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Thor Odinson

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20... minutes? :| That's pro.

I ought to choose a color for my sketches, I always see artists use blue XD

I'm going to sketch in green from now on.

Actually scratch that

Edited by Ken Zomg
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But I think that male and female fanservice have matching standards, where a shirtless dude wearing pants is equivalent to a lady wearing top and bottom, albeit a bikini.

And when have I ever said anything about your fanservice

Granted, my female berserker started out as half-fanservice but my submissive nature caused me to obey the better artist and change it.

...I don't know what else to add lol :|

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Hey, I never complained about your bikini pics unless they had visible anatomy issues.

Blame Trent for bringing it up.

Still. The dude only reveals 50% of his skin while girls go for around 80%.

I won't post the ones where they're only covered by a blanket "there", I promise. :awesome:

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Eh. I've drawn worse.

I've had one where the only coverage was an over-sized buster sword.

Obviously not posting here.

However, I'll post a class doodle. I have but a webcam, so excuse the blurriness.

It's Lucius~


I drew the Sage critical instead of the Bishop critical on accident since I was translating Latin at the same time.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Yep. Class doodle.


Currently in my 5th year of taking Latin. That's lines from the first book of the Aeneid. A pain in the ass, if you ask me.

And I was too lazy to draw a hand for the book. I'd actually have to draw a few perspective lines and I'm not doing that to doodle in class. :P

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Dammit Lumi, you're putting the stuff that takes me hours to draw to shame with things you draw in Latin class ;_;

can i has a request of Briggid so you can put my drawing of her to shame too? :D

Edited by Luka Megurine
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