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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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Reika yawned loudly as she looked around, another quiet day which was full of promise. She just needed out a way to make things interesting for herself. She could hear the nomad duo off behind her talking to the cook, it wasn't like she was lying or anything, what was with these people anyway? They'd act like common bandits and then yet they thought of themselves as soon-to-be heroes.

Noticing Heinz eating in the distance, she quickly moved out of sight, keeping an eye on the man, she didn't know why he was with the group, from what she had gathered he wasn't wielding a crimson weapon, and his motives were completely unclear to her. What made her suspicious though, was how he always seem to be listening, yet seldom intervening or stating his opinion.

Perhaps she should kill him now? He was certainly with (throwing) dagger range, and he was alone. As long as she hid the body properly, no one would bother looking for him.

Grabbing the hilt of her dagger, she slowly crept closer to the man.

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Heinz slowly finished eating. The government military types are always a hassle to deal with. He sighed, deciding to head back to the inn and return the plate. He noticed the Crimson Dagger wielder to his left and tensed slightly, he could see metal glinting in her hand. Doesn't seem to like people that much, though I don't think I gave her a reason to hate me yet.

Heinz raised his right hand at the figure in greeting, pausing slightly.

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Smiling Reika was about to strike when the man suddenly turned and faced her, and their eyes met. "Damn it" she muttered under her breath. Judging by the expression on the mans face, it had been pure coincidence that she'd been noticed, and it was somewhat comforting to know she hadn't become completely worthless at sneaking around.

She could probably still strike him, but he'd probably call for help before dying, and if that were the case she'd be swamped with the idiots against her in a matter of minutes.

Giving up, she approached the man, the worst thing she could do was flee and arouse suspicion.

"Hey, not going to eat with the others?" she asked casually

After receiving a response, she nodded her head, not really sure what to think "Anyway, I'm Reika, still haven't been informed of your name" she stated, "Or your reason for staying with this... err peculiar group, surely there's a reason? Come on, tell me."

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"It looked like almost everyone had finished eating back there, and I didn't want to stay and watch that bandit guide try to kiss up to Damian and the other soldier," said Heinz, gambling that the woman would not be inclined to talk to the soldiers. She's still holding the dagger though.

"My name is Heinz, I work as a mercenary for hire" nodding at Reika slightly. "I ran into the group when they were leaving Elyisima, and noticed they didn't seem to have much protection and I happened to be looking for a new job. Long story short, I fought against Esphyr and ended up in the group. I'm mainly around for the money and adventure, they run into more problems in a day then most groups do in a week." Heinz snorted.

"Somehow they've managed to stay alive though, this group has more luck than most."

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"Bandit guy, Alfer- that idiot, I'm not sure what happened and I'm starting to think I don't want to know" she sighed heavily, this certainly wasn't a good start to her day "I'm just going to assume the pig-headed soldier decided to toss his authority around the place, and Alferis got upset" she commented not knowing how accurate she was, though Heinz not interjecting indicated to her that she wasn't wrong at the very least.

She sighed again and looked at Heinz again, "Okay, screw pretending, I don't like talking in circles anyway, what are you up to? I've seen the way you've been acting, and I saw you yesterday in the slums, what was that about and who was that man?" she asked. She hadn't actually seen a man but there was no reason for Heinz to be sneaking around in a town they'd just arrived in, unless he was meeting someone.

She frowned then summoned Calamity, if he was a mercenary for hire, traveling with this group was certainly not a good idea, they didn't seem to be paying large wads of cash out, and the danger she'd been put through in the last two days definetely made most sums of money, not worth the effort. Taking a guess she pointed Calamity at Heinz.

"And what's so important about these little toys that you need to investigate them?"

Again, she had no idea if the Crimson weapons were what Heinz was after, but if there was one thing that differentiated this group from other mercenaries it was the Crimson Weapon, oh and the insanity, even the most far-gone bandits weren't as insane as this little troupe.

She kept an eye on her surroundings, she didn't expect Heinz to retaliate violently, though she couldn't say the same about others who might happen to come along and interrupt her little interrogation.

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Quickly getting three plates of food, the merc snuck out of the kitchen, and out the front door, off to find Eric and Charlotte.

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Reika put in her own thoughts about the fight between Damian and Alferis before questioning what he had been doing earlier. He raised his eyes, "You were following me? I would be impressed, except I wonder what exactly you're up to here yourself. That man was someone I owed a favor to from awhile back, and I figured if we were staying in this town overnight, I'd have a chance to pay him back. That said, why are you staying with this group yourself? You openly admit you dislike the group, and judging from your attitude, you would rather be anywhere else besides here. Why not just run away yourself?"

