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Bizz's Choral Mafia


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Since the Friendly Person is still alive, can't they technically work as detectives and find out which roles people have and from that determine if the person is Silver or Bronze?

A situation like this is exactly why the 'no roleclaiming/posting specifics' rule was added. We can't technically stop you doing it via PM, but it would be a pretty unfair tactic, and technically breaks that rule, so please don't. Of course, if the Bronze are creative enough they could make a reasonable sounding role up, but even so that ruins the deduction/bluffing element of the game into a 'make a role' one.

Tl;DR, no.

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Still waiting on a few night actions.

By the way, I bought a new kimono ♥ I posted a picture of me wearing it in the picture thread. It is fantastical!

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A situation like this is exactly why the 'no roleclaiming/posting specifics' rule was added. We can't technically stop you doing it via PM, but it would be a pretty unfair tactic, and technically breaks that rule, so please don't. Of course, if the Bronze are creative enough they could make a reasonable sounding role up, but even so that ruins the deduction/bluffing element of the game into a 'make a role' one.

Tl;DR, no.

Not that I'm complaining but I think a rule like this takes away a bit from the game. Same with a rule that says "No PMs".

I view this game like Survivor. In Survivor, everything is legal except for hitting another castaway and another rule that I forgot (Jeff Probst mentioned it during the Pearl Islands finale so I'll watch it to find it out). But everything else is fair game. When Jonny Fairplay lied to the castaways and to Probst (and the rest of the crew) about his grandmother being dead, it obviously came out at the reunion that she wasn't. But nobody was mad at him because it got credited under strategy. The name of the game is "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast" and that's what he tried to do (came 3rd though).

Same thing here. Remember when I claimed Detective a couple games back? I was trying to outwit the Mafia. When you put limitations on the Mafia or the town like this, you're essentially saying "If you were planning to outwit the town/mafia, you're not allowed to tell a clear lie".

I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that in the future, I don't think that limitations like these should exist. It should boil down to as few rules as possible (don't post when you're dead and don't do anything that your role clearly disallows).

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Not that I'm complaining but I think a rule like this takes away a bit from the game. Same with a rule that says "No PMs".

I view this game like Survivor. In Survivor, everything is legal except for hitting another castaway and another rule that I forgot (Jeff Probst mentioned it during the Pearl Islands finale so I'll watch it to find it out). But everything else is fair game. When Jonny Fairplay lied to the castaways and to Probst (and the rest of the crew) about his grandmother being dead, it obviously came out at the reunion that she wasn't. But nobody was mad at him because it got credited under strategy. The name of the game is "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast" and that's what he tried to do (came 3rd though).

Same thing here. Remember when I claimed Detective a couple games back? I was trying to outwit the Mafia. When you put limitations on the Mafia or the town like this, you're essentially saying "If you were planning to outwit the town/mafia, you're not allowed to tell a clear lie".

I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that in the future, I don't think that limitations like these should exist. It should boil down to as few rules as possible (don't post when you're dead and don't do anything that your role clearly disallows).

Well, in the games I played, you could roleclaim. =/

But my assistant told me to add the rule, so...

I really kind of want to remove it.

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I get what you're saying, but the problem here is, everyone has roles, but unlike in a normal game where there are known roles, in this game you don't know what there is. Thing is, this isn't just a standard Mafia game, and if everyone roleclaims, then the mafia will have a hard time picking or making roles - if you pick one that's in use in the game, then chances are you're getting called out as a liar. I suppose there are complications that would mean it might not work, but even so, the rule is there, and I think it's necessary this game (I wouldn't have thought so in other games, by the way - it's the fact that everyone has a role, and some of the element of surprise along with that, which makes the rule necessary). You can disagree, and that's fine, we won't have/need it next game that Bizz and I run.

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Well, I like the surprise idea too, and that's why I went with it. But then there are complaints and such and arrrgh. Next game I run, I'll take it into consideration, but right now I'll just leave the rules as is.

By the way, Tables, I'm sorry. You've been a great help; I hope I'll be of equal if not greater assistance to you in the game that you run.

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Maybe this would be a good time to announce... Bizz and I have swapped roles for the next game we run, which will be FE9 themed and will run after Spoon's next game (which is after Ratatosk's next game).

And thanks Bizz, you're doing a great job, especially considering how complex this game is.

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Oh, and I almost forgot (actually, I did forget, but I remembered now)...

New Roles revealed:


Do I seriously need to remind you all what this does? If investigated, this person appears guilty.

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Night action acquired!


The dawn approached on padded cat paws, and Sophie awoke with a start- what was that she just had, a nightmare? She shivered and slowly made her way out of bed and into the light. Closer inspection revealed her to be the first one awake- odd it was, however her nerves could not allow her to sleep. She held an ominous feeling deep in her gut that she could not quite explain, albeit she eventually left her room to investigate regardless of the strange instinct that attempted to keep her immobilized.

She trekked quietly outside, keeping quiet so as not to wake the others. Her movement was swift and subtle and her eyes scanned for anything that might catch her curious attention. She contnued down the hallway, marveling the ornate stained glass windows... and suddenly crashed into another object in front of her. She fell backwards, and a gasp was heard.

"O-oh, Sophie, I'm so sorry," Kayla whispered, "are you all right?" She helped the other girl up, a somber twinkle visible in her eyes. Sophie noticed it immediately.

