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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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It was at this moment that Helen decided to wake up. Groggy and rubbing her eyes from lack of sleep, she stumbled down from her room and into the main hallway. "Mor*yawn*ing Anne. You feeling well this morning? What's up?"

"These... People... Are accusing you of being a dragon!"

"A dragon!" exclaimed the woman, suddenly seeming wide awake. "Filthy little magical wretches!"

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"So you're one of those prim and proper types eh?" Damian questioned Viveka,there was no other explanation for being so angered at wearing an outfit twice,especially not for a soldier.

'A dragon!Filthy little magical wretches!'

"What the-?" Hearing the familiar sounding statement,Damian darted down the stairwell,appearing in the kitchen,with Aiya right behind him.

"Now this is an interesting development..."

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Quietly Arrin ducked out from behind the table and sidled out of the room. Once he was out of sight, he broke into a run, knocking on the doors of the rooms the group had chosen: "Up! Helenos is here!" he hissed to the occupants of each. Reaching the room he and Kelas had stayed in, he didn't even bother to knock, bursting in and picking up his things.

"Whazzamatter?" Kelas muttered, half-asleep.

"The dragon woman's here!"

Kelas was out of bed and picking up her belongings in an instant. Arrin left the room, to finish warning people.

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OOC: If this is the same Helen we should recognize her, if not you might want to specify, Snowy.

Isotov Irina Viveka and Lev

Before Helenos walked into the kitchen, Iso quickly finished his breakfast, and set it down on the table.

Irina: Okay, let's see this Helen then! We'll recognize her face anywhere!

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"It's her." said Esphyr, identifying the woman who had come down from her room.

"What do you mean? Am I supposed to be someone else?" asked Helen, growing defensive.

"What on earth is going on here?" demanded Anne.

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Derek and Dani

"Calm down. There's hundreds of Helens around. Perhaps they're mistaken," Derek said, upon hearing Helen's outburst. Taking a pitcher of weak ale that was on the table, he poured some into a mug sitting next to him. Taking a swig, he said to his sister, "Hey, Dani, are you coming over, or are you just going to stand there all day?"

"Oh, right," Dani said, snapping out of her stupor. Lacking her usual enthusiasm, the mage walked over and took a seat beside the merc, looking at the green-haired woman.

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Isotov Irina Viveka and Lev

Irina gasped at the sight!

Irina: It IS you! Remember us you crazy bitch?!!

Iso: You do realize that if that is the Helen that attacked us, we should be running ... not frothing at the mouth, right?

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"The demon dragon...I don;t know why you would appear in Halton,a monster your size would never escape the military,and once you transform,you'll be tracked." Damian said coldly,advancing into the room.

"Gae-Borg...trap this foul demon in her place..go!"

As it flew from Damian's hand,the spear split into five,landing in a pentagram around Helen!

"Let not this demonic being leave to it's own design...Gae-Borg...lay your curse...and trap this foul being!"

A crimson glow emitted from the spears began to surround Helen,and solid crimson lines began to close the area between the spears.

"If you are the same demon,you should drop in pain right about now."

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A loud scream came from Helen as Damian's attack surrounded her. She dropped to the ground, trembling in fear as she looked up with terrified eyes. "A-Anne! P-p-please... I'm s-sc-s-scared. Am I g-going to die?" she asked, her voice trembling as she looked up at Damian pleadingly.

"Stop it you monster! Let her go! Let her go! She's innocent!" screamed Anne, leaping up from her chair to pounce on Damian, fists wildly flailing about in a vain attempt to hurt the man.

"What's going on here?" came a male voice as a third person descended down. Anne's husband. "Anne? Helen? What's happening? What are you doing to my friend?!"

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Isotov Irina Viveka and Lev

Viveka: Damian what the hell are you doing?! There's such a thing as a fair trial, you know that right?! Oh wait, you ran each time I tried to bring you in so you probably wouldn't know anything about that ...

Iso: :facepalm: (if she turns into a dragon in here, the inn will collapse right on top of us)

Irina: ... uh oh ... was I ... was I wrong?

Lev: ... okay ... if no one minds ... I'm going to step outside for a moment.

EDIT: For more Viveka like speech.

EDIT2: Added intelligence to Iso.

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"Get off of me.If what I think is correct,and she is the same demon we encountered,then she should not be able to hold that human facade for very long.If she is human,nothing will happen to her,if she is a demon,her skin will start to burn in a matter of seconds,her blood will boil." Damian said,keeping this 'Anne' at bay.

"If you are against flushing out a potential demon,I can only assume that you are a demon as well."

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"I'm not a demon! I'm a housewife!"