He shrugged. You can run as far as you like, I'm not the one who has to track you if you run away. She seems a little paranoid herself about the Crimson Weapons... and plenty willing to stab others too. "I'm here for adventure and money," Heinz stated, taking out a knife himself. "If following them and their plans about saving the world leads to more of that, I could care less what their reasons are for fighting the Lord." From what I've seen so far though, all the Weapons do is make their owners crazy in one way or another.... some more than most.

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As the angered inn-keeper yelled at the group,Damian walked over and bowed.

"I apologize for any inconveniences I have caused you.I will go retrieve the belongings of everyone who shared room twelve with me,and then I shall leave,as you requested." Damian said politely,and went inside,quickly gathering his,Aiya's,and Esphyr's belongings,and then going back towards the entrance.

"Alright,are we done here?" he said,walking back towards the group.

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The woman opened her mouth to shout but shut it when Kelas plunked a pouch of coins into her hand. She raised her eyebrows, shrugged, and headed back to the kitchen.

"And that makes half of the horse money used," Kelas grumbled. "That was supposed to last."

Quickly she retrieved her things, as well as a couple of rolls to eat as they traveled to... wherever they were going. Arrin followed a few minutes later, carrying some of the extra food. "Anyone still need breakfast?" he asked.

"Looks like we're about ready to move out now, yeah. Where're we actually going now, anyway?" Kelas called, saddling the remaining horses.

edit: Added "Looks like..."

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"Um... I guess we can leave, as long as we're not forgetting anyone. So... yeah." Chase said somewhat lamely.

Meanwhile, at another inn in Alburny that was much more peaceful, Conrad had left in order to find if Viveka had arrived yet, then heard a few loud crashing sounds from the other side of the village. "... Probably that group of nimrod's causing trouble again... that's the third or so inn they ended up leaving with people angry at them? Brilliant."

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"Can you believe those people?" asked Anne to her husband as the trio stepped outside of the inn. "I mean, Helen a demon? She may not be the most sociable person about, but she's far from a demon!"

"Anne..." begged Helen, huddling close to the woman in question as she spoke. "Thank you. You..."

"Helen. Don't say it. You've been friends with Jace and I for well over fifteen years now. We would have stood up for you no matter what." she replied, patting the woman on the head.

"Besides, I don't care who that man thought he was." added in the muscular man, Jace. "He doesn't know his way around the legal system like I do. I can have him in jail in three days flat for messing with my wife and her friend!"

"No need honey." replied Anne. "They're just a bunch of delusional idiots. Won't be a week before they're drafted into the army and out of our hair." said Anne, reassuring her husband. "And... Awww hell... I forgot something important in my room. Dear, you and Helen go on ahead to Helen's cart. I'll go back to fetch it. Don't worry, I'll be fine." she said, turning about to return to the inn.

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On his way out of the inn,Damian encountered the wife from the trio earlier.Seeing her,Damian beckoned to her.

"Umm...excuse me...miss.I would like to apologize for the commotion earlier.You're friend bears an uncanny resemblance to a demon that nearly killed our entourage,but it was clearly only a disguise the demon used based on your friend.We have only recently gotten past multiple attempts on our lives,and are still on edge." Damian said awkwardly,bowing to the woman.

"I acted far too hastily,and cannot believe how foolish I was.I would like to ask if there is anything I can do to make it up to you for these...events..."

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With a shocked look, the woman, Anne, looked down at Damian. It was clear that she had not expected the man to apologize to her at all, and having him offer some form of repayment was certainly not expected. Never the less, she was not about to refuse. Not out of greed or desire for retribution, but rather for a sense of justice. Bending down to his level, she looked him into the eye.

"You don't need to bow for starters, that's stupid." she said, trying to seem gentle and caring. "Though I am hardly the one whom you need to apologize to. Helen is the one you need to ask."

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"She's by her cart, probably somewhere near the gates." said Anne.

"Damian, what exactly do you plan to do?" asked Esphyr, suddenly coming up beside the man. "I mean, you didn't exactly leave much of the bridge left after you burned it down."

"Just look for my husband, Jace, as you go."

"Wait... JACE?!"

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"I have to try,Esphyr.I can't just leave it like that,I feel like an idiot." Damian replied,and after hearing that the woman's husband was Jace the Brute,Damian tensed up at the same time as Esphyr.

"And I think that makes it doubly important that I settle this..." Damian trailed off,and headed towards the wagon,seeing it after looking around.

"Miss Helen." Damian addressed her,Jace gaining a scornful look at the appearance of the soldier.

"Please allow me to explain.You see,rather recently,a demon by the name of Helenos attacked us,using a disguise with an uncanny resemblance to Helen.Both myself and my companions were nearly killed in this encounter,and we are on edge recently." Damian began to explain.

"I will admit I overreacted to the situation,and had no right to act as I did.I would like to ask if there is anything I can do to try to make it up to you."