"K-Kayla, what--"

"It's... we have two deaths this time, Sophie." Before the other girl could react, however, Kayla quickly added, "But that isn't the worst part. Sophie... i-it's..."

Sophie's eyes widened. She knew it right away- instantly, in a move of impulse, she pushed the other chorister away and the picture unfolded before her unbelieving eyes: Sara's body lay lifeless on the tiled floor. A hopeless, lamenting wail peirced the whole building's atmosphere:

"Saraaaaaa... !!

Elira and Kayla worked at studying the crime scene; the older member of the choir stood and made her conclusion to the rest of the onlookers:

"Tonight, something unusual happened. Not only did we have two deaths, but... we found a gold sash."

Aril blinked at Elira. "A gold sash? What... why would the Golds be involved in all of this?"

She shook her head. "I'm unsure. Normally they take no action, being the lowest choir house of the Academy and all... but it seems that they may be trying to assist us in trying to find the Bronze. Nevertheless, this is a troubling situation...

... because two detectives are dead."

The spirit was shattered, and new suspicions arose.

And somewhere, somehow, a faint, sorrowful aria could be heard.

Weaponsofmassconstruction was murdered! He was Gold Singer Marli, MASON Detective!

Robin Mask was also murdered! He was Silver Singer Sara, TOWN Detective/Leader!

Day Three... begin.


Assassin: While alive, you will perform all of the kills for the Bronze. You also may kill a second person, up to two times in the game. You alone can choose who this will be, but of course other Bronze can discuss this and give you suggestions.

Detective: You may scan one player per night to determine if he or she is innocent or guilty.

Detective/Leader: You possess basic detective abilities except that you may send your night results to three players of your choice every other night.

Edited by Bizz
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I got something from the Detective/Leader. Here's what it tells me.

It is the middle of the night; you are dazed and sleepy, about to go to bed, when a figure suddenly appears in front of you and hands you a slip of paper. "Important," you hear the figure say, and it disappears. You hear a disturbing sound in the distance- a knife slash, maybe, and a sudden, terrified gasp- and, frightened, you make your way safely back to your dorm. You shut the door behind you and lock it; a sigh of relief escapes your lips, and you hastily unfold the paper. It reads:

Admiral Lifey Crunch/Lillian is guilty

Hang Admiral Lifey Crunch.

Edited by General Spoon
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I got something from the Detective/Leader. Here's what it tells me.

Hang Admiral Lifey Crunch.

I call bullshit.

You didn't include my character name. I didn't mention it before but I was the third person that the Gossiper told about about Sophie visiting Elira. But this was the exact message I got.

Latest gossip: Messy mike/Sophie visited Balcerzak/Elira last night.

The reason why I don't believe you is because it doesn't say "Admiral Lifey Crunch/[my character name] is guilty". I think you just told a boldfaced lie.

Vote: General Spoon

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Also, I haven't heard a defense from you other than "The name is wrong."

What am I supposed to say to defend myself? The note didn't really say that? I'm looking at the only real proof that I have. Aside from that, all I can say is "I'm innocent" and we all know that the Miller is dead.

I think you picked a random name that nobody has claimed and slapped that on me. My name is Morgan, not Lillian. Unfortunately, nothing that I will say can convince you and Bizz will probably mod-kill me if I reveal the only absolute proof that I have to show my innocence (my actual role).

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Hah. Maybe you forgot this?

How does that make any sense? Because I understand this game well, I must be Mafia (or Bronze Singer, I guess)?

All I can say for my innocence is that "I'm innocent". You asking me to convince you is stupid because the only thing I can give you right now is my word and obviously, that means shit all to you because you're still going to vote for me.

I'm good at this game because I'm logical. If that scares you, then we're going to have problems here.

And as you might recall, I didn't vote for Fayt. Reason is because he didn't make up false evidence in an attempt to convict me.

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Oh wait. Another thing. It wouldn't even make sense for me to try and fake evidence on you to kill you now if I was mafia. Because I'd just be lynched tomorrow. And why the hell would the mafia sac a member like that this early in the game? don't even try and bullshit about how you'd be a threat to the mafia, because I don't honestly see you as a large threat, and feel that the community has over-estimated you

Edited by General Spoon
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Oh wait. Another thing. It wouldn't even make sense for me to try and fake evidence on you to kill you now if I was mafia. Because I'd just be lynched tomorrow. And why the hell would the mafia sac a member like that this early in the game? don't even try and bullshit about how you'd be a threat to the mafia, because I don't honestly see you as a large threat, and feel that the community has over-estimated you

Wrong. Makes perfect sense.

The mafia wins if a single member lives. You're smart, you know this. It's perfectly acceptable to sacrifice members in order to make other Mafia members look innocent.

I've done that before. Why did the Mafia win in Game 3? Because both Proto and I (both Mafia) made sure that one of us would look guilty and be a proper lynch (me) and the other would look innocent (Proto). And it WORKED. You'd have to be an idiot to look at this and say "Aww, they just got lucky".

If you want it in Survivor terms, look at Season 8 (Pearl Islands). When the Outcasts voted two members back into the game, the idea in Burton and Lil's heads were "we're going to win this for the Outcasts". As long as one of them won, it wouldn't have matter what place the other one came in.

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