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Ether's mafia game.


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I'm gonna be doing some Mafia sign ups as well.My game will either be taking place after Spoon's next game,or after Bizz' second game,if she decides to make one right away.

This will be a themed game.The theme will be FE10.

So go ahead and sign on up!

Sign ups:20

Lux Aeterna

BK 201



King Russell


I Eat Tables




Fayt Zelpher


General Spoon





The best Faggot Hikarusa

Bianchi VincentinaMSA


Edited by Ether
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I eat tables is in.

Just FYI, Bizz may do another game, but we were planning on me leading an FE9 themed game after Spoon's next game (Opening Signups closer to the time though), although I suppose it's possible to have two games running concurrently (if people are okay with it, of course).

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I will, although i don't think i'll be as active.

*Mordecai joined the party* *FE recruit theme plays*

Edited by Mordecai
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The mafia moderators have been discussing it,and i wanna get the general public in on it.

How do you guys think about concurrent games?

The idea is that two games would be running at the same time,so that the schedule doesn't get backlogged,and so that people can still participate even if they die in one game.

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