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Ether's Mafia game thread.


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Please realize that there is no trick. I am not selling anyone out. The Senate Commandant will answer only to you. You can dispose of him/her whenever, though you're likely to keep him/her around until lategame, just because of how useful and extra kill every night is.

If you do not contact me I will be forced to shoot at someone I believe is Rebel. I say this to prod you along.

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Spoon was one of my contacts who I'd suspected from the start, mainly because he never gave a role. Well, we have our lynch tomorrow sorted out, right? Or Ninji's shot, anyway.

I trust you will be able to sort things out when I'm dead?

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I'm not entirely sure what you mean, Ninji, but if I don't die too, yes.

Anyway, since I think everyone is happy I'm innocent at this point, can everyone please send me their role via PM? This never actually works perfectly, but it should give a good idea of who's innocent and who might not be, which we can use. Hey, the mafia are playing dirty, so let's do it straight back at them.

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I meant as in using unconventional tactics, nothing outside the rules <_<.

Anyway, now I'm here, I got a Wall claim and I'm being switched with him tonight. If I get hit by an attack on him, well, poop, but if not, I can clear him tomorrow morning.

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At some point in time between when I publicly claimed Chancellor and now, I receive a claim from the Sniper. If anybody counterclaims this, then I need you to claim to me in the next 2 hours. Also when you claim, I need to know who you are going to be killing tonight.

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Anyway, you guys don't have a chance this time. My team consists of me, Spoon and Russell. We're so winning this.

This is growing increasingly more accurate by the day which is kinda scary considering it was done before the roles were allocated.

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Wait whoops either I misread Tables mentioning the mafia in there or I deleted it by mistake.

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Actually, I think that post was made after the roles were allocated. I can't be bothered to check, though. Anyway, I'm actually considering the option of letting me get lynched tomorrow. As the hunter, it means we lose one mind in the town, but on the other hand my death lets a few people's roles be confirmed to other people in PMs, since it's based on evidence I have and... stuff. Basically if people get suspicious of me, I can die to pave the way forward. But I'd prefer not to.

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Actually, I think that post was made after the roles were allocated. I can't be bothered to check, though. Anyway, I'm actually considering the option of letting me get lynched tomorrow. As the hunter, it means we lose one mind in the town, but on the other hand my death lets a few people's roles be confirmed to other people in PMs, since it's based on evidence I have and... stuff. Basically if people get suspicious of me, I can die to pave the way forward. But I'd prefer not to.

Its better to hold off on that as:

1. You seem to have a fairly large information network

2. I'm still not 100% sure your safe although out of the posts I've seen you seem the most trsutworthy (especially when compared to BK201 and Spoon)

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My network is large, correct, but it's in a position that it can easily be handed over to other confirmed town members. And I agree you're right to doubt I'm completely safe, but even so, a role claim to me would really help (I have roles or suspect roles for about half of the living people now)

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Okay, the only claims I don't have now, actually, are Doctor and Tactician. If you have a role that isn't them, then please claim ASAP so I don't get the Pure Spirit and Vigilante to target you, and if you are either of them, then a claim would also be useful, but since those are powerful roles I understand your scepticism. Again, there's only a few people with no claims now, so Doc and Tactician, you're actually in the firing line I'm afraid.

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His mission was simple.3-13 Archer ran through the night,his bowstring drawn and ready. At the sight of his target,he loosed the arrow.

"Nngh...!G-Goddess...why...ugh..." With those his final words,Rhys fell dead.


"Such a petty target...he is not worth the blade of my Alondite...still,Chancellor Sephiran commands it,so I shall obey."

Zelgius spoke aloud to himself as he approached the small tent.A rustling inside indicated he had been discovered by the occupant,but it was of no consequence.

"Z-Zelgius...you killed Ike...didn't you...?" Soren asked him weakly.Not recieving a response,he continued disheartened.

"And now you plan to kill me..."

Zelgius gave the sage a nod,he owed the man atleast that.

"So you did...you killed him...you killed IKE!" The thin boy let out a shaking scream,and the magical energy swirled around him,ready to consume Zelgius in it's fury...


The boy fell in two halves,and the magical energy died down.Zelgius sheathed the Alondite.One blow was all it took.


Mia grabbed her Wo Dao,and inspected the blade keenly.The sword shimmered in the moonlight.

"This is my first step in ending all of this...and avenging you..." She told herself to up her determination,and set out.

"Where are you going?" A seductive voice stopped her in her tracks,and as she was about to turn,she was embraced from behind,the voluptuous body of Heather pressed against her frame.

"Uhh...H-Heather...I-I was just going for a l-little walk..."

"With your sword drawn...you are not planning on killing someone,are you?My sweet Mia couldn't be a villain...?" Heather took pride in the fact that the girl in her arms was stammering,she hadn't even gotten to the good part yet.

"N=no...It's just best to be protected,y'know?I'm just going to get my mind off it a bit..." Mia replied,beginning to calm down.

"Take your mind off of it...I think I can do much better than any walk..."

Any reply was cut off.Heather had sealed Mia's lips,and had caught the swordmaster in her trap.She would not be doing anything else that night.

Rhys(WoMC),the Doctor,has been killed!

Soren(Dragonslayer),the Tactician,has been killed!

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Okay, the only claims I don't have now, actually, are Doctor and Tactician.

Rhys(WoMC),the Doctor,has been killed!

Soren(Dragonslayer),the Tactician,has been killed!

Well, isn't that something.

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I had a doctor and Tactician claim by morning. In fact, I had 2 doctor claims. Guess what that means?

The following people are guilty:

Dracohon (Doctor claim)

General Spoon (Obvious much?)

And I have a few innocents I can completely clear. Both Masons are now completely clear. I think Ninji is clear. I... think that's it. If the masons/a mason wants to claim, go ahead, since I know who you are and can vouch for you.

We also have two claims for Wall: Trompe Le Monde and Raymond. One of those is guilty.

Finally, Champion Cynthia and Lux Aeterna have both not claimed. Both might be guilty.

Today, we lycnh Dracohon, unless I hear any objections?

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I believe the following four plays scum, and I am as sure of this as I can be without any type of proof:





This, of course, leaves a fifth player.

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