouldn't want to waste their night kill on someone who has asked for the doctor's protection, and no harm would be done by not protecting me. Though personally, the odds of stopping someone else from dying are somewhat low, so I'd rather you protect me.


Edited by General Spoon
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Bizz has gone offline apparently, so story text will have to come later.

Admiral Lifey Crunch has been killed. He was the Bronze Hooker


Every night, one person can be chosen, who will be hooked for the night and unable to perform any actions. On an unrelated note, did anyone notice that most of the characters are girls?

Night phase has begun. Please send Bizz and me your orders.

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This flavor's taking a while to write, hold on. I'm almost done!

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k done.

“H- how could you?!” Chris snapped, his voice cracked; all of the other choir members surrounded the dramatic scene in a circle, watching intently. “How could you?! Lillian, how could you have lied to me this whole time?! You betrayed me, Lillian! You’ve betrayed us!”

The woman did not look into his face; her blonde hair shimmered with the light of the sunset that emanated from the numerous, intricate windows. “… I… hated this, Chris.”

“What are you talking about, Lillian?! If you hated it so much, why did you go with them?! The image of the Bronze that we came to admire and aspire to be someday is tainted by the corruption of power! By people like you!”

“I-I know that.” Her calmed countenance still miraculously remained undeterred, “I know that, Chris. That’s why I hate it.”

“Then-then why?! Why, Lillian?”

“Why…” She turned suddenly, her irate gaze fixing into Chris’ own, “… why? Yes, yes, that is the question here. Well, let me give you an answer, Chris. We are music. Because when you are finally accepted into the prestigious Bronze House, you have something wonderful to start living for. The voice of the gods. The voice of all of the deities and all of the religions- when you are one of us, you commit yourself to being a part of that voice. When we sing, we sing as one.” She paused; there was a lump n her throat that she couldn’t swallow down, and her body began to tremble. “But when true voice of music, the voice of power, begins to entrust you with things that you may find wrong, who are we to follow? The voice of music is always right. We cannot deny what the great song of truth has given us. We were given everything, and thus we volunteer our full loyalty to the gift of the choir.”

Chris has a hand up to his mouth, and this time he turned his back to her in disgust. Lillian’s eyes went to the floor, the ornate patterns that meant nothing anymore. “You were one of our best voices, Lillian, if not the best female voice the entire choirside has ever known. Everyone really loved you, Lillian. But now… now you’re…”

As quickly as a snap, the façade Lillian tried so hard to hold tipped and shattered into a myriad of shards falling into the realm of insanity. Tears began to flow with no sign of stopping, and she made a rash move in grasping Chris by the shoulders and spinning him around fiercely, her eyes now flames. “What was I supposed to do, damn it?!” She screamed, no-doubt damaging the singing voice she was so known for, “What was I supposed to do?! They were watching me! They depended on me! I’m the Grand Master’s ultimate favorite, remember?!” The way she emphasized individual words of her speech almost imitated multiple fortes in the lyrics of a song, “If- they wouldn’t stage the performance without me. They made me do things I didn’t want to do. Do you know how it is to live, frightened for your damn life every single day while being forced to watch your fellow comrades being murdered by the singers they desire to be?!” She shook him. “Huh?! Huh?![i/]” Her mind was so disoriented, so broken, that she didn’t notice she was sobbing. Her grip loosened and she fell to her knees. “N-none of you know. None of you… will ever know. My concert is finished. I’m done. I-I’ve had it.”

Chris did not speak. He could not find the words, nor had he even an inkling of what words he could even offer to the one he once called his love now so disillusioned in front of him. He closed his eyes, stepped back, and walked away. And for a very long time, no one made a move.

“… Did you kill Silvia?” Sophie asked without warning, the crowd parting to allow her through.

Lillian looked to the wall- her eyes, too, were tightly shut. “No. That… that was not me.”

“Then who did it?” Amanda further interrogated, her eyes narrow, “Well?”

“I-I can’t tell you, idiot. You know I can’t tell.” There was silence again, which aggravated the crazed girl’s scattered mind. “Well, what are you waiting for?!” More tears fell to the floor’s marble surface. “Just kill me already! You all know who I am now, and you all know what I’ve done. Just kill me.”

Elira appeared and forcibly took Lillian up by the arm. “Very well, then. Off you go. I hope you’ve said enough last words- you’ve certainly said a lot already.” She continued to drag the soprano down to the gallows.


“Wait,” Lillian chimed in suddenly, noose around her neck, “Before I go…” She pulled out the trademark bronze sash she hid for the longest period of time, “There are more of these. Find them, or you are all dead.” When the stool was kicked from under her feet, the once-musical prodigy of the entire vocal Academy was but reduced to a lifeless corpse hanging in the light of the red, setting sun, hair still glimmering and terrified words still ringing in the rest of the choristers’ ears. Her bronze sash slipped from her cold fingers and fluttered to the place below.

“One down,” Aril muttered under her breath. “Dani, Milen… please… keep us strong.”

Admiral Lifey Crunch was lynched! He was Bronze Singer Lillian, MAFIA Hooker!

what Tables said lol.

edit: my italic tags keep breaking. Just ignore them. Bah.

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