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As the man whom had caused her loads of undue stress came up to Helen and tried to speak to her, the only response from the woman was a soft and dismissive 'Hmph!' from her as she turned her back to the man... until he mentioned the potential of repayment.

"Anything you can do?" she asked, repeating the question before her eyes took on a cruel gaze and flitted to Esphyr. "I want you to," she stopped for a moment as she raised her hand to point at the mercenary woman. "murder her."

"WHAT?!" exclaimed both Esphyr and Jace at the same time.

"Helen! You've lost it!" bellowed Jace in sheer surprise at the woman's intention. "She tried to help you first of all and secondly... well... That's extreme! Just a payment of money or something!"

"Can't you just fall at his feet and flutter your eyes at him while begging him to do you like every other woman here?" asked Esphyr as well.

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Charlotte accepted the plate of food from Derek "Thank you, Sir Derek." she said, curtsying. "I was rather hungry last night, I was so tired that I went to bed without eating. Captain Travis said he would feed me later, but I think that was just innuendo. " <_<

Morgan put her hands on her hips and turned towards Damian "We owe these people nothing, you did what you had to do. Let's get moving."

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As the woman pointed to Esphyr,Damian wondered about her intention.As the words came out of her mouth; 'murder her.'

'Murder Esphyr...what the hell kind of twisted bitch is this woman?' Damian's knuckles were white from clenching,and his fingernails dug into his palms,drawing blood.Every muscle in his body was screaming at him to kill this evil woman,demon or not.

'No...that will only cause more problems...'

"That is not something I am able to do." Damian said,barely able to contain the venom that so wished to escape into his words.

"If you are going to be malicious about it,then re compensation is unnecessary,it would seem." Damian said,trying,and barely succeeding,to keep his composure,however,Esphyr could see he was trembling,and it appeared this Jace could as well.

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Tessa had followed Arrin down the hall, the pain in her abdomen having settled in to just a dull ache for the moment. Alferis and Cess had both come by and attempted to strike up conversation, but she had waved them aside with a slightly apologetic expression.

As she was heading to the kitchen for a light breakfast, she crossed paths with a woman shaking a cleaver threateningly. The cook seemed about to yell at Tessa, but a wan smile and the lack of clear and immediate connection to the offending parties seemed to defuse the situation slightly, so the other woman returned her attention to shouting in the direction of the door. Tessa thought she heard Kelas's voice coming back in reply, and she turned back to look over her shoulder in surprise. The situation must really have gotten bad while Arrin had come to collect her... not that that should be entirely unexpected, given the nature of the mistaken assumption.

She was not in the mood to stick herself into the action, and happily it seemed Kelas managed to work out some sort of arrangement. This was followed shortly thereafter by Arrin arriving with food and offering her some. Tessa took what was offered and picked at the food unobtrusively, trying to summon up an appetite to spite the slight nausea she was feeling. Despite the fact that people seemed to be in a hurry, the disappearance of the threat of a demon dragon had rendered her without any of the real sense of urgency she'd felt earlier.

OOC: She can be shooed away, or enticed to pick up the pace, but is unlikely to do it on her own.

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"You almost killed me!" exclaimed Helen. "I want something equal in value to that at least or I-"


Jace's hand came down suddenly upon the woman's head, slapping her hard across the cheek and snapping her head hard to the side. Despite this, Helen was still standing upon her feet, though her cheek was red with the sting of his hand.

"Damn it woman! Calm yourself down!" exclaimed Jace. "I apologize for my friends interactions. A apology and a kiss on the hand or a hug to show your sincerity will do."

"How the hell is she still standing after that?" muttered Esphyr, rubbing the spot on her head where Katie had tomed her twice.

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OOC: If i am correct Helios was near Damian and Aiya in my last post. Time to interfere :D

So Damian decided to get all apologetic. Then lady comes along and says to kill Esphyr. I love that generic women now. "You cant be serious Helios interjected. Why would he want to kill Esphyr? He turned to Damian. Why would you apologize to someone like her"? Then the dude smacked the shit out of her. Dumb bitch. "Serves her right Helios muttered.

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Atleast,it seemed that Helen was the only one in the group with issues,and Jace appeared to be level headed.

"I thank you,Sir Jace.And Miss Helen,I sincerely apologize for my actions earlier.I know such a thing cannot clear your mind,but may I be permitted to kiss your hand?" Damian said,starting to regain his composure,and kneeling in front of the woman in question.

Hearing Helios make a characteristic idiotic comment,Damian chose to ignore it for now.he would talk to the wind mage later.

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"If you must." replied Helen, extending her hand towards the kneeling Damian.

"She means you have to. Go softly though. I'm watching you." whispered Esphyr into his ear with a gentle voice.

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