"One in the same." commented the husband as he came down. "But get your hands off of my wife and my friend you pervert rapist!" he said before pulling back his hand to try and deliver a mighty punch to Damian's jaw.

"P-Please... Someone... Help me." begged Helen, still trapped between the lances.

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Derek and Dani

"Apparently, Haltonians don't listen," Derek said, sighing. Then, he saw the man walk in, and his demeanor completely changed. Clenching a fist, he got up, rage evident on his face. "Excuse me. I need to leave this room before I fly off the handle," he said through clenched teeth, before stepping out.

Dani wasn't paying attention, though, as she continued to look at the woman. "You look just like...," she began, but was drowned out by the antics of Damian and the arrival of the husband. Oblivious, she continued to study Anne.

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Damian sidestepped the punch,and stepped back a little bit.

"Just calm down.Like I said,if she is innocent,nothing will happen to her,and I will let her out.If she is a demon,then that fact will become very clear to everyone here." Damian said,hoping to calm the husband and wife down.

'At this rate,I won't be able to hold the field up...idiots...'

"And I am not as you say.I have not physically touched your friend,and your wife threw herself at me in an attempt to harm me."

Then the bandit tackled him to the ground,and Gae-Borg dissipated.

"You moron,if she is that demon,you just doomed us all!" Damian said,angry,and kneed Alferis in the stomach.

As the bandit reeled backward,Damian's fist struck his chest,knocking the wind out of him.

'Here it comes.'

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Chase woke up and looked around, remembering he was at the inn. "Ugh, that was weird. Whatever." He got himself ready, picking up his belongings and walked down the stairs... only to see a good portion of the group already in a fight. "Bad time to wake up, huh? What's going on...?"

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Isotov Irina and Viveka

Viveka: *sigh* Mister Kleine, don't you have any tact at all? This isn't the place to be chucking cursed spears around. Diplomacy before violence. It'll prevent fiascoes like these.

Irina: Shut up! We still don't know for sure if she's a demon or not!

Iso: If she is then we have about ten seconds to get out of this inn if we want to live. Helen the dragon was huge. If she transforms in here, we'll be crushed under the rubble.

Irina: ... oh crap I totally forgot about that.


Hearing all the commotion, Krinkov hissed and snarled outside. When Lev appeared, he tilted his head. There were too many female humans inside the inn for his actions to make sense. Surely he could run in with his axe and save the day for mating rights, yes? Either way was fine, but it was still odd.

Lev: Best to let that play out on its own. I haven't got the motivation to deal with it myself.

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Kelas slid into the room, bow slung over her shoulder. Seeing what was going on, she quickly brought it up, arrow on string: nobody could tell if she aimed at Damian or Helen. She wasn't too sure herself. "What's this now?" she asked.


"Helenos!" Arrin said by way of explanation as he passed Chase in the hall. Tessa, Morgan, Helios, too many people not up yet...


"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" a formidable middle-aged woman wielding a cleaver demanded, sticking her head out of the kitchen: the inn's staff had noticed the commotion.

OOC: Because we had to be noticed at some point.

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Esphyr quickly stepped around behind the man, looping her arms around his in an attempt to restrain them. "Damian! I can't hold him forever! Aiya! Restrain the woman! How long is this going to take?"

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"What? That's the dragon thingy, right...? Where's everyone else when you need them... I think Morgan's in the same room as I was..." Chase groaned, then ran back to his room and opened the door. "Morgan wake up, it's Helenos, help us!" he shouted.

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"I'M THE MORON?! You fool! If she is innocent, we'll get in trouble with the authorities! You really want that? After all that effort we've went into to clear our names?!"

Reika was walking down the stairs when she heard the commotion downstairs. Walking into the kitchen, she saw a woman cowering, a man in rage, and everyone armed to the teeth. Alferis and Damian were fighting. She gripped her dagger, ready to protect herself if necessary.

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"In Halton,I am the damn authorities." Damian said coldly,pointing out the crest on his armour.

"When a potential demon is involved,you have to do whatever is necessary.If we die because of this,I assure you will never hear the end of it in hell." Damian said,standing and bracing himself.

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Helios awoke groggily. Another night ruined by screaming and yelling. He opened the door and saw Arrin running frantically. Helios caught him by the shoulder. "Please there are people trying to sleep" Helios said letting out a slight yawn.

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He breathed heavily, cluthching his chest.

"This is why I hate you soldiers, you think you can do whatever you want. But I'll play along and let you try it. But I swear, if you hurt her and she is innocent, I'll put an axe square between your eyes." he said, snarling in rage.

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