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Bizz's Choral Mafia


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Dammit. It's always an innocent whenever we start on day phase.

Well, I suppose it'd be a good idea to try and find out who those three four (missed one)- Aril,Hannah, Dani, and Milen- are.

Obviously Fayt was Hannah, but who are Aril and Dani, and what roles do they play? Hmm...

I wonder if any of the names are clues?

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Fayt Zelpher-Hannah





General Spoon



Lux Aeterna





messy mike




Admiral Lifey Crunch

Robin Mask

we also know of characters Milen, Dani, and Aril

dunno what else to make of the situation

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OOC:Because i can.

After the hanging,the crowd had dispersed into their own seperate activities for the night.

Lorena closed the door to her room,and sighed.

"S-So Hannah wasn't a B-bronze anymore?Then...we...I-I voted to kill an innocent silver...?!"

Lorena began to cry softly into her pillow,regretting having even spoken up.

"W-why does this always happen...?Why can't I be strong,like Elira...?"

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Fayt Zelpher/ Hannah Silver Singer, Hung Day 0





General Spoon/Blas



Lux Aeterna





messy mike




Admiral Lifey Crunch

Robin Mask

Red means they died, blue means they've claimed a name

Other names we know:





A lone girl ran to her room in tears, and locked the door.

"... Why? Why do we have to consign to this... this madness... I didn't really know Hannah too well, but she didn't deserve to die, just because people were afraid of they themselves dying... I wish I hadn't watched at all... I wish I could put an end to this... but I doubt anyone would listen... even my friends, Aril and Dani, would say that 'There's nothing we can do, Milen'..."

She sniffed and decided to sing one last song for poor Hannah...

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Brittany with nothing to say went into her room in quite seclusion.

Edit: a grammar error, i repeated the same words in a sentence. It happens often to me.

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One more night action fffffff

And somewhere very, very far away, you can hear a duet singing.

Two friends- reunited once more! It is so beautiful, is it not?!

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Night phase ends as soon as I get back from the library, so hold on tight!

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Finally got that last night action!


Lillian awoke to the sound of screaming. Her body shook terribly with all of its might, and her blonde hair was unusually disheveled; she wanted badly to keep in her own dorm and not come out. She shared her room with Chris and desired his comfort, albeit he wasn’t in the room, making her the only one lying there, lonely and scared.

Her door creaked slightly- she thought it to be the wind, until she heard a muffled voice whisper “Lillian?” Her only response was to throw the covers over her head and pretend to still be asleep. She heard her door open wider. “Lillian, are you awake?” She continued to make neither a sound nor any motion. “Lillian,” the voice further coaxed, “we need you, too. I can tell you’re awake, you know. You’re always awake at this time.”

Lillian shivered tremendously in her bed. “I-I’m sick, Sara. L-leave me alone.”


“I-I think I’m losing my voice.” Lillian faked a cough, though there was an unmistakable rasp in her throat. “You know how that is- you should let me rest my voice for a day.”

Another set of footsteps approached the doorway. “Having trouble, Sara? You know you could’ve just gotten me to help calm her down.”

“Oh- hello, Chris.”

The frightened girl immediately sat bolt upright at the sound of the man’s voice. “Oh- oh, Chris, you’re still alive!” Chris instantly went to his lover’s side, sitting beside her on the bed.

“What- did you think they were going to kill me tonight?” His face suddenly went grim. “Well, actually, I was afraid that I wouldn’t wake up tonight. Or, worse, that you wouldn’t wake up tonight.” There was a silence until a distant shout came from someone in the east Jazz Hall. Sara rushed off to answer the call. Lillian blinked in confusion.

“What- what happened?” Lillian almost hesitated to ask the ominous question, though Chris’ face already told it all.

“The Bronze got someone last night, Lillian. Apparently Blas was the one who found Dani dead near the entrance to her own room… she was attempting to return to her safe zone but—but didn’t make it. We’re all going to sing as a chorus for her as well as for Hannah and Silvia, and just hope and pray that no more innocents die.”

Lillian looked down. Hannah was right- another lovely aria came to an end at the hands of corruption. She clenched her fists- somehow, the Bronze singers had to be stopped.

Cheezperson was murdered. He was Dani the Silver Singer, TOWN Gossiper.

Day 2 staaart~

First post updated

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Updated list:

Fayt Zelpher/ Hannah= Silver Singer, Hung Day 0





General Spoon/Blas


cheezperson/Dani= Silver Singer, Killed Night 1

Lux Aeterna





messy mike




Admiral Lifey Crunch

Robin Mask

Red means they died, blue means they've claimed a name

Other names we know:





A scream woke Milen from her slumber. "Another death?!" she whispered to herself. "I have to go see what's going on... hey, what's this?"

Milen picked up a bloodstained note and read it to herself. Her eyes widened with fear and she rushed down the hall to her friend Dani's room, only to find out she was too late: Dani was no longer alive. Tears came to her eyes, and she sobbed, "Dani! No, why? Why is this happening? M-my best friend, d-dead... I knew I sh-should've tried to stop the Br-Bronzes... but now I-I think I'm one step closer to achieving that goal. You'll pay, Bronzes, especially her...!

If anyone wants to know the content of the note, I'm willing to share it.

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You can say your characters name if you want to,BK.

Also,Rein,while I don;t have a similar note ;_; ,If you wouldn;t mind I'd like it if you could tell me what it says.

"D-Dani was killed last night...?" Lorena was on the verge of tears,she had been hoping this was all some sort of bad dream,but now...it seemed that wasn't the case.

"Get everyone ready..." She could not identify the voice,but it was clear that another person was going to be hung today.

And with that revelation,Lorena started to cry.

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I'm going to look at this logically.

Does anyone have an sort of reason why Cheez would be killed? I like to think that the Mafia never kills randomly (without intent) so there has to be some sort of reason. But I'm drawing blanks right now.

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